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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 10:27:09

Experience: Ranked # 2,000 out of 810,933 users!
Blam/Protect: Ranked # 200 out of 810,933 users!

Well you don't see that everyday....

"Aww man I shot marvin in the face..."


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 10:51:44

At 8/19/05 01:34 AM, boloneyman wrote: Just ranked up to Elite Guard Master Sergeant. I got here in just under a year too.

dog one of my friend got there in 10 weeks shit is crazy now he's threatening ramagi through me

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 12:35:07

Congradiddelyations to:

The_Ass_Clown - #666 in b/p
MystWilliams - 4,ooo exp
EclecticEnnui - Level 10
Coop83 - 4,ooo blams
AnzRage - 6,ooo saves
Primalblood - EG Captain
Baron_Von_Bad_Guy - 7,ooo exp
major_punk - 1,ooo blams
Latinoralf - #2,ooo exp, #200 B/P

Yes Bonus, is that time again. The school is a serious business.

In other news, i've cracked another rank. EG Staff Sergeant. And, as M-A-R-C-U-S once said: ''The bluey ones are ghey''.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 15:09:15

Ahh, I got 6.00 base voting power and a nice 7.80 overall.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 15:20:05

Congrats to:

jonthomson: level 18.
Nice, although the last gauntlet looked better in dark.
Minion777: Elite Gaurd Sergeant First Class.
Good job, keep at it.
BonusStage: Gaing two steps in b/p.
Oh it's cool alright :)
Sentinel_specter: EG First Lieutenant
Nice, first lieutenant sounds nice. Good job with the round numbers aswell :)
agatio: 2000 saves.
Nice, keep it up.
Redwrath: Police Lieutenant.
Haha, so true, you have more saves than blams XP
EKRegulus: 10.00 vp.
Awesome, ok.
-Myst-: Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel.
Great, that's an cool badge :) Good job.
-Gooch-: top 1000 exp.
UrbanNinja: Elite Guard Private.
Congrats, nice beeing in the silver ranks and all.
Spagh3tti: level 9.
Welcome to hell :P Nah, nice beeing level 9, at least.
Scoll: top 3000 exp.
Yup, pretty sweet.
S-U-C-R-A-M: 3000 exp.
Chill, still don't know what one would need an alt for anyway :P
Glaiel_Gamer: A+ BA.
Great job! A+ is really great to have ;D
Bahamut7: 10.000 blams.
Great job, but you need 10k in two things to get into that list, you knew that, right?
liamw: level 5.
Keep it up.
EviLudy: level 17.
Soon to be there :)
Jordanog: 5000 posts, elite guard private first class.
Nice, keep at it.
DarkDeviL92: 2000 saves, silver whistle.
-absentminded-: 5000 blams, top 300 b/p.
Great job! Keep it up.
madknt: Bronze whistle.
Haha, nice :P
Vince50: 3k exp, 1000 saves.
Minion777: Silver whistle.
Welcome :)
WorldOutkast: Movie in the portal.
Great, it's nice to have something in the portal :)
Stuff4u2kno: level 9, top 1500 b/p, 300 posts.
Nice, keep it up.
Lidov: Silver whistle.
Weclome to you too :)
Stayin_me: level 10, elite guard private first class.
Well, I don't know about #1 =P congrats.
angry_gorilla27: Silver whistle, 600 posts.
Nice, keep at it.
boloneyman: EG Master Sergeant.
Good job, not far from gold.
Master_Inuyasha: top 2000 exp, soon top 100 b/p, 15000 b/p.
That's really nice. Big congrats.
Alkador: top 1000 b/p, Eg corporal.. I think XP.
Congrats, that's nice.
The_Ass_Clown: # 666 in b/p.
I sure hope something bad happens :P
MystWilliams: 4000 exp.
EclecticEnnui: level 10.
Congrats, that makes you better than most =P.
Coop83: 4000 blams.
Good job, keep it up.
AnzRage: 6000 saves.
Great job, that's really nice.
Primalblood: EG Captain.
Big congrats, good going.
JchanShadow: Silver whistle.
What's the matter with all the whistles :S Congrats :P
Baron_Von_Bad_Guy: 7000 exp.
Good job, congrats.
Redwrath: Bronze whistle.
What do you mean only one day? Congrats.
major_punk: 1000 blams, silver whistle.
Good job.
c0wz: Silver whistle. Again.
M-A-R-C-U-S: #66 b/p.
Nice, almost evil :P
Latinoralf: #2000 exp, #200 b/p.
Holy shiat! That's awesome =D
Frostbreath: EG Staff sergeant.
Nice, kinda gay :P, but still nice.
JerkClock: 6.00 base vp.
That's cool.

Thanks to:

Frostbreath: Dirty blankest lol :S


What's the deal with all the whistle upgrades? :S

At 8/16/05 12:29 PM, -TITROTU- wrote:
At 8/16/05 07:03 AM, DonDoli wrote: I got more than 500 saves yesterday, which was enough to pass both Bahamut and TITROTU, so all is chill.
Just you wait, DonDoli, just you wait....

I'm waiting... XP
Nah, just kidding. I see that you are right behind me, and that you're more dangerous than I thought. I couldn't find you in any list which means that you came out of nowhere, kinda like me. Which is freaking me out =P
This shall be a nice battle.
Let the better man win!

At 8/16/05 01:21 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 8/16/05 07:03 AM, DonDoli wrote: 4000 saves and 8000 exp!
I couldn't open my profile for a while for some reason, so I missed the screenie, meh.
You bad boy :P you got so much WITHOUT ME

I'm afraid it's the other way round.



i thought we had something

What we had was a way too big dildo and not nearly enough cats. It's best the way it turned out.

At 8/17/05 06:00 AM, Bahamut7 wrote:
At 8/16/05 12:29 PM, -TITROTU- wrote: Just you wait, DonDoli, just you wait....
Actually, just you two wait. Maybe one day, I will be at an extreme pace on b/p. >:)

Haha... yeah.. right XP j/k
You never know =O

At 8/18/05 02:43 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
At 8/16/05 07:03 AM, DonDoli wrote: 4000 saves and 8000 exp!
Cool, I'm sure you got your 4k saves off of clock day like I did. ;)

Sure did :) I love them clocks.

And 8k XP is pretty swell as well, noticed you've got the five on the end of your XP count.

Yeah, I don't know why I have it though. I signed up when I was really young, and only because I thought the whole exp thing looked cool. So why would I not take all exp possible?
Anyone know how much you got from referrals, and when the other exp gaining thingies ended? ;)


Elite Guard Major!, which gives me a vp of 9.50+.
It took me 8 active days, not counting when I was on vacation. Must say that I'm proud =D

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 15:22:30

At 8/20/05 03:20 PM, DonDoli wrote: Congrats to:

Geeze Don... You could have at least alphabetized them...

Oh and congrats on EGM... And the Vp which is a lot higher than mine...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 15:30:09

At 8/20/05 10:25 AM, Frostbreath wrote: The only one i know of is the one owned by TheJoe.

Never heard of him.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 15:39:45

At 8/20/05 03:20 PM, DonDoli wrote: What's the deal with all the whistle upgrades? :S

This always happens after Wade clears out a load of reviews, as this is when the whistle points/ranks are upgraded too.

At 8/20/05 03:30 PM, TheJoe324 wrote: Never heard of him.

And you don't want to either...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 17:25:59

I became to Elite Guard Master Sergeant today,and i'm ranked 344 on b/p points.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 18:54:54

300 posts.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 18:57:18

At 8/20/05 06:54 PM, TheRevird wrote: 300 posts.

God damn it.

Forgot pic.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 19:39:19

At 8/19/05 10:26 PM, Xiivi wrote:
At 8/19/05 09:54 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Speaking of Kiba, where is he? I haven't seen him around these parts for ages. Does he still post or just stick with depositing now?
Do you just not recognize the alias or something? I've decided to stick with Xiivi, it's even my AIM and e-mail. I did it so everyone would be happy.

I didn't even realize it was you I was talking to Kiba (I don't keep up with all the name changes around here). I guess change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.

Yet everyone is still stuck with the Kiba phase, such a shame.

I hear you. I go by the alias "TheDerelict" on Retrogade yet people still refer to me as Recon. Now it costs an arm and leg to change your name there (ShittyKitty set the price pretty high).

What are you talking about, ages? We replied to each other on clock day in this very thread.

True, true, but like I said earlier I wasn't aware it was you :-P

I'm here, you've seen me. I still post, just not as often. I also b/p and all the other good stuff still. It's just, I'm in my senior year now, and instead of making it easy, I made it hard.

I'm sure glad I didn't have computers and all these cool video games to distract me from schoolwork. Heh, you're talking to someone who grew up when the Atari 2600 was the hottest thing on the market (4 bit blows).

Honours Japanese III, Honours German IV, AP (Advanced Placement, you get college credit for it too) Composition, AP Government, AP Biology, AP Physics, and AP Calculus BC.

Harsh. Sounds like you're one smart cookie Xiivi. After graduating high school I worked across Canada for a year then returned to B.C. and rented out party houses with four of my buddies. Oh the stories...

Do you think I really have time for fun and games with NG right now? I also have a job and that eats up spare time as well.

That's where I'm really lucky. Around 95% of my time on Newgrounds is done at work. Most of my friends would kill for a job like this. Holding on to this sucker until I retire if possible.

I read everything, because I'm a fast reader, however, I don't reply, because half of the time it's worthless and it's also time-consuming.

LMAO!! Have you been to the general forum lately? I seriously believe some of the mods enjoy having 13 year-olds hanging on their every word. There's people starving for attentionI in all walks of life ;-)

I can type fine 70wpm, but thinking things out is what eats up my time and thus I decide not to post.

I'm a little slower than that but my typing speed has improved since joining Newgrounds. I should test myself and see what my wpm is at now.

Also, with my 3 AP classes last year and my 5 this year I get to start college as a Sophomore. So, even though I'm dying now, I saved a year of my life because of it.

Wow. Someone who actually has their priorities straight! Rare footage.

tldr; I'm depositing for Nemesism66, I'm really busy with my life, I hate spam.

Yeah, there's a dude named YoinK who isn't too happy about that. Oh well, you bite the bullet and keep moving forward. Besides, it's not whether you win or lose, it's how much fun you have losing!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 20:35:17

I just ranked up to elite guard private 1500 b/p points

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 21:33:23

Yay level 8 and 100 posts(one day I'm gonna look back on this and laugh at this pitifull number) but it is an accomplishment none the less.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-20 23:31:25

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my 2 achievements! I broke 7000 blams and my b/p total is over 9000!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 00:15:38

hey....guess what

after 3 years of coming to this site

three years of watching and wanting to be a bigger part of this NG community...i finally signed up

and with much excitement and momentum built up...i thrived to gain stats and familiarity

and now..i have further seperated myself from the vanishment

Level 10 baby

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Monster Count: 2999 - Countdown to 3000


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 00:25:31

Well time fore big catch up here.

jonthomson level up
Minion777 rank up and level up
Sentinel_specter 8k blams, 4k saves, 12k b/p
agatio - 2000 saves
EKRegulus 10.00vp
-Myst- rankup
-Gooch- top 1000 exp
carmelhadinosaur rank up
Bahamut7 10K blams
_lightning_ level up
EviLudy level up
-absentminded- 5k blams
DarkDeviL92 2K post
Vince50 3K exp and 1K saves
Stayin_me level up
boloneyman rank up
Master_Inuyasha 15K blams top 2000 exp
Alkador rank up
MystWilliams 4K exp
Coop83 4K blams
AnzRage 6K saves
Primalblood rank up
Baron_Von_Bad_Guy 7 exp
M-A-R-C-U-S top 1000 exp
DonDoli rank up
major_punk rank up
agatio 7K blams and 9BP
I'm sure I missed a few ah well, congratz

All I have to offer is 72K BP

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 00:41:02

I'm back with a lvl12 people. It's rare to find a lvl12 in the forum these days.

Congradulations to all lvl ups while I'm away.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 00:52:11

Not stopping on 72k for at least a night in honor of 36kx2 ramagi? =pp

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 01:02:48

At 8/21/05 12:52 AM, MPA wrote: Not stopping on 72k for at least a night in honor of 36kx2 ramagi? =pp

Live to vote, vote to live is her motto. She couldn't stop even if she wanted to MPA.

... and when did someone finally tell her how to spell "intelligence" correctly in her profile message?

... or did she figure that one out all by herself?

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 01:04:32

At 8/21/05 12:52 AM, MPA wrote: Not stopping on 72k for at least a night in honor of 36kx2 ramagi? =pp

It crossed my mind, but I like the sound of 36.5*2 better, I saw you missed 65K on the list by a few votes. I need to teach you how to stop on numbers betters.
Better luck on your next number.
Only reason I have had decent numbers this week is I did have some time to vote on clock day when I wasn't working. I didn't do half as well as you, X-Naut, or yaya on that day.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 01:27:37

At 8/21/05 01:02 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Live to vote, vote to live is her motto. She couldn't stop even if she wanted to MPA.

I can't help but feel I'm a bit the same.

... and when did someone finally tell her how to spell "intelligence" correctly in her profile message?
... or did she figure that one out all by herself?

Heh, hadn't noticed that one myself.

Anyhow, good talking to you bud, it's been too long. Still working by day and tanking down the raspberry cider by night?

At 8/21/05 01:04 AM, ramagi wrote: It crossed my mind, but I like the sound of 36.5*2 better, I saw you missed 65K on the list by a few votes. I need to teach you how to stop on numbers betters.
Better luck on your next number.

Yeah, I just flat-out ran out of time, I was at 64,995 when NG refreshed.

Only reason I have had decent numbers this week is I did have some time to vote on clock day when I wasn't working. I didn't do half as well as you, X-Naut, or yaya on that day.

I did pretty good, definitely not first or near it though.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 01:40:45

At 8/21/05 01:27 AM, MPA wrote: Anyhow, good talking to you bud, it's been too long. Still working by day and tanking down the raspberry cider by night?

Good talking to you as well MPA. I'm still working at the zombie factory if that's what you mean. As for indulging in the cider I've had to quit drinking the stuff for a week (doctor's orders). That's why I've been kinda cranky the last few days. I have a weird pain in my gut and the doc thinks it may be the start of an ulcer, possibly due to my excessive alcohol consumption. Shitty deal. I'll have the blood test results when I go back on Tuesday. * crosses fingers *

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 02:11:45

At 8/21/05 01:40 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Good talking to you as well MPA. I'm still working at the zombie factory if that's what you mean. As for indulging in the cider I've had to quit drinking the stuff for a week (doctor's orders). That's why I've been kinda cranky the last few days. I have a weird pain in my gut and the doc thinks it may be the start of an ulcer, possibly due to my excessive alcohol consumption. Shitty deal. I'll have the blood test results when I go back on Tuesday. * crosses fingers *

Hah, yeah I guess late night security work would be the zombie factory.
Shitty situation though health-wise man. Was the pain in the middle of your gut or a little up and to the right (a.k.a the liver)? Either way, hope things get better quick.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 03:34:26

At 8/21/05 12:25 AM, ramagi wrote:
Baron_Von_Bad_Guy 7 exp

7 experience points? That's amazing, wish mine were that high.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 04:30:20

Voting Power: 8.00 votes

Yay Dave.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 04:49:46

My god Yaya is crazy. He's like a machine. 23,000 blam/protects about 500 to go.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 06:05:43

At 8/21/05 03:34 AM, JerkClock wrote: 7 experience points? That's amazing, wish mine were that high.

That Mike sure is lucky. A whole SEVEN experience points!


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 06:12:01

congrats too:
The_Ass_Clown ranked 666 in b/s
MystW well 4k 5 days ago.
EclecticEnnui: lvl 10 very swell
Coop83 passed 4k blames
Anzrage 6k saves.
Primalblood: Eg captian and 1,000 exp rank.
Darkdevil hey I am taking good care of it I might throw some b/p in there your ranked 6,000 even for b/p now. grats on silver ok
Baron_Von_Bad_Guy 7k exp
Redwrath bronze keep it.
major_punk: Private, 1k blams
c0wz silver whistle
Latinoralf 2k exp 200 b/p looks good.
Frostbreath: staff sgr.
JerkClock: 6.00 base vp. well 7 is far far away. I will reach in 3 months maybe just a guess (6.88 now)
DonDoli: Silver leaf. Dang your going to pass me in vp the next rank up only a 45/55 exp difference lets see how much the vp is.
Ventar: Master Sergeant
TheRevird: 300 post theres the alliance and therevird account is the anymore like teh ghey da5crew.
UrbanNinja 100 posts
agatio 7k blams 9k total
Minion777: lvl 10 nicez
ramagi 72k b/p omgz
DAVE 8.00 vp good for you
Denny 50k b.p lol missed by 2 pionts on the list.

this congrats list is dedicated to EKRegulus
At 8/19/05 10:53 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Yeah, I knew you got it on Clock Day. And yeah, it's 1k + right now, gotta close that gap somehow. :/

Somehow by the usual method. there isnt going to be another time that I will get over 150 pts in a day in a while or not coughdaily2oonsdaycough

Yeah, alot of them have a low level of saves, QuikFox being a prime example. But yeah, around 1k that gap is set at.

I know schelocke or whatever had lots of blams if he still b/p it maybe 15k and a low amount of saves the barrier now is 1,100 almost a 1k saves barrier too.

I have seen alot of people lacking deposits, as in not getting as many as you, so you'll get there. And a few more days and I'll pass -Jimbo-. I gained 5 ranks because of Clock Day.

Well daily depositing really helps gian ranks theres people I passed the usually deposit but miss a few. I dont know what rank youll be in a year. sround lvl 15 maybe not even in the top 500.

Yeah, getting to gold leaf. And I think it will be less than what I had. I'd say around January I'll get to EGSC if I keep b/p. Gotta factor life and job status in there somewhere.

Ah yeah during the fall I wont be doing so well hell I might not even get a rank up during that time or I could seeing I am addicted I just got to balance it out.

At 8/20/05 10:51 AM, Stayin_me wrote: dog one of my friend got there in 10 weeks shit is crazy now he's threatening ramagi through me

who is this guy alias or profile id plz

At 8/21/05 12:41 AM, thefinalcooljudge wrote: I'm back with a lvl12 people. It's rare to find a lvl12 in the forum these days.

Huh well the people that have been here a year seem to be at lvl 12.

Congradulations to all lvl ups while I'm away.

if your go for 19 days then thanks.

At 8/21/05 04:49 AM, AnzRage wrote: My god Yaya is crazy. He's like a machine. 33,000 blams about 500 to go.

You mean he is about to fixit. Watch he stops at 49,500

8,000 exp 200 more days to the 2x10k list yeah.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-21 08:08:36

At 8/20/05 03:20 PM, DonDoli wrote: Haha... yeah.. right XP j/k
You never know =O

Heh heh, one day, I could pull a fixit. :P

Congrats to:

Alkador - top 1000 B/P
Latinoralf - 2000th highest EXP, 200th highest B/P
Frostbreath - Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
JerkClock - 6.00 base VP
DonDoli - Elite Guard Major
Ventar - Elite Guard Master Sergeant. In three months, my god.
major_punk - Elite Guard Private
agatio - 7000 blams, 9000 b/p
Minion777 - Level 10
ramagi - 72000 b/p
thefinalcooljudge - Level 12. I think Level 12 is quite common.
DAVE - 8.00VP
Septemb3r - 8000 EXP

Thanks to:

DonDoli. Yes, I know I need 10000 of something else and that will be posts.