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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 02:01:33

At 8/12/05 01:41 AM, Serge_187 wrote: is voting the only way to level up? i know its a retards question

It's not a stupid question Serge, and the answer is yes. The only way to level up is to deposit your 10 experience points each day. Missing deposits here and there at the lower levels isn't so bad but it starts to get ignorant when you reach the higher levels.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 02:44:01

OGM. I must now cum to the Wi/Ht forumz now that I am leval 10. okthxbai


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 02:44:13

At 8/11/05 10:16 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Murphy's Combat Law #70: "Whenever you have plenty of ammo, you never miss. Whenever you're low on ammo, you can't hit a tank at twenty paces."

Once again you have said it better than i can ever say - way to go Recon!!

Looks like bila finally cut into the 1,000 point lead I had on him. I may have to break my own rule and put in some extra time on the portal during my days off. * groan *

They move like a nobody's business - damn i remember those days when i moonwalked my way to the top of the charts............no i slide down like a enron during the trial....

Thanks bro. Friends forever, enemies never.

Likewise bro - got ya back always man!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 02:44:26

Level 4. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 05:42:04

At 8/11/05 08:05 AM, Bahamut7 wrote:
At 8/11/05 05:53 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: I know that my question has nothing to do with leveling up, but should I choose light or neutral aura with a b/p rating of 2.51? Any ideas?
Hmm, you can change to whatever aura you want, but I prefer seeing you having light aura.

Holy shit. When I saw your post, I had changed my aura to neutral. But I will probably change it back to light when I low my b/p rating to 2.50-. By the way, I forgot to post my 777th post here. That's a big failure.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 05:44:29

At 8/11/05 04:35 AM, Frostbreath wrote: I have still one more week of summer holiday. And Hej då to you as well :)

That's where the little circle thing goes!

Excactly the same as the time we last spoke of. Morning.

Like Qwoxyl, you use NG in the mornings (or so it seems).

Also, I was bored one night and decided to try a little tweaking with the internet. Think of a simple word or phrase in English. Translate (online) it to English to German, German to French, French to Italian, Italian to English and see what you get...

"How are you?" becomes..."As Gone-"

So, As Gone-?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 06:32:18

Congrats to:

Snowy_Beast - Level 12
That-Is-Bull - Level 13
Frostbreath - 2000 posts
Religiously_Rude - 3000 posts
Midnyte_Rayne - Level 10
Dream_of_Duke - 777 posts

Thanks to:


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 06:36:48

Hmmm, Have you ever seen a cat with a dogs leg?!?! Or maybe it was a dog with a cats leg?!?! well What ever...... any ways im looking for an apple that was setting on my desktop at school cuz a dogwith a cat leg ranway with it.........Or was it a cat with a dogs leg?!?!?.........Wow Brain Fart...Ok This is The Deal My Apple Told me to Buzz off so i truned around and went Buzzz buzzz buzzz as i walked away. I came back for the next class and is was gone Like WTF m8 any ways The Apple was sitting on the desk next to me singing Pretty woman Like WTF m8 So then i busted out With a .50 cal then shot the cat and dog with an apple then the teacher said hey you wake up?!?! but i was not sleeping so then i said SHUT THE FUK UP m8 then i got Soooo MAD I Watched TV AND Mad Tv was on So i watched that then i was Like Where did i get a .50 Cal....................................Tru
ly a fuked up day if you ask me............SO WHats this Lvling Post for Hmmmmmm....Uhhhh Dude you stupid....ME?..... yes you....Why?.......Cuz its for lvling Fuktard....................the attachment is a Pic made By me..........I LOVE WTF OMFG AND STFU AND OMFG AND /\ |23...'/()|_|....[)()/\/3....'/3']['

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 06:51:53

Shit I Posted the Wrong Photo thats some thing i found on google.co.uk cuz im so fuking bored The pic i was gonna put is of the first gif i ever made back when i was 16

Heh i wouldnt say the $|<!!% 6()'][' /-\/\/'/ |33']['3|2 but W/e

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 10:21:38

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 11:19:13

Empty present boxes to:

jonthomson - 9,ooo exp
Snowy_Beast - Level 12
That-Is-Bull - Level 13
Religiously_Rude - 3,ooo posts
Midnyte_Rayne - Level 10

Thanks to:


At 8/11/05 04:00 PM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: Congrats FB, I will be getting mine hopefully sometime this month, not too far from it.

Thank you DD. I wish you good luck.

At 8/11/05 10:16 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Voters on Newgrounds are about as fickle as the wind.

You mean those who vote as soon as the voting bar shows up? Definatly.

Now it's coffee time!!! ^_^


At 8/12/05 05:44 AM, Alkador wrote: Like Qwoxyl, you use NG in the mornings (or so it seems).

I start my NG day in the morning, and continue for a large period of time, i'm afraid.

So, As Gone-?

I still have one more trip this summer to accomplish. I'll be heading there about 1:00 EST tomorrow.

At 8/12/05 10:21 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: best nominee for deletion!

Like, yes. You did report his behaviour, no?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 12:37:53

At 8/12/05 10:21 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: best nominee for deletion!

He's got such educated and well-thought out posts.

By the way, I'm going on vacation next Sunday. Could I trust someone here to deposit for me until the 24th of August?


fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 13:49:25

At 8/12/05 01:20 PM, Kurt_ wrote: Could you consider me as trustworthy? I'd do it.

Lol, sorry, but this guy already offered to do so on MSN.

Thanks for the offer, though :)

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 14:14:37

Congrats too:
Midnyte_Rayne- lvl 10
liamw- lvl 4

Thanks Too:
- 7iron
- Bahamut7
- Frostbreath

At 8/12/05 11:19 AM, Frostbreath wrote: Empty present boxes to:
Religiously_Rude - 3,ooo posts

Thank you Frostbreath :D

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 17:39:32

At 8/12/05 02:31 PM, Kurt_ wrote: Yay! Congradulate me, and ponder how I got the 6,666 picture on my 6666th post (this one).

Congrats Kurt... And do i ever ponder... Did somebody else edit it?

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 17:50:32

At 11/2/02 10:14 AM, Mangeta wrote:
At 10/30/02 12:24 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: I JUST WENT 2 VOTING POWER 4%
too bad theres about 5000 people with more power than you...

omfg ur so mean

join the bleachtrix-it has you

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 17:52:11

At 8/12/05 05:46 PM, Kurt_ wrote: Haha! I actually got 6,666 posts, got a screen shot, and then one of my posts go deleted, so I was back at 6,665. :)

Ehh... That was my next guess...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 20:34:25

not that anyone gives a flying fuck about this guy...

but KWAS71KCK just made 20,000 blams...

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 20:39:20

Well I dont have much right now.....1500 post YAY!

Im pretty far away from leveling up my level or b/p though :(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 20:48:45

At 8/12/05 08:34 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: not that anyone gives a flying fuck about this guy...

but KWAS71KCK just made 20,000 blams...

Never heard of the man and I never... ever apologize.

I'm sorry but that's just the way I am.

Congrats on the 20k blams KWAS71KCK.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 21:09:35

At 8/12/05 08:48 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Never heard of the man and I never... ever apologize.

not many people have heard of this butt-plug.

I'm sorry but that's just the way I am.

i luff joo :D

Congrats on the 20k blams KWAS71KCK.

you shouldn't do that, you'll piss off the gods XD

he's the spammer that's been pooping out reviews for ever and ever...
and most of them apart from the last thousand or so were 'pretty good, not bad'
anyone that knows about him is pissed off by him >: (

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 21:52:09

Congrats to:
SadicSchoolgirl: Level 11
ramagi: 11111 posts
7iron: Top 400 b/p ranks
Xiivi: Winning $100, did you spend it all yet?
Bahamut7: 5555 posts
UrbanNinja: Level 6, keep on depositing then.
isthatlegal: Level 13, looks like you dropped down one point away from 13 again though. Damn increasing amount for levels!
-TITROTU- : Elite Guard Captain, nice one! The leaf ranks look a lot better than the boring looking straight line ranks.
X_Naut : 60K stat points
ReconRebel: 11000 exp points
jonthomson: 9000+ exp points, so, so close to level 18.
Snowy_Beast: Level 12, my favorite icon too, much better than level 11 at least.
That-Is-Bull: Level 13, what the heck, you're different now. But there are still more levels to cum.
Frostbreath: 2000 posts, well not now...you just keep gaining!
Religiously_Rude: 3000 posts, heh, one day away from 3000 exp too, your posts and exp almost matched. Almost...
Midnyte_Rayne: Level 10, make sure to cum back to wi/ht when you gain more levels.
Dream_of_Duke: 777 posts, omg, you're so lucky you noticed that, right?
Kurt_: 6666 posts. No editing is good, because you know you saw the moment.
MrCuddles: 1500 posts, and leveling up b/p and exp is tough, but when you do, it's awesome.

At 8/10/05 01:36 AM, Septemb3r wrote: I dont know some people just stop posting to stay at a number or just dont post anymore.

If people stop posting just to keep a cool number, they're weird. The bbs is for interacting with other people, not for gaining higher post count as another stat, maybe they just went inactive as soon as they hit an even numbver of posts.

At 8/12/05 08:34 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: he's the spammer that's been pooping out reviews for ever and ever...

Do not get me started with this person. I don't know how many times I have to see the review "Ok, not bad, it was a good one", "meh, it was a bit short and random" or "Lame, that was pretty stupid." Heck, some reviews he makes are even identical to each other.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-12 22:41:08

At 8/12/05 09:52 PM, -absentminded- wrote: Congrats to:
Religiously_Rude: 3000 posts, heh, one day away from 3000 exp too, your posts and exp almost matched. Almost...

Thanks and yeah i thought about doing it and was going to but i was really bored so i went ahead and posted till i got to 3000...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-13 00:02:44

Finnaly, I've reached another level.

Basque in the glory.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-13 01:10:48

Important News- HT52 might be overtaken as the top user by Pimp, right now they are neck and neck.
1. Pimp 12/15/99 M 20,536
2. humantarget52 12/15/99 M 20,536

Also, I will be getting a rank up in about 5 minutes when one of the submissions I b/p gets saved or deleted.
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 334 crappy entries.
SAVES: Assisted in the protection of 165 quality entries.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-13 01:18:37

Yay I'm now a police captain, gotta love the shiny gold badge*drools*.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-13 01:48:04

At 8/12/05 09:52 PM, -absentminded- wrote: Do not get me started with this person. I don't know how many times I have to see the review "Ok, not bad, it was a good one", "meh, it was a bit short and random" or "Lame, that was pretty stupid." Heck, some reviews he makes are even identical to each other.

lol, see you've only been at the site 4 months and you're already pissed off with him XD
haha, he's written over twice as many reviews as me... but i would say i've written 2-3 or maybe even 4 times as much as he has in reviews...


well done to the dude who got 500b/p, and the dude who made police captain, nice work :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-13 04:14:37

At 8/10/05 01:18 PM, isthatlegal wrote: level 13, yeah thats right!!

HA! You didn't deposit for yesterday, thus you are knocked down a peg. Oh well, just be more active instead of depositing every now and then.

At 8/10/05 02:30 PM, -TITROTU- wrote: Whew! I finally make it to Captain!

You're killing me here. ;/

At 8/10/05 06:17 PM, X_Naut wrote: Happy 60k points in all to me. :)

I'm like... 1/3 of that. ;*( Congratulations good sir.

At 8/10/05 11:46 PM, ramagi wrote: I have a number I'm going for that is what I think about.

I have a gut feeling you'll take a 'break' at 'said number' for a 'time period' before you 're-start' b/p flash again.

At 8/11/05 02:09 AM, ReconRebel wrote: Reached 11,000 experience points with tonight's deposit. Go me.

Go you indeed for it is quite a nice number. :)

At 8/11/05 07:59 AM, jonthomson wrote: Thank you for your deposit, jonthomson! You now have 9,002 experience points. You need 24 more to get to level 18.

Pretty good, 9k XP and closing in on level 18, about 100 more days and you'll hit 10k XP, pretty good I say.

At 8/11/05 11:20 AM, Snowy_Beast wrote: Hurray!!! I'm at my fav lvl icon!

I'll get mine some day, some day indeed. *shakes e-fist* Congratulations, looks quite nice.

At 8/11/05 04:00 PM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: Congrats FB, I will be getting mine hopefully sometime this month, not too far from it.

No need to set your 2k post goal for the end of this month, or ever set a posting goal really. It just incourages spam IMO, and you shouldn't spam to you 2k post. :/

At 8/12/05 10:21 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: best nominee for deletion!

And closing in from behind.

At 8/12/05 11:56 AM, BonusStage wrote: I got this account to 1500xp

Pfft, that's nothing boy. I got this account to level 11. ;P

I'll try to do one of my regular huge posts tomorrow ;).


At 8/12/05 05:50 PM, FullMetal26 wrote: omfg ur so mean

lol @ you for quoting a 3 year old post

At 8/13/05 01:10 AM, DarkDeviL92 wrote: Important News- HT52 might be overtaken as the top user by Pimp, right now they are neck and neck.

It's been that way for a long LONG time. Nothing new.


Congrats to the other fewls


To say the least as most of you might have figured it out, I've been bitten by the gaming bug.

My quest and thirst for Castlevania will not be complete untill I have in my possesion all of the Castlevania games, thus including the 3 that were never released in the USA and the arcade game 'Haunted Castle'. I started a Castlevania thread on RG and will add to it some more. Heck, I might ever start a wee Castlevania club here when I get all of my facts on screen.

Any good things going on today?

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-13 04:43:08

W00t, I hit 1500 saves. :D:D:D

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-08-13 06:42:11

Hey everyone,

I'm still recovering from my departing cold. I see you have made a fair few appearances during the day Marcus.

I'm also working on a new story. I'll keep the lounge updated.

How is everyone?

Blam/Protect: Ranked # 995 out of 806,391 users!
Took its time.