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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 04:23:31

YEAH, 3,000 exp. points, i win :D

...level 12 soon!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 04:35:14

Thanks to:

That's all.... I guess... :P

And, RC, did you get my email?

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 04:38:25

At 7/19/05 04:35 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Thanks to:

thats k? lol i dont think i congradulated you... maybe i did, bleh.
well done on 7,000 exp points, 7,000 posts, and level 16 :D
<3 teh nun's :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 04:48:35

Ok, hello everyone!

Been far too long since I made the long post in here. I'm extremely busy at the moment. Not only with e-mails (which I receive more of these days), but also reading various books such as thick ones that are sixth in the series. Anyway...

BahamutKOD: You were interested to know if you'd make an appearance in the story? I may do another story which is not the War of Portal, but it depends on a few factors which are yet to be determined.

Gfoxcook: Thank you for the bundle of three e-mails you sent. I replied to two of them and will reply to the third. Now I see that the longest e-mail of the year has been defeated by your other two. ;)

ReconRebel: Thanks for replying. Sent a short (short for me) reply back. No need to reply, but thanks for letting me know you're alive.

RedCircle: I think this choice is what you call a 'dilemma'. Anyway, I think I've decided and I'll e-mail you when I'm more confident to confront others with this issue. And as for Saturday, I am sorry. As I said, I couldn't promise that I would be on and you can...blame my dad for that little absence. Hopefully, you're not angry.

As for the story, it is full fledged and complete. Three full chapters to be posted in this place. I look forward to it. I think I've posted what I need to for now. I've forgotten something, but I'll remember when it's late.

Anyway, HOW is everyone today? (long time no see huh?)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 06:36:33

War of the Portal - Part 4
24 - “Within the Heart”

Piconjo stood up half weary from the heavy attack that had been launched against him. Blood leaked from his mouth as a dark rage filled him, causing him to summon an even greater will from the Heart.

Afterburner, Crono, Lightning, MPA and Spancker moved together at once as they joined hands, performing their traditional Penta formation.
Spancker whirled forwards as he threw an uppercut to the unsuspecting submission, who coughed another portion of blood. MPA grinned as he charged forwards, throwing a heavy strike against Piconjo’s head. Crono and Lightning appeared behind the mid air submission as the two nodded. Crono squatted as he held Lightning’s feet, blazing him in the air. Lightning muttered the Ancient word ‘claustrum’ as his hand burst open with a ball of Lightning. He directed it to the demon’s head, forcing him to fall faster towards the ground. Afterburner laughed as he blurred forwards, throwing the heaviest punch he had in his life, breaking part of his knuckle bones as the stunned submission went rolling onto the ground.
“We aint finished!” Growled Kiba as huge threads from the sky came down to wrap themselves around the half dazed submission. A circle of crimson light on the ground burst open, with extra threads clinging onto the monster’s body. With quick movements of Kiba’s hands Piconjo soared upwards into the sky at incredible speed as the threads that held him to the ground became tighter.
“Those threads,” panted the boy, “That are pulling him up will snap when there’s too much force. The threads holding him to the ground have so much potential energy that he will fall faster than speed of terminal velocity.”
And at once, a huge cracking noise like gigantic stones echoed above as the black dot flared downwards.

Gfoxcook completed his preparation as his fist coiled forwards at unimaginable strength and speed that time froze just before his knuckle made contact with the pink stone. He would most likely shatter his arm bone structure, but he had to break the heart whatever it took. Time returned as his arm fell through the stone as if it were water, causing the guard to fall through the stone in body. Carmel turned around to see that he had vanished into the stone.

Piconjo came down with a scream as the ground blasted before them, a gale of wind spinning the whole area. Smoke and rubble burst in all directions as everyone stepped back, in awe with the strange power that Kiba had used. At once, ramagi took opportunity and stepped forward, taking out her whistle of golden light, placing it upon her lips and playing a high pitch noise that made the monster within the some scream with pain. Nineteen people with weapons charged into the smoke and sounds of metal hitting flesh were audible. Kiba panted as the Penta formers and ramagi stood by his side, tired by their version of attack.

Gfoxcook floated in darkness as he looked at the darkness around him. He was in a strange liquid of clear solution that allowed him breathe. As well as that, he felt a mystical power that surrounded the room, allowing him access to every single power in the world, the universe. It was greater than every single fraction of Power he had wielded in his life. Floating forwards, he heard the humanised heart beat of the centre of the world. It came clear to him at once – the centre of the dark room was a heart the size of his head – beating in a rhythm like that of his own. It was beating slowly, but it was not slow enough to be calm. He moved closer towards the Heart and attempted to create a blade to shift out of his fingers. It worked instantly. He moved it towards the Heart, ready to destroy it. At once, the room shook and the liquid around him became solid veins as he was torn backwards, the room vibrating in a mass of warning. At once, the guard gasped, his finger blades torn away by the high defence of the room. He gasped as the edges of the room became solid and the veins continued to tighten their grip around his body.

Yoink raised his arm at a half standing Piconjo, ready to use the final move of molten flame. His hand was outstretched as he grinned, suddenly thrown off by a shake in the room. He released force from his palm as nothing came out, gasping in surprise. He attempted it again, causing Piconjo to raise his head in confusion and a smirk to burn onto his face.
“It seems someone has had the will to destroy the Heart. It has shut off all connections outside of its surroundings. From here on, only the submissions can use the Power.”

Yoink stepped back as the grip on his blade tightened. The rest of the group panted as they backed away while the submission held a ball of flame in his hands. The tables had turned again.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 07:56:14

At 7/19/05 06:36 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal - Part 4
24 - “Within the Heart”

my two cents:

ask wade/an awesomely powerful person if you can 'publish' this 50,000 word monster and permanently post it up on NG somewhere, in the NG MAG or some place like that...

i see it happening :D

na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na BORE-DOM!!!!!!!!

man.... im bored.

>: )

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 10:53:49

Congratz towards:

EKRegulus - Level 14. Sweet
-Osaka- - Level 14. Less sweet since it took you longer.
BonusStage - 25k blams, top 1000 exp. Woa
Dream_of_Duke - 2k exp. Nice one.
carmelhadinosaur - Level 16, 7k posts. It looks WAY better than the chains
j00bie - 10.00 VP. Oy.
Glaiel_Gamer - 7th award. (i'm gonna vote for it this month)
darkdeviL92 - Officer. Small achievements are still achievements
thegreatmorph - top 300 b/p
TrueHyperSonic - level 9
Brewtality - 2k blams. You're hot on my tail.
-Buddhist- - Corporal, 2k blams.
n__n - 8 VP
Kevindeed - Level 10
M-A-R-C-U-S - cool blam number
Less-than-three - 6,66 VP
The_Weaponmaster - 3k exp

After almost a year of membership, i now have 100 reviews. I know, i suck :(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 12:10:00

At 7/19/05 10:53 AM, Frostbreath wrote:

After almost a year of membership, i now have 100 reviews. I know, i suck :(

That's not so bad, reviews(and posts) don't mean much if you do them to add to a count.
I've been here going on 4 years and still have less than 470 posts....

Just review and post when you have something to say

And thank you for making me remember! my NG Anniversary is this Sunday!!! Woot

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 13:36:37

here's a link to a guy who needs to be banned

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 13:49:39

At 7/19/05 01:36 PM, A-Twon25 wrote: here's a link to a guy who needs to be banned

Emailing us is a better solution. :)

He's banned, btw.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 14:12:44

I have 5555 b/p points. And 100 reviews. I had 45 reviews 2 days ago...so I reviewed a bunch of stuff recently. A lot of stuff.

Congratin' time:
EKRegulus : Level 14. Nice job on getting that cool level.
-Osaka- : Level 14. Sheesh is everyone level 14 these days? Oh well Level 14=cool
BonusStage: 25000 blams plus top 1000 xp. HOLY FUCK! I like how you write it at the beginning and end of your post. It's that damn important right? :D
Dream_of_Duke: 2000 exp, holy crap, that's a whole lot!
j00bie: 10 voting power. ok.
Glaiel_Gamer: 7 portal awards. But still no daily feature >:( Soooo close though.
darkdeviL92: Police officer. W00tness.
carmelhadinosaur: Level 16 and 7000 posts, that screen shot makes me go insane.
thegreatmorph: Top 300 in b/p. Nice, keep movin' on up!
TrueHyperSonic: Level 9, well, if you make it through this level, that's awesome!
Brewtality: 2000 blams. I'm running out of things to say, um...super-congratness.
-Buddhist-: Elite Guard Colonel and 2000 posts. I wish my posts matched my blams...anyway, congrats on rank up!
DelboyDylan: 666 protects, you are saving evil submissions.
angry_gorilla27: Level 8, doesn't take too long to get there, level 10 is the big gap.
M-A-R-C-U-S: 13131 blams. What cool number.
n__n: 8 voting power. Stat may be just variables, but they're special variables!
Kevindeed: Level 10 and 50 stickers! Great on getting level 10, you sticker hog :P
Less-than-three: 6.66 voting power. Your voting power scares me.
The_Weaponmaster: 3000 exp points. Go for level 12 and pronto!
Frostbreath: 100 reviews. That's not too bad, as long as the reviews are good ones.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 14:22:48

I leveled up to level 12 the other day. Doesn't that glove look so good by my name?

I am a new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 14:40:44

At 7/19/05 02:22 PM, boloneyman wrote: I leveled up to level 12 the other day. Doesn't that glove look so good by my name?

Congrats! :D

I always pined for the bat, though.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 14:47:29

i just became a level 10, YEAH, now i need to make my alt up from 9 (btw, my alt has more posts then my main acount)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 15:06:08

At 7/18/05 11:33 AM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Now I look like:

Why not change to neutral so you can look like liljim and LegendaryFrog? :P

At 7/19/05 01:02 AM, ramagi wrote: You can't add simple 5 digit numbers????

ROFL, I was only joking. XD

At 7/19/05 04:48 AM, Alkador wrote: BahamutKOD: You were interested to know if you'd make an appearance in the story? I may do another story which is not the War of Portal, but it depends on a few factors which are yet to be determined.

I was just wondering if you would continue on the story. If you're going to add me to the story, then that's nice, but I'm not asking you to put me in the story. It's up to you, not to me by asking.

At 7/19/05 06:36 AM, Alkador wrote: War of the Portal - Part 4
24 - “Within the Heart”

That was interesting. :)

Congrats to:

carmelhadinosaur - 7000 posts
Brewtality - 2000 blams
-Buddhist- - Elite Guard Corporal, 2000 blams, 2000 posts
n__n - 8.00VP
Kevindeed - Level 10
The_Weaponmaster - 3000 EXP
Frostbreath - 100 reviews. You're lazier than me? How dare you!
-absentminded- - 5555 b/p, 100 reviews
boloneyman - Level 12
drspooks - Level 10

Heh, Alton Towers was very fun today. :D

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 15:15:47

Woohoo, my Ng birthday has arrived, I'll post around 10 days from now to announce my level 11.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 17:35:17

I made about 20 reviews so far today. yey! go me!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 18:01:37

At 7/19/05 01:24 AM, Kevindeed wrote: Just got Level Ten!!!

I missed about a week of deposits since joining, I was away filiming Dog Jack (I play Kirk)... I asked my best friend to deposit for me, I was only two away form lvl 10. Needless to say, he didn't deposit for me... But I am here nonetheless. Lvl ten. and about 125 days away from 11, except for the fact I leave for filming in PA the 29th. I hope my friend will come thru this time.

Also, slot 34 in TOP 50 STICKER ORDERS. 50 stickers. w00tations.

You're a fast moving one Kevindeed, but I'm still higher than you, thankfully. I see that you will be a top-ranking respected NG user within the year's end, though.

But hahaha, ha. I will have 75 stickers by next month :O.

"In this world // We walk on the roof of hell, // Gazing at flowers." -- Issa

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 18:09:47

Am I l337 enough now?

1337 posts. I like it

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 19:33:30

I got 10,000 b/p but i missed the screen shot by 795 b/p ;\ .

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 19:36:47

At 7/19/05 05:35 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: I made about 20 reviews so far today. yey! go me!


dude, please shoot me an email or something if you're going to get another 400...

awww, i hate it when YoinK reviews :( :( :(


5,555 protects soon...ish...

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 23:11:02

At 7/19/05 07:36 PM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: OH NOES OH NOES OH NOES....
dude, please shoot me an email or something if you're going to get another 400...
awww, i hate it when YoinK reviews :( :( :(

lol, so you need a warning everytime I start to review? hah. Well if it makes you feel any better... i'm going to be going on a vacation soon. You still have a huge lead on me in reviews... a lot of people around you and ahead of me seem quite inactive in terms of reviews.

At 7/19/05 10:42 PM, BonusStage wrote: Yoink hasn't gotten anything good recently :P

yea.. I need to get a girl so I can "get some" rofl. I just cleaned my keyboard today... my keyboard feels like it's brand new now. The spacebar finally works properly. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-19 23:46:03

I have 174 posts today. Is that a record?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-20 00:08:58

At 7/19/05 11:46 PM, -Dawkins- wrote: I have 174 posts today. Is that a record?

i doubt it... some people spend their entire day on newgrounds. 174 posts is a lot in one day though... damn.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-20 00:15:57

At 7/20/05 12:08 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: i doubt it... some people spend their entire day on newgrounds. 174 posts is a lot in one day though... damn.

Yeah, it sucked today, so I just wasted 24/7 on the computer! Anyway lets see, I started the day with 8539 and I now have 8,722. So that equals 183. 5 of those came after midnight, so my total posts for the day is 178 posts! Yay.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-20 00:31:23

congrats to
-absentminded- 100 reviews and 5.555K b/p
boloneyman: lvl 12 I think the bat will look better
Yoink 20 reviews in a day
The_Ass_clown 1337 posts.
Tom_s00 10k b/p

At 7/19/05 12:07 PM, BonusStage wrote: Not sure what you mean, but thank you very much :D

look at you sig.

Well the xp maybe, but you yourself still has to shoot for 25k :P

Well maybe not if I can reach egsc without 25k blams I am quitting and then I will work on my alt.

At 7/19/05 11:46 PM, -Dawkins- wrote: I have 174 posts today. Is that a record?

Try beating PLH.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-20 01:56:44

At 7/20/05 12:08 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote:
At 7/19/05 11:46 PM, -Dawkins- wrote: I have 174 posts today. Is that a record?

DAMN. close to it. the most i ever got was around 90, and it wasn't cool haha...
around 20 were in this thread.
it was like:
User A: post.
marcus: post.
User B: post.
Marcus: post.

i doubt it... some people spend their entire day on newgrounds. 174 posts is a lot in one day though... damn.


i remember having a pic (before i got my new computer) of a level 1 user who made 416 posts in one day.
so it had 'BBS POSTS: 416.000 per day'

it was quite insane.

LOL YoinK's gonna get some :P go you XD

...get a new keyboard :D i did and it pwns haha.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-20 02:45:25

At 7/20/05 01:56 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote:
At 7/20/05 12:08 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote:
At 7/19/05 11:46 PM, -Dawkins- wrote: I have 174 posts today. Is that a record?
DAMN. close to it. the most i ever got was around 90

Same 'ere, btw *ahem* fappy 1,000 posts to me maybe?

Lol Myspace

Jemry is where children come from.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-20 04:17:39

At 7/20/05 02:45 AM, Jemry wrote: Same 'ere, btw *ahem* fappy 1,000 posts to me maybe?

*ehem* say you what?

you want me to fap to the fact you have 1,000 posts?


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-07-20 04:41:21

Heh, ever since I got up today at 6:00AM, I have had 235 posts. Man, that weeks ban really made me want to post today. =)