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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 00:00:36

Fuck I got a review ban From goldencat and someone else I said you 13yr wigger fuck and quoted waid. Gee um I got 1212 reviews in. To: gfox I wasnt trying for it either.

CONgrAts to el:
-Nikole-: Sergeant major the silver eagle
GayFuel(ikiba): 19000 b/p
MuhMuhMuhManatee: Sergeant First Class
Alkador: wotp 14
BonusStage: 3.69 BA 1,111 exp ranked
Bahamut7: silver bar. I got to get to the silver leaf your catching up.
_IceMan_: Rank up Staff
IM_KOOL_R_U: 10.10 VP is Cool.
TarThoron: EGP yo

At 6/10/05 03:45 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:
At 6/10/05 02:00 PM, iscruLz wrote:
Nah, I think I'll get to the 150, if not pass it by Sunday night/Monday morning.

I think youll get there

Yeah, he's pretty good when it comes to getting them. But yeah, he said he quit. I'm trying to get him back into it, but it's not that easy it seems. :/

It would be nice I need around race I stuck at 124 for 3 day so far

Heh, I didn't plan on going to the store last night either, but, I had to get food, need it to survive. Maybe today I will, who knows. It all depends on the ammount of flash submited today that is good enough for a 2 from me, or passing material at that.

Well on a friday it should have been good.

At 6/10/05 11:56 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Nope, it was a black & white video clip that showed some guy getting a certain extremity cut off with a pair of garden shears. Not suitable for Newgrounds so I blew the whistle on it.

I saw that today I got a boner off it. along with a pogaymon hardcore sex flash that was whistled I think yesterday. do I need a j/k

At 6/11/05 03:19 AM, AnzRage wrote: Helping people out here is great, but don't we lose posts for locked threads with that new system LiL Jim is now using?

We lost points if a thread was deleted if was locked you still keep the posts counts you had. I thought.

At 6/11/05 08:12 AM, jonthomson wrote: I just noticed that my posts per day has now gone above five. It's a hugely insignificant stat, yes, but nice to see.

You have been posting more often I am trying to get it up to 5 also.

At 6/11/05 11:56 AM, AnzRage wrote: Ahhh Damn I woke up 3 hours late on a Saturday. I was supose to wake up at 6 a.m. to blam. You'll think why that early? Because I live in California and it's already 9 in New York.

Hahaha I think 4pm est time is a good start. I have to get b/p in night and morning and congrats on 5K post and 800 reviews

At 6/11/05 06:01 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Reading congratulations/thanks lists is so... boring ;/

Yeah then no congrats to you I should wait 2 weeks to post a huge ass congrats list then but naw.

At 6/11/05 11:27 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: You've(bahamut7) passed me in VP. >: ( I'll have too take care of that. I'll have to give up sleep for a long time to regain my lead ahead of you! >: D

Are you sure Inny only .03 ssure you have to beat him in b/p and get the rank up before him though.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 01:31:02

Congratz to
AnzRage 5K posts and 800 reviews

At 6/11/05 08:16 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
I was waiting for this. So you're telling me it was just pure coincidence that your post count took a 60% to 70% nosedive after you became quadlisted? Pleezzzzz...

Actually you must not have been paying that close of attention, it slowed down before 10K.
That I did not announce to the whole BBS I got a job. If you have notice I am rarely on during certain times. I have obligations in the real world.

You know once James implements the pruner. I know I'll lose a lot of my locking posts, I really don't care. I did a lot of those to be helpful to the newbies. Point them to the right club. Or some locks were to enforce rules of the BBS, and say why. Mods have been encouraged to put lock post in to show reason it was locked.
I have locked/deleted many threads with out posting, I don't really know how many, I didn't bother keeping track. Sure I have some fun posts in there, I think it would be boring only to have moderation posts going on. You do remember what fun is right?

You know I have had many users say how they think I am one of the more helpful mods around because of what I do. Plus a lot of the C&C regs like how I have helped keep the crap clubs out of the forum.
I know you have been chomping at the bit for a while, and don’t really care. I have my priorities, and I am going to keep them the way they are.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 01:33:31

At 6/8/05 12:46 PM, juraj wrote: Greetz to all, I can't go throught the thread now because I was banned by FIGMENTUM for two days for replying 'No comment' in this thread.


good god! that was a lame idea for a thread!
But why post with " no comment"??? the thread was locked shortly after with only 3 posts

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 01:57:34

At 6/12/05 01:31 AM, ramagi wrote: I know you have been chomping at the bit for a while, and don’t really care.

If that's true ramagi then you went to great lengths explaining yourself.

I have my priorities, and I am going to keep them the way they are.

That wouldn't have anything to do with writing more reviews would it?

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 02:13:29

Wow, you completely ignore everything she said AND managed to sound like a douche. *claps*

Did you take the time to read what she wrote, or did you skip to the end, and found an easy cop-out to take? Did it occur to you that she doesn't give a rat's ass what you think about her, but felt you deserved an explanation nonetheless? Or are you so quick to cut her down that you didn't stop to think that she affords you more respect than you deserve?

I don't know what your deal is, but lately, you've acted like a real asshole about her post count for no real reason.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 02:21:22

At 6/12/05 02:13 AM, Maus wrote: I don't know what your deal is, but lately, you've acted like a real asshole about her post count for no real reason.

So says the woman in comfortable shoes. I'm not blind Maus, I saw what happened. Sure she's helpful, sure she's liked by lots of users but that still doesn't change anything.

... and like I really care about your opinion. There's 5 mods out there that have my respect. The rest range from indifference (because I don't know them) to dislike. You rank at the bottom end of the scale.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 02:22:20

At 6/12/05 01:57 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 6/12/05 01:31 AM, ramagi wrote: I know you have been chomping at the bit for a while, and don’t really care.
If that's true ramagi then you went to great lengths explaining yourself.

Funny how you avioded all the other stuff I said.

I have my priorities, and I am going to keep them the way they are.
That wouldn't have anything to do with writing more reviews would it?

Nope, as I said I got a job. You know work.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 02:34:58

At 6/12/05 02:22 AM, ramagi wrote:
At 6/12/05 01:57 AM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 6/12/05 01:31 AM, ramagi wrote: I know you have been chomping at the bit for a while, and don’t really care.
If that's true ramagi then you went to great lengths explaining yourself.
Funny how you avioded all the other stuff I said.

Obligations in the real world? You're gonna lose lots of posts to the pruner? Lock posts? How helpful you are? Yes ramagi, I read it all and I didn't avoid it. I just didn't think it necessary to reply to.

I have my priorities, and I am going to keep them the way they are.
That wouldn't have anything to do with writing more reviews would it?
Nope, as I said I got a job. You know work.

Yeah I know work. Congrats on the new job.

Recently made a milestone. That's it for me tonight.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 02:56:03

At 6/12/05 12:00 AM, iscruLz wrote:
congrats on 5K post and 800 reviews

Thank you :)

At 6/12/05 01:31 AM, ramagi wrote: Congratz to
AnzRage 5K posts and 800 reviews

Thank you :)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 03:50:32

lol I was just adding up my total blam/protection and it turns out that it added up to 19k exactly. Strange pure luck.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 04:23:44

Congrats to Bahamut7 on making EGSL. You've really come up thru the ranks lately. Looks good. Keep at it.
Congrat to TarThoron on EGPrivate. Yes those are nice silver badges. The silver badges are fun ranks to run thru. Enjoy yourself. :)
Congrats to AnzRage on 5000 posts and 800 reviews. The double whammy thing.
Congrats to MuhMuhMuhManatee EGS first class. Only two or three deposits now and you'll be lvl11. Rock.
Great job everybody.

And I made it to EGSL. Didn't take as long as I thought it would.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

old people say lol; and we still use these }{

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 04:35:31

All right... fess up.

Who the hell flipped the "drama" switch to the ON position? Jackass!

Poor ramagi, Maus, and Recon... victims of a prankster. ;_;

If I could bring up something far more important than whether ramagi stopped posting a shitload because she got a job or because she hit 10,000 (and BTW, I'm sure ramagi knows her posts are going to drop BELOW 10,000 soon when liljim's pruner gets switched on... because she certainly has like 500 or more lock posts... and if she cared so much about staying above 10k posts, then she'd STILL be posting a ton to make sure she doesn't backslide behind 10k when that happens... but she's not doing that, is she? Anyway, just wanted to point that out since no one else did)...


humantarget's exp:

end of 6/6 - 19886
end of 6/7 - 19896
end of 6/8 - 19906
end of 6/9 - 19916
end of 6/10 - 19926
end of 6/11 - 19926!

That's right, ladies and gentlemen. For the first time in 14+ months, humantarget has missed a deposit. It's worth pointing out that Shrapnel missed a deposit as well (however, Shrapnel missed 20 exp a few weeks/months ago as well, on days when HT still deposited, so take that for what you will... all I know is that 99% of the time I notice one of them has just deposited (either in profile or on the 50 most recent deposits list), the other one has deposited within minutes. Fun!).

However, I'm not sure if Pimp missed as well or not. I wasn't paying attention near the end of the NG day, and Pimp's exp is 19916 (as opposed to the 19906 it was for most of yesterday). It would help if the three of them would deposit shortly AFTER midnight like most high-expers do instead of late in the day or right BEFORE midnight like they have been lately. Those teasing bastards. Always getting our hopes up that one (or all three of them) will miss a deposit.

Anyway, we'll know soon enough about whether Pimp missed his deposit or not (though I doubt it, I'd guess he went 19906->19916 prior to midnight). Either he'll be 19926 by the end of the day or midnight will come and he'll still be at 19916. Question answered either way.

One thing's for sure:

everyone else on the site is going to level up ONE DAY EARLIER.

Thanks, humantarget-depositing-collective! :::smiles broadly:::

Oh, and for historical reference, the last time HT missed a deposit was 4/2/2004 (got to 15586 exp on 4/1 and stayed there on 4/2... continued depositing on 4/3 and didn't stop again until... well, yesterday, 6/11/2005. A wonderful, wonderful day indeed).

:::grabs beer from fridge:::

Here's to more days on NG like April 2nd and June 11th! HUZZAH! :::chugs:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 04:52:23

At 6/11/05 05:21 AM, Bahamut7 wrote:
But it was Ramagi that caught everyone’s attention.
LOL at the capital R.

I changed all the names as one person (won't tell names) said it was difficult to read.

At 6/11/05 07:49 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: Im a bad ass.

Indeed you are. How have you been and how has elections been coming along?

At 6/11/05 01:59 PM, -Myst- wrote: Hehe I was wondering when the 14th episode would show up! I guess you were pretty occupied by your final exams in the last weeks. I'm glad to see all that concentration didn't harm your writing abilities ;)

Well, it's not the final exams for me...just the mid year. But I really wanted to priotise my school before my interrnet usage and cut down a fair bit. I don't know how in the world I'm gonna be during my exams. But yeah, I'm back and active...for now.

At 6/11/05 05:01 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: ALKADOR... your link in your sig to the War of the Portals doesnt work... and i want to read them all, because i tried getting into it and am a bit lost because i am so far behind. And finding them is a bitch. : P

I know what you mean. I decided to check out the website to see if SK had been updating my story and to my shock, he hasn't. There has been very little sign of him on MSN and AIM. I'm slightly worried about his absence, but it can be explained. I think he too, has left Newgrounds.

Can you give me the right link if there is one? Or maybe you could email'em to me? lol I don't know, anything would make my life easier. If not, i will go back to trying to find them. : )

I'll e-mail them across to you. I need to know what was the last chapter you read and such as I'll tag them (ie. italics and bold) for convenience.

Also, waiting for your move in Free World game.

At 6/11/05 11:27 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Hmm, that reminds me, I must catch up on the story. Sorry bud, but I cannot give you full prais untill I have read up to this part. But I'm sure it's as awsome as your previous instalments. :)

Like Myst_Williams, you're going to have to ask me what last chapter you read or the last thing you can really remember because there has not been an update of chapters on the webiste. I should have kept logs on what page each chapter was, but I really haven't.

At 6/12/05 04:35 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Poor ramagi, Maus, and Recon... victims of a prankster. ;_;

I don't get what happened. I read it all but I'm so confused. Can you (or Recon), highly me in this situation or someone else.

Gah, how is everyone?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 05:24:02

At 6/12/05 04:35 AM, gfoxcook wrote: That's right, ladies and gentlemen. For the first time in 14+ months, humantarget has missed a deposit. It's worth pointing out that Shrapnel missed a deposit as well (however, Shrapnel missed 20 exp a few weeks/months ago as well, on days when HT still deposited, so take that for what you will... all I know is that 99% of the time I notice one of them has just deposited (either in profile or on the 50 most recent deposits list), the other one has deposited within minutes. Fun!).

OMGOGMGOGMGOGM Wooot i get the bat a day earlyer, thanks for the detailed description gfox ; ) and also about Shrapnel, most interesting i think it's fairly obviouse they are the same person.

At 6/12/05 04:52 AM, Alkador wrote:
Im a bad ass.
Indeed you are. How have you been and how has elections been coming along?

I've been good man thanks far asking : ) yes about elections voted has started and probably finished by now (well everyone who has choosen to vote this month) and hopefully RC will get round to doing the update soon.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 05:32:30

Greetz fly out to

BonusStage - exp spot # 1 111 and A+ batting average
Bahamut7 - 2500th spot in exp rankings + EGSL. Congrats.
Bahamut8 - Yeah right. Enjoy the quick levelups while you can.
jonthomson - posts per day over 5. Congrats.
_IceMan_ - EG SS
IM_KOOL_R_U - VP 10.10. Blah.
TarThoron - EGP. Welcome to the club.
AnzRage - 800 reviews and 5k posts AND 19k combined bp. Lucky bastard XD

...and everybody I missed. Good job everyone.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 05:48:09

At 6/11/05 07:49 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: Congrats on both achivements as for the rank up i will be there soon. : )


At 6/11/05 08:18 AM, jonthomson wrote: If your wondering why i gave it a 0 for sound, its because i dont have a sound card.

LMAO! That person is insane.

At 6/11/05 11:53 AM, BonusStage wrote: Meaning another rank is killed from getting into the oh so exclusive top 2,500, all thank to you, BASTARD :O

I'm a bastard? Cool!

At 6/11/05 05:01 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Also a big congrats!


At 6/11/05 05:20 PM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: Fun Fun Congrats to you.


At 6/11/05 05:30 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats to:
-Bahamut7: EG Second Lieutenant, #2500 Exp. Nice combo.

Thanks, and indeed it's a nice combo.

At 6/11/05 11:27 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: You've passed me in VP. >: ( I'll have too take care of that. I'll have to give up sleep for a long time to regain my lead ahead of you! >: D

You'll get ahead of me very soon since you can get more b/p than me.

At 6/12/05 12:00 AM, iscruLz wrote: Fuck I got a review ban From goldencat and someone else I said you 13yr wigger fuck and quoted waid. Gee um I got 1212 reviews in. To: gfox I wasnt trying for it either.


CONgrAts to el:
Bahamut7: silver bar. I got to get to the silver leaf your catching up.

Thanks! I doubt I am catching you up. I just had a good day of b/p yesterday, except when I had to go off 20 minutes early so my sister can play on fucking World of Warcraft. >:(

At 6/12/05 04:23 AM, IvanTuroc wrote: Congrats to Bahamut7 on making EGSL. You've really come up thru the ranks lately. Looks good. Keep at it.


At 6/12/05 04:35 AM, gfoxcook wrote: humantarget's exp:

end of 6/6 - 19886
end of 6/7 - 19896
end of 6/8 - 19906
end of 6/9 - 19916
end of 6/10 - 19926
end of 6/11 - 19926!

FUCK YES! Maybe we'll see Pimp getting the level 30 weapon with HT52 for a bit.

grabs beer from fridge:::

Poor HT.

At 6/12/05 05:32 AM, juraj wrote: Greetz fly out to
Bahamut7 - 2500th spot in exp rankings + EGSL. Congrats.


Bahamut8 - Yeah right. Enjoy the quick levelups while you can.

Ignore him, he's some strange person that I don't know. Acts very strange.

Congrats to:

jonthomson - 5PPD
_IceMan_ - Elite Guard Staff Sergeant
IM_KOOL_R_U - 10.10VP
TarThoron - Elite Guard Private
AnzRage - 800 reviews, 5000 posts, 19000 b/p
IvanTuroc - Elite Guard Secong Lieutenant. You need to change your sig.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 05:55:56

mmm...I have 1.7k exp points now. :)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 06:15:05

At 6/12/05 05:48 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Ignore him, he's some strange person that I don't know. Acts very strange.

I know Bahamut7 != Bahamut8. =)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 11:23:13

At 6/11/05 05:20 PM, IM_KOOL_R_U wrote: Thanks for being the first to congratulate me on that. And making it easier for me to congratulate the ppl who did certain things.

You're welcome, and... ha, i am glad to be of service. : )

At 6/11/05 05:28 PM, BonusStage wrote: Nothing for my picture, meanie ;)

ever thought... maybe you didnt deserve it? ; )

At 6/11/05 11:27 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Yeah it would. I'm trying to get some of my friends together for it, but they are scattered, and it's hard to find them. :/

Aha! sry, but i had to snicker at that remark.

At 6/12/05 04:52 AM, Alkador wrote: I know what you mean. I decided to check out the website to see if SK had been updating my story and to my shock, he hasn't. There has been very little sign of him on MSN and AIM. I'm slightly worried about his absence, but it can be explained. I think he too, has left Newgrounds.

Ahh, okay i see. Ya, he has practically dissappeared.

I'll e-mail them across to you. I need to know what was the last chapter you read and such as I'll tag them (ie. italics and bold) for convenience.

Okay, well, the problem is, i have read like the last 5, but never any before that. : P So maybe, you could put them all in one big .doc or something. And i am not sure what 'tagline' means, but if it involves more work... dont bother. I feel bad enough for asking you to send me them all as it is, but the last 5 or so i have liked, and i wnated to read the ones i missed. If it is too much hastle... its no worries. I am not sure how much work i am asking you to do.

Also, waiting for your move in Free World game.

Oh rly? Geez, okay. For some reason when i went to your page it didnt show a new post (like when it changes colour).

At 6/12/05 04:35 AM, gfoxcook wrote: IMPORTANCE * 19926:

How can i not love your posts? Thanks for the entertaining info gfox. : )

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 11:27:51

At 6/12/05 04:35 AM, gfoxcook wrote: All right... fess up.

Who the hell flipped the "drama" switch to the ON position? Jackass!

It was me. I wanted NewGrounds to be more like RetroGade.* :o

Congrats all!

* Please visit www.retrogade.com

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 11:35:02

Okay, can someone explain to me what this 'pruner' is all about? I am totally out of the loop when ppl refer to it. I must have totally blanked one week when it was implemented? (term papers and exams are getting the best of me lately)...

Can someone explain it to me, and tell me about when it was implemented? Thanks.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 11:58:44

At 6/12/05 10:39 AM, MrPotatoeHead666 wrote: Grats on lvl12 one of my favs.but i keep depositing to get to lvl 15 and 16 =D

Well done lol..

Umm, yeah, sorry for not being not much here everyone, I seem to be busy (while searching posts related to me :o):'(

Yet, I found out that yesterday I went from the 57th b/p rank to the 56th!
And, since i'm in the random author in the games section of NG (!!!!!!!!!), LOTS of people saw my best submission, so now 55 has it in their favs (fomg just came to check again and it rose to 56!!!), and 83 with my movies!!!

8.900 PPD isn't round enough... neither 21800 b/p... 7000 saves... almost stopped blamming completely till 15k saves.. 370 in xp... 3 more learning hours... 3 days martial arts festival.. lots of flashs.. blergh.. lol... meh... blah.

Sorry for the L8 response, but best now thanever :P
h8 these stupid pics

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 12:18:25

At 6/12/05 11:35 AM, Myst_Williams wrote: Okay, can someone explain to me what this 'pruner' is all about? I am totally out of the loop when ppl refer to it. I must have totally blanked one week when it was implemented? (term papers and exams are getting the best of me lately)...

I thought it was implented and went through but I guess not.

Can someone explain it to me, and tell me about when it was implemented? Thanks.

tt gets rid of old locked post mostly just spam that was locked in general a year or so ago.

I have been investaging the EGRL and 123 and 122 ranks are 12474 b/p I have 12435 and was ranked 124 yesterday now I am 125 so whos the bastard that passed me. I couldnt find them.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 14:45:22

At 6/12/05 02:59 AM, BonusStage wrote: o.0 i was?

We weren't supposed to discuss about me and my 0.00 batting average. :)

I know I don't either :)

Are you serious? Okay ;/

Not exactly.

bleh, doesn't change the fact that I can't create a decent flash.

yep yep, it was a way to pass time banned, get guys to coauthor you out of boredom *shrugs*

or you could browse RG whenever you are bored... hahaha :)

No wait, I'm serious :o

Any collab really just shoots up a persons BA because the voters are like MULTIPLE ARTISTS OMG MUST 5, a terrible truth ;-_-

It depends... some collabs get a high score whenever they are underjudgement and the score drops pretty fast. Collabs on top50 only drop after the first week because we all know that a huge amount of nubs keep voting down the top50 ;/ The overrated flashes deserve it but a few amazing flashes that are up there earned their high score.

At 6/12/05 04:35 AM, gfoxcook wrote: humantarget's exp:
end of 6/10 - 19926
end of 6/11 - 19926!

The level 14's requirement will be 2-3 experience pts lower than expected. That's great :)

That's right, ladies and gentlemen. For the first time in 14+ months, humantarget has missed a deposit.

When's the last time that Pimp missed a deposit? O_O That guy must be really motivated.

It's worth pointing out that Shrapnel missed a deposit as well (however, Shrapnel missed 20 exp a few weeks/months ago as well, on days when HT still deposited, so take that for what you will... all I know is that 99% of the time I notice one of them has just deposited (either in profile or on the 50 most recent deposits list), the other one has deposited within minutes. Fun!).

It means that Shrapnel is one of the few users that have access to HT52's account. :P

If Shrapnel keeps missing a few deposits per day, -bomb- might pass him.
Then you have the robot called oblivion (obviously the next level 29) that rarely misses a deposit and the lazy human called BlueAsterisk that missed several deposits in 2005.

Grrr, I'm still 15 000 experience pts below them... even if one of them completely stopped to deposit, it would take me a few years to catch him.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 16:07:30

Heheh might have missed it now because i can't do screenshots, but i had 5,555 B/P.

JaY11's sigs > your sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-12 16:38:51

Congrats to:

-AnzRage: 800 Reviews, 5,000 Posts. Nice.
-ReconRebel: 33,000 Blams. 33,333 is just around the corner.
-AnzRage: 19,000 B/P. I rarely have my numbers add up to a round number if I don't refresh continuously :(
-IvanTuroc: EG Second Lieutenant. Nice.
-carmelhadionosaur: 7,000 Saves, some other stuff that didn't stand out enough.
-Morph-: 5,555 B/P. Nice.

At 6/11/05 10:17 PM, -Nikole- wrote: I'm too tired/lazy to quote everyone who said congrats and stuff so I'll just say: Thanks to everyone! and congratulations to everyone else too. =)

You could just have ctrl+F'ed for your name and quote those posts though, that's what I do when I'm short on time/lazy.

At 6/12/05 04:35 AM, gfoxcook wrote: That's right, ladies and gentlemen. For the first time in 14+ months, humantarget has missed a deposit.

Is it getting chilly in here?
Oh, it's just hell freezing over.
Daaaaaaaaaaang. Maybe he's(them?) finally decided to stop depositing? We'll see tomorrow, I guess.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-13 02:14:43

yeah i noticed the quick burst of 2 deposits at what seemed like both after midnight very curious very curious indeed... also shrapnels account did a similar deposit pattern but thats another conspiricy theory.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-13 02:37:32

At 6/13/05 01:25 AM, BonusStage wrote: WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED HERE, Ht ... he missed it, he missed the damn deposit .. but no, it looks like something incredibly idiotic, stupid, HORRIBLE HAS GONE WRONG.

Strange indeed, i did notice that i was able to deposit twice today but it didnt really cause it only collect 1x but then again i could have been seeing things...

Oh well...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-13 03:03:28

God i'm so afraid to blam/protect now. All because of that bastard who keeps submitting the movie with the guy getting his penis cut off. Now he's getting smarter. He keeps the scene where you see him tied up, and he skips right to the part where he gets it cut off. I could kind of tell it's the movie but I have to be sure to flag. He uses just a black background with the offical Newgrounds preloader. God it's so sick. He's a terrorist a real terrorist. At least I got to flag the movie 3 times now. Still and he uses proxies so he can't get an IP ban.

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-06-13 03:39:37

Congrats to"

ReconRebel 33000 blams. I just check your really close to #4 a few more days.
Anzrage: 19k b/p yeah its luck or not.
IvanTuroc: ESGL
carmelhadinosaur: 7,000 saves. I am going to be dark aura at lvl 17 I should have explained it better in your thread. oh well to long of a time to worry about it.

At 6/12/05 04:35 AM, gfoxcook wrote: end of 6/11 - 19926!

a day in NG history no doubt.

Well if HT and PImp deposit at the right times they it could look like a tie on the users page.

At 6/12/05 05:55 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: mmm...I have 1.7k exp points now. :)

We donts celbrate exp not in multiples over 1,000. Its only 29 days

At 6/12/05 12:18 PM, iscruLz wrote: I have been investaging the EGRL and 123 and 122 ranks are 12474 b/p I have 12435 and was ranked 124 yesterday now I am 125 so whos the bastard that passed me. I couldnt find them.

Good I got over that no worries about going down a rank when I am b/ping at a good pace.

At 6/12/05 01:55 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 6/12/05 05:55 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: mmm...I have 1.7k exp points now. :)
Shut up until you hit another 1,000 ... please

tsk but you didnt tell him to come back in numbers of days ike I do almost all the time.

At 6/13/05 02:37 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
At 6/13/05 01:25 AM, BonusStage wrote: WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED HERE, Ht ... he missed it, he missed the damn deposit .. but no, it looks like something incredibly idiotic, stupid, HORRIBLE HAS GONE WRONG.
Strange indeed, i did notice that i was able to deposit twice today but it didnt really cause it only collect 1x but then again i could have been seeing things...

Wait you deposited twice today. hmm you are seeing things

At 6/13/05 03:03 AM, AnzRage wrote: stuff.

Yeah I got a whislte from that just recently I hope I get the blams from it though.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

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