Fuck I got a review ban From goldencat and someone else I said you 13yr wigger fuck and quoted waid. Gee um I got 1212 reviews in. To: gfox I wasnt trying for it either.
CONgrAts to el:
-Nikole-: Sergeant major the silver eagle
GayFuel(ikiba): 19000 b/p
MuhMuhMuhManatee: Sergeant First Class
Alkador: wotp 14
BonusStage: 3.69 BA 1,111 exp ranked
Bahamut7: silver bar. I got to get to the silver leaf your catching up.
_IceMan_: Rank up Staff
IM_KOOL_R_U: 10.10 VP is Cool.
TarThoron: EGP yo
At 6/10/05 03:45 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote:At 6/10/05 02:00 PM, iscruLz wrote:Nah, I think I'll get to the 150, if not pass it by Sunday night/Monday morning.
I think youll get there
Yeah, he's pretty good when it comes to getting them. But yeah, he said he quit. I'm trying to get him back into it, but it's not that easy it seems. :/
It would be nice I need around race I stuck at 124 for 3 day so far
Heh, I didn't plan on going to the store last night either, but, I had to get food, need it to survive. Maybe today I will, who knows. It all depends on the ammount of flash submited today that is good enough for a 2 from me, or passing material at that.
Well on a friday it should have been good.
At 6/10/05 11:56 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Nope, it was a black & white video clip that showed some guy getting a certain extremity cut off with a pair of garden shears. Not suitable for Newgrounds so I blew the whistle on it.
I saw that today I got a boner off it. along with a pogaymon hardcore sex flash that was whistled I think yesterday. do I need a j/k
At 6/11/05 03:19 AM, AnzRage wrote: Helping people out here is great, but don't we lose posts for locked threads with that new system LiL Jim is now using?
We lost points if a thread was deleted if was locked you still keep the posts counts you had. I thought.
At 6/11/05 08:12 AM, jonthomson wrote: I just noticed that my posts per day has now gone above five. It's a hugely insignificant stat, yes, but nice to see.
You have been posting more often I am trying to get it up to 5 also.
At 6/11/05 11:56 AM, AnzRage wrote: Ahhh Damn I woke up 3 hours late on a Saturday. I was supose to wake up at 6 a.m. to blam. You'll think why that early? Because I live in California and it's already 9 in New York.
Hahaha I think 4pm est time is a good start. I have to get b/p in night and morning and congrats on 5K post and 800 reviews
At 6/11/05 06:01 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Reading congratulations/thanks lists is so... boring ;/
Yeah then no congrats to you I should wait 2 weeks to post a huge ass congrats list then but naw.
At 6/11/05 11:27 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: You've(bahamut7) passed me in VP. >: ( I'll have too take care of that. I'll have to give up sleep for a long time to regain my lead ahead of you! >: D
Are you sure Inny only .03 ssure you have to beat him in b/p and get the rank up before him though.
Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.
eX(Wi/Ht? #45)