Congrats to all who have posted their accomplishments since May 17th. Yes, I've been away for a bit. I want to stay up to date (which is defined by gfox as catching up on this topic at LEAST every weekend), but... oh wells. So many topics have dried up around here that perhaps it will be easier to achieve this goal if I just spend a couple hours before or after each PentaList update-makery. I'll try to give it a shot, but it's hard to be regular when this topic moves so damned fast, even these days. :::nods:::
Anyway, catchup time... go!
At 5/17/05 11:25 AM, MetroidPrime3 wrote:
Congrats to: gfoxcook - 22222 saves.
Thanks! What's with teh namechange, BTW?
At 5/17/05 02:39 PM, -Mazza- wrote:
Congrats to: -gfoxcook: 22,222 Saves, 33,333 Blams. Finally :P Don't think something like that will happen again anytime soon.
Thanks, and... well, something "like that" is a nebulous wording, but I doubt anyone will ever hit 22222 of one stat and 33333 of the other ever again, if that's what you mean. #;-}>
At 5/17/05 04:54 PM, -TITROTU- wrote:
Also, congrats to: gfoxcook
:::tips cap::: thankee kindly.
At 5/17/05 08:32 PM, Iscrulz wrote:
And late congrats to geefaux on 55555 b/p at least you get to see it until 4:00 golly. Too bad it wasnt on cinco del Mayo.
Thanks. I was actually wanting to do it for 5/15/2005 (not too bad, eh?), but I missed it by a day and hit it on 5/16 instead. Kept it that way until 5/17, and... well, that was good enough. It happened in the 5th month of the 5th year of the century, so... that'll have to do. 55555ness wahooooo. #;-}>
At 5/17/05 10:58 PM, MPA wrote:
Nice 222223333355555 gfox, it looked good. I still think you should've stalled on those numbers for a couple weeks though. ;
Ohhhh ho ho ho ho. What a card you are. #;-}> Thanks, MPA, my future doombringer.
At 5/17/05 11:43 PM, ThugNasty wrote:
HAHA, nice try so you could over take him at the number 2 spot, don't you just wish he was that stupid, but quite at amazing little accomplishment. However, it probably will be something I never will enjoy personally
I'm not sure he really wishes I was, but he certainly dosn't refrain from JOKING about it, does he. #;-}> Thanks for teh compliment. You could enjoy it personally if you spent enough time and effort... it ain't impossible, let me just put it that way.
At 5/18/05 01:17 AM, ramagi wrote:
At 5/17/05 06:42 AM, gfoxclock wrote:
Thanks, ramagi! I'm glad to be the second person to reach it. MPA's gonna be first to 60,000, but at least I got teh 55555ness first. #;-}>
You must mean he will beat you, since I passed that number already.
That was my goal to be first to hit that number, anything past that has been bonus for me.
"MPA's gonna be first to 60,000 (of the two of us)" is what I meant.
I have some plans for 60,000 that I'm not sure if I'm going to reveal yet. Nothing's set in stone yet, but let me just say it has to do with my ideal b/p ratio and where I think I might end up hitting 60,000 and what I might do after that. :::nods:::
At 5/18/05 08:17 AM, Qwoxyl wrote:
Big late congrats to geefauxkoOoook for 5 2s, 5 3s, and the best of all, 5 5s!
Thanks, Qwoxy!
At 5/18/05 03:32 PM, j00bie wrote:
At 5/16/05 04:31 PM, gfoxclock wrote:
nice man, good work. while on the topic of 5s... I hit 5555 exp the other day (while on a ban -_-), and i am currently at 5555 protection points. (oh yes, i know... it's nothing -_-).
And thanks to you, jooborz. I think I thanked everyone for teh congrats now. I hope I did, at least. #;-}>
And congrats to you on your 5555/5555ness.
At 5/17/05 10:56 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
At 5/16/05 04:26 PM, gfoxclock wrote:
Ah, I see. Well, it's cool for the look AND the sound. But what's the origin of Tom_s00? Is your real name Tom Soo or something?
Ah iforgat to mention that. My name is Tom (obviously) and my sername in Scott (thats where the s comes from. As for the 00 i didn't want to have 2 random nembers so i just went with double zero.
Ah, I see. It's a very unique name in that I've never seen anyone go firstname-underscore-lastinitial-twonumbers as a username before. So there's that. #;-}> I used to think of you as "tom soo" in my head, though, because the double-zero looks like a double-O.
At 5/17/05 02:39 PM, -Mazza- wrote:
At 5/16/05 11:52 AM, gfoxclock wrote:
Well, it kinda helps when you can type 100+ WPM.
Yeah, I can type pretty fast too(90 WPM or something), but I like getting pretty much everything over with. Same thing with eating, reading, playing games, exploring new places, etc.
Well that's no fun. Especially the exploring new places thing. So what, if you were flying to somewhere in the world you'd never been before, would you try and speed through the visit and get it over with as soon as possible... say... spend only half a day in Athens, Greece? That would bite. ;_;
And this is what I meant :P
I'd have put all that in maybe three lines or so.
Well, that's just how I'm wired, baby. Why say something in three lines when you can say it in six, I always say.