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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 06:22:58

At 5/25/05 06:11 AM, LAxin1493 wrote: did spancker stop posting here? There are so many pages that I can't tell when he stopped. I thought he was one of the cooler people on this site. He should have became a mod back in the good ol' days of 2003

I hope this is an alt account. spancker still posts now and again, just search his posts.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 07:21:15

Congrats to:
"articaudutaus" for the "quadruple whammy".
"Lauren" for making 2K posts
"AnzRage" for 4K posts
"M-A-R-C-U-S" for 16k B/P: You're 1500 B/P away from ranking up.
"Mazza" for 22K B/P: You're also 1500 B/P away from ranking up.

And Congrats to Bonus Stage for making Supreme Commander (oh shit, the EGSC club is in trouble). And my thanks go to Bonus Stage for congratulating me, even though I was stupid enough to post my rank up to Sgt. Major at 11:24 PM.

Oh well. Takes and insomniac to know an insomniac, right?

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 07:25:17

shibbam, level 13 :)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 08:32:01

Congrets to:
atricaudatus; lvl 11 EGSS top 500th rank and 3k/1k b/p
agatio: the silver eagle not a bad rank.
-Lauren-; 2005th post
AnzRage; 4000th post
X-Stem; baseballs bat.

At 5/25/05 03:28 AM, Uberbarista wrote

My Goals:

Ok by level 17 for me.

500 Reviews, 4k Posts by level 15.

1,500 reviews, 6,000 post and others I think I can reach it over the summer (not lvl 17 btw)

I'm thinking small.

I'm thinking Arbys

At 5/25/05 05:21 AM, jonthomson wrote: Christ, I only got into the top 200 of experience the other day and I'm already up to 196... must be a whole stack of inactives around this point, nice...

Well its nice hitting a bunch of inactives I think I skipped rank 313 seeing I was 314 not long ago then. Well my arch nemsis in exp is rank 309 and is only 25 exp ahead of me I hope that means I will reach 310 in 3 day.

At 5/25/05 06:22 AM, jonthomson wrote: Ah, some people are cute and can't take criticism:

I am going to review it see if I get the same kind of response after this post.

And for me it took a long time to get 7,9xx to here

BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 8,000 crappy entries.

Yes I think suicide is funny and I am sick of pretending its not.

eX(Wi/Ht? #45)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 08:44:34

At 5/23/05 07:51 AM, Tom_s00 wrote:
At 5/22/05 09:42 AM, Eldarion wrote: I hate humantarget52 >:(

Well at least I din't get hit and/or struck by him :P
Haha unlucky Eldarion, i see this way as better than getting a tast of 12 then getting knocked back.

True, it's better to get it once, and keep it permanently than lose it, even if it's only for a day. It all worked out in the end :D

At 5/23/05 11:06 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Eldarion - Level 12

Thanks Bahamut ;)

At 5/23/05 11:56 AM, BonusStage wrote: fgmofgmofgmomfgofgmofgmomofggmogfmogmfomgfogmfomgfo Loollolololo kthx and CONIGRASTS on level 12 :D:D

<omfglongnonsensicaltextstring>THANKS :DDD

Heh, thanks carmel ;)
Who made that cool EGSC pic by the way? Looks awesome.
He did mofucka :o

Awesome. I wonder if he'll drop by and post a comment in relation to this later :O

#25 EGSC celebratory pic for Bonus (rofl, looks like cosplay or something..):

Set As Wallpaper. Tiled. DO IT NOW >:(

At 5/23/05 01:56 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Lol guess *hint BS' reply :D*

OMFG great work carmel, I love it! :D

At 5/24/05 07:21 AM, BonusStage wrote: 4000 experience now too :O:D:)

*shits self*

At 5/25/05 03:28 AM, Uberbarista wrote: Eldarion - Level 12

Hah, it's been a while since I seen a congrats list that big, thanks Uberbarista :)

At 5/25/05 06:22 AM, jonthomson wrote: Ah, some people are cute and can't take criticism:

Haha, what a tit. You didn't even insult him, it was just a negative review. And he even used the classic 'no flash' comeback on you. Instant ownage there, it must hurt :(


That's right, I just got broadband up-and-running, no more 56k for me, and now NG is 10 times faster ^_^

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 10:42:44

Congrats to:

-EKRegulus: 29,000 B/P. Too many EGSCs or almost-EGSC's around. And by that I mean that there are too many people with more points than me.
-ThugNasty: 3,333 Blams. Nice.
-Tal-con: 3,000 Exp, 300 Reviews. You'll probably reach the other two tomorrow.
~X~: 9,500 Posts. Oh noes, teh minor :(
-Tom_s00: 3,000 Posts. Nice.
-SKS: Lv 11. Lol@African American.
-atricaudatus: Lv 11, EG Staff Sergeant, Top 500 B/P, 3:1 Ratio. Wtf? atri-wha?
-agatio: EG Sergeant Major. Nice.
-Lauren-: 2,000 Posts. Nice.
-AnzRage: 4,000 Posts. Lots of post milestones lately.
-X-Stem: Lv 13. Nice.
-Iscrulz: 8,000 Blams. So little comments from me today :(

At 5/24/05 12:24 PM, Frostbreath wrote: Ehehehe. Well at least you're in it, unlike me.

Haha, yeah, that's true. I wasn't complaining, though :P

At 5/25/05 03:28 AM, Uberbarista wrote: -Mazza- - 22k B/P

I don't recall posting about that.... But I got it a while ago, I'm at 23k now.
Thanks anyways.

At 5/25/05 07:21 AM, agatio wrote: "Mazza" for 22K B/P: You're also 1500 B/P away from ranking up.

Read above :P

At 5/25/05 06:22 AM, jonthomson wrote: Flash by jonthomson:
- none -

I've said this several times before(Well, someone did and I ripped the quote): That's like saying someone who's never made a hollywood movie before can't be a movie critic.

Someone co-authored me for some movie a while ago for some reason, so no-one can shove that in my face, though :P

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 10:58:32

At 5/25/05 12:11 AM, BonusStage wrote: OMG PLZ DAI :O


At 5/25/05 03:28 AM, Uberbarista wrote: Congrats to:
Bahamut7 - 6k B/P

Thanks, but it was actually 6000 blams.

At 5/25/05 06:22 AM, jonthomson wrote: Ah well, what do expect from someone called cockjockey.

I usually try to not be too mean to authors that will give me a crap response like Flash by Bahamut7: -none- and whine about the critism I give to the author.

At 5/25/05 08:44 AM, Eldarion wrote: Thanks Bahamut ;)

No problem. Next time HT does anything bad to you...

Congrats to:

ThugNasty - 3333 blams
LookingTwiceKills - Level 10
Tal-con - 3000 EXP, 300 reviews
TheChaosDemon - 1337 posts
Tom_s00 - 3000 posts
SKS - Level 11
atricaudatus - 3000 blams, 1000 saves, Elite Guard Staff Sergeant, Level 11, top 500 b/p. Fuck, so many acheivements!
agatio - Elite Guard Sergeant Major
-Lauren- - 2000 posts
AnzRage - 4000 posts
jonthomson - top 200 EXP
X-Stem - Level 13
Iscrulz - 8000 blams

Fuck, so many people to congrat since I left the BBS. :S

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 12:16:46

w00t! just got to level 2!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 13:12:09

At 5/25/05 12:16 PM, IcyLemon wrote: w00t! just got to level 2!


Level 2 you say hehe, well congrats you should wait till level 9 or even 10 hehe...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 13:59:51

At 5/25/05 12:16 PM, IcyLemon wrote: w00t! just got to level 2!

have fond memories with your un covered hand, when you get to lvl 9 and above its completely covered with stuff.
Enjoy this time that you have.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 14:52:08

At 5/25/05 10:42 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats to:

-EKRegulus: 29,000 B/P. Too many EGSCs or almost-EGSC's around. And by that I mean that there are too many people with more points than me.

yea, i just noticed there are what, 22 of them? i remember the 6th being congratulated on obtaining the rank around only several months ago! maybe a new rank is in order...

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 14:56:51

W00t! I just got to Level 11, and reached 400 blams.

B/P noob.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 14:57:13

At 5/25/05 02:52 PM, X-Stem wrote: yea, i just noticed there are what, 22 of them? i remember the 6th being congratulated on obtaining the rank around only several months ago! maybe a new rank is in order...

They are 25. I will be the 26th.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 15:05:47

At 5/25/05 02:57 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 5/25/05 02:52 PM, X-Stem wrote: yea, i just noticed there are what, 22 of them? i remember the 6th being congratulated on obtaining the rank around only several months ago! maybe a new rank is in order...
They are 25. I will be the 26th.

ooh, congrats. i'll be the 27th, just watch :)

*wishes for thousands of flashes to be sent to NG within the next hour*

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 15:27:56

Ok time for a huge congratz list,

Pure_LionHeart - 4k EXP
Frostbreath - 2K EXP
Crono- level up
carmelhadinosaur 6k posts, 21k B/P
DRD1982 rank up & 6k EXP
YoinK_VineS level up
juraj level up, 500 Posts
Bahamut7 6k B/P
Maus all her stuff
iKiba rank upl
boloneyman rank up
M-A-R-C-U-S 16k B/P
-TheElement 1k Posts, 2k EXP
SeeD419 - 6.66 VP
Eldarion - Level 12
-Mazza- 22k B/P
LamboFactor 2k Posts
ReconRebel 32k BP
SadicSchoolgirl 2k Posts
enigma- 3k Posts
X-Stem rank up and level up
wismty 4k Posts
X_DrakenGard_X levle up
authenticsimpson 2k EXP
AnzRage 4K posts
Iscrulz 8K blams
LostHope level up

I think that everyone since my last post, if not oh well.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 15:29:10


Haha thanks i liked it... i do big posts now and then, expect another in a couple of pages roffl...

Haha that's cool, notice what I did as this post's stylelol...



Haha yaythanks


*eyes swell up* You found the way to my heart man...

Hahaha thanks :D
Well I would have made level 22 if I wouldn't had pressure :P


Thanks, i guess...

Lol np :D

Thats a very nice ranking/B&P count. Congratulations.
carmelhadinosaur - 1337 Views, 6k posts, 21k B/P



OMFG great work carmel, I love it! :D

Yay thanks! :D


Well at least I din't get hit and/or struck by him :P

Haha, it's just awesome seeing ppl using my... stuff (:P

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 15:58:17

At 5/24/05 11:24 PM, agatio wrote: Ladies and Gentelmen, after 4 months and 5 days, I am now an Elite Gaurd Sgt. Major!!!

I am now only 1000 blams/saves away from reaching the gold and silver badges!!!

W00TZOR! that is fucking grand!

At 5/25/05 04:05 AM, AnzRage wrote:
At 5/25/05 03:45 AM, AnzRage wrote: yup my 4000th post.
thanks now i consider my self a regular.

Yeah congrats you spammerz!!! I don't consider myself one *emo* I am fully hated here dudester!

At 5/25/05 07:25 AM, X-Stem wrote: shibbam, level 13 :)

omgfuckinghomerunking!! WTG on the baseball bat!!!

At 5/25/05 08:32 AM, Iscrulz wrote: 1,500 reviews, 6,000 post and others I think I can reach it over the summer (not lvl 17 btw)

Those are some stars to shoot for I know I will never be able to get that far cuz i don't think those are goals a am willing to reach!

I'm thinking small.
I'm thinking Arbys

I am thinking fucking yum!!1

At 5/25/05 11:25 AM, BonusStage wrote: I got 22,222 blams while ranked #22

Does that make me sexy?

You are teh seck-say b1tch on NG! Good job on that one and congrats you are too damn good!

At 5/25/05 02:56 PM, LostHope wrote: W00t! I just got to Level 11, and reached 400 blams.

Yeah start b/ping cuz lvl 11 can give you a nice sized VP if you have a high level in b/p, and you can get more than 10 a day of those!!!

At 5/25/05 02:57 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 5/25/05 02:52 PM, X-Stem wrote: yea, i just noticed there are what, 22 of them? maybe a new rank is in order...
They are 25. I will be the 26th.

Yes you will be the 26th, better start b/ping like a mofo! Wouldn't that be great if Tom made some more badges, I wonder if they will someday!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 19:14:10

I just leveled up to level 13, whooo.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 19:39:47

At 5/25/05 07:14 PM, Kaabi wrote: I just leveled up to level 13, whooo.

cool, very nice. congradulations on leveling up to level 13 Kaabi.

At 5/25/05 07:16 PM, Kaabi wrote: I just leveled up to 13. Thats some great stuff.


Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-25 21:49:04

LegendaryPancake wrote
Well after the entire year of 04 i levles
up to 10.

Heh congrats lvl 10 is just the start of great things to come...

boloneyman wrote
Well, I'm setting a goal for my self, by the end
of the summer I want to have 2000 posts and 8000
blams. If I really try, I bet I can get way past

You could probably have alot more then that aswell...

Metal_Therapy wrote
500th post. I know its not much, but it's a lot
for me. :)

Heh 500 is ok but 1,000 is even better congrats in anycase...

HairydragonballZ wrote
1337 Guard Sergeant
reporting for duty


BonusStage wrote
4000 experience now too :O:D:)

O_0 4,000 exp notbad at all, i remember when i had that much, congrats...

EKRegulus wrote
I just reached 29000 blam/protect pts.
Don't bother congratulating me, I won't care

Very nice, even if you dont care, but yet you posted it so you must care roffl...

ThugNasty wrote
3,333 Blams


LookingTwiceKills wrote
I've reached level 10, yay!
aims for today: Get to 60 reviews
Get to rank 2,050+ in B/P half way through
June Get to 700 BBS posts by end of today
wish me luck!

Congrats on the new level, and hope you get the reviews, reviews are cool to have...

Tal-con wrote
I just got to 3k exp points, 300 reviews, and
I'll soon be in the top 2k exp and top 400
blammers/savers category.

Awsome 300 reviews are cool, and 3k exp is even better...

Tom_s00 wrote
Post number 3000 took me ages to go from 2000
to 3000 i slowed right down for a long time...

Congrats on the post count now go get 4,000 haha...

agatio wrote
Ladies and Gentelmen, after 4 months and 5 days,
I am now an Elite Gaurd Sgt. Major!!!

Congrats on EGS...

-Lauren- wrote
Yay for 2000 posts.

2,000 is cool, keep on going and you may have even better...

AnzRage wrote
yup my 4000th post.

Awsome 4,000 posts is great...

LAxin1493 wrote
I'm about to level up to level 4. I haven't been
on in a while so I couldn't get any expierience

Heh well congrats on that but savior the moment for lvl 9 or 10...

X-Stem wrote
shibbam, level 13 :)

Congrats on Lvl 13, it can only get better from here on out...

Iscrulz wrote
BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 8,000 crappy

8,000 nice very nice indeed, almost to 10,000...

Eldarion wrote
That's right, I just got broadband up-and-running,
no more 56k for me, and now NG is 10 times faster ^_^

Roffl, a new kinda rank up me thinks haha congrats...

BonusStage wrote
I got 22,222 blams while ranked #22

Ha dont you have enough milestones this week, heh congrats...

LostHope wrote
W00t! I just got to Level 11, and reached 400 blams.

Heh lvl 11, notbad...

carmelhadinosaur wrote
Haha that's cool, notice what I did as this post's

Haha yes i did and its funny...

Kaabi wrote
I just leveled up to 13. Thats some great stuff.

Congrats X 2

Congrats X 2




[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-26 01:46:54

Wow, I've been away for way too long. It's summer, so I'm back home and I'm not online anywhere near as much anymore. And between trying to keep Retrogade alive (and interesting), trying to install Linux on my machine, trying to get a summer job, and getting ready for summer classes, I just never have any time for NG anymore. This isn't a completely stat-less post, though: I managed to get 8.50 voting power, even though I've missed a couple of deposits lately...and I got bumped down to #80 in BP's...ugh. I should start getting more BP's sometime...

At 5/21/05 06:53 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Also, is anyone else not able to view SK's site?

I get a 404 error. I noticed it last night when I wanted the EXP calculator. :S

Yeah, the university changed the naming scheme for personal websites, and my account didn't transition correctly. It's working now, though. Which reminds me, tomorrow I'll try to get the "War of the Portal" archive updated. Seems I've missed a few chapters...


Oh wow, now I'm pissed. I was downloading a 650MB CD image for that Linux thing I mentioned. While I was typing this, it finished and started copying from the temp folder to my save folder. And the stupid fucker popped up on top of my browser. I kept typing, and when I hit space, the copy cancelled. So I just wasted two hours of my life. God damn it.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-26 02:08:44

At 5/26/05 01:46 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:

Well welcome back!

I managed to get 8.50 voting power, even though I've missed a couple of deposits lately...and I got bumped down to #80 in BP's...ugh. I should start getting more BP's sometime...

You'll get back. Nice 8.50

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-26 02:55:11

At 5/26/05 01:46 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Wow, I've been away for way too long. It's summer, so I'm back home

Congrats on 8.50 vp, and welcome back to WI/HT...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-26 05:32:46

At 5/25/05 07:14 PM, Kaabi wrote: I just leveled up to level 13, whooo.

congrats i love that level icon i just can't wait till i get there.

At 5/26/05 01:46 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Wow, I've been away for way too long. It's summer, so I'm back home and I'm not online anywhere near as much anymore. And between trying to keep Retrogade alive

You seem to be doing a hell of alot over at retrogade. I take it your the main owner of the site now?

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-26 05:55:41

Finally level 11! I was stuck on 5 points to go at the end of yesterday which was annoying -_-' And as an added bonus my voting rank went up!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-26 10:42:29

At 5/25/05 03:27 PM, ramagi wrote: Ok time for a huge congratz list,


Bahamut7 6k B/P


At 5/25/05 03:29 PM, carmelhadinosaur wrote: Haha yaythanks

Making another one?

At 5/26/05 01:46 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Yeah, the university changed the naming scheme for personal websites, and my account didn't transition correctly. It's working now, though. Which reminds me, tomorrow I'll try to get the "War of the Portal" archive updated. Seems I've missed a few chapters...

Ah yes, thanks for restoring the site. I really needed that EXP calculator. Saved on my computer now, so I don't have to panic about it again.

Congrats to:

Kaabi - Level 13
-DoomBox- - Level 11
ShittyKitty - 8.50 VP

Hmm, LUL doesn't seem to have been active last night. :S

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-26 11:08:11

Congrats to:

-Bonus: 22,222 Blams while ranked #22. The answer to your question is no :(
-LostHope: Lv 11. Other one's too minor to congrat :P
-Kaabi: Lv 13. Nice.
-ShittyKitty: 8.50 VP. Losing stuff sucks, something similar happened to me too a couple of times.
-DoomBox-: Lv 11. Try being at 1 point to go or being knocked down.

Sorry(and congrats) to anyone I missed, but today was really one of those ugh-days.

At 5/25/05 03:27 PM, ramagi wrote: -Mazza- 22k B/P

I'm finally on one of your lists, and it's the wrong number :P

Thanks anyways.

Also: BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 18,000 crappy entries.

It's been a while since my last milestone, so this one's very welcome. Next one will probably be my rank-up, probably in the week-end.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-26 11:31:03

At 5/25/05 03:58 PM, ThugNasty wrote:
At 5/25/05 02:57 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 5/25/05 02:52 PM, X-Stem wrote: yea, i just noticed there are what, 22 of them? maybe a new rank is in order...
They are 25. I will be the 26th.
Yes you will be the 26th, better start b/ping like a mofo! Wouldn't that be great if Tom made some more badges, I wonder if they will someday!

i was thinking about it last night, like 50k B/P points can be the NG tank... :)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-26 11:46:27

At 5/26/05 11:08 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Also: BLAMS: Involved in the termination of 18,000 crappy entries.


I just noticed this before:
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 5.55 votes.

5.55 base VP. I am very happy with that. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-26 12:37:37

At 5/26/05 05:32 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: You seem to be doing a hell of alot over at retrogade. I take it your the main owner of the site now?

Yup, I'm owner, coder, and head admin.