Check it out, folks! See for yourself with your own eyes! The task is done. IT IS DONE!!!!
22222: Ready, man?!
33333: Been ready for DAYS, damnit! LET'S GO, MOFO!
22222: HELL YES!
33333: 3is is gonna be 3oo 33w3som3ly 3incr3dibl3!!!!!!333
22222: ... you've been watching 3 3ast 3 3urious while you were waiting for me, haven't you!!!!!!!222
33333: Hell 3eah!
22222: BLEH! Whatever. INITIATE!
33333 + 22222: ADDITION TIME!
[huge flash of light]
awwwwwww yeah.
At 5/16/05 11:42 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote:
wow, you're getting closer and closer to that 22,222 saves. You're almost there. But once you make 22,222 saves... are you gooing to keep going for bp or are you going to stop?
Closer and closer no more. THERE! #;-}>
Stop completely? Hell no. The only question once I got to this point was whether or not I would try to stay at 33,333 blams until I can hit 33,333 saves (And then either retire at 66,666 total or... start up again with both blams AND saves, and keep them even (50:50) for all times).... OR... whether I would just go ahead and blam and save normally once I hit 22,222/33,333.
I don't have to make a decision until early tomorrow morning (after the top 50 list updates), but... I'm leaning towards saving and blamming normally. As much as I'd love to have a truly neutral 50:50 ratio of blams and saves, especially at 33,333/33,333, Getting around 250 saves without a single blam was hard enough. I'm not sure I could handle getting 11,111 more saves WITHOUT A SINGLE BLAM, yanno? #;-}>
In other news... I passed j00bie in reviews last night. I finally got passed 3,700 reviews.
Congrats. I like 36 a whole lot more than 37, but you gotta go through 37 to get to higher and higher numbers, so... good luck with the quest for 4000 reviews.
Speaking of 37, BTW... while I dislike the number and love 36... I've often referred to 37 as my "unlucky number" because 36 is my lucky/fave number... but a couple things happened this past weekend that are starting to make me wonder just how unlucky 37 is for me...
A) the Astros, after losing like 10 out of 12 games in the past couple of weeks... won their 36th game of the season on Saturday 4-1, making Roger Clemens' record 3-1 for the year (better than the 1-0 and 1-1 he was stuck at for so long)... THAT was cool, yes, but not unexpected. 36th game of the season, after all!
BUT THEN: On Sunday, the Astros won their 37th game of the season 9 to freaking 0. First ever complete game for Brandon Backe, one of my favourite new Astros... First ever SHUTOUT for him as well. 9 to 0. Crikey. On game #37 of the year. Amazing.
And thennnnnn...
B) When I needed saves real badly this weekend, a string of FOUR STRAIGHT QUALITY MOVIES came my way! Their id#s were as follows:
That's 8 37s in those four id#s.... so... clearly the number 37 currently doesn't have it in for me. I hereby declare a TRUCE!
And such a wonderful day for such a truce. 55555, how I love you so!