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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 16:22:05

At 5/16/05 12:59 PM, Denvish wrote: Well, Overrun II is finally here...

Congrats on finally finishing. I bet you're proud. You got my 5!

At 5/16/05 03:23 PM, Denvish wrote:
At 5/16/05 03:12 PM, o__O wrote: 5000 posts is me.

give me my cookie.


At 5/16/05 03:29 PM, ShAw_T wrote: level 5 and 300 blams/protects. yippee.

Not doing bad for a newcomer. Keep at it!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 16:26:30

At 5/16/05 12:04 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: Thanks i think i prefere AconiteThrill to, it does sound better, as for the explanation link thats one reason but i chose it for the sound of it more than my love for the band.

Ah, I see. Well, it's cool for the look AND the sound. But what's the origin of Tom_s00? Is your real name Tom Soo or something?

Maby if i had a carrier pigion we could arrange somthing....

Don't all you British folk have carrier owls? I coulda sworn there was something about that in some sort of recent popular movie/book series... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. #;-}>

Don't get me wrong ! it was a pleasent site to see all those postes from yourself, and we all know your postes are about as far away from spam as they come : )

I was just joking about people regarding my posts as spam, silly. Heh. Self-deprication at its subtle best.

Well i shall congrat you now gfox, congrats! as im off out in 2 mins.

Thanks for the congrats-in-advance! Make sure to check it out later on (or tomorrow morning, for you), as I'll be leaving my b/p alone for around 12 hours from right now!

At 5/16/05 12:59 PM, Denvish wrote: Well, Overrun II is finally here...

Indeed! I'd noticed some posting about Overrun II lately, and I'm glad to see you've finished it. I was even MORE glad when I came back to the computer after a break from it only to discover Overrun II on the UJ list... and with only 35 views!

Anyway, I was too busy to spend more than 5 minutes playing for now, but it was awesome! I loved the smoothness, the firing was nice, the SCROLLING of the backgrounds was great... the mountain range background was beautiful... just a great game. And best of all, it played very well on my 7.5 year old P2-266mhz CPU! Very few graphically nice games these days, even on NG's flash portal, play very well on it. Well done with the design, man!

And most of all, thanks for giving me what I believe was my 22220th save (though I'm not entirely positive on that due to movies sometimes clearing judgement in an order not identical to their submission order)!

At 5/16/05 01:08 PM, SystemofaBahamut wrote: Nah, you make quality posts. That picture can't prove that you're a spammer much. :P

Again, I was just joking. Tons of posts are generally simplified as "spam," whether the posts are actually spam or not makes no difference. #;-}>

At 5/16/05 01:14 PM, jonthomson wrote: A damn nice game if I do say so...

Yar yar yar! I see you're back at the posting this fine day! How was your weekend? :::hands back the keys of jon's car::: I took good care of her for ya. :::winks:::

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 16:31:51


Check it out, folks! See for yourself with your own eyes! The task is done. IT IS DONE!!!!

22222: Ready, man?!
33333: Been ready for DAYS, damnit! LET'S GO, MOFO!
22222: HELL YES!
33333: 3is is gonna be 3oo 33w3som3ly 3incr3dibl3!!!!!!333
22222: ... you've been watching 3 3ast 3 3urious while you were waiting for me, haven't you!!!!!!!222
33333: Hell 3eah!
22222: BLEH! Whatever. INITIATE!
33333 + 22222: ADDITION TIME!
[huge flash of light]


awwwwwww yeah.

At 5/16/05 11:42 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: wow, you're getting closer and closer to that 22,222 saves. You're almost there. But once you make 22,222 saves... are you gooing to keep going for bp or are you going to stop?

Closer and closer no more. THERE! #;-}>

Stop completely? Hell no. The only question once I got to this point was whether or not I would try to stay at 33,333 blams until I can hit 33,333 saves (And then either retire at 66,666 total or... start up again with both blams AND saves, and keep them even (50:50) for all times).... OR... whether I would just go ahead and blam and save normally once I hit 22,222/33,333.

I don't have to make a decision until early tomorrow morning (after the top 50 list updates), but... I'm leaning towards saving and blamming normally. As much as I'd love to have a truly neutral 50:50 ratio of blams and saves, especially at 33,333/33,333, Getting around 250 saves without a single blam was hard enough. I'm not sure I could handle getting 11,111 more saves WITHOUT A SINGLE BLAM, yanno? #;-}>

In other news... I passed j00bie in reviews last night. I finally got passed 3,700 reviews.

Congrats. I like 36 a whole lot more than 37, but you gotta go through 37 to get to higher and higher numbers, so... good luck with the quest for 4000 reviews.

Speaking of 37, BTW... while I dislike the number and love 36... I've often referred to 37 as my "unlucky number" because 36 is my lucky/fave number... but a couple things happened this past weekend that are starting to make me wonder just how unlucky 37 is for me...

A) the Astros, after losing like 10 out of 12 games in the past couple of weeks... won their 36th game of the season on Saturday 4-1, making Roger Clemens' record 3-1 for the year (better than the 1-0 and 1-1 he was stuck at for so long)... THAT was cool, yes, but not unexpected. 36th game of the season, after all!

BUT THEN: On Sunday, the Astros won their 37th game of the season 9 to freaking 0. First ever complete game for Brandon Backe, one of my favourite new Astros... First ever SHUTOUT for him as well. 9 to 0. Crikey. On game #37 of the year. Amazing.

And thennnnnn...

B) When I needed saves real badly this weekend, a string of FOUR STRAIGHT QUALITY MOVIES came my way! Their id#s were as follows:


That's 8 37s in those four id#s.... so... clearly the number 37 currently doesn't have it in for me. I hereby declare a TRUCE!

And such a wonderful day for such a truce. 55555, how I love you so!

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 16:34:25

At 5/16/05 04:26 PM, gfoxclock wrote: And best of all, it played very well on my 7.5 year old P2-266mhz CPU! Very few graphically nice games these days, even on NG's flash portal, play very well on it. Well done with the design, man!

Thanks. I'm very happy to hear that, because CPU usage was what I was most worried about, so it's good to hear that it runs nicely on older machines. Although you may find it start to lag once you have 10+ enemies on screen...

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 17:42:01

At 5/16/05 04:51 PM, BonusStage wrote: incomprehensible insanity

BonusStage, the ultimate weapon to give a e-scare to most new or interested users that would like to browse the wi/ht? forum more often. That weapon is anything but sane and he never fails to use a lot of sexual and semi-offensive words into his posts. Fear the Bonus or become as weird as him while discussing with him..
Awesome dilemma. :D

Anyone taking my previous paragraph too seriously is not infected yet :) Roffle.
Oh snap, I'm infected :(

Warning: my description of Bonus isn't detailed so he might have a few surprises for the users that don't want their own e-back :)

At 5/16/05 12:59 PM, Denvish wrote: Well, Overrun II is finally here...

Fifened without watching. :P

Serious comment:
I played it, I loved it and I voted 5 while it was underjudgement.

I only played during 15-20 mins so I'm obviously going to continue my saved game later. :P

Oh yeah and I'm sorry for not giving you some feedback on the beta version which was linked in the email that I received from you, I simply didn't feel like playing/judging the unfinished game.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 18:18:40

At 5/16/05 10:33 AM, -Mazza- wrote:
-Metal_Therapy: EG Master Sergeant. Great, almost halfway to one-third of EGSC :)

Ha. That dosen't sound very impressive... :( 6G isn't bad for half a year though!
EGSC my ultimate goal on NG. I'll get it, in good time.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 18:22:44

At 5/16/05 12:59 PM, Denvish wrote: Well, Overrun II is finally here...

Awesome work Denvish.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 18:29:12

At 5/16/05 10:33 AM, -Mazza- wrote:
Congrats to:
_IAMCanadian_: Lv 11. Yeah, I know how it is!

Thanks. It must be a lot worse for you though : /

Oh noes, it's teh emo :(

But. . . but. . . emo's don't mosh. . . do they :O *shocked*

Still, it's a nice, well-written poem.

Why thank you <3

At 5/16/05 02:47 PM, ThugNasty wrote: So true.

<3 for you too!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 18:48:35

Just stopping in while on my deposit run to congratulate you all. Good goin', though I'm sure you're sick of me coming in and doin' that. ;)

King Of Fighters '98: The Slugfest

"Nothing Is Perfect, Therefore Perfection Is Flawed." - Adam Lewis

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 18:52:23

At 5/16/05 04:26 PM, gfoxclock wrote: Yar yar yar! I see you're back at the posting this fine day! How was your weekend? :::hands back the keys of jon's car::: I took good care of her for ya. :::winks:::

In short:

Poker - Down 23 quid, would be less but for a couple of horrendous bad beats (worst was a flopped straight losing to a runner runner full house which cost me the position of chip leader).
Food/drink - Down 40 quid, spent too much money on booze and crap food, although I had some lovely chicken on Saturday which was quite cheap.
Accommodation/travel - Down 40 quid, had to stump up for a hotel on the Friday night after ALL my contacts let me down... walked three miles at gone midnight to it, but the guy that I shared with was actually at another place in the same chain... 20 miles away... luckily he drove to pick me up or I was fucked. Car sharing worked well, only cost a tenner for the weekend. Stayed at another hotel Saturday which was somewhat cheaper.
Random gambling - down a tenner, was down a quid when we stopped at the services which had a bookies and I couldn't resist putting some cash on a random dog race. Down a quid at 11:30 on Friday. Was a bad omen really. Dumped a lot into quiz machines as well.
Retrieval of pool cue - failed.

All in all a good laugh although my bank balance hurts a lot right now :-(

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 18:55:44

Frostbreath wrote:
I caught this by pure, blind luck.

1337 Ranked haha awsome stuff man...

SystemofaBahamut wrote:
First, the Playstation 1 breaks,

WTF A playstation one haha i put mine in the closet haha...

MaxR wrote
Yay 4,000 saves. Oh yeah check out my profile
it's funny.

Congrats on the 4,000...

Noir- wrote
6000 posts!

Awsome now keep on rolling for the next thousand...

Metal_Therapy wrote:
Elite Guard Master Sergeant. (I didn’t expect to
get this ‘till next weekend) lol
Coming up on my ½ year anniversary on NG, too. :)

COBGRATS on them milestines...

GFOX wrote
Only 12 more protects until I hit the 22222 I'm
trying to get before I start blamming again (still
holding at 33333 for over a week).

Um congrats ya, and um well you know i said enough times haha...

dawsdani wrote
Not much to report apart from the fact today is
the first anniversery of my account. I did kind of
hope to get to 10000 BP's but i've failed that.

Congrats man, nice work...

Yoink wrote
In other news... I passed j00bie in reviews last
night. I finally got passed 3,700 reviews.

Haha you passed joobie heh... now go get 4,000...

Denvish wrote
Well, Overrun II is finally here...

It seems decent enough... congrats...

o__O wrote:
5000 posts is me.
give me my cookie.

I dont know about a cookie but congrats will have to do...

ShAw_T wrote:
level 5 and 300 blams/protects. yippee.


Well its a start atleast...




[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 19:24:15

At 5/16/05 03:29 PM, ShAw_T wrote: level 5 and 300 blams/protects. yippee.

Thats good, I mean I remember when I got that far, wait til you actually get somewhere with that account, you will feel big. Problem = You're still small!! Good job!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 20:46:11

Ok catchign up from my quick post Saturday night

Congratz to
OsAmARaMa level up
_IAMCanadian_ level up
MaxR saves
Noir- 6k post
o__O 5K posts
gfoxcook for his 55,555K BP Nice

Also holy cow X made a multi gfox style post.... (amazing)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 21:01:33

At 5/16/05 08:46 PM, ramagi wrote: Also holy cow X made a multi gfox style post.... (amazing)

Roffl well not like GFOX's but longer then my normal post which i do from time to time...

oh and check your e-mail there is like a crazy spammer on the lose in C&C...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 23:22:20

Because I am in a hurry I will simply say congrats to all that deserve it.

This is actually my 5,999th post, but I am going to use my 6,000th in the NGDD for a special occasion of sorts, so yea...go me, 6k wee, this really doesn't matter, it will fade in comparison to my level 15 coming in about a month.

XBL Gamertag: Dr Lipschitz /// Steam ID: Zippomatt /// League: Zippomatt


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 23:35:34

At 5/16/05 11:22 PM, _matt_ wrote: Because I am in a hurry I will simply say congrats to all that deserve it.

This is actually my 5,999th post, but I am going to use my 6,000th in the NGDD for a special occasion of sorts, so yea...go me, 6k wee, this really doesn't matter, it will fade in comparison to my level 15 coming in about a month.

Congrats on 6,000 posts. And yes, it DOES matter, that's a pretty big accomplishment.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 23:37:58

At 5/16/05 11:35 PM, -Lauren- wrote:
At 5/16/05 11:22 PM, _matt_ wrote: Because I am in a hurry I will simply say congrats to all that deserve it.

This is actually my 5,999th post, but I am going to use my 6,000th in the NGDD for a special occasion of sorts, so yea...go me, 6k wee, this really doesn't matter, it will fade in comparison to my level 15 coming in about a month.
Congrats on 6,000 posts. And yes, it DOES matter, that's a pretty big accomplishment.

So true, I will ahvea hard time getting anywhere with my lousy low quality and, may a add, rare posts. I feel so stupid when I see all these people with large amounts of posts and here I am with ~200, such a shame. Well good job and well said lauren, it is necessary to celebrate such occasions, for they only happen once dude! Good job!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-17 01:26:11


I congrated Matt is the NGDD but yeah here's a 2nd for you bud ;)

as for me you can see it at the top and bottom aaaannnddddnandandnadnn the picture ;)


Roffl 7777 cool, congrats but you are kinda strange when you post...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-17 01:30:05

leveling up takes tooo!!!!! long!!!!!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-17 02:02:24

At 5/17/05 01:30 AM, Project_Tom23 wrote: leveling up takes tooo!!!!! long!!!!!

Well, then you're up for a heart attack when you reach level 9.....

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-17 02:03:16

At 5/17/05 01:30 AM, Project_Tom23 wrote: leveling up takes tooo!!!!! long!!!!!


Well if you only say that after 3 levels haha give it time...

im lvl 19 after 4 years and one of them years i took a vacation, so its not that bad...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-17 02:15:47

At 5/17/05 02:03 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: im lvl 19 after 4 years and one of them years i took a vacation, so its not that bad...

True, he needs a one week vacation granted by the mods.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-17 04:14:44

At 5/16/05 08:46 PM, ramagi wrote:
gfoxcook for his 55,555K BP Nice

wow that's a lot. looks like he's going to be a major threat to your throne.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-17 05:28:03

11111 blams. ^^ In other news, did anyone miss me? I was rather sick last week and didn't have the energy to post (or do much at all, for that matter), so that's why I wasn't here.

Congrats to everyone who achieved something in the meantime - I hope you'll understand that I won't make a list and congratulate everyone individually. ^_~

Það er margt sem myrkrið veit / minn er hugur þungur

Oft ég svarta sandinn leit / svíða grænan engireit

Í jöklinum hljóða dauðadjúpar sprungur

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-17 05:43:43

my question is how do you get points other than voting

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-17 06:02:22

At 5/17/05 05:43 AM, kioko9959 wrote: my question is how do you get points other than voting

If you mean experience points, you can't (no more than 10 per day).

The only other points are the blam/save points, by voting on Under Judgement movies, with 100 (blams and saves combined, not 100 of each) needed for a 2% increase in voting power. You have 1 save point.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-17 06:10:59

well, i havent been here in yonks, as theres just nothing for me to do in the BBS overall, and furthermore in the wi/ht forum, as my beloved review thread was locked >:( haha, yes im still being immiture and pissed off aboot that lolz.
well, not really... its just my excuse XD

anyways, Bone us well done on 7.777k saves, thats nice.
QWOX ROX MY BOXX0RX omfg sorry i havent been around, but well done on EGSC dude, thats fucking awesome :)
how many aussies have it now? not many i wouldnt think, due to our shitty timezone and all :S
and well done to Gfox's 55.555k b/p... whenever it was.

and well, i picked up a little something nice this afternoon when i came home from school, i was sitting at one blam point behind this little beauty :)
I'm cool. :)

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-17 06:38:50

At 5/16/05 04:51 PM, BonusStage wrote: gfox is still the best mod k?


omfg @ 235235325325325325325335232535 :)

INDEED. Thanks, I guess. O_O


(sigh) since you asked in the other thread... for me to explain it twice... for some reason unknown to ME: If. I. Recall. CORRECTLY.

Anyway, get your ass over into the pentalist topic, I made you a super-awesome reply, like I used to do for ya back in the golden years... of... um... 2004. o_o
OMG I SAW, but me = has school ):<, messa had no temeimiemiem ):< ):< ):<

Well, thanks for finding the time, SOMEHOW, to reply anyway. You sure weren't having much problems finding the temeimiemiem to reply to posts in TONS OF OTHER THREADS, including this one, yanno. Pffft. Some excuse. #;-}>

I SO wanted to do that myself, but my gut told me you'd do it yourself XD


At 5/16/05 06:52 PM, jonthomson wrote: All in all a good laugh although my bank balance hurts a lot right now :-(

Sounded like a bit of expensive fun, yes. Well, glad it was a good weekend, overall, despite a few unexpected bumps in the rug.

At 5/16/05 06:55 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
GFOX wrote
Only 12 more protects until I hit the 22222 I'm
trying to get before I start blamming again (still
holding at 33333 for over a week).
Um congrats ya, and um well you know i said enough times haha...

Thanks, man. And yes, I saw your replies in the top 50 blams and top 50 saves threads, too, you're the only one so far... so thanks and thanks again!

What's with the weirdassed quoting style, BTW? Why do you put "GFOX wrote" instead of just going with how NG does it for you automatically? Heh.

Anyway, I'm gonna repost this screenie from 1123 here on 1124 because it's "the screenie so nice gfox posted it twice."

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-17 06:42:00

And now I'm gonna finish catching up in here.... I'll be back around later in the week back on gfoxcook. TILL THEN:

At 5/16/05 08:46 PM, ramagi wrote: Congratz to
gfoxcook for his 55,555K BP Nice

Thanks, ramagi! I'm glad to be the second person to reach it. MPA's gonna be first to 60,000, but at least I got teh 55555ness first. #;-}>

Also holy cow X made a multi gfox style post.... (amazing)

Only he did the quotes all weirdly-customised and stuff. O_O But yes... heh. It was quite amazing.


7777 saves is pretty nifty, man, but it can't touch my 22222savestyle!

OTOH (you better remember this now, damnit), 7777 saves > the amount of saves I believe teh pentalisted-destined XwaynecoltX, so... there's that, at least! You're steaming full-speed ahead for teh 10k saves, eh wot? AND TEH PENTALIST! Get a move on!

At 5/17/05 04:14 AM, MaxR wrote:
At 5/16/05 08:46 PM, ramagi wrote: gfoxcook for his 55,555K BP Nice
wow that's a lot. looks like he's going to be a major threat to your throne.

Back when ramagi and I were both in the 40,000s, I got to only 1000 or so behind her. But that was before she passed fixit to retake the throne from him (he was #1 with 49503). Since that time, back more than half a year ago, I haven't been very close to her at all. I'm like 8000 behind her now, and neither of us is moving very fast.

My point? Trust me, I'm no major threat to her.

MPA is a major threat to both of US, however. He's closing in on me already. But I'd rather drop from 2nd to 3rd in total b/p... than drop from 1st to 2nd in SAVES alone (which I already did when Toocool passed me on April 29th or 30th or around then).

So.... yeah.

At 5/17/05 06:10 AM, M-A-R-C-U-S wrote: and well done to Gfox's 55.555k b/p... whenever it was.

Yesterday (5/16) at around... um... 4 PM NG time, I believe.

But I left my blams and saves at 33333 and 22222 for the past 12+ hours. I'm about to restart getting blams and saves, so say goodbye to those numbers! They're about to be replaced by... oh, 33345 and 22234 or something. #;-}>

But anyway... Thanks! You're not too late to congratulate me during the actual 55555ness. Just barely. #;-}>

At 5/17/05 05:28 AM, schneelocke wrote: 11111 blams. ^^ In other news, did anyone miss me? I was rather sick last week and didn't have the energy to post (or do much at all, for that matter), so that's why I wasn't here.

Grooviness! 11111 blams = 1/3 my 33333 total. YOU'RE COMING AFTER ME! :::starts blamming again:::

Speaking of that... I left my saves and blams alone for the past 12+ hours or so, and as a result I got a nice, nifty, unaltered screenshot as a result! Check it out before it's gone, people, the top 50 b/p list will only be like this for 22 more hours!!! ;_;


Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-17 09:44:12

Oh, one quick thing first: Congrats on the 11111 blams, MARCUS! I congratted schneelocke on his 11111 blams but somehow didn't see your screenshot earlier when I was posting in here... probably because I only saw your post after I posted my first post... and I quickly added my reply to ya into my second post. Hmmmm.

At 5/17/05 07:21 AM, BonusStage wrote: ):<


OTOH (you better remember this now, damnit), 7777 saves > the amount of saves I believe teh pentalisted-destined XwaynecoltX, so... there's that, at least! You're steaming full-speed ahead for teh 10k saves, eh wot? AND TEH PENTALIST! Get a move on!

Oy. the amount of saves that X HAS, that is. I left out the has, somehow. ;_;

haha i'll try, there were definitely a lot of saves before bed last night, so getting it was quite easy ^.^, but i suspected i may have gotten it over the weekend, so i'm still moving JJJJUUUUSSSTTTT a bit slow

Don't tell me how many damned saves I missed just so I could get the 55,555 on the top 50 b/p list for today, damnit! I already know, anyway. When I woke up at like 3 AM, there were 33 unvisited protected flashes. Grrrrr. That normally only happens to me on the weekend.

That's what I get for going to bed at 6 PM, I guess. MY SLEEP SCHEDULE IS MESSSSSSSEDDDDD UPPPPPP.

For a second i thought Rama > j00, then you began to make random posts k?

Oh, I seeeeeee.... I didn't realise that random posts makes a mod cooler. NOW I DO.

hahaha i knew you'd do it <3

Pffft. One of these days I'm going to surprise you. And not just by being random when you didn't think I would be... one of these days I'm going to RESIST doing something all gfoxy when you expect me to. That'll be grand.

OMG once i was about to reply to yours it became dangerously close to the time to the was about to come :(

Close to the time to the was about to come?

Close to the time when Lauren was about to come, you mean? #;-}>

At 5/17/05 04:14 AM, MaxR wrote: wow that's a lot. looks like he's going to be a major threat to your throne.
notsamuch she was much closer to him a while back and has only pulled ahead more and more since ;)

That's what I tried to tell him! What a silly silly man. I was much closer to her 10,000+ points ago than I am now. But she's not pulling ahead anymore, BTW. I've actually been getting more b/p than her for the past month or so, overall. But it doesn't matter, the gap is like 8000. I can't even think about trying to catch up to her, it's pointless, she'll just start up again during her summer break.

My main concern is putting off my defeat at the hands of MPA for as long as is possible.... but like I said, that 2->3 defeat won't be nearly as painful as my 1->2 saves defeat at Toocool's hands was, anyway... Blehzors.

gfoxCLOCK // wi/ht? BLOWS // 2x10k SUCKList (whatever, tl;dr) // Baha-MAN's List!

blahblah: 60000 b/p (#2), 36000 blams (#3), 24000 saves (#1) <---lolstatwhore!

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