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Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

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Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-14 23:21:50


At 5/1/05 12:27 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote:
At 5/1/05 12:26 AM, BonusStageCompIeted wrote:
At 5/1/05 12:15 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: [pic of the girls at Red Robin]
hahah whatever vince, unless that was a picture of them like 9 months ago, it is a complete lie :P
yea, it's an old pic. It's a pic of the time that I went to Red Robin to eat for the first and only time. I paid for my food in quarters. lol

Did that impress the ladies? Heh.

At 5/1/05 12:50 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: Their names are Ashley and Jackie. And yes... there are a lot of hot girls that work at Red Robin. Girls that work at mcdonalds... aren't the greatest. Lots of chubby girls be working there. Indian(the ones from india) and african american girls also work at mcdonalds...

What's wrong with Indian and African American chicks, dude? O_o

At 5/2/05 01:30 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
At 5/1/05 10:20 PM, Pure_LionHeart wrote: Meh. Give it time and I'll end up just like you...except still a mod at RG. AH BURN!
lol, sorry, that was kinda cruel.
A mod at RG ROFFL...

You should spend more time here on newgrounds heh...

You're one to talk, Mister-Nearly-5000-Posts-on-RG. #;-}>

At 5/2/05 04:52 PM, BonusStage wrote:
At 5/2/05 04:07 PM, -Myst- wrote: And a vp boosted up to 10.31, how far from the top 50? Hope it's not very far, 'cause it's gonna be a loooooong time until my next rank up hehe.
you're at 90, that means about 5000 more :\

Methinks he was asking about the top 50 VP list. He should be asking PimpMasterKDOG, if so.

Or he could ask me... super nicely. #;-}>

At 5/3/05 07:19 AM, schneelocke wrote: The only other list I know still exists is the 2x10K pentalist (done by gfoxcook), and to get on that one, you have to have at least 10000 points in *two* different stats (i.e., blams, saves, XP, posts or reviews), so it's a pretty exclusive circle that's not easy to get into.

It used to be that you need 10K in one stat only until recently, but you can thank Wade for deciding that keeping those lists up to date somehow constitutes a DDoS attack on newgrounds (a site that saturates a 600 mbps pipe with just its regular traffic, one might add).

Wade didn't decide that keeping the lists up to date was a DDOS attack, he decided that the use of programs such as those of pieoncar and ShittyKitty were a DDOS. Slight difference there. Manually making lists is perfectly fine with him.

Admittedly, Wade probably (?) didn't have the pentalist in mind when he said that, but still, he pretty much cracked down on *all* lists, which is a real pity IMO.

liljim said my pentalist was fine to continue making, yanno.

Anyway, yes, it's a shame... more of a shame that Dogma's apparently fallen off the NG planet and hasn't gained exp in a month or so.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-14 23:22:46


At 5/6/05 04:41 AM, schneelocke wrote: Agreed. ^^ Cutting down on the noise probably wouldn't hurt, either, but I'm reluctant to think that limiting what achievements you can and can't post about would really be a good idea. I mean... sure, there should be *some* limit. "I just got 18419 blams" simply isn't a noteworthy achievement (even though it's more than most people have), but it's difficult to say where the line should be drawn, and I personally lean towards erring on the safe side, so to speak. In other words, when there's doubt, then an achievement should be allowed - the rules should only forbid something when one can explain the reasoning behind it.

Common sense should be the only guidelines necessary to deciding what makes a valid post and what doesn't, but unfortunately not everyone has the same amount of it or even the same TYPE of it.

All that needs to be said is that each mod on the BBS has been granted the ability to use their own judgement in enforcing the rules, and one of the least understood rules by many BBS users is "make sure your post adds something to the thread." If a post is nothing but "I just got 18419 blams," whether it is in this topic or ANY other, any mod would be totally justified in deleting it.

People need to learn not to bitch if a post of theirs gets deleted, most importantly. They should be glad they weren't banned along with the deletion.

RC and I are only concerned with getting people thinking about what should and should not be considered good conversation in this topic, so it doesn't get overrun in pointless posts--as it has tended towards in the past.

At 5/7/05 08:58 AM, BonusStage wrote: ONE LAST THING I WILL GET FOR A WHILE I SWEAR

25th in rank, it has taken me FOREVER to get this, and HIP HIP HORRAY, i did it ;D

Welcome to the top half of the top 50, punkass.

And an even more belated welcome to driving age, too.

At 5/7/05 11:27 AM, atricaudatus wrote:
-) Thanks gfox. Indeed it has been a while. I "ranked up" real life to MSG back in Oct '03, then12 months in the "Zone" before getting back to the real world (and to NG.)

Rankups in real life don't happen as fast as they do on NG, do they. ;_;


I don't post much (as my laughably low post count will attest) due the competing interests of everyday life. I am making the adjustment back to civilian life, am active in my local fraternal and civic organizations, am playing catch up with bills from my business, have a brand new Harley I ride whenever the weather is nice, and have a girlfriend who seems to think I ought to spend at leat some of my time servicing her rather considerable sexual needs. The rest of the time, I browse the forums and enjoy getting to "know" some of the regular personalities here. LUL remains my favorite thread.

You've been posting more this past month or so than you were 1.5 years ago prior to your deployment, so... nothing to scoff at.

I am not disputing the existance of a problem with LUL, I only questioned the proprosed "solutions" which to me, at least, weren't likely to make matters better. My use of the term "evolve" wasn't meant to suggest an improvement, only a change.
I simply suggested that the problem might very well self-correct without the need for drastic or dranconian measures.

And that's exactly why such proposed solutions are worth debating. I think a lot of people got the hair on their backs up over it because RC made it sound like he was implementing said solutions STAT, and of course he wasn't. #;-}>

Debate and dsicourse are healthy, and often needed; but you are NEVER going to please everyone.


Indeed. I have also seen how often "solutions" end up making matters worse.
Thanks again for the welcome. It's good to be back, back home, and back at NG.

I'll bet it is!

Hey, I still consider myself a kid at heart (which is why I love NG.)
You aren't suggesting that bila and Recon and I are geezers, are you? ;-)

Thanks again, gfox, you're one of the few who even remembered I'd been gone. :-)
I always enjoy you're posts, btw. Very thorough and thoughtful.

I never said being in your 40s means you're old, I just said you weren't alone in that in this topic, that's all. #;-}>

I'm almost to 30 myself, I'm not one to throw around the "geezer" term unless I'm being self-depricating. Youth in the heart is something I don't plan on ever giving up either.

As for not forgetting you, no problemo. I've got a good memory, and you've got a memorable username and story. I remembered you leaving for Iraq, but I confess I didn't realise how long ago it was until I looked it up in your post history. #;-}>

And don't worry about the quoting errors, I recognised my own text. #;-}>

At 5/7/05 10:03 PM, ReconRebel wrote:
At 5/7/05 11:27 AM, atricaudatus wrote: You aren't suggesting that bila and Recon and I are geezers, are you? ;-)
Are old geezers still allowed to play video games?

You know, once my generation has reached retirement age, pretty much everyone alive in the technologised world is going to have been familiar with video games at SOME point in their life.

By then (let's say 2040 or so), geezers playing video games won't seem strange at all. #;-}>

You and atri and bila are just a bit ahead of your time, methinks.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-14 23:24:55


At 5/8/05 10:14 PM, Kam-Ron wrote: Yehhh Elite Guard Master Sergeant. Who wants to massage my feet first?

Dude... ugh. O_O

Anyway, why on earth is your sigpic a gun repeatedly shooting sports columnist Michael Wilbon in the head?

Not a PTI fan, I take it? ;_;

At 5/11/05 08:24 AM, Alkador wrote: I just noticed gfoxcook's number of blam points
At 5/11/05 10:37 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook - 33333 blams.
At 5/11/05 02:25 PM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats to:
-gfoxcook: 33,333 Blams. For the love of God, if he blams another movie before he reaches 22,222 Saves, the world will end :(
At 5/11/05 03:35 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Congrats to:
gfoxcook : 33,333 Blams - i love the cool numbers.

Thanks, guys. Yep, I've been at 33333 blams for over a week now. Just trying to get my saves up to 22222... as seen in that screenshot, I was at 22121 earlier this week. I'm around 22180 right now. Just... 40 or so.... more...

it's painfully slow, though. I wish I was Toocool sometimes. ;_;

Oh, and BTW, Mazza: I had a nightmare two nights ago that I blammed a movie by accident. Heh. So... hm... maybe it's best I'm not Toocool after all. My "2" vote doesn't tend to slip and become a 1 vote by accident, like his sometimes do. Didn't stop me from dreaming it did, though... egad.

At 5/12/05 05:29 AM, Dream_of_Duke wrote: I was bothered by a network error in the last week of freshman year at Duke and failed to visit NG for 10 days. :( (God, I hate losing b/p points just because of my absence.) I came back home (China) 3 days ago and eventually managed to pick up some points .

You go to Duke University in North Carolina but live in China during the summers, eh? Fascinating. Why'd you pick Duke when there are plenty of universities much closer to you? O_o

:::got into Duke but didn't end up going there:::



Now, for the present time respondings, which are always fun:

At 5/14/05 11:11 PM, Maus wrote: I've gone from 8K to nearly 13K in two months. It's amazing what lock messages do to your post count. Good thing I'd need dual-listed, no? ;)

Otherwise teh "MAUS IS SPAMMING TO GET AHEAD ON TEH PENTALIST" talk would start up, you mean? Yes, most likely.

And yep, lock messages is what I figured was doing it in large part for both you AND ramagi.

At 5/14/05 11:12 PM, ramagi wrote: \all this fuse over my activeness on the BBs. So silly, you know only til lrecently have peopel focused on my post count. I have not been very active again the past two days, acually I taken some time awayf from Ng.

That's because it's only recently you've had more than 4000 posts. It was bound to happen, yanno. Everyone who suddenly spurts from a small amount of posts to nearly (or over) 10,000 posts gets the same treatment. Like I said before, biteme2514 is the archetypical example.

if you take time to notice when my last post is before this evening that is.. Plus I took a small break again earlier this week.

I don't think it's the oftenness of your posting that Recon was commenting on, it was more the lengths of most of your posts. Lock messages don't have to be long, and maybe he wasn't taking note of which are lock messages and which are actual conversational posts in other topics, but... I think he felt it was somewhat hypocritical of you to come into this topic and say everyone should be less chatty when your posts appear chatty to him. Or something.

II could point out from the group I was modded with, that actually one of the other mods make me look like a slacker when it comes to posting. Plus there are some reg users on the BBS that do more than me also. As gfoxcook pointed out if you take the time check out how many of my post are lock messages you would be surprised. A lot of that is due to the fact one of the forums I have been modding a lot latly. I like to try to point the newbies in the right direction.
IIt saves a lot of confusion and time for Ng and them.

True enough. I did indeed mention the lock messages phenomenon, but as you and Maus just pointed it, it's the fact that you're modding a lot in C&C that adds even more lock messages into the daily postcount.

I've only modded a bit on C&C. It's the worst place to mod. I'm glad to hear you're taking it on. #;-}>

Anyway... I myself posted two lock messages today, the most I've posted in months. But you and Maus and some others probably post... what, 20+ a day?

Sorry that someone list is getting blamed for me being an active bbs mod.
That was never my intent. I been having some fun here and there, you know you do see me going out there and making silly topics like some of the other mods. You will still find a lot of my posts are trying to help people out with thier questions. Also I like to have some fun.
You know it is possible to do that..
I'll end this here. I will see you all on monday, I have a life I will be enjoying this weekend.

I think Recon thinks your short-rapid posts are meant to get you to quadlisted status ASAP. But anyway, I hope the above straightens it all out. Have a good weekend! Don't forget to check out the pentalist and comment in the thread when you get the chance, BTW!


P.S. The truly ironic part of all this, BTW, is that before you were modded, the only reason a lot more mods weren't telling Wade to mod you (I think mostly TheJoe and myself said you should be modded back in 2004) was that... you just plain didn't post very often on the BBS. A lot of people thought you liked being just a review mod and didn't post enough on the BBS to really need/want to be a BBS mod.

But obviously, you've proven that thought wrong with your amazing posting/locking/banning prowess since you were modded in 2005, so... heh. Little did most of the other mods know, eh? #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-14 23:28:59

At 5/14/05 04:34 AM, Alkador wrote: How is everyone?

Hey Alk!

At 5/14/05 07:26 AM, DAVE wrote: 7.77 voting power and I got it on friday the 13th. XD

Congrats on the voting power dude (as well as the slightly disturbing number coincidence, lol)

At 5/14/05 11:11 PM, Maus wrote: I've gone from 8K to nearly 13K in two months. It's amazing what lock messages do to your post count. Good thing I'd need dual-listed, no? ;)

Yeah, I have seen your post count rocketing forward over the past few months ; )

Congratualtions to everyone else who has levelled up.

BBS Mod. PM with queries and complaints if you must.

LazyTV | Stuff White People Like

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-14 23:43:44

At 5/14/05 11:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote: I don't think it's the oftenness of your posting that Recon was commenting on, it was more the lengths of most of your posts.

That's exactly what I was commenting on gfox. I'm glad someone understood.

but... I think he felt it was somewhat hypocritical of you to come into this topic and say everyone should be less chatty when your posts appear chatty to him. Or something.

Gee do you think??? Go figure. The one word I happen to misspell ends up being hypocrisy (lol).

Sorry that someone list is getting blamed for me being an active bbs mod.

I'm not blaming gfox's pentalist for your extreme posting habits ramagi but it could be a motive for some people. Hey, if you want to go from "Blam Queen" to "Spam Queen" then more power to you. It can't say much about your ethics. Anyway, I just wanted to express my opinion. Post away!

Don't forget to check out the pentalist and comment in the thread when you get the chance, BTW!

... and click on the fan net button!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 00:18:55

At 5/14/05 11:43 PM, ReconRebel wrote: That's exactly what I was commenting on gfox. I'm glad someone understood.

And I'm glad I reworded your comments without losing the meaning behind them. Always a tricky business. Heh.

Gee do you think??? Go figure. The one word I happen to misspell ends up being hypocrisy (lol).

How hypocritical of... you? #;-}>

I'm not blaming gfox's pentalist for your extreme posting habits ramagi but it could be a motive for some people. Hey, if you want to go from "Blam Queen" to "Spam Queen" then more power to you. It can't say much about your ethics. Anyway, I just wanted to express my opinion. Post away!

That just about clears up the whole thing, I think. I suspect you and ramagi will have to agree to disagree on this matter. But anywho... there are worse things to disagree upon.

Don't forget to check out the pentalist and comment in the thread when you get the chance, BTW!
... and click on the fan net button!

Well, of course, that's always appreciated it. But I'll bet ramagi will be too busy posting/locking/banning up a storm in General and Clubs&Crews this week to click it too often. #;-}>

That task is left to those of us with too much time on our hands. :::nods solemnly:::

Speaking of which... :::goes to try and vote in the fannet again, even though I think my click 20 minutes ago to check on the week's overall stats before posting about the update counted as my click for today ;_; :::

Update is up and ready for everyone to view, if you couldn't tell from the above paragraph! #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 01:32:51

It's nice to see the topic starter of this amazing thread still active. It's kind of interesting to look back at the first page and see who is still around.

gfox... african americans can work very lazily at times if they are distracted... I can be working all out while they sit around and talk... Indians are alright, but they laugh at almost anything. But anyway, working at mcdonalds is a pain in the ass. Today I had to take on 3 or 4 roles at the same time just because their labor expense was too high.... which is stupid. I had to take orders at the front counter.. take orders in drive-thru.. take money in drive-thru hand food out in drive-thru and take care of people at the front counter all at the same time because the manager decided to walk a way for a while.... which really pissed me off and stressed the hell out of me. Mcdonalds will do anything to get people's money and put stress on their employees and not pay their employees to the amount that they are really worth... Mcdonalds is just an overall worst choice to work at. The people that I work with are nice... but it's just the concept is what makes it terrible.. and the pay.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 01:48:30

At 5/15/05 01:32 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: The people that I work with are nice... but it's just the concept is what makes it terrible.. and the pay.

It's McDonald's for fuck's sake!

On a further note, the post being quoted was more than slightly racist, and ignorant, as well as biased with prejudice.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 02:43:41

At 5/15/05 01:32 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: It's nice to see the topic starter of this amazing thread still active. It's kind of interesting to look back at the first page and see who is still around.

Yes it is..... seeing that at that time i was about 11 years old, and that people like recon and phantom still deposit and post.

Today I had to take on 3 or 4 roles at the same time just because their labor expense was too high.... which is stupid. I had to take orders at the front counter.. take orders in drive-thru.. take money in drive-thru hand food out in drive-thru and take care of people at the front counter all at the same time because the manager decided to walk a way for a while.... which really pissed me off and stressed the hell out of me.

At least you make a living.

Mcdonalds will do anything to get people's money and put stress on their employees and not pay their employees to the amount that they are really worth... Mcdonalds is just an overall worst choice to work at. The people that I work with are nice... but it's just the concept is what makes it terrible.. and the pay.

Moral: Stay in school, kids.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 05:09:16

I have not spent too much time on NG lately. But I still found out that I had become a top 7000 exp user and a top 450 b/p user (#448) when I turned my laptop on today. :D Considering that I was very tired after a LONG semister at Duke, I spent most of my time sleeping in the past 3 days after going back home. However, I think that I am full of energy again after THE REST. So I shall spend more time on NG from today on. Any way, I hope that I can be a top 400 b/p user soon. ;)

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 05:19:50


Well many people seem to think i still review... i have retired from reviews except for movies that really catch my interest or im in the mood, so yes kwas will pass me at some point....

anyways... oh ya thats all haha...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 06:10:27

Congrats to:

-Bahamut7: 2,000 Saves. Nice.
-Eldarion: EG Sergeant Major. One more away from the gold badges.
~X~: 9,000 Posts. You like posting all your stats, even though only one is special, don't you ;)
-Melsith: EG Private. Nice.
-OsAmARaMa: Lv 13. Needing a single point sucks, but being knocked down a level is worse.
-EKRegulus: 21,000 Blams, 7,000 Savese, 28,000 B/P. Awesome for such a short time.
-Guthrie: 6,000 Posts. Nice.
-Alkador: Update and such. Congrats on 40,000 words!
-DAVE: 7.77 VP. Woot.
-bila: 13.37 VP. Leetness.
-Frostbreath: 1,111 Posts. Lol at screenshot.
-LamboFactor: Police Captain. Now for the EG Ranks.
-Dream_of_Duke: Top 7,000 Exp, Top 450 B/P. Nice.

I know, not a lot of comments. But that'll teach me to not post for a day :(

At 5/14/05 04:34 AM, Alkador wrote: Sakura means cherry blossom. Zuka means fang. Mori means forest or woods. So cherry blossom fang forest? And if you ever can, eat Naruto. It tastes really nice!

Wha? It's a food now?

Haku was earlier. Haku means either to vomit or to put on clothes (below the waist).

Haha, those crazy Japanese and their dual meanings.

Zaku is the guy whose arms are blown up by Shino.

Oh yeah, totally forgot about him.

I know Akatsuki's intentions.

Cool, I recently watched episode 134, so that Akatsuki thing's still pretty obscure.

At 5/14/05 08:03 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: Hey everyone, just thought I'd stop by to say hi,

*World explodes*

Check on halo and counter strike on the front page, sweet ass games.

The Counter Strike one was pretty good, but the Halo one was boring.

Completed Alien Hominid this week, also a sweet fucking game,
Lemme know how ur doing and quickly!

Pretty good, I guess, don't have school tomorrow.

At 5/14/05 11:24 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Oh, and BTW, Mazza: I had a nightmare two nights ago that I blammed a movie by accident. Heh. So... hm... maybe it's best I'm not Toocool after all. My "2" vote doesn't tend to slip and become a 1 vote by accident, like his sometimes do. Didn't stop me from dreaming it did, though... egad.

That actually happens to me a lot. But it doesn't really matter, as I don't need more of one type of points.

Still, that had to have been a horrible nightmare. Someone should make a horror movie about it.

fucking magnets man how do they work

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 06:13:39

At 5/15/05 06:10 AM, -Mazza- wrote: ~X~: 9,000 Posts. You like posting all your stats, even though only one is special, don't you ;)


I do it once in a long while, but ya i like stats haha...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 06:35:44

At 5/14/05 09:04 AM, bila wrote: thank you for catching that!
I didn't even notice, I'm a 1337 \/013r?

No problem. Now I need to try and catch the 5th person to reach 13.37VP. :)

At 5/15/05 06:10 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats to:
-Bahamut7: 2,000 Saves. Nice.


Congrats to:

DAVE - 7.77VP. Lucky.
LamboFactor - Police Captain.
OsAmARaMa - Level 13. You uploaded a bat. LOL, but I think it would've been better if it was from one of the Nintendo games, though.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 06:47:48

At 5/15/05 06:10 AM, -Mazza- wrote: Congrats to:
-Frostbreath: 1,111 Posts. Lol at screenshot.

Hey, how could i know? But thanks anyway.

I know, not a lot of comments. But that'll teach me to not post for a day :)

Meh, at least you put in a comment at all. Nothing to worry about.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 06:55:09

At 5/15/05 02:38 AM, OsAmARaMa wrote:

Hahaha exellent level up post Osama ! Congrats it's a cool level.

At 5/14/05 08:25 PM, the_phantom_spancker wrote: Schools going good cheers, no broken bones as of late.
Why do u mention helmets all the time, ive told you once ive told you twice, I dont wear helmets, going to a sweet park in central london tomorrow should be kool.
What you up 2 recon, how you been lately?

Helmets are for geeks!!! Good to see you stop by spancker.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 07:02:26

Congratulations everyone on your level ups.

I'm now marching to level 10 and it'll be mine in about a week. If I deposited regularly since I signed up, I would be level 13. Darn.

Anyways... Congratulations everyone. Good luck in further level ups. :)

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 07:05:46


/ me looks at avatar


/ me looks at exp for next level

urge to kill rising >:(

sorry for any spelling mistakes and shit. eight straight up shots of fireball will do that to ya. fucking party i went to tonight was ridiculous. the idiot who threw it decided to buy nothing but fireball whiskey. so we were all doing shots with no chasers or anything. christ my head is going to be fucked in the morning. im trying to decide what's worse: him for buying nothing but fireball, or me for doing eight shots of it.

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 10:26:00

I caught this by pure, blind luck.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 11:26:35

At 5/15/05 10:26 AM, Frostbreath wrote: I caught this by pure, blind luck.

HaHa, nice...

Good luck Osamarama trying to reach all those feats in one day...

Thanks nightmareLeecher for the sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 12:46:24

I am so fucking pissed right now. The DSL wire isn't working now and I have to wait until tomorrow or Tuesday. Maybe later. So right now, it's dail-up. First, the Playstation 1 breaks, now the Broadband wire. If anything else breaks, I would probably feel like killing myself. :|

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 13:36:26

At 5/15/05 12:46 PM, Bahamut7 wrote: I am so fucking pissed right now. The DSL wire isn't working now and I have to wait until tomorrow or Tuesday. Maybe later. So right now, it's dail-up.

Yuck. How long does it take a 4000 kb submission to load on dial-up? You must be determined if you're gonna play the "hurry up and wait" game.

First, the Playstation 1 breaks, now the Broadband wire. If anything else breaks, I would probably feel like killing myself. :|

I read your post in the FF Club about the 30 power sources you gathered for Cloud before your Playstation broke down. Shitty deal. That reminds me of when I was trying to get his limit break Omnislash (that took forever). Not being able to leave the battle arena without losing your current points meant not being able to save. A power outage or blown fuse could've really ruined the day.

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 14:00:59

Yay 4,000 saves. Oh yeah check out my profile it's funny.

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 14:36:49

At 5/15/05 01:36 PM, ReconRebel wrote: Yuck. How long does it take a 4000 kb submission to load on dial-up? You must be determined if you're gonna play the "hurry up and wait" game.

Probably around 20 - 40 minutes. :S But Ithe UJ flashes, I don't need to worry about ass big files. I'll ignore them and watch whatever is under 300k. Heh, I know I will hardly get any saves today.

I read your post in the FF Club about the 30 power sources you gathered for Cloud before your Playstation broke down. Shitty deal. That reminds me of when I was trying to get his limit break Omnislash (that took forever). Not being able to leave the battle arena without losing your current points meant not being able to save. A power outage or blown fuse could've really ruined the day.

Yeah, around an hours time wasted. :| A bit like someone spending an hour on their flash animation, uploads it on NG, but gets blammed. I can feel their pain when they get their flash blammed, but if then, it's always possible to spend way more time than an hour. I'll probably have to get a new Playstation 1 and a new FFVII copy. The FFVII game I have is in very bad condition and I thought disc 3 wasn't so bad. :|

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 16:40:52

At 5/15/05 10:26 AM, Frostbreath wrote: I caught this by pure, blind luck.

Congrats, i love it when you open your profile and find a landmark !

At 5/15/05 02:00 PM, MaxR wrote: Yay 4,000 saves. Oh yeah check out my profile it's funny.

Congrats! MaxR

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 17:03:25

6000 posts!

BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 17:28:01

Elite Guard Master Sergeant. (I didn’t expect to get this ‘till next weekend) lol
Coming up on my ½ year anniversary on NG, too. :)

Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 18:57:14

At 5/15/05 10:26 AM, Frostbreath wrote: I caught this by pure, blind luck.

Holy shit you are 1337 like a mofo!! I can't believe that you caught that by random, you musta planned it out you dirty scoundral!!! OMG!!! Where have I been? Sorry for missing four fucking pages I have been all over the place, but I never missed a deposit XD so there! I am sorry but I am oging to take the lazy route and say congratz to everyone for their rankups I know I moved doen one to 667 on B/P and I was PISSED!! but I am going to relinquish my spot so whoever passed me is going to be F-U-C-K-E-D!!! Mark my words!!! I am back now from my tournament in Brainerd against the number 2 ranked team in the state!!!11! holy shit they were good!! We lost not badly though 9 - 7!!! and then three more games later I came back home to go to prom!!! Holy shit!!! That was crazy!! You never realize how much epople have grown over four years until you are all together in one room talking about it! Wow I was amazed! Well the night ended (not really) when we went back to my 12 (?) hotel rooms downtown and had the crunkest party!! You never realize how many people are there until you wake up at 10 (I don't know why) and see people strewn all over the floor outside and passed out on the top of a TV! Wow what a night funnest thing ever!!! Well sorry I missed out guys I really feel bad but I am back now with a vengence and I wanna know whats going on, so holler!

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-15 21:14:43

At 5/15/05 10:26 AM, Frostbreath wrote: I caught this by pure, blind luck.

lol, awesome. That's really cool that you managed to notice.

At 5/15/05 05:03 PM, Noir- wrote: 6000 posts!

Sweet. That's quite a bit- nice job.


BBS Signature

Response to Wi/Ht? level up! Lounge 2005-05-16 02:27:21

At 5/15/05 11:26 AM, LamboFactor wrote: HaHa, nice...

It sure is. Thanks.

At 5/15/05 04:40 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: Congrats, i love it when you open your profile and find a landmark !

Hey, you changed back your username! How come? Whatever the reason, i like that one better. Oh, and thanks.

At 5/15/05 06:57 PM, ThugNasty wrote: Holy shit you are 1337 like a mofo!! I can't believe that you caught that by random, you musta planned it out you dirty scoundral!!! OMG!!!

Emo. I'm 1337 now and there's nothing you can do about it. MUHAHAHA. But of course, thanks.

At 5/15/05 09:14 PM, Metal_Therapy wrote: lol, awesome. That's really cool that you managed to notice.

Yeah, i think so too. Thanks.

At 5/15/05 10:20 PM, Bonusstage wrote: Now that is defintely a screenshot to keep :D

I definatly will, thanks Bonus!

Congratz to (Page 1122):

MaxR: 4,000 saves. That's about 8 times as much as me.
Noir-: 6,000 posts. That's an awful lot.
Metal_Therapy: Master sergeant. Gold badges are very close now.