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The War Crew

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Response to The War Crew 2006-11-30 16:18:54

At 11/30/06 12:02 PM, DaSecondTerminator wrote:
No they just filmed from a safe (they hope) distance from the test site. Thats why there always tested on islands.
You can have a "Safe" distance from the "test" site? Just in the 50th page someone said that only the flash of the atomic bomb can burn you up in a second , And even if its "safe" , The radiation is still threatning to kill the photographer...

NO safe distance from the site altogether. Radiation is spread by the wind and gets weaker. They just witnessed it away from the site no need for those fancy robot cameras hell they only used planes to see what it looked like from aboveThe pilots on hiroshima woul;d off died they were closer then the photographer.

phase one nuke France (or sabottage there reactors).
I think France doesn't have a 21st centurys Hitler like Iran does... So most likely Iran is much more dangerous

You didn't understand a word of my post did you?

Seriously it was so bloody obvious how could you not.

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-02 03:12:21

You didn't understand a word of my post did you?

Seriously it was so bloody obvious how could you not.


Response to The War Crew 2006-12-02 13:10:34

looking at the contents of this thread, i have serious doubts as to whether any of you, with the exception of lebanese, have the slightest idea as to the nature of conflict

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-02 13:14:24

People see fighting and conflict different to others dont forget to take that into account.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-02 13:16:10

could you perhaps make that into a coherent sentence?

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-02 14:08:54

At 12/2/06 01:10 PM, the-salmon-of-doubt wrote: looking at the contents of this thread, i have serious doubts as to whether any of you, with the exception of lebanese, have the slightest idea as to the nature of conflict

Hes the only one that has lived through conflict.

RedGlare and I are both in the service of our respective countries military forces, so we know about conflict as well. Even between the two of us.

damn puddle pirate :P

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Response to The War Crew 2006-12-02 14:12:19

what military organizations are you two enlisted in?

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-02 14:13:43

also, i forgot about red glare. he seemed to have an idea of what's happening

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-02 14:56:12

there is no point in argueing with red glare,he is very smart with the history of war.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-02 15:17:33

it's called military history

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-02 15:23:16

At 12/2/06 03:17 PM, the-salmon-of-doubt wrote: it's called military history

etc. etc.

I am in the Infantry (Canada)
RedGlare is Navy (UK?)

On another note, I'm transferring from my current university (where I take shitty Political Science) to another, where I'll be taking Military Arts and Science. Awesome sauce.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-12-02 15:28:30

i know someone who wants to join the navy (u.s.). i have a feeling that his views of the military are fairly deluded

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-02 15:57:15

At 12/2/06 01:10 PM, the-salmon-of-doubt wrote: looking at the contents of this thread, i have serious doubts as to whether any of you, with the exception of lebanese, have the slightest idea as to the nature of conflict

obviously you dont too. See everyone lives conflict, conflict is not just war,bombs dont scare me as much as Nasralla's speeches. You dont understant conflict because you think it is its consequences. Conflict is when George W. Bush and that Iran president of even I cant spell the name exchange speeches, Because of that, yesterday Hezbollah was on the streets and surrounded the gouvernment palace and people of all religions and political parties were affected . Yet the war was only noise to my christian ear. There are much bigger conflicts than the ones involving gunshots and aircraft bombings. Let's check back on history shall we : the 100 years war that actually lasted 116 why do you think it took that long because there was no conflict in it juast a fight over land like two kids fighting over candy, yet the war in Lebanon this summer Israel didnt really get troops to Beirut but why did the jews win? because Hezbollah was POLITICALLY destroyed Nasralla had nothing to say anymore the prisoner case had been clarified by Olmert and every other Hezbollah excuse. Its all politics not battle

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-02 16:10:10

a little presumptuous aren't we? i was referring to posts i saw that seemed to be the byproduct of taking the word of cnn and fox to be the ultimate authority

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-03 09:08:42

At 12/2/06 02:08 PM, Peregrinus wrote:
Hes the only one that has lived through conflict.

Sorry to get off topic , But I lived through conflict aswell.
Since I live in Israel..

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-04 11:56:47

At 12/2/06 03:28 PM, the-salmon-of-doubt wrote: i know someone who wants to join the navy (u.s.). i have a feeling that his views of the military are fairly deluded

Let me guess hes one of those lets go get em! Patriot types?

I had an arguement with one in a thread (now deleted) He ridiculed me because i didn't have the "right attitude" for the Navy and then claimed that IF he were in the Navy he'd be a higher rank then me. I mean theres a wide and varied arsenal to counter such ignorance, but like Nukes why bother? those types of fanatics you just can't reason with.

Anyway have i been in a military conflict (actually involved in it) no. I have recieved training and i like to think i have an idea of what its like but my observations are just that observations. Now anyone whose actually handled a gun a felt how heavy it is i thought would be able to see through the hollywood glamour of war.

I don't like war yet it does facinate me, i see war as a necassary evil at best. And if the right to war is abused just evil.

Anyway thanks for the compliments but my knowledge isn't infallable(sp) so any debate is welcomed.

Btw i don't really rate American news networks like Fox it just spins lies and Right wing rhetoric.

Im left wing though not extremeist.

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-04 12:34:07

At 12/3/06 09:08 AM, DaSecondTerminator wrote: Sorry to get off topic , But I lived through conflict aswell.
Since I live in Israel..

You do? well thats intresting... may I ask how the war was to you? I hope you didnt suffer many casualtys even though Hezbollah are complete idiots. btw I'm sure I speak for all the Christians when I say that we support you in the destruction of Hezbollah yet because of tht we find ourselvs 20 years or so backwards because of your bombings so we really arnt supporting all that much...

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-04 16:28:15

At 12/2/06 02:56 PM, Misumena wrote: there is no point in argueing with red glare,he is very smart with the history of war.

That's true. That's why RedGlare is second-in-command of this crew.

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-04 16:32:47

At 12/2/06 04:10 PM, the-salmon-of-doubt wrote: a little presumptuous aren't we? i was referring to posts i saw that seemed to be the byproduct of taking the word of cnn and fox to be the ultimate authority

Hmm...by seeing your posts, you have a good sense of military knowledge. So are you trying to join in or are you justing to explain your thoughts and leave? We would be glad to have you in the crew.

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-04 16:49:13

At 12/3/06 09:08 AM, DaSecondTerminator wrote:
At 12/2/06 02:08 PM, Peregrinus wrote: Hes the only one that has lived through conflict.
Sorry to get off topic , But I lived through conflict aswell.
Since I live in Israel..

My bad :O

At 12/4/06 11:56 AM, RedGlare wrote: I don't like war yet it does facinate me, i see war as a necassary evil at best. And if the right to war is abused just evil.

"We have War when at least one of the parties to a conflict wants something more than it wants Peace."
- Jeane J. Kirkpatrick

my knowledge isn't infallable(sp)


Im left wing though not extremeist.

lol Commie :p

Audio / Forum / Games & Movies Moderator. Flag stolen content, don't be a dingus.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-12-04 16:58:23

Good news to fellow soldiers:

Commissar RedGlare is no longer the rank of Commissar. You are now the rank of Assistant Commander.

Also DaSecondTerminator is no longer the rank of Lieutenant. Your rank is now Captain.

And TheLebanese is no longer the rank of New Private. Your rank is now Private.

The ranks of the Old War Crew has been updated with the new promotions from this crew. Now I'm going to the New War Crew to give out there promotions.

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-04 17:28:48

Well. I'm here, Commandant. I just sign up right to be in both crews.

Hi everyone, I'm The-Samurai-Helmet from the Wii Together forums and the New War Crew.

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-04 19:39:53

Yo everyone. I also came from Wii Together the New War Crew to join here too.

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-05 00:55:29

Great to see both of you join here. We need some of the members from the New War Crew to join here. Thank you for becoming those members to join here too.

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-05 01:00:39

At 12/5/06 12:55 AM, GeneralMBison wrote: Great to see both of you join here. We need some of the members from the New War Crew to join here. Thank you for becoming those members to join here too.

No problem. I think that some other members will also join the bandwagon. it would be great.

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-05 01:09:33

Cool. Great to see two well-known soldiers in the New war Crew. Also I'm going to be here too.

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-05 01:12:17

At 12/5/06 01:09 AM, LordGanon wrote: Cool. Great to see two well-known soldiers in the New war Crew. Also I'm going to be here too.

You are a member here? I didn't know that. That's cool.

Here is a question: When did Castro became the Cuban president?

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-05 09:10:17

At 12/4/06 05:28 PM, The-Samurai-Helmet wrote: Well. I'm here, Commandant. I just sign up right to be in both crews.

Hi everyone, I'm The-Samurai-Helmet from the Wii Together forums and the New War Crew.
At 12/4/06 07:39 PM, The-Samurai-Blade wrote: Yo everyone. I also came from Wii Together the New War Crew to join here too.

Why hello there. welcome I'm sure youll enjoy NG BBS or not . btw I'm not so active in wii together but I'm ther too...

Here is a question: When did Castro became the Cuban president?

I beleive that in 1959 he became prim minister after leading the revolution against Batista with a bit of help by popular Che Guevara and again I'm not sure but I think he took office in 1976 but im not entirely sure

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-05 11:25:47

At 12/4/06 12:34 PM, TheLebanese wrote:
You do?

well thats intresting... may I ask how the war was to you?

Well just like to any other person , At first it may be very scary and stuff but after a week you get used to the Warning thing and the 20 mins sit in the Emergency room...

I hope you didnt suffer many casualtys

No one was killed in my town , Though lots of rockets fell near my house and didnt hit it .

even though Hezbollah are complete idiots.

Neo-Nazis in my opinion , Just more people trying to destroy people for being who they are.

btw I'm sure I speak for all the Christians when I say that we support you in the destruction of Hezbollah yet because of tht we find ourselvs 20 years or so backwards because of your bombings so we really arnt supporting all that much...

Well Im happy you don't like the Hezbollah aswell , But about the bombing and stuff , The Hezbollah hided in Civilian buildings , With their Katyusha launchers there , So Israel had no choice but to bomb it , Since the Goverment is too stupid to realize no war can be won without Troops , Since you cant win a Partizan war with Aircraft.

Response to The War Crew 2006-12-05 11:31:03

At 12/2/06 02:13 PM, the-salmon-of-doubt wrote: also, i forgot about red glare. he seemed to have an idea of what's happening

And for fucks sake , Everyone has an idea of whats happening since everyone watches the news , etc.
And you cant come here and start Judjing everyone from their " Mis-Knowledge" since This topic isnt ONLY about Knowledge , Its about the users opinion aswell.
You don't have to serve in the army to have an "Idea" whats going on , You just need to watch the news, And see the Mistakes of the human kind.