At 4/30/06 02:57 PM, RedGlare wrote:
What i mean't was do you think any of those movie weapons like bipedal armour or robot solsiers are feasible or just wishful thinking?
Oh ok. I figured it was something like that once I re-read your post.
They already do use robots in combat roles. The traditional de-mining/bomb clearing operations, as well as one that is used for recon. I remember seeing a demonstration of it once. Cool shit. You can throw it out of a building to check the way is clear, or drive it into one and up stairs to see if there are hostiles inside.
They also use tiny model aircraft, some no smaller than one's hand, for aerial reconnaisance that the troops on the ground can control directly and get visual immediately (rather than the images going to a com station several miles behind the front lines.
Bi-pedal armor:
Not sure what you mean by that (I'll look it up soon, a bit busy with other stuff)
But I know that they are still working on more effective ways of shielding troops from a plethora of small arms rounds. They've developed soft-shell armor that can stop an AK-47 round, but it's too bulky as of yet, so they stick with ballistic plates. Which are heavy as hell.