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The War Crew

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Response to The War Crew 2005-12-26 19:55:40

At 12/26/05 09:08 AM, RedGlare wrote:
At 12/25/05 10:45 PM, K-Pingu wrote: Hmm. Okay. I apologise for all that. I'll get back in my foxhole now...once i finish digging it.
apology excepted no what rank should you be normally you would be a private but we need more officers so how about corpral or somthing what do you think commander?
also a lot of clubs keep going by writing stories that could draw in some recruits.

Yes, you are right General RedGlare, we should make K-Pingu a higher rank than Private. Ok, K-Pingu, your rank is now a Staff Sergeant.
Also that idea is a good one. We should write stories that include the soldiers of the War Crew. You have any ideas of what type of story we should do?

Response to The War Crew 2005-12-30 10:14:17

Yes, you are right General RedGlare, we should make K-Pingu a higher rank than Private. Ok, K-Pingu, your rank is now a Staff Sergeant.
Also that idea is a good one. We should write stories that include the soldiers of the War Crew. You have any ideas of what type of story we should do?

well actually each person has there own style and genre so let me try one first.

The Last Stand

The rain sheeted down into the trenches bouncing off the guns and helmets all you could here was thunder and artillery fire. It was not a good first impression, i was sent with my battle brothers half way across the world in a cattle truck to fight some enemy i'd never heard off, for reasons i could never understand.

The truck finaly stopped and we were let out to line up in the wet cold . To have well feed Commisar's prance about and give us some redicolus speech about glory and honour. Just looking behind him at the wounded and firing squad and the troopers hung by the road destroyed that myth.

After his speech we were sent in half tracks to reenforce a bunker. I was relieved at least until i saw what was left of it. A concrete block with a collapsed roof pepper dashed by machine gun and mortar fire with corpses strung on the wire, they look decomposed and forgotten.

but at least the MG's and artillery were working and the maind door looked solid . We set down and gathered around a hotplate waiting for the stew to boil. With this bombardment the enemy wouldn't attack anytime soon or so we thought.

To Be Continued

so what do you think Commander thats just one style and one idea. the stories can be anything future, past, satirical, even comic.

Response to The War Crew 2005-12-30 16:45:39

At 12/26/05 07:55 PM, GeneralMBison wrote: Yes, you are right General RedGlare, we should make K-Pingu a higher rank than Private. Ok, K-Pingu, your rank is now a Staff Sergeant.

Wow, thank you sirs! *salutes*. I wasn't expecting that as a reaction...

I can write up a story in my spare time (of which I have very little at the moment). I'll see if I can get it up here in a few days at the latest.

S/Sgt K-Pingu

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Response to The War Crew 2005-12-30 17:25:38

At 12/30/05 04:45 PM, K-Pingu wrote: Wow, thank you sirs! *salutes*. I wasn't expecting that as a reaction...

I can write up a story in my spare time (of which I have very little at the moment). I'll see if I can get it up here in a few days at the latest.

S/Sgt K-Pingu

just remember to post often perhaps a could disscusion would help. what do you think is the greatest military threat to the world today?


Response to The War Crew 2005-12-31 05:30:20

At 12/30/05 10:14 AM, RedGlare wrote: well actually each person has there own style and genre so let me try one first.

The Last Stand

To Be Continued

so what do you think Commander thats just one style and one idea. the stories can be anything future, past, satirical, even comic.

That was good! We should do some of them. The first story is your pick, General RedGlare. You choose what is in it and etc. After that story, then I will make the second story. Very good. By the way, I want to give out to all of the War Crew soldier a Happy New Year. This is my final 2005 War Crew post but I will be online the whole day and night, becuase I'm running the 2006 NG New Year's World Party. Come over to that place and try to recuit some new soldiers to our crew. Peace out.

Com. Bison

Response to The War Crew 2005-12-31 10:25:30

That was good! We should do some of them. The first story is your pick, General RedGlare. You choose what is in it and etc. After that story, then I will make the second story. Very good. By the way, I want to give out to all of the War Crew soldier a Happy New Year. This is my final 2005 War Crew post but I will be online the whole day and night, becuase I'm running the 2006 NG New Year's World Party. Come over to that place and try to recuit some new soldiers to our crew. Peace out.

Com. Bison

actualy sir im a spontaenious writer and each person can write what they like when they like. Story wise you don't have to wait for me to finish mine you can start whenever you feel ready another person who tells someone to write a story dosen't really workout.

Response to The War Crew 2006-01-01 05:14:26

At 12/30/05 05:25 PM, RedGlare wrote:

what do you think is the greatest military threat to the world today?

I should think that it is the amount of nuclear weapons that are in the world today, for obvious reasons.

Happy new year from general churro...

Random fact:Led Zeppelin's song "Houses of the Holy" did not feature on the album of the same name (it was on "Physical Graffiti"). Oh yeah, and post count+1.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-01-01 10:05:37

At 1/1/06 05:14 AM, ChurroNG wrote:
I should think that it is the amount of nuclear weapons that are in the world today, for obvious reasons.

Happy new year from general churro...

nah i don't think so all they do is sit in there silo's some for 40 years. i'd say the real threat is american antiterroism polcies wich apart from being hippocritical actually creates more terrorists.

Response to The War Crew 2006-01-09 19:42:52

May I suggest a new topic? What about the possibility of a war between the US and Iran? Do you see it as likely in the not-too-distant future?

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Response to The War Crew 2006-01-09 19:53:27

Nomader here, answering this post.

At 1/9/06 07:42 PM, K-Pingu wrote: May I suggest a new topic?

No, you cannot. If you familiarized yourself with the C&C area, you are not allowed to make repeat topics.

If you continue to try to take us over, or try to make repeat topics, we'll get pissed. You don't want to see me pissed.


What about the possibility of a war between the US and Iran?

Not happening. Iraq has been a lesson for this administration, and hopefully the next. Besides, why take over all of the Middle East? Iraq's enough as is.

Do you see it as likely in the not-too-distant future?

No, I see it at around a .001% chance of happening, maybe less. Nobody has any reason to go into Iran - that's the problem here.

Response to The War Crew 2006-01-09 19:57:06

At 1/9/06 07:42 PM, K-Pingu wrote: May I suggest a new topic?

Whoops, sorry. Complete mis-understanding there. Apologies for thinking you meant a new "topic" as in thread.

Response to The War Crew 2006-01-09 21:06:52

At 1/9/06 07:57 PM, Postoholic wrote:
At 1/9/06 07:42 PM, K-Pingu wrote: May I suggest a new topic?
Whoops, sorry. Complete mis-understanding there. Apologies for thinking you meant a new "topic" as in thread.

Tut tut. No I'm past trying to shut this topic down. I just suggested the new topic to re-energise the members. Would you believe my earlier posts somehow got me a promotion...go figure.

About Iran, I just find it funny how the US went into Iraq claiming that it was because Iraq had WMD's (which were never found). We do know, however, that Iran has been pursuing a uranium enrichment program. Did the US attack on sight? No, theyre holding meetings with the Iranians. I think the Americans are too afraid to go in to Iran, because doing so would cause all other Islamic nations to rise up and support Iran, which would leave the US in a very sticky spot.

S/Sgt K-Pingu

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Response to The War Crew 2006-01-10 19:12:23

Yeah. America is cornered on both walls. You have one or more countries in every part of the world pissed off at United States for everything that they are doing. Here is the list that are aganist USA:

Anti-USA Countries:

North Korea
El Salvador

Countries that are keeping an eye on United States:

Saudi Arabia

Allies with US:

United Kingdom
South Korea

Response to The War Crew 2006-01-10 19:45:39

You know you just listed Mexico as, to combine the terms, a cautious ally (Its listed in allies and in countries keeping an eye on the states).

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Response to The War Crew 2006-01-10 20:57:34

My apologies for the double post, but I was made aware of an interesting link in one of the other topics I post in. Its US military involvement up to 1993, naming all the countries the States was involved in fighting for/over.

Click this to see what the hell I mean

Again, sorry for the double post!

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Response to The War Crew 2006-01-11 19:15:13

At 1/10/06 07:45 PM, K-Pingu wrote: You know you just listed Mexico as, to combine the terms, a cautious ally (Its listed in allies and in countries keeping an eye on the states).

Yeah I did. Mexico is still ally with the US but President Fox is keeping an eye on President Bush because of the plans of building a "Berlin" wall on the boaders of Mexico and US.

Response to The War Crew 2006-01-12 00:05:43

I haven't heard anything about those plans before. But I'm not suprised. It would work better than a chain link fence...(but thats off topic...)

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Response to The War Crew 2006-01-12 17:33:10

sorry i wasent paying attention what is the discusion topic (dam commie)

Response to The War Crew 2006-01-12 19:10:31

At 1/12/06 05:33 PM, chavbasher15 wrote: sorry i wasent paying attention what is the discusion topic (dam commie)

The possibility of a war between Iran and the United States, but if you have a new topic, by all means, share it.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-01-13 00:19:25

Here is a topic that we all can talk about it.

Which war movie describes the real war that was flimed for and why?

On Sunday the 15th (later in the day), I will post a story that takes place in war-torn world and any War Crew soldiers or NG members that want to be in the story, just ask me and I will choose your role in the story.

Response to The War Crew 2006-01-13 00:22:20

Fellow soldiers, we are now in our 25th page!

At 1/13/06 12:19 AM, GeneralMBison wrote: Here is a topic that we all can talk about it.

Which war movie describes the real war that was flimed for and why?

On Sunday the 15th, I will post a story that takes place in war-torn world and any War Crew soldiers or NG members that want to be in the story, just ask me and I will choose your role in the story.

Whoops! There was a small error on the post.

Response to The War Crew 2006-01-13 09:22:09

At 1/13/06 12:19 AM, GeneralMBison wrote: Here is a topic that we all can talk about it.

Which war movie describes the real war that was flimed for and why?

I'd say platoon, because it's director, Oliver Stone, was in Vietnam, and based the movie hevily on his own experiences, with each of the characters representing someone he'd known. (On a side note, he is in the movie as an uncreditied role)

On Sunday the 15th (later in the day), I will post a story that takes place in war-torn world and any War Crew soldiers or NG members that want to be in the story, just ask me and I will choose your role in the story.

Ooh! Pick Me! (Jumps up and down holding hand in the air). I can be the success story: asshole why tries to destroy something good (ie this thread a while back) to proud Staff Sergeant making up for the wrongs of the past...or you can cast me as you wish, as that probably wouldn't fit with a storyline.

S/Sgt. K-Pingu

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Response to The War Crew 2006-01-13 11:14:42

At 1/12/06 05:33 PM, chavbasher15 wrote: sorry i wasent paying attention what is the discusion topic (dam commie)

Fuck off! (dam chav)

At 1/13/06 12:19 AM, GeneralMBison wrote: Here is a topic that we all can talk about it.

Which war movie describes the real war that was flimed for and why?

Well i'd say scenes in Enemy at the gates. Though heavily glorified by hollywood there were some scene's in it like the opening battle and the duel in the factory were accurate considering.

Response to The War Crew 2006-01-13 11:38:44

At 1/13/06 11:14 AM, RedGlare wrote: Well i'd say scenes in Enemy at the gates. Though heavily glorified by hollywood there were some scene's in it like the opening battle and the duel in the factory were accurate considering.

I agree with that. Vassily Zaitsev was a real sniper, so was Kulikov (who in reality did not die). But there was no love story, no kid, and Danilov was certainly not a friend. He porced Zaitsev to take him on a stalk, saw something flash, then got on his knees to point it out (the idiot). He was shot in the shoulder by Konig in the hopes that Zaitsev would reveal himself to help his wounded comrade. Zaitsev stayed where he was and both held fire, even when medics came to cart off Danilov.

But I'm sure this is old news to you, RedGlare...I wrote the above for those who don't know of the battle of the snipers.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-01-13 12:18:16

At 1/13/06 11:38 AM, K-Pingu wrote:
I agree with that. Vassily Zaitsev was a real sniper, so was Kulikov (who in reality did not die). But there was no love story, no kid, and Danilov was certainly not a friend. He porced Zaitsev to take him on a stalk, saw something flash, then got on his knees to point it out (the idiot). He was shot in the shoulder by Konig in the hopes that Zaitsev would reveal himself to help his wounded comrade. Zaitsev stayed where he was and both held fire, even when medics came to cart off Danilov.

Well i'm not really familar with the real Vassily because Stalin's cult of personality made him a hero. He himself wasn't the best sniper in Stalingrad. He was one of not the best. Plus that love story was just there for Box office sales. But that scene in the factory was like an example of upclose(even though they were snipers) frantic battling that the skirmashes often broke down into.

The one thing i found really stupid was when Vassily gets a rifle and goes "a little" then goes and gets six or so straight headshots. But it did look cool.

Response to The War Crew 2006-01-13 12:35:04

Actually, It was a remake of a Russian film on the same topic. And the reason there are more American films - Thats where hollywood is. Thats where the money is. You make movies based on what people want to see.

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Response to The War Crew 2006-01-13 12:35:53

At 1/13/06 12:31 PM, marchingtyrants wrote: Now why is there more American WW2 movies than soviet ones?

Because hollywood is the giant of the film world plus America doesn't want to promote communism, and the eastern front is considered to brutal to film.

and enemy at the gates was a british production film, russians with german accent is veery wierd

most of the actors were British

Response to The War Crew 2006-01-14 03:33:37

At 1/13/06 11:14 AM, marchingtyrants wrote: what i miss during my 6 month holiday?

A lot of war there soldier. It's good to have you back marchingtyrants.

Response to The War Crew 2006-01-15 03:52:15

At 1/13/06 09:22 AM, K-Pingu wrote: Ooh! Pick Me! (Jumps up and down holding hand in the air). I can be the success story: asshole why tries to destroy something good (ie this thread a while back) to proud Staff Sergeant making up for the wrongs of the past...or you can cast me as you wish, as that probably wouldn't fit with a storyline.

S/Sgt. K-Pingu

Ok! You and every other soldier are in the story. Your not the only soldier who tried to be an asshole in this crew.

Response to The War Crew 2006-01-16 22:43:31

At 1/15/06 03:52 AM, GeneralMBison wrote: Ok! You and every other soldier are in the story. Your not the only soldier who tried to be an asshole in this crew.

That's encouraging. I still feel pretty undeserving of the promotion...not that I want to have my rank pulled ;)

I might work on one if I get some time in the next few days.

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