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The War Crew

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Response to The War Crew 2005-10-01 19:59:38

At 10/1/05 07:54 PM, GeneralMBison wrote:
Damn, you live close to me! (About 34 miles but still) a fellow soldier from the War Crew close to the General's home.

Ya but traffic is a killer. I think that their should be "L.A. miles", like "Dog Years", just multiply regular miles by two, and you get L.A. miles.

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-01 21:52:19

At 10/1/05 07:50 PM, seventy-one wrote:
At 10/1/05 07:45 PM, GeneralMBison wrote: Soldiers!!!

Click here to add yourself to the Newgrounds World Map.


Too late, I had already tagged it...sorry (I'm in southern california, in La Canada. Look for Burbank, then Pasadena, then south pasadena, then go north. Or look for burbank then look for glendale, then look north.)

Heh - find me in the mass of people (or mob) around New York/Baltimore/Washington D.C./Boston... etc. area...

Resident of Washington D.C. (opposite area from you guys) - put down the War Crew stuff too

And how'd I lose so much ground? I went away from my computer to watch a movie, and suddenly Redglare1's staring up my back, with 4 points! I knew that stuff too! *cries*

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-01 21:57:30

At 10/1/05 09:52 PM, Nomader wrote:
And how'd I lose so much ground? I went away from my computer to watch a movie, and suddenly Redglare1's staring up my back, with 4 points! I knew that stuff too! *cries*

There's an easy one now that noone has even bothered to try. What movie were you watching?

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-01 22:11:26

At 10/1/05 10:04 PM, marchingtyrants wrote:
At 10/1/05 09:57 PM, seventy-one wrote:
There's an easy one now that noone has even bothered to try. What movie were you watching?
probably a world war 3 movie, like band of brothers!!

You mean world war *2 right? Band of Brothers was great!

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-01 22:22:01

At 10/1/05 09:57 PM, seventy-one wrote:
At 10/1/05 09:52 PM, Nomader wrote:
And how'd I lose so much ground? I went away from my computer to watch a movie, and suddenly Redglare1's staring up my back, with 4 points! I knew that stuff too! *cries*
There's an easy one now that noone has even bothered to try. What movie were you watching?

Some crappy Western that was on TV... I suggested one of the following, but my family wouldn't listen:

Gladiator (completly historicalwise inaccurate, but it's a good movie)
The Desert Fox
The Longest Day
Band of Brothers

Next Question:

What war fought from 431 BC - 404 BC was a battle of major powers in Ancient times, fighting for not only the Delian Leauge, but in a mis-match of armies, one side having the superiour land power, while the other having the naval superiority?

Note: I did not even name the region to intentionally confuse people... sorry!

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-01 22:26:22

At 10/1/05 10:22 PM, Nomader wrote:
What war fought from 431 BC - 404 BC was a battle of major powers in Ancient times, fighting for not only the Delian Leauge, but in a mis-match of armies, one side having the superiour land power, while the other having the naval superiority?

Note: I did not even name the region to intentionally confuse people... sorry!

The persian wars? Something with Greece and Persia? I was watching Gladiator last night again, phenomonel movie, I also saw the mask of zorro (off topic).

But still there's an insanely easy question I posted earlier, its a gimme point. A FREE GOD DAMN POINT!!!

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-01 22:44:02

At 10/1/05 10:26 PM, seventy-one wrote: The persian wars? Something with Greece and Persia? I was watching Gladiator last night again, phenomonel movie, I also saw the mask of zorro (off topic).

Nope. Try again...

But still there's an insanely easy question I posted earlier, its a gimme point. A FREE GOD DAMN POINT!!!

I looked into it... and I haven't found.. anything!

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-01 22:46:16

At 10/1/05 10:44 PM, Nomader wrote: I looked into it... and I haven't found.. anything!

It's in the last Updated Standings, but I'll repost this, I was thinking of a question and so until I found one I just posted this easy one:

What was George Washington's real name?

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-01 22:48:11

At 10/1/05 10:44 PM, Nomader wrote:
At 10/1/05 10:26 PM, seventy-one wrote: The persian wars? Something with Greece and Persia? I was watching Gladiator last night again, phenomonel movie, I also saw the mask of zorro (off topic).
Nope. Try again...

Oh snap! I meant the Peloponnesian War.

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-01 22:56:57

At 10/1/05 10:46 PM, seventy-one wrote: What was George Washington's real name?

No answer? Point for me:


What war in American history was when the first national draft took place?

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-01 22:59:03

At 10/1/05 10:56 PM, seventy-one wrote:
At 10/1/05 10:46 PM, seventy-one wrote: What was George Washington's real name?
No answer? Point for me:


What war in American history was when the first national draft took place?

The Civil War *grabs at point*

Anyone answering my question? I'm about to just let seventy-one be the only question asker here... lol

Promote him now GeneralMBison! This is horrible mistreatment keeping him so low!

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-01 23:03:08

At 10/1/05 10:59 PM, marchingtyrants wrote:
NEXT QUESTION: Why didn't Japan invade the Soviet Union in WW II?

Now your getting into hypothetical questions here.

Why should they? Japan had nothing to gain from vast amounts of tundra anyhow - although Germany had things to gain from cities like Moscow... etc.

They were already on a full fronted battle between the US, China, Britian, Dutch... etc. - all vs. Japan.

Why should they add another enemy to the list? They should deal with things one at a time - they did it methodically and used smarts it seems to.

Was that good?

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-01 23:17:03

At 10/1/05 11:05 PM, marchingtyrants wrote: Well, the USSR did actually invade Japan in Manchuria and Sakhalin and the Kuril islands anfter NAzi Germany was Defeated......

True, but note the after - by then, they had pretty much the majority of their opponents defeated, and by that point, America was wiring for X-Day and the Atomic Bomb (X-Day was the planned invasion of Japan that never happened)

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-01 23:27:53

At 10/1/05 11:24 PM, marchingtyrants wrote:
At 10/1/05 11:17 PM, Nomader wrote: True, but note the after - by then, they had pretty much the majority of their opponents defeated, and by that point, America was wiring for X-Day and the Atomic Bomb (X-Day was the planned invasion of Japan that never happened)
The Americans actually planned to invade Japan? LOL
But why didn't they execute emperor Hirohito for his war crimes?

If they invaded Hirohito for war crimes, imagine the rebellion.

Japan always had Emporers - you kill the Emperor, the people would form some sort of a "rebel group"

But, this is where the US got smart.

They put Hirohito on the radio, and made him admit he wasn't some sort of God-like figure, he was a normal human being. This completly reversed it - they still respected him, but it would kill any "rebel group" thing.

And why should they kill him? It was his main general that had control of the government anyhow.

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 00:47:53

At 10/1/05 11:38 PM, marchingtyrants wrote: what? HE and his pawns killed and raped and looted most of Asia!!

No wonder all the countries got invaded by Japan are all suspicious of Japan

Nope - it's his General and his General's Pawns that took over the government in the first place - I don't blame Hirohito for a cent.

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 01:23:05

At 10/1/05 10:59 PM, Nomader wrote:
The Civil War *grabs at point*


Anyone answering my question? I'm about to just let seventy-one be the only question asker here... lol

Ya, wasn't my second guess the right answer? It was the Peloponnesian War.

Updated standings
Nomader-11 I believe
redglare1-4 or 5, I'll go back at the end and make an official count
GeneralMBison-1 or 2, same as above

Next Question:

Which German airmen who fought in World War 1 had a manuever named after him?

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 01:36:22

At 10/2/05 01:23 AM, seventy-one wrote:
At 10/1/05 10:59 PM, Nomader wrote: Anyone answering my question? I'm about to just let seventy-one be the only question asker here... lol
Ya, wasn't my second guess the right answer? It was the Peloponnesian War.

Yep - didn't notice that - lol

Nomader-11 I believe

Still in front - and I am at 11 - I can confirm it.

Next Question:

Which German airmen who fought in World War 1 had a manuever named after him?

Max Immelmann

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 01:43:47

At 10/2/05 01:36 AM, Nomader wrote:

Next Question:

Which German airmen who fought in World War 1 had a manuever named after him?
Max Immelmann

Correct, the 'Immelmann turn' was a half-loop followed by a half-roll. Max Immelmann was killed in action in 1916.

You now have 12 points.


In Black Hawk Down, what was the full name of the pilot of the first downed Black Hawk?

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 02:18:29

Ok, as of right now I will give out questions too like seventy-one, but i will still my 2 points. Now to promote some soldiers, since we did have any promotion since the 12th or 11th page.

brandon_ross to the rank of Colonel.
seventy-one to the rank of Lieutenant General.
Nomander to the rank of General.

Plus here is a rule for officers (officers are soldiers that have the rank of Major and above): Every officer (expect Lieutenant General, and General) will be promoted every 5 pages of this crew, so don't ask to be promoted to the next rank if you are an officer. Same goes for every other ranks. Don't ask yourself to be promoted only if someone else tells me to promote the person he choses then I'll see.

Here is the ranks:
Ranks (This will update a lot of times):
Supreme Commander: GeneralMBison (founder)
General: redglare1, ChurroNG, Nomader
Lieutenant General: seventy-one
Major General: marchingtyrants
Brigadier General:
Colonel: brandon_ross
Lieutenant Colonel:
Captain: falcontrigger
Lieutenant: canada_rocker
Second Lieutenant:
Sergeant Major:
Master Sergeant:
First Sergeant:
Gunnery Sergeant: Vamite
Staff Sergeant:
Lance Corporal:
Private First Class: Emumember
Private: KjartanT, -bloodskater, thegodofwolves

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 09:07:52

At 10/1/05 10:59 PM, marchingtyrants wrote:
NEXT QUESTION: Why didn't Japan invade the Soviet Union in WW II?

because japan had a piece treaty with them plus they had to many enemies and not a lot to gain they already conquered manchuria and shakilan.

the ussr only invaded to honour there yalta pact were they would attack japan a few months after germany was defeated.

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 10:01:07

At 10/2/05 01:43 AM, seventy-one wrote: NEXT QUESTION:

In Black Hawk Down, what was the full name of the pilot of the first downed Black Hawk?

I'll let someone else take it XD

I was promoted!?! That wasn't expected...

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 10:56:05

At 10/1/05 06:43 PM, redglare1 wrote: do you want to join?

ill probably come back now and again i just cant be bothered to be a full time member, thanks anyway

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 12:41:11

At 10/2/05 10:01 AM, Nomader wrote:
At 10/2/05 01:43 AM, seventy-one wrote: NEXT QUESTION:
I was promoted!?! That wasn't expected...

congradulations general.

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 13:47:30

At 10/2/05 10:01 AM, Nomader wrote:
At 10/2/05 01:43 AM, seventy-one wrote: NEXT QUESTION:

In Black Hawk Down, what was the full name of the pilot of the first downed Black Hawk?
I'll let someone else take it XD

I was promoted!?! That wasn't expected...

Nice excuse for not knowing a question. Just kidding. So now that everyone has settled down from their promotion, why not try to answer the question?

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 20:05:17

At 10/2/05 01:47 PM, seventy-one wrote:
At 10/2/05 10:01 AM, Nomader wrote:
At 10/2/05 01:43 AM, seventy-one wrote: \:

In Black Hawk Down, what was the full name of the pilot of the first downed Black Hawk?

was it tommy gerald sandefur?

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 20:59:45

At 10/2/05 08:05 PM, falcontrigger wrote:
was it tommy gerald sandefur?

Nope. If everyone gives up I'll post the answer.

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 21:27:03

At 10/2/05 12:41 PM, redglare1 wrote:
At 10/2/05 10:01 AM, Nomader wrote:
At 10/2/05 01:43 AM, seventy-one wrote: NEXT QUESTION:
I was promoted!?! That wasn't expected...
congragulations general.

heh - I'm still amazed at it XD - and thanks!

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 21:34:14


Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 22:30:11

At 10/2/05 09:34 PM, falcontrigger wrote: I GIVE UP!!

Point for me, the answer was Cliff Wolcott, who was killed when an RPG hit his Black Hawk.


In the Korean War, what was the Operational code-name for the prisoner of war exchange, between the UN Allies and the Communist?

Response to The War Crew 2005-10-02 23:16:02

At 10/2/05 10:30 PM, seventy-one wrote: In the Korean War, what was the Operational code-name for the prisoner of war exchange, between the UN Allies and the Communist?

Can I give you the answer tomarrow afternoon?

Nomader ('No, mad, er').

Review Request Club // Former Wi/Ht? Regular

Oh God, you're an idiot.

BBS Signature