Change the text to something grungy Hoaders, goto and get the one called Fucked Plate, I think it will go nicely with this sig if used well enough. And don't glow the text :p. Sorry to barge in but I think constructive criticism is important.
hey hoaders do you think you could make me a sig with the same art off the lp album as it shows in ur website?
At 8/14/05 11:34 AM, Hoaders wrote: Thanks alot man, :D but being the idiot i am i didnt save the psd. file, so i cant edit it, i didnt like it really tho, so i made a new one altogether.. heh, it was inspired by Zens sigs... what with the diagonal lines. But is there anyway i can improve this one?
That one looks pretty good, but here's the girl I've had in it most of the time. Also if it's okay could you make one in the big size? ^_~ Thanks a bunch Hoaders.
At 8/14/05 04:48 PM, Hoaders wrote: well seeya people, im off on holiday. Ill be back in a week or so, hope you can handle it without me ; ]
bye bye!
See ya later Hoaders.
Picture... because newgrounds is to crap to allow bigger pictures
That's fucking sexy. <3
Well guys, we have a bit of a situation here. Makaio hasnt been onine for a loooong time, and Hoaders just left for vacation. And with the restarting of the SSM, we wont be able to get as much requests as we used to. Well, congrats on the SSM Reborn. Once Makaio or Hoader gets back, we'll have a chat on how to continue here. Until then, keep requesting, ill fill them, you can keep this crew alive. One question remains, why does the new SSM get tons of requests? Is there something we did wrong? Is it there reputation?
At 8/16/05 06:29 AM, MeMB wrote: Is there something we did wrong?
Reputation, plus a cooler name.
Dont worry, once they get flooded with requests, people (who are tired of waiting) will look to other clubs for sigs. Same thing happened with the old ssm. Post in the ssm, wait for 5 mins, then go to asm or bsm. I can only assume the same thing will happen unless they have a lot more active members.
Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.
PM me for a sig.
can i have a sig with a dog on a chain, barking and foaming at the mouth. and to the side is a guy smiling and laughing saying " silly rabies"?
At 8/16/05 06:37 AM, Velocitom wrote: plus a cooler name.
Whats wrong with our name?
At 8/18/05 03:58 AM, MeMB wrote:At 8/16/05 06:37 AM, Velocitom wrote: plus a cooler name.Whats wrong with our name?
Nothing in my opinion.
Can someone here make me a sig?
All I want is something funny, but simple with my name on it. Can anyone make one for meh?
At 8/16/05 06:29 AM, MeMB wrote: One question remains, why does the new SSM get tons of requests? Is there something we did wrong? Is it there reputation?
The SSM is legendary, everyone wants to be in it. You know how hard it is to get into it? Back in the day you had to make 2-3 sigs everyday and good ones just to get noticed for the mostly monthly vote.
And it was hard as hell just get past that, luckily i got in when there were few member and they needed some.
And plus this club was basically a remake of the SSM so sig makers could have something to work for.
You know? You should go back to the asm and start amking sigs and hopefully make your way to the SSM, then if you make it to the tryouts... do your best and hopefully i'll meet up with you in the SSM.
You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...
Well, i done think there's much chance for me to join the SSM after that argument me and Juggs had.
I would like to join ^_^ if u could could u put a ninja on it?
i want a sig god damnit. dog on chain barking, foaming at the mouth. and to the side i sa guy laughing and saying, "silly rabies".
At 8/19/05 10:31 AM, Praz-el wrote: I would like to join ^_^ if u could could u put a ninja on it?
hehe let me go into greater detail i would like a ninja or a space marine kind of thing (like star craft or something) ya i know that doesnt help but im so amazed with everyones sigs i cant thing any more ^_^
At 8/19/05 10:55 AM, Praz-el wrote: incoheirent babble.
Ok...... so in exchange for joining this club you want a space marine of a ninja? That makes tonnes of sense.
hay errm. can i have a sig plz. i would like it to based somewat around manga (not hentai) plz
hey, can i join? im not sure if you need to see some sigs that i made, but some of them are here
make me a sig with a twinkie beating up a jar of peanut butter and in the corner it says " twinkies kick your buttery ass"
At 8/22/05 03:54 PM, hypractvmidget wrote: hey, can i join? im not sure if you need to see some sigs that i made, but some of them are here
Read the first post for info about joining.
Hey please could somone mak me a sig- i would like it to be about san andreas plz with Adz in the middle in cool text. THANX
At 8/23/05 08:23 AM, Adz_The_Gamer wrote: Hey please could somone mak me a sig- i would like it to be about san andreas plz with Adz in the middle in cool text. THANX
aidan i'll make you it
At 8/25/05 07:51 AM, UnholySox wrote:At 8/23/05 08:23 AM, Adz_The_Gamer wrote: Hey please could somone mak me a sig- i would like it to be about san andreas plz with Adz in the middle in cool text. THANXaidan i'll make you it
not in this thread you won't. members only sorry.
here you go ADZ..kinda sucky bt next time you come to mine ou can show me exactly what you want
At 8/25/05 08:02 AM, Arch_Angel_Rhys wrote:At 8/25/05 07:51 AM, UnholySox wrote:not in this thread you won't. members only sorry.At 8/23/05 08:23 AM, Adz_The_Gamer wrote: Hey please could somone mak me a sig- i would like it to be about san andreas plz with Adz in the middle in cool text. THANXaidan i'll make you it
Woopsies sorry didnt see that..:S really sorry
MeMB,You said I needed a better pic for you to use,so how's about this one?
At 8/22/05 03:54 PM, hypractvmidget wrote: hey, can i join? im not sure if you need to see some sigs that i made, but some of them are here
Nice sigs.
Sojme won't fit though.