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Sig Makers Guild

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Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 02:48:24

At 7/27/05 02:45 AM, -Oni- wrote: lol, who am i?

No one, thats who.

Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.

PM me for a sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 03:04:23

At 7/27/05 02:54 AM, -Oni- wrote: this saddens me :'(

Good, it makes me feel superior degrading other people so they dont realize my problems.

Faith tramples all reason, logic, and common sense.

PM me for a sig.

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 03:17:11

Could Makaio or MeMB please make me a sig with 8 Foot Sativa pictures on it, with my name on it. I would also like it to look kind of high-tech. Thanks in advance.

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 06:10:12

WTF, what is all this bullshit about me always making the same style? I mean Oni, why dont you just go away. IF your just here to spam and flame other users, just leave. As for Velocitom, i've been trying to run this sig making crew alone for a while now, and im trying to make the requesters happy. Apparently they love abstract so much that they all walk away happy with their new sig. So why would i try to variate on my sigs if i know everybody likes them that much? I was trying to keep people going to the SMG when they needed a new sig. But since you guys dislike my current 'non-variated' sigs, ill do other styles aswell, although we all know that the majority loves abstract sigs. So if you get a different style sig, or if you dont like it because of the style, dont blame me. Just trying to keep things variated. :\

As for variation, here's a sig pack i made a while ago. You can even see how i was trying a new style. Just look at the bottom left sig. It sucks, but atleast i tried, and there is no reason for hiding it.

Sig pack: http://img176.images../sigpackfinal1gl.jpg

And thanks Matt. <3

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 06:11:27

guess who's bored?

i'll make a sig

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 06:17:38

Make me a sig, I command it.
And you know....stuff.


Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 06:18:01

At 7/27/05 06:17 AM, Enoll wrote: Make me a sig, I command it.
And you know....stuff.

k ^_^

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 06:33:56

At 7/27/05 06:11 AM, Acid-Rain wrote: guess who's bored?

i'll make a sig

Sorry, but you'll have to be invited for a trial first before becoming a member.


Sig Makers Guild

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 06:42:14

done ^_^

would you like your name on it or something?

Sig Makers Guild

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 06:43:44

At 7/27/05 06:33 AM, MeMB wrote: Bred_4_abortion

thanks fucking lots it looks awesome

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 06:47:20

No problem man.

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 06:48:01

At 7/27/05 06:33 AM, MeMB wrote: Sorry, but you'll have to be invited for a trial first before becoming a member.

Welcome to the SMG.
This will be the new members only sig making group,if you want a sig ask here and it ensures maximum quality and that it will no doubt get done eventually.
We of course have a set of rules other then the obvious forum rules

1.Only members can post sigs.
2.Do not ask to become a member,if we see you doing a good job in the asm we will invite you to participate in a private trial,there will be no open public trials.
3.Giving credit in your signature text although appreciated is not necessary however if you try to take credit for a sig made here you will be blacklisted.
4.These signatures take a long time to make,some more then others so we ask that you wear the sig for a minimum of 3 weeks before requesting a new one.
5.Ask politely,this is a free service,a privilege not a rite so we have the authority to refuse to make you a sig.

These are the biggies but basically be nice to us and we'll be nice to you. simple as that.
This club has been in the works for quite a while so we have had time to organize a member list and have some of the best siggers on NG.

Member list:
Makaio (aka XXXMATTXXX)
sublime(aka AcidRain)

Approval obtained from Figmentum and of course DP.

And even if i wasn't you sure do look like you could use some help.

blah blah blah

update on sig:

Sig Makers Guild

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 06:49:43

gah i can never get it right -_-

Sig Makers Guild

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 06:51:38

Ah fuck. Sorry AcidRain. It got confused becuase of Sublime. Sorry.

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 06:52:54

At 7/27/05 06:51 AM, MeMB wrote: Ah fuck. Sorry AcidRain. It got confused becuase of Sublime. Sorry.

S'alright ^_^

now where is the to-do list?

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 06:55:10

I love you Acid, and I want you to have my e-babies.


Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 08:46:58

SMG request list.


Makaio (aka XXXMATTXXX)
Sublime (aka Acid-Rain)

I want to ask all members to start making sigs again. Most of the members barely made sigs. Is that what you signed up for?

Also, we're looking for new members because of the inactivity mentioned above. Remember: Do NOT ask to be a member, or we will skip you because of that. We're scouting for good sig makers, and if your work is worthwhile, we'll contact you.

And now for the request list. All requests posted on page 17 or above are mentioned here, unless they're forfilled already.

Request list:

Page 17:
MattAC: Can someone make me an animation sig with my name in white, with Death chasing Kenny on a tricycle, with his arm reaching out, and put MattAC on this one? <pic included with his post>

BazookaNinja: If anyone could make me a nice Final Fantasy Tactics Advance sig, I would be extremely grateful. :)


Page 18:
Fired: Can you please make me a sig, I happen to have had bad luck with mine. I'd like it if you could get the firefox logo in there and also the name "fired" in the background. blue flames please. If it's to time consuming just a simple sig would be great. thanks a bunch in advance.

Imma_Cow0ink: Can any one make me a sig with speh and cloud on it with any kind of back round and my name on it thanks

TheNitz: Can I have one just add a picture of Nitz of of undergrads cool writting n all

VisaFreak: Can someone plz make me a nice sig, VISA credit card related with my name VisaFreak on it. Thx. I dont have any ideas really so just throw out anything...LOL.

XpobX: hey
Can someone please make me an interesting sig?
Ive been away from NG for awhile, but now Im thinking im gonna post more.
Its not that I hate my current sig, its just that it seems kinda boring.
So PLEASE someone make me a sig


Dr, Moxley: ok if no one can make the sig i requested before.on page 17,then can u make me a sig without flash.One of a hentai cute anime chick gettin banged and my name in lower right in Old English. I would lov eto have on of those hawt sigs

Page 19:
TwilightLegend: hey can i get a sig like my current one but more zelda like letters and a real triforce in the corner

Basstard: Hello. *bows to show his respect towards the sig makers Guild.* I wanted to ask if somebosy could make a sig pic for me that looks better then the one I have now. I got one from the ASM... But that one is not good... Sorry Radtiz10.... Just try to make it look in a Assassin way.... THXXX


Billtheshmill: can you make me a sig saying

"if u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l4id"


Invalid_Username: hey, im not sure if you guys can do moving ones, but i have an awesome idea and i would love you guys forever if you did this for me.

heres how it would look. take this picture and make it so that its just the eyes of the two men, then have it scroll down so you see the two guns and a flash movie named STICK MOVIE LOL or something, then the bluish ray shoots out and the movie gets blammed. maybe a black backround though instead of the glowey amber color. oh, and my name in a corner...

if you guys want me to get the text out of there for you i can do that (in paint :[ ) but im pretty good at it... if you cant do it just tell me and i guess ill come up with an easier concept


Joorgan: Can someone make me a sig that has the clown from madness (with mask) and mick thompson (#7 from slipknot) i would like it dark maybe Mick's pic like this

suphyohos123:I would like a cool sig with animation that goes with my name. Go wild with it.

-cherries-: could I get an flcl sig with haruko on it running over a taco.

Page 20:

Gonongorfis_Ad: i want a new sig metal gear solid based with my name thanx

TBone90: Hey everyone! I just made this sig as an "experiment".....gone wrong, I might add. I looks like a piece of shit. Will anyone spruce it up a little and put a twist on it? I'd like "Falco Lombardi" in red Arwing font, which can be found here. And my name in blue. (font doesn't matter) If you can, use both pictures, too. Thanks to anyone. BTW, MeMB, I've seen your work, and it looks great. I'm a little anxious to see what you can come up with.

I-WAS-DAMADCOW: Can someone make me a sig with this gif? Can you make it so the banana is in the middle of the sig, on a black BG, with it saying "I-WAS-DAMADCOW <3'z teh bouncing banana!" and with white letters please. <pic included with post>

supyohos123: Ok i figured out what i want. I want a 3D picture of Mario with a backwards cap and some baggy pants and with my name on the side and a pretty badass looking background (whatever you think is badass. You make some really good sigs. I would like one. Thank you for your time.

DeathbyDrowning: Someone make me a signate picture?
highly aprecative

StCyril: If there is someone here who can make me one... perhaps based on a combination of Piloting, and the dark side of the force, It would be appreciated! You know, piloting skills+ Force lighting+ Red Light saber + Sheer evil???

-shake-: I need a sig matching my name

mrhappytime: make me a sig pretty please, with chuck norris on top

Sig request list made by me, MeMB. Fuck, i got myself RSI for typing this long ass post :(

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 10:06:08


Sig Makers Guild

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 10:08:00

At 7/27/05 08:21 AM, Hoaders wrote: Acid rain!!! i freeking love your sigs! soo sexay =] think i could get one of them. I lllooveee the style its so original. Tanks :D

more specific? ~._.`

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 10:10:37

Hey Acid-Rain can you make me a cartoony looking sig of hell with a cartoony yet hulkingly badass satan/demon? I love your sigs..or if anyone else thinks they can pull off the stylishness of Acid-Rain.


BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 10:18:27

At 7/27/05 10:10 AM, Vegeton wrote: Hey Acid-Rain can you make me a cartoony looking sig of hell with a cartoony yet hulkingly badass satan/demon? I love your sigs..or if anyone else thinks they can pull off the stylishness of Acid-Rain.

yeah i'll do it within 6-8 hours, and hoaders too.

but eh...

i'm doing work for sixstar right now...

you may see if you wish...

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 10:22:23

At 7/27/05 10:18 AM, Acid-Rain wrote: yeah i'll do it within 6-8 hours, and hoaders too.

but eh...

i'm doing work for sixstar right now...

you may see if you wish...

Noice, I love your work the style of it is unique.


BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 10:30:52

well actually.. right now i'm finding it hard to stay awake.

my eyes are shutting..

if i don't get your sigs withing 6-8 hours it means i'm sleeping. ;_;

but don't worry they'll be done soon sfter i wake up.

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 12:14:12

Hey Acid-Rain, i was kinda bored so i clicked the google ads on your site a bunch of times XD

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 12:34:50

At 7/27/05 12:23 AM, StCyril wrote: If there is someone here who can make me one... perhaps based on a combination of Piloting, and the dark side of the force, It would be appreciated! You know, piloting skills+ Force lighting+ Red Light saber + Sheer evil???

Did anyone get my request btw??

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 13:28:21

At 7/27/05 10:10 AM, Vegeton wrote: Hey Acid-Rain can you make me a cartoony looking sig of hell with a cartoony yet hulkingly badass satan/demon? I love your sigs..or if anyone else thinks they can pull off the stylishness of Acid-Rain.

i can start on this now.

At 7/27/05 12:14 PM, MeMB wrote: Hey Acid-Rain, i was kinda bored so i clicked the google ads on your site a bunch of times XD

thankyou. thankyou!

You could really go for a chocolate chip cookie right about now...

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 14:28:36

lol, I love your sigs man. That final fantasy 8 one you made for renzu was awesome. That is why i'm not going to the other sig maker clubs.

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 14:54:22

is any one making mine. Mine is the one with cloud and seph on it with my name on it

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 15:01:07

At 7/27/05 02:54 PM, Imma_CowOink wrote: is any one making mine. Mine is the one with cloud and seph on it with my name on it

Can some one just resize this with my name on it please

BBS Signature

Response to Sig Makers Guild 2005-07-27 15:08:45

BBS Signature