can anyone make me a sig and help me put it in? i've tried but i just cant get it.
can anyone make me a sig and help me put it in? i've tried but i just cant get it.
Hey, id' like a sig with a pic of sumo and my screen name on it, thanks
Could you make me a punisher sig with my name in a decrnt font?
At 5/26/05 10:33 AM, LKnight wrote: can anyone make me a sig and help me put it in? i've tried but i just cant get it.
Ok, here's your sig.
What you do is firstly right click on the sig I post for you, and click Save as, and save the image somewhere on your PC.
Then go to the NG login screen, and it says " BBS Signature Pic" beneath "Public Profile". Click on that, and upload the file from wherever you saved it.
Could sumone please make me a Gambit sig, similar to GreenLanturns sig?, but with main colour(s) blue and pink?, that would be so sweet!
thank you guys so much!
with the text Candyman please.
I would like to cancle my sig request thank you any one if they listen to it and started tio make me one. But I made my own thanks anyways....
Can someone make me a sig with this guy, with dark red and the name "pozpoz"?
(please without the writen thingies)
can some one make me a signature
Moving volumebars
My ailias and text saying: Your mom loves me more than you.
Orange and yellow (pref)
At 5/29/05 01:55 PM, Re-Spawn wrote: can some one make me a signature
Moving volumebars
My ailias and text saying: Your mom loves me more than you.
Orange and yellow (pref)
ROFFLE.... Not exactly a triumphant return to the NGBBS, but I'm back.
I was bored. And I don't have my computer. *tear* I'll do a MUCH better one when I get home.
At 5/29/05 12:28 PM, lidov wrote: Can someone make me a sig with this guy, with dark red and the name "pozpoz"?
(please without the writen thingies)
is someone working on mine?
With this guy?
At 5/27/05 06:50 AM, Nick_Candy wrote: Could sumone please make me a Gambit sig, similar to GreenLanturns sig?, but with main colour(s) blue and pink?, that would be so sweet!
thank you guys so much!
with the text Candyman please.
At 5/30/05 05:39 AM, DrunkenPenguin wrote:
ROFFLE.... Not exactly a triumphant return to the NGBBS, but I'm back.
I was bored. And I don't have my computer. *tear* I'll do a MUCH better one when I get home.
Lmao wb DP i will have a look back in abit.
At 5/25/05 06:38 PM, boloneyman wrote: Can I have a sig with Dave Chapelle dressed as Rick James, and have the text read "Come back Dave, we need you."
Like so?
"I span the genre Vince. They call me the genre spanner."
May I please have a Boondock Saints signature picture please.
One with -aequitas-, and one that says -veritas-. Much thanks.
Dude, can someone make me a cool sig with that blob Gish and alien Hominid
Can I have a sig with my name on it "in black" and just a weird backround thats red/black and looks mechanical? Thanks, im off too bed.
Please I am still waiting for a sig with this guy below, on a dark red background and the name "pozpoz" (it is for my friend).
Can someone make me a sig with like a stick guy or a character of some sort laughing and my name "laughingboy" by it.
This would be very much appreciated.
At 5/26/05 10:26 AM, The_REDCOW wrote: Can somebody make me a hendrix sig. Don't put my name on it and use your imagination. Thanks.
I'd like to requset a sig
I want a sig that Has my name(sonic_kaiser), a sprite a Sonic The hedgehog in it, and the background as the color of my aura (blue)
Okay, I tried to make my sig in Flash (maybe a n00bie mistake, I don't know) so I need you guys to tell me how I can make it into a .gif (it moves, but no sound)
Can you please make me one?!? i would like one with scarface in it please! :D
thanks u!
Hello, I need a sig that's all Army, woodland camo or olive drab backround with MajorT in the foreground in Silver. I'd also like a diamond, slightly wider, but much like this one, also in silver to the right of my new name. Thanks in advance, if you can e-mail me the page number when it's done it would be much apprreciated:
can I request a signiture with a dark brown furry background, werewolf style character, and "dr. beast" in like claws or scratches.