Come on people my audio could do with a few more votes even if they are blams i just dont want to see my hard work rot...Click Here PLEASE!!!
Come on people my audio could do with a few more votes even if they are blams i just dont want to see my hard work rot...Click Here PLEASE!!!
try and fail. closer to the real version than the contest version. but still not perfect. it's not that easy to mix 5 guitars over a drum beat.
Shh. I'm not here. Really.
Click here to listen to Transmission Control.
And don't tell them I sent you.
Leave reviews :D
Problems with war. Try and leave reviews.
- Ameer
I've got a new one!
You're gonna like it.
I guarantee it.
A new track. BUT! Its not just a new track!
*oos and ahs from all directions*
So yeah, you know the drill, stop by, tell me what you think ;)
Enjoy it!
weee new track YAY!! ok it was my first track using pads ever. Surprisingly....Trancy soft technoey...please go rate and review! Much appreciated
"Unstable Resistor"
170bpm Acid Techno baby! crank this up! ^¬^
I made a new song from a midi i found, it's a music box from Silent Hill the game, i'm not sure which game though.
I used all kinds of effects to try make it feel like silent hill, scary and dark. probably why the files so big. I alo sampled some static from nine inch nails as i couldnt find any silent hill radio fuzz.
tell me what you think, if i got the effect i was looking for. Thanks
Hey i made a new song, its a longer version of Cool2
At 2/28/06 09:08 AM, MrRaven wrote:
:a music box from Silent Hill the game
I alo sampled some static from nine inch nails
If I'm not mistaken, that's a violation of the AP rules.
<!-- CDBABY LINK for TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Sensory Predicament -->
<TABLE width="400" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><TR><TD bgcolor="#9c3131"><TABLE bgcolor="White" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"><TR><TD bgcolor="White" width="100"><img src="
all.jpg" border="0" height="100" width="100" alt="TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Sensory Predicament"></TD><TD align="left" bgcolor="White" class="sans">TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Sensory Predicament<br><br>This is multipolar, occasionally dark-tinged indie/electronica/experimental music for the open-minded and strong-stomached.<br><br><div align="right"><img src="
_buythecd_100.gif" width="100" height="24" alt="Buy the CD" border="0"></div></td></tr></TABLE></TD></
Holy shit you screwed that up bad. Was that on purpose?
Thought you all would like a taste of what it feels like to stand atop a skyscraper at midnight while knowing the world is in your grasp.
Midnight Apogee
Feeling on top of the world lately?
Alrighty, this isn't a piece by me. Rather, I found it sitting with a 1.8 and gave it a shot, because the artist has a lot of other really good tracks. You might recognize him: Dj_Rec0il. Anyway, just listen to NGaiden-Bzlsk mnfld (RazorMix). You'll be blown a-fucking-way.
Review this and i'll give you 2 reviews. Or sumin.
Something new for your ears.
Leave reviews New love .:Pt 1:.
At 2/28/06 10:39 PM, -ZENON- wrote: Holy shit you screwed that up bad. Was that on purpose?
but it does stand out,
so maybe it's better that way...
At 3/1/06 05:43 PM, attemptedperfection wrote:At 2/28/06 10:39 PM, -ZENON- wrote: Holy shit you screwed that up bad. Was that on purpose?nope,
but it does stand out,
so maybe it's better that way...
Yeah man, you made me click it jsut cause I was curious of what it was :P
I would buy one, y'know, for support n' all that, but I'm flat broke.
Sorry man.
Ronyo: Frenzy
This is the first audio I've ever made so I'm looking for some input... Whether you like it or not, PLEASE review and tell me why you did/didn't.
So, my university class was cancelled today, I get home and decide to pick up the guitar . . . it's like gold is comin outta my fingers I tells yah! I had to record some of the riffs I was pullin outta my ass so I could listen to em later and relearn them. BEWARE THE FOLLOWING SONG IS VERY HI IN DISTORTION. Tell me your favorite riff and I'll try to stick it in my next real song
'tis the thought that counts.
just spread the word to a friend or two who may like indie-experimental-electronica,
and that'll be plenty support.
I'm more about getting my music out there than about money anyway
(although more money = better equipment = better music...)
hell, I'd send anyone a free CD if they would write a nice review of it.
.Ronyo: War
Just uploaded another song. Completely different style... I wasn't sure what category to put it in, so I just put it in Miscellaneous. Tell me what you think about each one (Frenzy and War), and which one you like more. I need some feedback otherwise I have no idea what I'm doing right or wrong. =S that could get ugly!
Newest songs are "Newgrounds Loop 3" and "Detective Rythim Man" they're kinda jazzy this time. Don't be turned off by that though, "Detective Rythim Man" is very barely jazzy.
Hey there everybody, I'm knid of new to the audio portal, I made my first entry a couple days ago. If any of you guys have time check it out and give me a review, depending on how this first post goes I may keep on creating :-p
Click Me to Listen!!
Thanks guys.
At 3/1/06 08:05 PM, DJ_Gwetz wrote: Hey there everybody, I'm knid of new to the audio portal, I made my first entry a couple days ago. If any of you guys have time check it out and give me a review, depending on how this first post goes I may keep on creating :-p
Click Me to Listen!!
Thanks guys.
Reviewed, I suggest that you other guys check it out.
Its actually pretty good :)
Just posting my link again cuz i need more reviews. Whether or not you like a song, please review it so i can improve in the future... at the moment, i don't even know what style i should try. :P
Reviews for "War" would be appreciated the most if you only have time for one, but at least listen to both and tell me which you prefer. Thanks!
Well, I sat down, and wasted a good portion of my life making this track.
A powerful euro goa trance mix song.
Those paranoid druggies
At 3/1/06 10:05 PM, -ZENON- wrote: Well, I sat down, and wasted a good portion of my life making this track.
A powerful euro goa trance mix song.
Those paranoid druggies
Very nice! I listened to some of your other stuff and voted on it, but I'll refrain from reviewing anything until I know more myself. Overall, though, I enjoyed what i heard and I'm going back for some more ;)