I don't usually advertise my stuff, but I am just a bit disappointed over the score my latest piece has received. Unfair or fair score? Well, you decide. Please vote if you have time.
I don't usually advertise my stuff, but I am just a bit disappointed over the score my latest piece has received. Unfair or fair score? Well, you decide. Please vote if you have time.
New album finished!
extra 8bit track included.
And a workfile 8bit doodle where i based TMFO2-4 off of.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
I feel its quite a bit annoying to submit songs that are based on the same original, so I upped my remixed song to soundcloud. Please have a listen if you have time, it's an industrial remake.
Comments are very welcome.
Dam sorry, double post. This is the original
which one do you prefer?
bow chica wow wow
Please review this! I'm kinda proud of how this turned out and it's a big step for me.
Check it out :D and do teh reviews preeese!
Just listened to this song again :3 Man i did some epic stuff in the past!
Listen to my track if you have some extra time! would love some feedback / reviews =]
Unpublished Submission
check out Psybots and my new song! :D its awesome! and there is free cake over there :O
Love the beat!
And if your worried that you wont like it, heres a mix of all the songs below
One House song, one Hip Hop song. Mind if I borrow your ears for a few minutes?
Hey we just got our new album on iTunes!!!The Trabajabajabajabajabajabajabas on iTunes! Crazay Right?!
(please don't bother paying for it unless you want to support us, just download it all for free here!)
All The King's Horses - The Trabajabas
Let ME See Your Face - The Trabajabas!
I have never spent so much time on a straight metal song before... EVER.
Means you better like it... Or I'll wear a sad face for the rest of my life.
Unpublished Submission
Audio/BBS Mod
News: Bye bye Skype - Music: Tonight Will Be The Night- Art: Kira
\/\/\/ Click the sig for fun times! \/\/\/
Hey guys new musician here on Newgrounds. Check out my first track, let me know what you guys think of it.
This is my new song about stars and galaxies.
Imagine yourself on a little plastic boat floating away in space.. woaw thats deep!.
Its got all kind of crap inside so you better press that play button right now!
Throw in a review and a vote and i'll be happy! for 1 hour, then you have to do it again!
cya m8s!
Love the beat!
5/4 is my new favourite. Next time I do 11/8
Secret of Mana (SNES) Arrangement