My name is (First name: Julian) Wynn and my brother's name is (First name Alexander) Hill, my brother and I are composers, and we would love to compose for your projects!
We have a passion for composing, so don't feel like you're burdening us, if you do!
We use a system called "EastWest & QuantumLeap" to compose on Cubase, (We also use Garageband 3 for quick work), film composers like Thomas Newman, David Newman, Brian Tyler, Steve Jablonsky, ect. use this system.
If you want to have some validation, go send Gonzossm a message and he will tell you how we are doing with his new games. :D
My brother's username is ComposerSyterious by the way.
Here's our Youtube, bandcamp and newgrounds pages for some more music for you to check out!
A lot of it is Garageband music, we've composed albums and albums of music, but a lot of the really good stuff is not on here for worry of it being stolen. If you want some better music, just PM us, and you can get a taste.
http://www.youtube.com/user/ComposerKuan dohan
http://www.youtube.com/user/ComposerSyte rious
Let us know when and what you want us to compose!
Your work on the recent "Help the Hero" is excellent, and the great addicting Upgrade Complete games are fun!
It would be an honor to compose for you!
Thank you so much!
Keep pursuing and happy composing! ~ Hill and Wynn Smith
If you want to discuss payment, then send us a message about it as well.
julianwyattsmith172@yahoo.com (It's also my MSN)