Hope you like it
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Two orchestral pieces I made a while ago. :)
Collaborative effort between HaloTopic and Ljung
Would anyone like to review this piece? I just need some pointers on what I'm doing wrong.
I think that this is my best offering, although it only ever got one vote.
A pretty cool synth pop song that I actually sing in! 22394
That's the actual url link.
i like chameleons... they can change of collor
Hi everyone! Please check out my 2 new submissions, reviews are greatly appreciated.
Unpublished Submission
Unpublished Submission
Thrown together as a homage to those good old NES songs we all love so much.
An update on the thrash idea I posted earlier!
Another song (well, instrumental)
Epic adventure film-music!
Song's story:
At 00:00 Our protagonist / hero is faced with an obstacle before he can take his first step into the unknown! At 00:22 he fights the evil that is blocking his path and manages to overcome the obstacle. And after at 1:00 He takes his first step into his epic adventure..
Hope to hear from you all!
- Jonas
Film & Game Composer - 4 Years with FL Studio - Contact me
Hello folks, a new project I'm working on. I'd like reviews because it's the halfway point. Bear in mind, it has no mastering. only 3 parts intro- build - cooldown.
During an experience with 7g of shrooms, I couldn't stop playing songs in my head. The colors just went with everything and I was in complete ecstasy. I then figured out the universe in my head, coming up with things that I can't explain without a huge essay paper. Anyway, part of what I learned was that I should stop trying to make music, and instead just make it.
What I mean is I should stop trying to make a masterpiece, wondering and hoping if each song will be the best.
I'm still on a comedown and it's really hard mastering, so how does everything sound so far?
Some songs i have been working on
Please leave some feedback, good or bad
hope you like Scott Pilgrim
Sup guys, this is my first hiphop track. I'd enjoy some constructive criticism!
fucking hilareous that my music still doesnt have a single review and the only fucking vote is a 0.00
yes im a bit irritated over it, i mean come on its insulting.. not enough to be mad cause im playing demons souls on the ps3 wich is awesome but ok, sharing my two latest works of the TTC hybrid album, only the ending track to go.
I hope theres people around that are willing to review.
thanks in advance -cal.
Some very experimental, atmospheric chilled out dubstep. Nobody will read this but hey, give it a listen, I think you might like it.
Unfinished but I'm looking mainly for input
Hey guys! I'm a professional video game &film composer/performer here totally new to Newgrounds Audio Portal. I've been a huge fan of the site since it 56K internet speed was the greatest thing in the world!
Anyways, check out my portal here: /
I've got some top-notch stuff that's been spreading around like wildfire ever since I joined a couple weeks ago..
Lastly, you can find my professional music page here:
Thanks guys! I will be looking into posting in other parts of the audio forums for some of my own tips, tricks and tutorials on producing, composing and recording techniques!
<Professional Audio Specialist>
Check out something I did for NATA 2013! Hikarian's winning NATA 2013 Entry
If you like this please check out htp://
Two new Old School beats. Check 'em out, review, etc. I'll return the favor on all reviews I get.