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Audio Advertisements!

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Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-21 15:48:39

At 1/21/06 03:45 PM, SolusLunes wrote: Only because I keep getting zero voted... and you whores that review don't vote :)

Sure, I'll 5 you. On wednesday. :-P

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-21 15:50:43

At 1/21/06 03:48 PM, Khuskan wrote:
At 1/21/06 03:45 PM, SolusLunes wrote: Only because I keep getting zero voted... and you whores that review don't vote :)
Sure, I'll 5 you. On wednesday. :-P

Payment on Sunday for that :)

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-21 17:36:24

Oh yeah, and there's the other song I was making at the same time as Pharshine Alchemist. They're like a duo. The second part is giving me issues, but I like the first part, so here it is.

Solar Corona (Part 1)

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-21 18:23:51

[S0luS] has joined the game.

Khuskan [SSG400] [S0luS]
Chon4mut [Deagle] Khuskan

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-21 19:09:29

At 1/21/06 06:23 PM, Khuskan wrote: [S0luS] has joined the game.

Khuskan [SSG400] [S0luS]
Chon4mut [Deagle] Khuskan

I believe 'tis time for a...

Audio Advertisements!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-21 20:00:16

No really. l have no idea what that meant.

That l is an L. AII the l's are L's and all the l's are i's. Or is it the other way around?

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-21 21:00:02

Hi, I've just uploaded a new song and it's full of delicious melancholy. Perfect for those flashes that need it. Check it out if you want.

Cute dog picture SolusLunes. :p

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-21 22:44:23

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-21 23:52:29

read my review about it.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-22 00:04:37

definately not my best composition,
but I kinda gave up on it after a while
maybe someone will like it

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-22 07:26:03

I made a 34 second drum n bass loop in about an hour, it's my first attempt at something like this on Reason 3.0.
It's called "Heavy"


let me know what you think =)

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-22 08:27:23



Added another good 30 seconds to it, cleaned up the vocals and sorted out the unbalenced stereoness... and the filesize hasnt really changed much either :-D

Rates and Reviews are what I'm looking for here ;-)

Mandatory kitten:

Audio Advertisements!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-22 13:55:56

kuskhan, i'm afraid of anything that you make and you call it LONG. seriously....i'm scared to see what your mind can come up with in a full legnth song

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-22 16:29:04

At 1/22/06 01:55 PM, wat_u_smokin wrote: kuskhan, i'm afraid of anything that you make and you call it LONG. seriously....i'm scared to see what your mind can come up with in a full legnth song

Are you sure you're not confusing me with chronamut XD

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-22 16:30:30


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-22 16:40:44

Anyways... I have the final part of Solar Corona out... Check it.

I really shouldn't have to link this, you guys should have my audio page bookmarked already XD


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-22 19:30:00

All my tracks have reviews 'cept this one. So could anyone be a dear and review it? Make something up if need be. I'll totally hit you back. I mean, review you back. Could have made that a bit clearer.

Just cause, ya know, having a zero on my profile is jarring. Must build up my numbers... I must!!!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-22 19:50:40

One and Only

A piano solo I wrote for my GF for upcoming Valentine's Day. Let me know what you think!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-22 20:15:06

My remix of Grande Sonate Pathetique, byt Beethoven.
Has my own glitches, added parts....etc.


pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-23 02:36:49


Drum check...just testing out a different overhead mic setup. Oh yeah, I suck at the drums. I don't really have any defense for that :P

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-23 03:49:47

hey, I just uploaded a song about our wonderful president... may he rot in hell.
All of my music is heavy, fast, death metal... and some black metal but I haven't uploaded any of that yet... I've been learning how to get better sounding recording quality as I go so my older stuff is a bit harsh.

Check out the version of Black Friday with vocals... and please vote and LEAVE A REVIEW.

anyone who has some metal on this site give me an email at kensmalts@hotmail.com and let me hear some of it.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-23 15:40:53

Hey, I uploaded a new song today. It's some of my best work so far. You can check it out here:


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-23 16:14:40

Big news!

1.) Two new songs have been uploaded: "NGS002" and "One and Only". Check them both out here:


2.) "One and Only" got used in a Madness tribute! w00t!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-23 16:24:25


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-23 21:33:50

I advertise too much for anyone to care, but hey.
Why not hear the full version of a DNB track i wrote a long time ago?



pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-23 21:54:49

Haha, check out a song or two and maybe I'll review one of yours! That and I'll love you long time

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-24 02:24:48

Here we go again. I did this tune mainly for my other band, but it was a welcome practice session for my recording skillz that I have right now. The cover turned out great in my opinion and I'm happy with what I have mastered. There will be another version with some bad ass vocals. For now you gotta stick with this...

Hatebreed - This is now!

Ha, in your face!! \m/

I are pwnan teh lollbarian!

...SoS - We rape responsibly...

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-24 06:44:24

Just added a couple of new songs in the past few days, "Pheromone High" and "Septicaemia Isn't All Bad". Also, check out "Claw Ultimo Deux". A rate and review would be brilliant. Cheers!


Hi there my name is not Bill.

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-24 07:07:13

Yeah, fucking thx for those nice zero voters out there! Go fuck yourself shithead!

I are pwnan teh lollbarian!

...SoS - We rape responsibly...

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-24 12:09:10


pervokatively provocative perverted person