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Audio Advertisements!

2,087,669 Views | 33,056 Replies
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Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-13 19:38:07

This friend of mine has some awesome stuff on his site....you people should check it out.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-14 16:29:02

I finished another remake of mine of final fantasy 8. I made a type of eurotrance plz review and let me know what you think of it.
Final Fantasy 8 Remake

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-14 16:56:42

im a new artist on NG, iv been makin beats for a while and i wanna know what people think, chek my page - http://www.newground..257561&sub=40731

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-14 17:06:22

State of the Union

A cover of Rise Against's "State of the Union" off their album "Siren Song of the Counter Culture". 'Tis my first punk song, I usually submit heavier stuff.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-14 18:45:17

I feel guilty...i posted this ad in the other thread.
my mistake...
last song for a while.
Minuature Fantasy ZENON MIX
leave reviews...ill read and respond when im at school...


pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-14 23:55:31

I had an itch, scratched it, and this new song was the result--ATWC [Pt2]. I think it means Always Toke While Composing...or it might just mean, A time will come (when people actually listen to my stuff). Oh well, either way, it's the jam! Please rate, review and enjoy. Thanks!

ATWC [Pt2]

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-15 04:20:12

Shit, I accidentally made a new topic about this when I went to hit reply *waits for Newgrounds assholes to go to that thread and write nasty things*

So I just uploaded a new song, which in reality is really just a bunch of cool riffs thrown together. I was considering making it a big long out epic, cuz then it would make more sense to have so many different riffs, but I figure the attention span of the average NGer isn't long enough for that. Its called "The Solitude of Imprisonment"


PS: I am working on a song that actually has words to it that should be out soon. If its really good I'll get my friends to add base and drums!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-15 13:34:13

I just uploaded a new loop of mine, which is here . I made it last night while watching a football game. I dunno if I will actually finish it or not yet, but leave a review if you get a chance :).

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-15 13:57:26

New creepy loop:

<|>: Creepish :<|>

Sort of mysterious, suspenseful -- good loop for use in rpg/adventure flashes.

Please vote and review! Thanks!

<|> TritoneAngel <|>

<|> Visit TritoneAngel Audio for guitar-centric rock, metal, VG, jazz & classical songs.

<|> Newest TritoneAngel Audio: Clockwork (submitted 12/8/08)

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-15 16:34:58

Wow... It's been a long time since I last advertised my music.

This is all of the music that I have on Newgrounds. HAVE FUN!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-15 16:43:49

Made a little loop today, 'flaygo loop', let me know what you think,



Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-15 17:40:25

Yes, I just put out a new track, it's some kind of music you could find in an old school top shooter. It was made for a game, but the game was never made, so I submitted it.

Heroic spaceship ride

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-16 10:03:54

I may have never won any kick-ass awards or made any top artists lists,
but at least I am the sole possesor of the only Native American music on this site.
Global domination is next

Listen if you have the time, it would be greatly apreciated
The Tribe is Among Us(Orig)

Developer by day; Deviant by night

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-16 10:56:01

Got me a new song, two-parter that I was working on during my 5 day ban. Anywho, here it is:

Endless Possibility

Enjoy and review.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-16 13:52:55

Just finished this song and I think I finally figured out how to use compression! Well probably not, but at least I'm advancing. Please rate and review...

ATWC [Pt2]

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-16 15:22:06

Either you guys hate me, or no one cares, but I still have no reviews for the one and only......one and only Indian song on newgrounds

The Tribe is Among Us

Developer by day; Deviant by night

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-16 17:01:16

lo lo:)

New electro tune for you all - M3GAMAN teh movie - theme. Couldn't get a bouncing megaman out of my head whilst making this:)




Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-16 18:24:43


hope u like my first track for pyrochicken :)

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-16 19:04:24

check the new one

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-16 19:13:29

At 1/16/06 07:04 PM, duffeknol wrote: MIDI METAL!!!
check the new one

I gave it a three... iono about midi metal... hehehe, anyhoo, I might be able to use that. I'll cred you when the project's finished.


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-16 19:16:02

At 1/16/06 07:13 PM, S-Denjin wrote:
At 1/16/06 07:04 PM, duffeknol wrote: MIDI METAL!!!
check the new one
I gave it a three... iono about midi metal... hehehe, anyhoo, I might be able to use that. I'll cred you when the project's finished.

haha tnx man, for 5 mins of work a 3 is above my expectations :D

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-16 19:44:37

I uploaded a new song called Neutron Web (actually, I made up the title just before uploading). it's here , problem is, it got only one vote of a 2, so would anyone drop a review telling me what I'm doing wrong?
thank you.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-16 19:59:40

I have a new one, Transcend out, very proggy. And some recent work, check it out. I can almost recommend a great listen. Most tracks that you'll see recently, and in the future aren't the full versions, just cuts, or demos.

Music Page


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-16 20:36:53

new one.
I've been hard at work on To Whom It May Concern's upcoming release, so I haven't had much time lately to work on my ap techno stuffs. I have, however, improved my previous industrial attempt, "Back to the Grind," for possible use on the CD under the name "...Like Killing Two Birds with One WMD." There may still be additional audio-tweaks in the future, but it'll do for now.

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-17 00:03:40

Just finished the preview to a new rave piece I'm working on, entitled Joyride . It resembles some of my really early electronica, although much more sophisticated. Check it out if you get the chance!

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-17 04:50:02

I submitted a new audio about a week or so ago and it hasn't done too well. Either it's a bad song or nobody's heard it

Check out Midnights' too. People seem to like that one. It's dark. :)

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-17 06:48:37

Ok ppl... A new song has been uploaded... This is probably my best ownmade song ever... Check It Out , will ya? :D

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-17 13:52:45

just made a 2nd song and would like some reviews. personally I think its better than my first, so im happy for that. link is:


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-17 17:37:52

I uploaded this hip hop song with some rapping by 50 Cent. I think you will find it to not be what you expected.

Dj Llen - As The Heart Stops [50 Cent Mix]


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-17 19:00:38

Zero Gravity

Amen brotha

My remix of Zero Gravity by ParagonX9. Hope you love it, man.

Reviews appreciated!