Forjuden's music this song in the link is my first attempt at main menu music :D
This is my first 8-bit song that I have made. It would be cool to see this in a game. Let me know what you guys think about it! Kirby's Tension 8-bit
? ees I tahw ees uoy naC 30/21 (Sorry, I posted it accidentally in another thread ; ~ ;)
A}{A 37448
My friend said this is Illbient Drill & Break. I don't understand.
I know I'm just walking in, and no, I'm not an Audio Forum reguler, but I'm here to represent a friend.
He didn't ask for this, but this guy deserves more views on his work:
Look, I'm not here to blatantly advertise, I'm above that, but it just breaks my heart to see unrecognized talent, please, just review his work or leave a comment, his music's only been used once, I believe, and that was when I used it.
So yes, this guy's got a lot of untapped talent in his music, and it's all tracks that nobody (except me on a select few) has used.
Downtempo Bio-mechanical Breaks
tired of zero bombers? here is aa gun for you!
At 6/23/10 06:23 AM, votebot wrote: tired of zero bombers? here is aa gun for you!
A bot >:C
More *real* Ambient
Wrote a piano song today, has both classical and jazz influence
My first beautiful loop . I will be uploading some more music soon aswell . Enjoy .
Changed title, sorry for the mistake
Super Mario Land - Ruins (Metal Remix)
I'd love for some people to review my newly submitted piece. :D