A little voice acting reel I put together today.
http://www.archive.org/details/KevinChas eVoiceActingDemoReel1
Finally, I actually wrote a full song! It's one of my best ones yet. :D
click on it or i hurt myself
Not sure who exactly wanted this, but it's here for anyone who asked.
Sometimes, it would rain men. "Hallelujah!" we would cry. Thousands were killed.
Melodic Drum and bass for your listening please :)
Unpublished Submission
Alrighty theeen :D
Made this yesterday evening, before being called awayon... business.
I hope you enjoy it and tell me what you think :)
If anyone likes chiptunes/8-bit music, I've made an album of my better stuff.
http://www.liphian.net/kommisar/Kommisar %20-La%20lune%20du%20minuit%20%e9ternel.
clicky ^
How about something peaceful to listen to.
Review, I will return the favour.
Want a review lemme know! Collab, remix, tips, whatever, just get in touch.
Heya all, long time no see!
Here's my last creation
Have a look at my other stuff too! ^^
Have a listen :) Slower Drum And Base type track :)
Im not sure weather or not the majority will like the melo that starts at 1:00 and again later in the track, but what the hell... I make music for my own amusement:P
Check it out!
Remixing DJ dema's - 'It is Wicked' work in progress
Let me know how it made your ears bleed!!!?
any improvements ect? Thanks,
If you comment & have music I will comment back
As best as I Can.
lives up to its name, please review
Ambient // Dark // Deep // Epic
The Main Thing is to keep the Main, Thing the Main Thing.
Latest Song: Retraktion [House/Electro] / Latest Mix: Voltaicly Uncondensed
Dj Dema - Drive (Remix) [Demo]
I believe I'm on the brink of something. Truly. Finally found inspiration. This is a 2 minute demo of what'll, hopefully, be my masterpiece at last!
At 4/23/10 11:22 AM, Satoris wrote: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/3 16672
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/3 16866
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/3 16679
It sounds didn't like an DEMO. It sounds very, very good! But you need more distortion for guitars i think, 'cause guitars fails by furious voice.
Contributed my first submission to the AP!
http://xkore.newgrounds.com/news/post/46 3955
I'm trying to sell my cd collection. If you need good cheap music, then see my newspost :)
People please check it out, reviews are greatly appreciated
Unpublished Submission