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Audio Advertisements!

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Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-28 15:37:57

I'm still waiting for the authentication...

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-28 15:40:09

At 12/27/05 07:35 PM, Chronamut wrote: yes i know its been a month - I needed some time to simmer and level up - and here is the result

*+*+(Sonata of Light)+*+*

my first ever totally original piano composition - hope you all like it!

Love your music man..and it has so weird names LoL...

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-28 15:47:36

At 12/28/05 03:30 PM, Khuskan wrote:
At 12/28/05 12:07 PM, SolusLunes wrote: And the kittens demand you review. You don't want anything to happen to this poor kitty, do you?
What you don't see in that picture is the iron dangling by a thread of cotton with Solus holding a stanley knife at it.

I only have a crappy philips funcam... what do you expect? But yeah, he's right.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-28 19:16:01

I finally submitted again, my newest song is a sweet piano/synth driven dance song that is somewhat melding two of my styles together, i still am not sure as to whether or not its my best work but i think its pretty good. sorta lame ending tho.....

Flashburn - Fusion

check it out and let me know what you think!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-28 19:59:25

Here's another kitten you can save by reviewing my newest song.

What would we do if aliens invaded the earth right now?

Nothing but Rave The Invasion!

And hope they get drunk and leave. Or throw up all over themselves. That'd be funny.

Audio Advertisements!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-28 20:05:07

yayy I saved a kitten

nice song BTW

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-28 20:39:04

My Music

Just finishing up the holiday music spree...

If you think that the Nutcracker song is stolen from someone else,it's not,it was uploaded on a wrong account,and I emailed Wade about it.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-28 21:01:43

At 12/28/05 12:07 PM, SolusLunes wrote: He IS a crazy bastard...

I've always wanted to know what his reputation was here, and now I know. Exactly the same as in real life, only in real life he, like me, is more of a nerdy bastard.
Also, check out
my album - it's awesome.
Title track of above album is here.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-28 23:38:35


First FL track in awhile... I think...

ZENON was a life saver :D

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-29 14:37:21

One more... God damn, this is tiring. But I just can't stop.

So, when a few people asked me for some more high-energy trance, I figured, "What the hell, I'ma finish this song next." And so I did. It wasn't what I was planning to do, but I did it anyways, just out of the goodness of my heart.

So here it is: Crystal Fire

Phew. Here's the obligatory cute kitten for this song:

Audio Advertisements!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-29 15:37:51

Well... I'll give you a run for your money on those cute cats...

Audio Advertisements!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-29 16:24:03

At 12/29/05 03:37 PM, Dj-Immune wrote: Well... I'll give you a run for your money on those cute cats...

Die from the amount of cuteness:

Audio Advertisements!


pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-29 19:31:12

its my slave kitten!

Audio Advertisements!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-29 19:33:14

At 12/29/05 07:31 PM, Dj-Immune wrote: its my slave kitten!

Never knew you were in to animal bondage.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-29 19:40:48

At 12/29/05 07:33 PM, Khuskan wrote:
At 12/29/05 07:31 PM, Dj-Immune wrote: its my slave kitten!
Never knew you were in to animal bondage.

Okay, I'm going to have to find another advertising aid that you retards (with much <3) that you guys can't figure out how to fuck up.

Poor bondage kitty.

That's what happens when people don't review my songs!

*glares at Audio BBS in general*

*glares at Khuskan more*

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-29 19:46:43

lol... glad you blamed it on Khuskan and not me...

*runs before he gets caught*

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-29 19:51:16

At 12/29/05 07:46 PM, Dj-Immune wrote: lol... glad you blamed it on Khuskan and not me...

*runs before he gets caught*

Waitaminnit... This is all your fault! SMITE!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-29 20:10:41

even though id rather shave my butt with broken glass then contribute to one of pink floyds posts, i guess ill take part ( ;


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-30 16:45:58

At 12/30/05 04:29 PM, Chronamut wrote: *+*+(Forest of Light)+*+*

disclaimer - nothing has been changed note wise to distinguish it from sonata of light - they are both the exact same song - this one just has ambiance and flutes and whatnot.. so please dont dock me points for "not adding anything new"...

Yeah, that's teh link.


No, this isn't my song. It's Chronamut's.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-30 16:47:47

How did Solus's post get in front of Chronamut's post if it was after his?

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-30 16:50:13

At 12/30/05 04:49 PM, Chronamut wrote: one of the many mysterys of life.. its called "internet explorer fucks up and puts shawn's original post in the wrong thread"

"and solus decides to be a nice guy, go back in time, and move the link and post here"

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-30 16:53:19

At 12/30/05 04:50 PM, Chronamut wrote: but since he meddled with time.. which is MY domain - everything has gone to hell..

but thanks for teh effort solus :OP

No problem. And whenever I look at your name, I never really think of "Chronos" I think of "Chrona". And when I think of "Chrona", I think of a rainbow. Fitting, really.

And God can do whatever he wants with time! Mua hahahah!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-30 17:54:36

I don't know what I was thinking... but some people said they liked this better than the original so I thought, "Oh what the hell, I'll submit to the AP then I guess."

Here it is: Synth High... on speed!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-30 20:05:35

Alright, I found a new gimmick to promote my music. But first, the moozik-

Celestial Assault
You will like it.

And now the gimmick-


Audio Advertisements!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-31 15:52:59

Capt*in Chu Brothers - an attempt at a Ronda alla Turc ochapello.

Ronda alla Turc - what I was attempting in the above music.

A Wonderful Night For a Change - A history project about Reform/Progressive Movements.

And finally....

All of my music - Remember: Capt*in Chu loves reviews and e-mail!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-31 17:34:09

I have two new submissions but I am unsure of the genre they fit into-I hate those damn genres...

Reviews on the song and an suggestion on the genre for especially On the Blip please!



Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-31 17:35:11

At 12/31/05 05:34 PM, beatmasterJAG wrote: I have two new submissions

Yes, see? Much more acceptable...

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-12-31 20:47:01

§Forest Theme§ - Super Mario RPG (Orchestrated)
Ok; This is a piece I've worked immensly much with, More than any of my other tunes.
I am very pleased with how it turned out, but I'm open for critism.
I've been wanting to do this song for ages; but it wasnt too easy.

So please check out my new song; And I'll get back to you, perhaps check out your stuff, and if its interesting, leave some reviews.
Thanks, And Good New Year to all of you.

-Christian Sandviknes

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-01 15:36:03

Lol, I released a track.

Its basicaly the backing for the AP musical that never was... *sniff*

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2006-01-01 17:25:57

well; *sniff* thats life ...