check out MY AUDIO and let me know what you think, and please I rather have votes then reviews on my songs because that brings me closer to the front pages of the catagories :Pvotes
check out MY AUDIO and let me know what you think, and please I rather have votes then reviews on my songs because that brings me closer to the front pages of the catagories :Pvotes
agh so apparently i didnt put this in the correct topic the FIRST time, so here it is http://www.newground..898260&sub=36023 my first submission, and i meant it to be a real try as well, not just a lame ass attempt to get started on the portal. please review *reviews two others*
Hey i don't know who did it, but somebody rated my song "the o word" a 1 so please if you don't like techno don't rate it bad just don't vote at all because my song is defenetly worth more then that, thank you. made another one. sounds similar to the other one at the very beginning. other than that its completely different PLEASE REVIEW
If you dont like it, dont vote a 0 on it. I dont mean to be a wuss or anything, but it seems everytime I come out with a song it gets 20 good votes and then one bad vote and it goes the the fifth or sixth page. i want my audio to go a little further than that, cuz i know its really good. also, leave a review when you vote so i know what to improve on.
Whoever just went through and gave a 0 to every one of my songs...your an asshole. You didnt even download them you prick!
My New piece, Paroxysm. It has a piano featured throughout the piece, and runs at 160 bpm. Please check it out and leave a review. Thanks!
At 11/12/05 09:20 PM, MrMaestro wrote: My New piece, Paroxysm. It has a piano featured throughout the piece, and runs at 160 bpm. Please check it out and leave a review. Thanks!
i reviewed it good job it was a very good song
to axeman666 I swear that wasnt me....
to the guy who did do it though and to all the other guys thinking of do it
instead of voting zero on artists stuff jsut vote 0 on mine!
but please fifen my movies....
At 11/12/05 03:28 PM, Psybot wrote: Have neone heard of before? I haven't.
But apparently its down.
lol, this is the third time ive posted here today. one for one song, another for my second, and now this.
Ive finished uploading ALL of my new music. A total of 8 tracks I think. You can check them out here .
Here is my new song London Bridge is Fucked, with guest vocals by the man himself GoreBastard!
The lyrics are:
London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down
London bridge is falling down, my dear bastards!
Thanks Gore!
here. my best stuff can't fit online but this is ok.
At 11/13/05 01:36 PM, CockRider wrote: Here is my new song London Bridge is Fucked, with guest vocals by the man himself GoreBastard!
The lyrics are:
London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down
London bridge is falling down, my dear bastards!
so many ppl voted zero on it when I voted on it it went from 1 to 1.67
very good..
New original submission!
Had this one in my head for a long time and I finally got the chance to sit down and record it. It's a short-ish loop, probably best used in a fighting/action scene in a flash. I'm pretty happy with the way it came out -- hope you all like it. Please rate and review!
Also, feel free to check out my other submissions. [Seems like everybody has gravitated toward the FF7-Battle submission, but the other stuff should be enjoyable too.] Thanks!
<|> TritoneAngel <|>
<|> Visit TritoneAngel Audio for guitar-centric rock, metal, VG, jazz & classical songs.
<|> Newest TritoneAngel Audio: Clockwork (submitted 12/8/08)
At 11/13/05 06:09 PM, TritoneAngel wrote: New original submission!
[Metropolyptic ]
ok im done reviewing for the night...
At 11/13/05 05:30 PM, PiePie wrote:At 11/13/05 01:36 PM, CockRider wrote: Here is my new song London Bridge is Fucked, with guest vocals by the man himself GoreBastard!so many ppl voted zero on it when I voted on it it went from 1 to 1.67
The lyrics are:
London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down
London bridge is falling down, my dear bastards!
very good..
Wow, thanks man. I did not expect people to like it. I thought that it would have gotten a higher score than that. I don't care though, my job here is to make annoying songs that piss people off so I guess I'm doing pretty good!
At 11/13/05 06:59 PM, sonic_remix wrote:
maybe leave some comments?
hmm good stuff you got there you other guys should go check it out...
Congrats, sonic_remix. You are supposed to post here if you have new music. I made a mistake and ended up getting banned from the portal for 500000 years. Well... not really, but it sounds better if you say it like that.
Sorry for the annoying echo effect. I can't get rid of it, and I can't tell you why I can't get rid of it... unless you leave coments........ Maybe...
A 500 character post by Capt*in Chu
ahahaha, my latest piece of crap, at a massive 200 bpm!!! this one is fast, but the end really sucks. please review, and review the other songs too!!! http://www.newground..898260&sub=36332
At 11/13/05 07:12 PM, PiePie wrote:At 11/13/05 06:59 PM, sonic_remix wrote:hmm good stuff you got there you other guys should go check it out...
maybe leave some comments?
I second that ^ Im impressed against my will. i just dont wanna believe that its a first song...
Thanks for the comments, piepie and allen... i appreciate them.
maybe leave some comments?
This guy ful-fills the Industrial section.
At 11/15/05 12:31 PM, Tekcos wrote: This guy ful-fills the Industrial section.
do you really no the guy?
tell him to come here and post...
You guys should definetly check out my latest song Crimson Keys . It is a remake of my favorite Mike Oldfield song. It took me forever to make so I would really appreciate if you guys would have a listen.
At 7/30/05 07:45 AM, Whirlguy wrote:At 7/30/05 12:17 AM, Propane_Clock wrote: Did anyone listen to my latest music. Now I think I should join uhm, why do people like him post here?
What do you mean? I was advertising my new music...