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Audio Advertisements!

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Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-25 16:58:19

FZ Judgement

Wish me luck. I've got a meeting with the producer tomorrow, so this will be my last submission for a while.

oh and this took alot less time, all night and most of the morning, vice the couple of weeks I had set aside from school and stuff^_^...

I need coffee...


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-25 19:12:41


pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-25 23:28:37

Just looking for a few more reviews and votes on this track. Thanks!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-26 16:29:24

Biology Song


Grass is a producer, it gets eaten by the rat.
That's a primary consumer that gets eaten by the cat.
The cat's a secondary consumer, and when it rolls over and dies
It gets decomposed by bacteria and flies, yeehaw!

Producers are homotrophs, they make food of their own.
Consumers must eat producers, they can't survive alone!
Decomposers eat consumers as soon as they meet their death
And scavengers come around and they eat what's left!

Symbiosis is when two lifeforms work with eachother.
Mutualism, both benifit, like brother and brother
Parasitism, one benifits while the other does condemn,
And Comensalism, one benifits while the other, nothing happens to them!

Stilletto (NGE)

A fast rock song with a classical intro.

Well, that's it for now. Bye bye!
Capt*in Chu

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-26 16:46:02

DarKsidE_555 - Mega Man X2 - Zero's Theme metalized

Yeah, so Zero f*cked me right in the ass and said hey idiot, make my theme into a metalthingy...so I did, cause I was scared Oo

So, check it out ya dudes!

(he, sry for the expression, I'm drunk as fuck ^^)

I are pwnan teh lollbarian!

...SoS - We rape responsibly...

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-26 20:50:59

okay...someone just zero-bombed the whole Ambient section...

if you have time, please check out my hit song Forest Lullaby and give it a little boost. ;) it was #1 in Ambient for about two weeks until some numbskull screwed it up. I know it deserves way more than like #20 (or wherever it is now).

thanks for your time! cheers.


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-26 21:22:49

Here is a new Euro trance I made for a friend of mine Plz review and rock on.

Btw check out my advertisment threads if you are for the idea use them.
Drum N Bass

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-26 22:46:58

^_^ Hehe

The Popscicle Song by AznPB

Pretty cool stuff, I think. Mix of a bunch of styles into one. ;) :P

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-27 01:25:39

At 10/26/05 04:29 PM, CaptinChu wrote: Stilletto (NGE)

A fast rock song with a classical intro.

Well, that's it for now. Bye bye!
Capt*in Chu

I checked it out, and enjoyed thoroughly. If this is really you playing, then I am quite impressed.

At 10/26/05 08:50 PM, tedJohnston wrote: if you have time, please check out my hit song Forest Lullaby and give it a little boost

Thanks for your vote, Pink_Floyd! You voted 5 for Forest Lullaby, raising its score from 3.97 to 4.00.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-27 10:33:32

At 10/27/05 10:21 AM, Chronamut wrote: *+*+(Dark Omen)+*+*

another post-apocalyptic incarnation for you all to enjoy - tell me what you think!

Great song man I'm going to bum Xenogears of my brother later because that song made me want to play it.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-27 12:48:13

Just redid The Majestic. I took out the annoying drumbeat and threw some new instruments in the fill the void check it out Majestic2

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-27 19:07:27

At 10/20/05 02:50 AM, AdmiralConquistador wrote:
At 10/20/05 02:35 AM, tedJohnston wrote: a severe bitching

I checked it out man, cheers and g'day. :)

now that's below the belt bro. ;)

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-27 20:20:17

Nice list!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-27 23:40:09

Striker ReRemix
Crawling Blind
Underestimate Remix
The Viper Project Remix

Just a few of my songs that I really want feedback on :D

I'm back!

Sanity is grossly overrated and detrimental to the creative process.

SoundCloud - Bandcamp

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-28 17:47:28

Hey it would be cool to get some feedback on a little song I made called Abraxis, to me it just doesn't feel down and I don't know where to go with it...(i worte that so that if you think it's awful you could say something like you could go to hell with that noise...) anyways i dont know how to link to it, but you could find it among my profile and such...any feedback will do (i hope that didnt sound too desparate)...

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-28 18:38:18


these are my first two submissions on NG rate me guys i need advice

~Don DaDa~
Bahamas Baby!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-28 21:38:35

everyone likes to hear school assignments!
My school assignment for Science...I had to choose an element to research.

guess which one i chose :P


pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-29 06:08:22

Now I always thought talking about drug-use online was pretty lame, but now it appears to be a neccessity, I am twacked out of my dome and have created more Fruity Loops Mayhem, for your listening displeasure, so um peep game, I still dont know how to link to it, but check out my profile for the new tracks, listen, laugh, and please oh please critique, it compensates for the attention my parents would rather on their genitals...

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-29 20:50:07

Hey everyone, great stuff I have been hearing. I have a few of my own to contribute here . Ticking Trojan and Dawn of the Sunset is the same song, had a bit of trouble uploading the first time (I'll get that fixed). Thanks for checking it out!

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-29 21:21:31

At 10/28/05 06:38 PM, psydon2k wrote: http://www.newground..191ā€š=35062

these are my first two submissions on NG rate me guys i need advice

~Don DaDa~
Bahamas Baby!

I gave you a review, chap.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-29 21:40:40

At 10/25/05 04:43 PM, XGM-Zeth wrote: I'm really into a phase where i compose alot.
I made something i would like to call an inspirational piece, epic and could be used for trailers or wars.
It was made with fruityloops, and im trying out yet another reverb setting! so leave me a review and i'll reply :)

Inspirational Piece

Well, that was pretty fucking awesome. Good work.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-29 21:45:29

Ah, finally, I have submitted new audio. Both are original and acoustic.

A Velorum and Andvaranaut. Tell me what you think, fellows.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-29 22:55:28


pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-29 23:09:42

At 10/29/05 10:55 PM, Theblackhawk wrote: Drop a review, spread the love.

The review has been dropped. And likewise, good man.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-30 00:10:01

yes yes and hello litsen to led zepplin!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-30 02:26:16

At 10/30/05 12:10 AM, jdawg78 wrote: yes yes and hello litsen to led zepplin!

?... Alright.. I will..?

I submitted yet another audio. Getting a new mic has inspired me.

Alice's Restaurant Lick. The famed lick of Arlo Guthrie. It's just a fun little thing to play. I have no idea how he plays and sings it at the same time.

Anyway, check out my original stuff before this one. Thanks.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-30 13:10:04

Cheap Halloween Loop. I never even added effort but I like how it sounds. Add your opinion please and let me know if I should add a melody better choruses and etc.. making it a full song or just forget it.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-30 16:07:53

It's not bad, Zio, you should finish it.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-30 16:28:00


Lousy Ejay stuffed up the G in the export, it kinda sounds weird. Oh well, please leave reviews, thanks.

I'm an animator, a (dodgy back alley) VA and also a writer.

PM me if you want feedback on your writing, music or flash to get review'd by me. I'm pseudo-qualified. Maybe.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-10-30 19:31:54

Dear Mr. Fantasy Jam.

I'm on a roll. Check out the originals first though, if you don't mind.

Fancy Signature