My first released song. What do you think of it? (Its a loop)
My first released song. What do you think of it? (Its a loop)
At 10/12/05 07:35 PM, mlikecheese wrote: My first released song. What do you think of it? (Its a loop)
Oh, the repetetiveness...
If you're going to write such a simple melody,
You're going to need to back it up with a better rhythm;
I suppose it's ok for your first go at it, though...
here's my music
the project: to whom it may concern
it's odd music
for odd people
If anyone wants specially designed music,
contact me.
I'm very flexible.
Don't believe me?
Check the soundclick page.
'nuff said.
it seems that a few ppl had listened to my last song i made here it is...
plz leave a comment about my track........
Despite my name (which reflects my choice of music to listen to, not what kind I make) I make mostly techno stuff. Check it out.
Got something new and hot here !
Trance lovers shoul take a look at this.( well if you wanna) lol
Hey everyone,
been a while, hasn't it? ;)
Anyway, new song:2 spoons of death - -yeah i know the title is pointless:P
hey all banging new track up:
Holy Shit!! A song with LYRICS!?!? That can't be
IT'S TRUE!! And The title of the song says it all.
Description: A tale of a man who chooses the alternate route of avoiding the public bathroom.
You can still see it on the front page under New Wave. It's only a minute long...YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT! IT IS HILARIOUS. SO FUCKING FUNNY.
Eh, I have a new loop out. It's mixing my computer programs together, Acoustica Beatcraft and Powertab, because right now I'm banned from real instrument recording.
I didn't wanna try to hard with this really.
well there was a little bug in the song i made so i made a fixed version of my song.....
if you like hard,fast,dark techno hear my fixed version......good for haloween..........
please leave your comments
Currently im working on a remix of my debut song: "Never". Anyone who enjoys techno should definatly check it out. It should be out in a week or so. In the meantime, check out the original version.
At 10/14/05 02:59 PM, Laiderdaiv wrote: Holy Shit!! A song with LYRICS!?!? That can't be
IT'S TRUE!! And The title of the song says it all.
You can still see it on the front page under New Wave. It's only a minute long...YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT! IT IS HILARIOUS. SO FUCKING FUNNY.
Haha, I got to give you props for attempting something like this.
AWESOME! I made it to the first page in Techno! Click below to listen to the song that earned 23rd place in Techno on only its first day after being advertised!
hey guys...not much has happened since my last babblings, but I'd like some more feedback on my work, so some listens/votes/reviews would be appreciated.
my most recent piece Forest Lullaby was an unexpected's currently #1 in the Ambient category, and has been for a couple weeks now...pretty crazy.
I also updated one of my best pieces ever (and my most underrated piece), Valiant. I changed the intro click-track, fixed some nasty compression on the drums, made the overall tempo a bit faster, and touched up on the mastering a bit...just a small update to one of my classics! it's listed as Valiant Remastered.
link is in my signature. thanks for listening! cheers.
I don't really want to make a thread so I thoughted I'd asked people who have submitted stuff before.
I play gituar and I was wonder what kind of mic I should get, for the best quality sound?
My best song yet! At least, that's how I feel. Tried my best (for the x amount of days I worked on it). If you leave a review, maybe I'll leave you one too! ;)
Just submitted my latest track and I'm looking for a few reviews and votes. Check it out!
At 10/15/05 12:30 AM, BahamutReborn wrote:At 10/14/05 02:59 PM, Laiderdaiv wrote: Holy Shit!! A song with LYRICS!?!? That can't beHaha, I got to give you props for attempting something like this.
IT'S TRUE!! And The title of the song says it all.
You can still see it on the front page under New Wave. It's only a minute long...YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT! IT IS HILARIOUS. SO FUCKING FUNNY.
Holy crap. How often does someone reply to this topic without advertising their music? I just got a response from my song. IT HAS TO BE GOOD. Everyone should listen to this song. Rate it and review it! It's awesome! It seriously is! BahamutReborn gave me props, is that enough credentials for your time? It's a minute long.
The magic link is here! Help it get the rating it deserves! Whether it be a 2 or a 5, whatever. Help a brotha out!
...I'd like some votes.
Do you have votes for me?
Please votes.
okay really...some asshole in the VG section just romped on my Valiant remake because it is now at a 2.5.
seriously...I KNOW that Valiant is not a 2.5 if you have the extra time, please listen/rate it (link in my signature). thanks, it means a lot.
New submission: FF7-Vincent
Feel free to rate & review.
[After seeing the big response to my other Final Fantasy submissions, I'll be submitting a bunch more.]
<|> TritoneAngel <|>
<|> Visit TritoneAngel Audio for guitar-centric rock, metal, VG, jazz & classical songs.
<|> Newest TritoneAngel Audio: Clockwork (submitted 12/8/08)
alright, i haven't uploaded anything new real recently or anything, but i've really been lacking in reviews, downloads, and ratings. i'd greatly appriciate some reviews. i think the latest thing i uploaded was the 12-Bar Blues Freestyle. it wasn't really meant to sound great; i was just having some fun. anyway, yeah i'd really like some reviews/downloads/ratings. thanks. i'll make an attempt to return the favor, if i can.
Here it is... The first song I ever wrote!
1:23 minutes long but it's only the frist draft and I plan on making the song longer and adding drums and vocals.