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Audio Advertisements!

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Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-03 12:39:16

Phew... some intense hours of creating.

This is what i have come up with.

Psybot - Rumble

I wanna thank Mydnite for creating my awsome sig!

And be sure to check out my music ^^

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-03 15:13:54

good old gorebastard.....anyways, new trk.
Sonic Shadow Rave--_--
good rave...nice and fast.
no more music until each of my songs has at least 1 review.
thast only.....2 trks that need at least 1 review each?


pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-04 00:45:50



Report Songs|Submit Ideas|How Erkie reviews|

94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-04 09:09:58

Most originall thing on my site...which justs o happens to be loaded with originality.

Double Cross

Developer by day; Deviant by night

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-04 10:06:03

Just made a loop, please go check it out, it wont take you long(180 kb but still high quality).

Favorite Synthesizer

Is it worth doing a whole song on the basis of this loop?


__^^ check it ^^__

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-04 15:20:12

new trk.

anyone that likes hip hop should listen to it....its pretty evil =D

I'm Zenon. Stop giving me those weird looks when I have a different name :'(

And I'm submitting music on THIS account now! Check it out instead of on "ZENON" :O

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-05 16:08:05

You hear that? Don't worry. It's only a sample of the Unleached Darkness

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-05 16:15:14

At 9/4/05 12:45 AM, Erkie wrote: Woot


Pretty cool, Erkie. Zany.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-05 16:30:01

this is crap....only one review on the best song ive made in a while

Developer by day; Deviant by night

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-06 20:19:20

VOTE ON THIS....If you want.


Audio | Alter | It sounds like a fire hydrant went off in an old folks home with screaming babies field recorded, glitched, and spontaneously played back.

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-06 20:22:44

check outThe Watchers i just posted it today but i have plenty of others on there that not too many people have heard(thanks piepie, i didn't notice this).

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-06 20:41:36

At 9/5/05 04:30 PM, RyeGuyHead wrote: this is crap....only one review on the best song ive made in a while

are you allowed to quote yourself....because im in the same situation as i was in yesterday. And it is making me grow angry at the world.

Developer by day; Deviant by night

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-07 05:52:49

Would a few people please vote/review these two songs?

http://newgrounds.co..103064&sub=31478 -- and please listen to the first two minutes at least (its about 3:30 long total though)


http://newgrounds.co..103064&sub=31975 because I've waited for a few reviews/votes and I haven't gotten even one :-(

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-07 07:54:36

i hate you guys

Developer by day; Deviant by night

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-07 17:55:16

Ive just uploaded my latest and greatest over at soundlcick. Its called Resist 2005 - also i uploaded a coupla other a coupla week back... called T-Virus and Nepstadion
just click here: www.lemitude.com


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-07 20:49:06

I had a brain storm this morning and thought of a sound completely different from what i was going for before, so I posted a demo for what I will be working on for a while check it out Music Box(demo)

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-07 23:10:09

Unleached Darkness
No longer shall we hide in the dusk.
Now that you are revealed no one will have to be frightened of what they do not see only of what they hear. Call out to the darkness(plz review) and take part in it's glory(download if you like it ).

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-08 19:35:04

but its like i got accustomed to writing one or 2 songs a day.....its hard to make songs slow.
so this is my last submission until a time feels right.
y'now...so i dont end up spamming my audio page.

Enjoy this track for a looong time

i just need to take a break.


pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-08 20:27:09

Complex Simplicities

I stripped Simple Complexities down to a couple of riffs and added a few elements to create a new song. It's rather simple to follow and can be used as an instrumental for all you vocalists out there^_^


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-09 13:49:30


A mix of styles and sounds. Written a couple of years ago. Reviews always appreciated

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-09 18:42:46


what i'm looking for is a review on the style of the players and the music itself, not the quality of the recording which i know sucks, (its a sony voice recorder recording) i'd like to know where i can improve stylisticly, and what you think of the song itself, minus the quality of the recording. (only one song currently)

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-10 02:51:17

Zelda's lullabye

My first submission! Well, i did submit a dress up game, but it got blammed. Anyway, fans of zelda will like this, so please listen to it and review it fairly

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-10 02:56:52

I've got a couple in the works. I hope to submit them tomorrow.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-10 08:57:24

i guess this is my last attempt to beg people to review this song. But I really want some constructive comments on my latest. It only has two reviews and they both said it was amazing. So....yeah leave me one.

P.S. I'll love you long time

Double Cross

Developer by day; Deviant by night

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-10 09:01:56


Please review it, i need advice on it!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-10 09:34:26

New song out:

The future is now

Feedback is strongly appreciated.


__^^ check it ^^__

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-10 10:25:45

Feedback is strongly appreciated.

I have eternal love with that song. Total sweetness, dude!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-10 11:04:52

Thanks man!


__^^ check it ^^__

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-10 14:49:52

Man, so stupid of me that i forgot to post a message that i posted a new experiment. I liked the song and because i thought my pc had to be formatted, i was scared id lose this song. So I posted it on ng. Its not really something serious so once again an experiment.

°°Experiment 003°°

Please enjoy it

Join NG's 30th Anniversary Collab! > > > Games | Art | Literature < < <

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-09-10 16:19:44

I just did a cover of the Dragon Heart theme. If you have ever seen the movie then you will deeply enjoy this. Atleast I hope so.