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Audio Advertisements!

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Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-21 12:46:06

Aphex is my new song, and you've probably guessed what its gonna sound like :)

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-21 15:49:25

check out Mortal Kombat VS Remix no midi, all scratch, all awsome.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-21 16:27:36

At 5/21/07 12:46 PM, On-yX wrote: Aphex is my new song, and you've probably guessed what its gonna sound like :)

No-ones even listened to my song yet :/

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-21 18:00:27

well, I uploaded two short music loops. please take a look at them.


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-21 18:02:19

Listen to my newest track :

-=/Oboe to Joy\=-

"...this truly is something...a fantastic level of originality..." Raves Lacrioso
"...All in all, a great piece" Says MaestroRage
"....jolly good show old chap..." -snoballandthmonyshot

..............The Guide to Newgrounds Audio

Latest Track: Phoenix

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-21 19:26:33


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-21 20:29:00

Heres my new song. Im hoping you'll think it's less shitty than my other songs.

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-21 20:50:23

I resubmitted my song Break the Targets v2 because the old one got removed from newgrounds.com and was never put back.

Here it is:

http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/view.php?id=1 209132&sub=82749



Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-21 22:04:49

Listen to my newest song:

-=/Oboe to Joy\=-

"...a whole new take on classical music...I would love to hear more songs like this..." -BlackPlastic
"...this truly is something...a fantastic level of originality..." Raves, Lacrioso
"...All in all, a great piece" Says, MaestroRage
"....jolly good show old chap..." -snoballandthmonyshot

..............The Guide to Newgrounds Audio

Latest Track: Phoenix

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-22 19:41:00

I made a new song, and forgot to advertise it.

Here's my advertisement

Here's my link

come support us at the newgrounds.com irc chat room! - just type your nick, and your in!

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-23 01:21:46

Check out my new track!

My demons

It's new its fresh, and its good for your ears!

Techno all through!

I wanna thank Mydnite for creating my awsome sig!

And be sure to check out my music ^^

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-23 01:34:44

Hey, I've just recently started dumping my music here. I'm experimenting and learning as I go, primarily focusing on the video game/techno style, but also meddling with classical music also... I work with Fruity Loops 7, entirely.
Here's a link to my stuff: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/view.php?id=1 837155&sub=82759
The main reason for me coming here was for exposure, so I'm more than willing to offer up my music for flash artists. If I get a good response, been nice so far, I'd like to take requests and custom make songs for a specific flash, depends on how things are going down the track. Also, if you want to contact me about my music, I'm currently having problems remaining logged in, so, until that's sorted, I'll just be working from reviews etc.



READ: "A Fear of Great Heights" and other forthcoming adventures right HERE

Signature Picture by: Spartan204

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-23 14:14:08

Uploaded new rock song "The Scarlet Letter"

I composed this piece while at Jacon in Orlando at the beginning of the month. My friend, Brian Buyea, asked if he could write the lyrics and do lead vocals, and so we recorded it this morning, and this is the turnout.

Feel free to vote/review/download

-George R. Powell

Music Composer / Screenwriter


BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-23 21:52:58

Check out my newest song:

--=/Oboe to Joy\=--

"...a whole new take on classical music...I would love to hear more songs like this..." -BlackPlastic
"...this truly is something...a fantastic level of originality..." Raves, Lacrioso
"...All in all, a great piece" Says, MaestroRage
"....jolly good show old chap..." -snoballandthmonyshot

..............The Guide to Newgrounds Audio

Latest Track: Phoenix

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-23 22:20:25

God of war really is a great game with an amazing OST...it inspired me to make this track(which isnt nearly good as the game and its soundtrack)

Flames of Phrygia

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-23 22:55:56

Neo Terrain

It's my mac comp entry. DnB. Off now to review the previous two entries :P

quarl BandCamp

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-24 01:58:56

It's been a while since I advertised any of my audio, but I particularly like my new submission quite a bit, so here goes:

nurturing nature

It's a very repetitive ambient piece with some strings and cool percussions. Check it out.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-24 08:48:08

I've made a couple of sonic remix/tributes, check them out
here , the later one, Robotnik Remix is based around the actual tunes, whereas death egg was more of a tribute, following the style.
I appreciate all comments, so thanks in advance.



READ: "A Fear of Great Heights" and other forthcoming adventures right HERE

Signature Picture by: Spartan204

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-24 16:42:43

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-24 19:58:59

Heaven preview

I tried a little something new. Got a little bit of hands up! to it with a little bit of Envy to it...

I know I have a lot of "previews" up that i honestly never continued with... But I really will continue with this one, as I still like it.

Hats are a little loud... It's not really mastered yet, so that could solve some of that. Just basically gives you an idea of what the song will sound like. Enjoy.

At 3/27/11 10:22 PM, sugarsimon wrote:

the brilliant songs who create a production for music


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-24 21:34:11

The Revelations Full

The 9 minute version of my song "The Revelations."

I am teh king of teh worlds.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-24 22:11:28

New Club Song! Well... part of it... NG limits are starting to cut me down.

Breaking Orbit

If you wanna save some time and go straight to the full version -


BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-24 23:44:23

I know this isn't my song, but I heard this guy's song in the audio portal at random, and its damn hilarous!!

Man with the wodden hand

prease rate it well :)


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-25 00:08:10

New song out! i think it's my best ever!

check it out


BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-25 00:09:25

At 5/25/07 12:08 AM, cornandbeans wrote: New song out! i think it's my best ever!

check it out



BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-25 10:35:22

Check out my newest song:

-=/Oboe to Joy\=-

"... wish I could do classical this good..." -Quarl
"...just perfect..." -Suspended-3rd-Chord
"...Free flowing...enjoyable..." -LastSpartan
"...a whole new take on classical music...I would love to hear more songs like this..." -BlackPlastic
"...this truly is something...a fantastic level of originality..." Raves, Lacrioso
"...All in all, a great piece" Says, MaestroRage
"....jolly good show old chap..." -snoballandthmonyshot

..............The Guide to Newgrounds Audio

Latest Track: Phoenix

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-25 18:54:10

DnB +...


Check it out, or all the 14 year olds on the forum will come to your house and murder you.

Do it. Now.

Cause I sed so.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-25 21:54:37


My MAC contest entry. Not really great but I don't give a fuck XD

oh fucking shit I have to review navij...

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-25 23:11:33

Sonic 3 Bossbattle Remix

As high quality as I could make it. Used a demo, so I was pissed when I couldn't save it, since I worked so hard on it. Review, pleeze! I could use the constructive criticism and tips, if you have them! :-)

I am teh king of teh worlds.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2007-05-26 00:44:33

Finally, a new dark song is out again!

Star Rise Reaper

Please vote and review plentifully :)