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Audio Advertisements!

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Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-14 15:58:49

Motion Picture Massacre

Hey all, im in a band called Fate and we have been recording a lot of our songs at home recently. This is one of the songs that i did all of the mixing/mastering of. It is pretty much a finished project but there may be some things that i missed. Anyways, listen and enjoy.

Also, we are touring this summer so if you live anywhere in CA then it is a good chance we are comming close to you.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-14 16:17:17

At 4/14/05 01:29 PM, Crazy_Train wrote: all i need are some reviews thanks, just need to know what to do to do better

Man, Iove Braindance. That was hot.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-14 16:24:27

give me sum reviews and VOTE, VOTE DAMNIT VOTE, i promise u if u help me escape the fucking faggot zero voting bitches i will return the favor.

i currently have a FUCKING 1.00 on the striker.....!!!
man words cannot describe what i would love to do to those fucking fags.

anyways, leave a review and ill do the same for u, vote for me, ill vote for u.

i always vote five if i like a song cuz of fags that vote zero, u gotta cancel them out.


BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-14 18:38:09

At 4/14/05 04:24 PM, Pandora_Tranquil wrote: give me sum reviews and VOTE, VOTE DAMNIT VOTE, i promise u if u help me escape the fucking faggot zero voting bitches i will return the favor.

i currently have a FUCKING 1.00 on the striker.....!!!
man words cannot describe what i would love to do to those fucking fags.

anyways, leave a review and ill do the same for u, vote for me, ill vote for u.

i always vote five if i like a song cuz of fags that vote zero, u gotta cancel them out.

Well, Trance/Dance is not my thing whatsoever, but I thought Striker was worth a lot more then that, I jumped it as far as I could.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-14 20:59:37

At 4/14/05 04:24 PM, Pandora_Tranquil wrote: give me sum reviews and VOTE, VOTE DAMNIT VOTE, i promise u if u help me escape the fucking faggot zero voting bitches i will return the favor.

I reviewed and voted 5 for it. It was a very well made track, the only downfall I feel it has is that it wouldn't be able to stand out among other Techno/Trance tracks.
Still, it was a well made song.


BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-14 21:31:39

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-15 21:25:30

shut the hell up pavo u don know crap




BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-15 21:48:15

Here's mine...

Most is Hip-Hop or Rap if you like that kind of thing, some of my early stuff is DNB and Techno but it kinda sucks> I basically have a little of everything, and all is Original. No remixes or anything. Please take the time to review


Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-15 22:36:23

Alright, everyone! I have organized all ad's so far, and am checking out them at a pace. I will tell everyone what I think of their audio's in due time. For now, I will present the list of Audio Ads (in the order in which they were posted.)

1. Pink_Floyd's Audio
2. -Gooch-'s Audio
3. crystalpepsilock's Audio
4. SpinTolk's Audio
5. Baron_Von_Badguy's Audio
6. da_pope's Audio
7. That-Is-Bull's Audio
8. -api-'s Audio
9. Frostbreath's Audio
10. FBIpolux's Audio
11. DroopyA's Audio
12. monkeybullman's Audio
13. Orodreth's Audio
14. KurtFF8's Audio
15. Crazy_Train's Audio
16. Rucklo's Audio
17. Buddy_Bigsby's Audio
18. Pandora_Tranquil's Audio
19. Rhymeswithskirty's Audio
20. Pavo-Miskic's Audio
21. chead86's Audio

I will update this list periodically, as more people advertise. Please take the time to check out various of these artists' audios, rate, and review. Help them, and they will help you.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-16 04:15:32

At 4/15/05 10:36 PM, Pink_Floyd wrote: I will update this list periodically, as more people advertise. Please take the time to check out various of these artists' audios, rate, and review. Help them, and they will help you.

That is quite a large list for just starting out, you did a good job at organizing it as well. I actually think this topic would make a better Audio Portal Regulars Lounge than the other "Audio Frequenters" topic would.

Good job at assembling all this!


BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-16 08:43:46

Best advertisement for my skills that i used to have are http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/view.php?id=383486&sub=18437, yes its by earfetish, but that track Inhale Mary - DJ BJ was recorded at my house, live, and i played the drums. It was also jammed out, never practised. Who says Mary is bad for everyone?

I just dont get how its owning compared to proper DnB artists, its more like acid rock than anything else, but i'm not complaining :)

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-16 10:19:03

At 4/16/05 04:15 AM, Baron_Von_Bad_Guy wrote: That is quite a large list for just starting out, you did a good job at organizing it as well. I actually think this topic would make a better Audio Portal Regulars Lounge than the other "Audio Frequenters" topic would.

Good job at assembling all this!

Thanks, man. We are in dire need of a better structured Audio Portal, and I want to do what I can to help.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-16 12:59:53

I just put our latest tracks on the Audio Portal :


Download them and vote please :)

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-16 16:42:52

At 4/16/05 12:59 PM, RiffWorld wrote: I just put our latest tracks on the Audio Portal :


Download them and vote please :)

That was pretty funny, man. I gave you a 5 because I am indifferent about rap, so it's cool. Nice though.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-16 18:01:46

At 4/16/05 04:42 PM, Pink_Floyd wrote: That was pretty funny, man. I gave you a 5 because I am indifferent about rap, so it's cool. Nice though.

I'm glad you liked them. I've been brought to upload my songs on this site because of FBIpolux, our Publisher and Distributor.

Which song did your prefered? Personally, I chosen the funniest and the most vulgar lyrics just to do a rap parody, and it worked :) Some people told me they should play this in clubs. :D

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-16 20:11:26

Just a quick reminder


Don't just come in here asking for a quick fix, it works both ways. If everybody gives other people some feedback, it will also make the Audio Community on NG stronger, since it's another way for people to get to know each other better (through music)

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-16 23:27:36

At 4/16/05 08:11 PM, Denvish wrote: Just a quick reminder


Don't just come in here asking for a quick fix, it works both ways. If everybody gives other people some feedback, it will also make the Audio Community on NG stronger, since it's another way for people to get to know each other better (through music)

I agree completely. I always try to check out those people that were so kind to review my music. It is very necessary and vital to do. So please check some people on the list of those that advertised, and review at least one of a few of them. For the more you review, the more others shall review you.

Some of these are very good, people. So try to check this stuff out.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-17 02:57:48

By the way, I probably won't be submitting many Audios for a little while, so enjoy what I have for you untill I am able to submit more.

I checked out many of you're audios on the list, and reviewed quite a few of them. I would strongly reccomend others on the list, and not on the list (If you are not on the list, just advertise in this thread, and I shall come around to organizing a new, refreshed list in a little while) to do the same.

Denvish, your stuff is awesome, I just felt like saying.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-17 15:31:53

My living crap. It sucks...a lot.


Some of your stuff is okay PinkFloyd. Not to crazy, but clear. Mine isn't. Mine sucks the big cahooney.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-17 17:26:34

At 4/17/05 03:31 PM, JackPhantasm wrote: Not to crazy, but clear.

Why thanks. I wasn't aiming for anything insane, just some nice, easy listening (for the most part).

Mine isn't. Mine sucks the big cahooney.

Well, we are so glad you decided to share it with us.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-18 13:48:38

-afliXion's audio page-

I write different kinds of music... Also alot of piano stuff.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-18 17:01:47

I'm going to start a composers guild, it's about getting users who are interested in composition to compose for flash artists.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-18 18:51:20

Well, here it goes...

Freakin Excellent Audio

i must say myself, i like my audio. but my first two uploads (the Freestyle and Joe's Song) have HORRIBLE quality. i really just feel like deleting them. the freestyle is pretty bad cause i drenched it in so many crappy effects/distortion, and the lead guitar itself was just a big mess anyway. Joe's Song is alright, except that the quality of it is just so bad. i'll probably record that one again, and put a lead over it cause it's kinda boring by itself.

anyway, done with the bad stuff. my other uploads, i do like. the Heavy Melody i wanted to upload first, but i never got to it. it was one of the first good songs i ever wrote, and probably one of my best musically cause the time signature is so weird, i can't firure it out. i had done several trial recordings before, but i never got it right. i still don't think the one i have right now is all that great, cause there's a part where i did 2 guitars doing harmony, but a bunch of the notes are wrong and all out of key. anyway, i'll most definately get another version in some time.

the one called "Song Idea 1" was some riffs i wrote about, maybe a month ahead, and i recorded the rythm. since it was kinda bland by itself, i came up with a solo to put over it. i wrote it all in one day, and it came out to be quite nice. the main riff was kind of CoB influenced cause the last thing in my mind was the riff from one of their songs that Alexi Laihio was showing in his Guitar World Column. i'm not really a huge Children Of Bodom fan (at least not yet) cause i've only heared like 2 songs from them, but yeah, that was the influence, incase you wanted to know. for the solo, i think it was somewhat White Zombie. you may not hear much WZ in it, but i was thinking about how Jay would use the neck pickup for a lot of his solos and leads on La Sexorcisto, and thought it would be cool. and i kind of slowed the pace down from my usual fast picking leads, and let the notes ring more. the beggining of the solo was influened by Judas Priest from their new album. the beggining of the first track had the lead guitar fade in, and i did something like that. i had the tapping lick, but it was just the same thing for a long time, so that was another reason i had it fade in.

the Random Song Of April 7, 2005 was not very much influenced by anything. i guess partially Black Sabbath, but not much. it was really just a whole spontaneus kind of thing. for the solo, i just recorded myself improvising, and listened to that to use for ideas. i took most of it, and turned it into a fairly legit guitar solo. there's not much to this one cause it's litterally just a random song from that day.

i believe that's all i have for now. keep in mind that i change my alias from time to time, so if you search "HDG" and nothing comes up, check this thread cause i probably changed it again. anyway yeah, i'll definately be making some more uploads cause i just got a new amp! (Crate G-212). 200 Watts!

anyway, that's just my extended explanations of my audio, cause frankly, i don't think 90 characters is quite enough. i'll probably come back here for any more uploads i make.

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-18 20:54:57

I'm loving your stuff afliXion. Nice piano stuff, can't get enough video game piano.

Nice stuff too, HDG. Nice guitar work.

Hey, if anyone wouldn't mind, I would love it if you checked out my Bookends, a cover of a great Simon & Garfunkle song. It is one of my favorites of mine, yet for some reason only one person has checked it out so far, and that was my one of my friends because I asked him to.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-18 22:07:21

Check out my new song called [url=http://newgrounds.com/audio/view.php?id=916330&sub=23159]Hit the Floor[/url], generousity WILL be rewarded. I'll follow up the entire list of those who advertised.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-18 22:29:08

That is good stuff, man.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-18 22:32:47

Bookends was pretty awesome, I'm glad I know someone who's into acoustics.

It might be a while until my next advertisement, but hey, I can still review.

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94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-18 23:10:20

Alright, time to refresh the list. I plan to do this at the beginning of every page, so as to allow more organization.

1. Pink_Floyd's Audio
2. -Gooch-'s Audio
3. crystalpepsilock's Audio
4. SpinTolk's Audio
5. Baron_Von_Bad_Guy's Audio
6. da_pope's Audio
7. That-Is-Bull's Audio
8. Denvish's Audio
9. -api-'s Audio
10. Frostbreath's Audio
11. FBIpolux/RiffWorld Entertainment's Audio
12. DroopyA's Audio
13. monkeybullman's Audio
14. Orodreth's Audio
15. KurtFF8's Audio
16. Pandora_Tranquil's Audio
17. Crazy_Train's Audio
18. Rucklo's Audio
19. Buddy_Bigsby's Audio
20. Rhymeswithskirty's Audio
21. Pavo-Miskic's Audio
22. chead86's Audio
23. SpamWarrior's Audio
24. RiffWorld's Audio
25. JackPhantasm's Audio
26. afliXion's Audio
27. HDG's Audio
28. Erkie's Audio

Alright, that's all for now. I added Denvish to the list at 8 because he advertised without actually advertising, and if you havent checked out his stuff yet, please do, it's pretty awesome.

I also added SpamWarrior, RiffWorld, JackPhantasm, afliXion, HDG, and Erkie to the list. So if you haven't checked out these new additions, check them out, along with the others on the list.

If there are any mistakes, let me know, and I shall fix them when I update the list on the next page.

Fancy Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-19 06:39:17

well damn! good job on that list, its long.

u review me i review u and hopefully vice versa for most of you.

i have a really nice trance song out now, its not done, im gonna make it really long cuz i really like where its going, but check it out (it doesnt even have a name yet)

Heres the song leave a review will ya?

thanks ahead of time, and ill review urs too when i get the chance


BBS Signature

Response to Audio Advertisements! 2005-04-19 14:08:23

Could some people review my audio songs..... They been on for quiet a while now and like 7 people have reviewed them. If you review mine ill review yours.