Guys, don't forget to write reviews, I need to know what needs to be added and corrected.
"I did it for my Daugs"~French Montana
Got sick so I'm late with this one, but it's done!
At 4/8/05 08:22 PM, Tancrisism wrote:Place a link, and whatnot, here for users to view your Audio submissions! Here's mine:
Pink_Floyd's Audio!
It's mostly classic rock, and a few orginals. Tell me what you think, and post your audio links, and etc. here, for more publicity.
Just a short classical guitar loop
I did not make these, but I think they are neat and deserve some attention, at least to get to 5 votes.
New Song!! Very experimental and randomized!
For once, an original track. Unleash your rage and rip your prey apart as you tear asunder the hells!