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AS: Save and Load

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Response to AS: Save and Load 2007-04-23 18:12:27

I found this in the Sample files in the Flash 8 folder...

import mx.controls.*;
var status_lbl:Label;
var username_ti:TextInput;
var password_ti:TextInput;
password_ti.password = true;
submit_btn.clickHandler = function() {
var formListener:Object = new Object();
formListener.enter = function(evt) {
username_ti.addEventListener("enter", formListener);
password_ti.addEventListener("enter", formListener);
function checkForm() {
if (username_ti.text.length == 0) {
status_lbl.text = "<font color=\"#EFDFDC\">Please enter user name.</font>";
return false;
if (password_ti.text.length == 0) {
status_lbl.text = "<font color=\"#EFDFDC\">Please enter password.</font>";
return false;
status_lbl.text = "";
var result_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var login_lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
login_lv.username = username_ti.text;
login_lv.password = password_ti.text;
login_lv.sendAndLoad("http://www.flash-mx.com /mm/login.cfm", result_lv, "POST");
result_lv.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
if (success) {
if (this.isValidLogin == 1) {
status_lbl.text = "<font color=\"#009900\">login successful.</font>";
} else {
status_lbl.text = "<font color=\"#EFDFDC\">invalid user name / password.</font>";
Selection.setSelection(0, username_ti.text.length);
} else {
status_lbl.text = "Unable to connect to login URL";
username_ti.enabled = false;
password_ti.enabled = false;
submit_btn.enabled = false;
return true;

I took out all of the comments.That would be nice if someone could explain this this code,because I'm sure a lot of people would like to use a script like this,but also know how it works and such.

Yes,you'll need a server or something...


Response to AS: Save and Load 2007-06-04 01:57:06

Is there are way you tell it to save all the variables and load in the variables in the right places?

Response to AS: Save and Load 2007-06-22 10:49:37

Can arrays be saved? My game doesnt seem to want to save and load arrays... unless I'm just doing it wrong.


BBS Signature

Response to AS: Save and Load 2007-06-24 15:36:10

I still can't understand of this. Can someone give me download a .fla file?

Response to AS: Save and Load 2007-06-30 14:20:41

Hmph i think there should be a little more attention to the AS3:main thread cuz lets face it in an year will all have to use AS3 to keep up with the trend

BBS Signature

Response to AS: Save and Load 2007-07-21 10:38:37

My save button doesn't work well.
on (press) {
savefile.data.Num1 = _root.Num1;

on (press) {
var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("Character2DCreato r");
if (savefile.data.Num1 == undefined) {
_root.Num1 = 6;
} else {
_root.Num1 = savefile.data.Num1;

Some info: Flash 8, AS2, Windows Vista.
What am I doing wrong?

Response to AS: Save and Load 2007-07-21 10:44:53

Name of the cookies have to match.

Response to AS: Save and Load 2007-07-21 11:28:30

At 7/21/07 10:44 AM, Deathcon7 wrote: Name of the cookies have to match.

Is this what you mean?

on (press) {
Character2DCreator.data.Num1 = _root.Num1;

on (press) {
var Character2DCreator = SharedObject.getLocal("Character2DCreato r");
if (Character2DCreator.data.Num1 == undefined) {
_root.Num1 = 6;
} else {
_root.Num1 = Character2DCreator.data.Num1;

Response to AS: Save and Load 2007-10-30 22:05:34

Hi, I know that on WinXP, the save files can be found at:
C:/Documents and Settings/Username/Application Data (hidden)/Macromedia/Flash Player/

but does anyone know where they can be found on a Mac? (someone playing our game on a Mac needs to retrieve his save files)


Castle is now available on Steam!

BBS Signature

Response to AS: Save and Load 2007-12-12 19:49:19

I read the tut and I put this script on the save button
on (press){
And this on the load button (They are buttons not MC's)
var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("My Rpg");
And the problem is:
1.) I cant find the save data in "C:\Documents and Settings\_-_-_-\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\4P3SQ7QQ"
2.) I check the syntax and its says its 100% ok and there is no problems with it ( For both buttons)
3.) When I load it my stats go to "0".(Which I am guessing is because the variable on the load button.)
Can some one help me out please Im not sure where I have screwed up.

Response to AS: Save and Load 2008-01-02 18:13:38

Omg! This is awesome. This is going to change my games forever! Thank you!!!!!!

Response to AS: Save and Load 2008-04-16 23:42:22

|||||HEADS UP|||||

You cannot use non alphabetic characters (comas and stuff of that sort) or SPACES in your file name or this will not work. Just thought I would add that.

Response to AS: Save and Load 2008-05-11 01:35:49

hey thanks man! that really helpful

Response to AS: Save and Load 2008-07-12 16:25:46

var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("yourgamename");

why do u need your games name?

Response to AS: Save and Load 2008-07-12 16:30:07

At 7/12/08 04:25 PM, piggy123 wrote: why do u need your games name?

Dont bump such an old topic for no reason you fucking idiot.

BBS Signature

Response to AS: Save and Load 2008-07-21 10:51:22

Great! Now i need to find out how to use this on a psp..

Response to AS: Save and Load 2008-08-01 15:09:51

At 3/16/05 04:41 PM, szmuk wrote: Thank you...

Moi aussi!

if (jackTron (isKing)) {you = areCool} else {gotoAndBurn (hell) }

Response to AS: Save and Load 2008-08-11 21:41:21

I am new to flash. I have Flash CS3 professional, and I see no way of creating a "shared object". Does that mean I am not going to be able to, with my current software, or that I am not looking hard enough? This thread would come in handy if I can create the object.

Response to AS: Save and Load 2008-08-13 06:36:05

okay, and now somebody please tell me where to find the .sol file. NO! I KNOW WHERE IT CAN BE FOUND ON THE PC but i want to know where to find it on a mac. i can't find my .sol (or whatever it's called on mac) and this is a little problem, thanks for every (useful) answer ;D


Response to AS: Save and Load 2008-08-13 08:59:21

alright, sorry for the doublepost but i found it:

Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/#SharedObjects/2BR3WPJK/localhost /Users/"theUserInWhichTheFileIs"/"dataPa th" (in my case: Documents/Flash/Games/gotchi.swf)


Response to AS: Save and Load 2008-08-23 23:55:35

I'm using AS 2 and I need help.

I'm trying to save a variable called _root.highscore. The problem is, that clicking the load button only loads the number zero, although the problem could still be in the save.

Here is my code:

Load Button:

on (press) { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("Save and Load"); if (savefile.data.score == undefined) { _root.score = 0; } else { _root.score = savefile.data.score; } }

Save Button

on (release) { savefile.data.score = _root.score; savefile.flush(); }

Remember, I am using AS 2.


Response to AS: Save and Load 2008-08-23 23:56:36

Oops! I meant that the button was called _root.score


Response to AS: Save and Load 2009-02-16 04:36:34

to Denvish:
i tried this and it works but the problem is that when i close the movie i lose the save info... how can i do? is there some way to do that?
thanks in advance

Response to AS: Save and Load 2009-08-02 20:32:17

Before I use this, I have a question. If I put a variable on the first frame, will I be able to change it from anywhere in my game? eg, if I'm on frame 50, can I still do whatever+=3;?

BBS Signature

Response to AS: Save and Load 2009-08-04 18:57:02

Just tried testing this. Doesn't seem to work for me

Response to AS: Save and Load 2009-08-18 04:39:06

Is there a way to Save and load the frame of an mc- so it remembers the current frame? and goes back to it after pressing another button?

Response to AS: Save and Load 2009-08-27 00:03:24

your my best friend :D

Response to AS: Save and Load 2009-11-24 14:21:25

Wow, thanks! This is much simpler than I thought it'd be.

But it's not as simple when I have over 90 variables to store D: But still handy.

Excuse me if my 'level' decieves you and puts me off as a noob. For clerifacation, I just dont browse Newgrounds enough to boost it, but I have 5 years of Flash experience.

Response to AS: Save and Load 2009-11-24 14:44:48

At 2/25/05 10:17 AM, Denvish wrote: var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("yourgamename");
//Grab the level and score held in the file, and assign them to variables


should that be the name of the Flash file?

Excuse me if my 'level' decieves you and puts me off as a noob. For clerifacation, I just dont browse Newgrounds enough to boost it, but I have 5 years of Flash experience.

Response to AS: Save and Load 2009-12-28 17:16:33

At 11/24/09 02:44 PM, Pie-4Ever wrote:
At 2/25/05 10:17 AM, Denvish wrote: var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal("yourgamename");
//Grab the level and score held in the file, and assign them to variables

should that be the name of the Flash file?

("yourgamename"); is not the name of the flash file.. it practicaly doesn't matter what you write there, if it follows some simple rules - don't use strange signs,spaces etc.
so there could be i.e. ("Blaa"); or ("thereisnomeaning");
This is just the name of the .sol file that is localy stored on the users computer.