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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-18 00:44:48

At 2/17/05 06:55 PM, liljim wrote:
We used to have a user search, but removed it because it was nailing the database.

Oh yeah, I remember that, though I don't think I ever used it. Just that when I went to search for author, I was confused and bewildered by not being able to find the users I was looking for, so i had to use alternative means to find them. But faster website makes much more sense.

Oh, and while on the subject of quotes in posts, if someone suggested this before, I missed it. Anyway, the ablility to see who has replied with a quote to a post might be nice, like looking through your bbs posts on the profile and seeing if anyone has used one of your quotes in their post, kinda like a reply for the bbs. I'm just lazy so I don't like to actually have to go though a page of posts to see if anyone replied to me or about me or whatever. Just thought that'd make things easier. Though I could see more people liking this feature, assuming everyone is a lazy as me.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-18 07:21:35

Does anybody remember my ideas for NG Alphas I posted a week ago? Could anyone at least comment if it's a good idea or not?

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-18 15:05:03

here is an idea...alot of people are complaing about how they want to lvl up faster and what not how about just restarting everyones stats once a user hits lvl 30. and who ever gets to lvl 30 first gets something stupid like a free new grounds t-shirt. lol i know this idea sucks but hell i think it would be funny to see everyone that thinks this site is god have their dreams crushed lol.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-18 15:16:24

At 2/18/05 03:05 PM, Rejected_Incubus wrote: here is an idea...alot of people are complaing about how they want to lvl up faster and what not how about just restarting everyones stats once a user hits lvl 30. and who ever gets to lvl 30 first gets something stupid like a free new grounds t-shirt. lol i know this idea sucks but hell i think it would be funny to see everyone that thinks this site is god have their dreams crushed lol.

a lot of people are complaining because they have no patience. There can only be one level 30 and that's Humantarget32. Restarting everyone's stats would be awful because everyone and myself have been depositing for either quite some time or not at all that long. :P
My dream is to own my own business. :P

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-18 15:38:30

At 2/17/05 06:55 PM, liljim wrote: We used to have a user search, but removed it because it was nailing the database.

Wouldn't the search engine without the profile listing be light enough?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-18 17:15:37

Ok, I just made a copy of this thread by accident, so I'll put my awesome list here:

1.Make the 4th secret(those with over 1000exp. know what I'm talking about) requirement down to 20,000.

2.Cleanse Newgrounds of all flash that have been here for over 3 months and do not have a score over 2 deleted. All they do is take up space. No one ever watches them after that time and all they do is cost the Fulps bandwith money.

3. delete all the Star Syndicate accounts. They are the poluters of the portal. They use 100's of alts to get their movies past judgement.

4. Make the abusive whistle a permanent feature somewhere on the page. Not everyone knows a website it could've been stolen from you know. Also if it passes judgement and the whistle is blown enough, make sure they actually have a link to the site.

5. put B on the front page forever.

6. Force Tom to finish Pico 2.

7.You know how the BBS has the cookie points and noob points pictures right? Well, let's make a system for it! Put a cookie and noob smiley icons at the right hand corner of a post, and people can give a person a cookie or noob point for their post! If someone gets 25% more noob points than cookie points, they get a 7 day ban, and if they get 25% more cookie points than noob points, they get a 1 day ban reducter. Then the points get cleared, and they get a BBS status with that system!

8.Continue the investigations of Ozcar and Shrapnel.

9.Make an unlockable spam thread.

10.Make sure the mods don't ban for non-existing rules. or update the rules.

11.Put a ban mod button on all of the mods posts. If enough people hate the mod, the mod loses their modness.

12.Update the secrets panel!!! I don't wanna wait for nearly 10 years to get my next secret!!! Make some more!!!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-18 17:17:12

At 2/18/05 05:08 PM, -Shadic- wrote: How about we make a giant thread dedicated to making ideas to improve Newgrounds? It'll be fun!

Here's my list:
1.Make the 4th secret(those with over 1000exp. know what I'm talking about) requirement down to 20,000.

dude humantarget only has like 18,000 it should be lower then that

2.Cleanse Newgrounds of all flash that have been here for over 3 months and do not have a score over 2 deleted. All they do is take up space. No one ever watches them after that time and all they do is cost the Fulps bandwith money.

not bad but i dont really like the idea

3. delete all the Star Syndicate accounts. They are the poluters of the portal. They use 100's of alts to get their movies past judgement.

same with the clock crew but thats why we luv um

4. Make the abusive whistle a permanent feature somewhere on the page. Not everyone knows a website it could've been stolen from you know. Also if it passes judgement and the whistle is blown enough, make sure they actually have a link to the site.

nope bad idea

5. put B on the front page forever.

lol maybe a link to it

6. Force Tom to finish Pico 2.

hiya,lets do that

7.You know how the BBS has the cookie points and noob points pictures right? Well, let's make a system for it! Put a cookie and noob smiley icons at the right hand corner of a post, and people can give a person a cookie or noob point for their post! If someone gets 25% more noob points than cookie points, they get a 7 day ban, and if they get 25% more cookie points than noob points, they get a 1 day ban reducter. Then the points get cleared, and they get a BBS status with that system!

i like the idea of getting ban reducters but its not realistic some1 could rack up a bunch using alts them spam for days but i like the emocons idea but thats what pics are for.

8.Continue the investigations of Ozcar and Shrapnel.

what about Ozcar,he's an uber secksay canadian mystery solved,shrapnel on the other hand......

9.Make an unlockable spam thread.

there was obne made by shapnel,and it was locked?????

10.Make sure the mods don't ban for non-existing rules. or update the rules.

love this idea,but i doubt some of the powertrip prone mods will like it.

11.Put a ban mod button on all of the mods posts. If enough people hate the mod, the mod loses their modness.

no,if the mods bad the admin removes their powers.

12.Update the secrets panel!!! I don't wanna wait for nearly 10 years to get my next secret!!! Make some more!!!

you already said this but yeah do that!!!!!!!

Add your ideas-maybe an administrator will read this and add some.

put a counter in your profile to show how mahy plp looked at it indcating your e-popularity.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-18 17:20:50

At 2/18/05 05:08 PM, -Shadic- wrote: How about we make a giant thread dedicated to making ideas to improve Newgrounds? It'll be fun!

Yeah they should have a suggestions thread just like the general thread.

2.Cleanse Newgrounds of all flash that have been here for over 3 months and do not have a score over 2 deleted. All they do is take up space. No one ever watches them after that time and all they do is cost the Fulps bandwith money.

Totally, but it would probably take them a long time unless they got some one to program something that gets rid of everything with a score below 2.

There are a couple of classics that should be kept tho... even tho they are shite, they have fond memories attached to them

3. delete all the Star Syndicate accounts. They are the poluters of the portal. They use 100's of alts to get their movies past judgement.

Lots of people do this, it sucks but what can ya do?

5. put B on the front page forever.


6. Force Tom to finish Pico 2.

Yes, and make me some food too!

7.You know how the BBS has the cookie points and noob points pictures right? Well, let's make a system for it! Put a cookie and noob smiley icons at the right hand corner of a post, and people can give a person a cookie or noob point for their post! If someone gets 25% more noob points than cookie points, they get a 7 day ban, and if they get 25% more cookie points than noob points, they get a 1 day ban reducter. Then the points get cleared, and they get a BBS status with that system!

Well I see something like that, but i think it should be more like a rating thing on a movie, and each post you make people can judge you if they want.. and if they think ur being a prick u get more 0's.. but this system could get easily abused, esp if people get multiple accounts and vote on users they have some beef with

9.Make an unlockable spam thread.

Yeah it would be nice to have a complete bullshit thread to fuck about in.

10.Make sure the mods don't ban for non-existing rules. or update the rules.


11.Put a ban mod button on all of the mods posts. If enough people hate the mod, the mod loses their modness.

This would get abused as with ur cookie system. The second the mod bans some one that person would get him and his friends all to press that button.. not saying the mods are always right... but u get the picture


I'd like more space in the audio portal so we can upload decent length tracks without reducing the quality.

Nexus: 1. a means of connection; tie; link.

Nexus: 2. a connected series or group.

Nexus: 3. the core or center, as of a matter or situation.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-18 17:29:17

At 2/18/05 05:15 PM, -Shadic- wrote: Ok, I just made a copy of this thread by accident, so I'll put my awesome list here:

Ok and I will comment on this list, its pretty long though :)

1.Make the 4th secret(those with over 1000exp. know what I'm talking about) requirement down to 20,000.

Yes, thats an idea, I am sure that has run through jim's head, or tom, wades, every once in awhile. There is really no use though... Possibly a picture instead of a message for a secret. They could have secrets for each level...

2.Cleanse Newgrounds of all flash that have been here for over 3 months and do not have a score over 2 deleted. All they do is take up space. No one ever watches them after that time and all they do is cost the Fulps bandwith money.

Well, thats not very fair is it! They obviously had good enough work to get through the portal, so they could do it again, if they wanted to! So it could be a never ending circle! I do agree however, on the level of the score under 1.00 to be deleted. There is no excuse for an author to have a F+ or D+ average to remain on the newgrounds portal like that. extremely pointless and mocking somewhat to the portal flaws.

3. delete all the Star Syndicate accounts. They are the poluters of the portal. They use 100's of alts to get their movies past judgement.

100s of alts? Hopefully you are exagerating. I dont see where you can find evidence that they have so many alts. After awhile people automatically pass the SS for protect points. It never resulted in mass voting. Yes their forums states they mass vote. But that was usually a joke, only to annoy ozcar and such. I dont think they should be deleted. Some stars were reset to level 1 and their b/p gone, I think it was 6 or something is totally gone... They are dead. You will see them around for I would say another few months, and they will go down in history.

4. Make the abusive whistle a permanent feature somewhere on the page. Not everyone knows a website it could've been stolen from you know. Also if it passes judgement and the whistle is blown enough, make sure they actually have a link to the site.

That would be dumb. That is one of the dumbest ideas ever ( sorry ). Ok, so I am jealous that Prowlies at the River have such a highscore. Let me make uber amounts of alts, and blow the whistle. Even though it is a quality flash and such! What I mean by this, is the groups would develop again. Such as all the LegendaryFrog crew, would flag piconjo's flashes. And all the piconjo butt buddies would flag LegendaryFrogs flashes. It would develop a riot of getting them flagged. The whole flash portal would be in an uproar!

5. put B on the front page forever.


6. Force Tom to finish Pico 2.

he will do it when he wants to. The newgrounds populus and running the site is his first priority!

7.You know how the BBS has the cookie points and noob points pictures right? Well, let's make a system for it! Put a cookie and noob smiley icons at the right hand corner of a post, and people can give a person a cookie or noob point for their post! If someone gets 25% more noob points than cookie points, they get a 7 day ban, and if they get 25% more cookie points than noob points, they get a 1 day ban reducter. Then the points get cleared, and they get a BBS status with that system!

No, because I know for a fact I would be a jackass and give noob points to wade or a mod for fun. As would thousands of others!

8.Continue the investigations of Ozcar and Shrapnel.

We already know enough.. well atleast I do.

9.Make an unlockable spam thread.

Stupid and pointless way to rack up post numbers.

10.Make sure the mods don't ban for non-existing rules. or update the rules.

yes I noticed some of the mods do that. But its their decision. They got there in the first place...

11.Put a ban mod button on all of the mods posts. If enough people hate the mod, the mod loses their modness.

No, that is just stupid and pointless. I know for a fact I would ban ozcar and thejoe right off the bat :)

12.Update the secrets panel!!! I don't wanna wait for nearly 10 years to get my next secret!!! Make some more!!!

this was one of your first ideas.... scroll up... your repetitve

All in all those are pretty good ideas. Hopefully I disected that enough for you! Enjoy my resonses :)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-18 17:38:12

At 2/18/05 05:15 PM, -Shadic- wrote: 1.Make the 4th secret(those with over 1000exp. know what I'm talking about) requirement down to 20,000.

will it really make any difference? still take ages to get it and i serioously doubt its what it says it is :P

2.Cleanse Newgrounds of all flash that have been here for over 3 months and do not have a score over 2 deleted. All they do is take up space. No one ever watches them after that time and all they do is cost the Fulps bandwith money.

deleting some would be a good diea but I think we need some of the crapp flashes so people know what a good one is. Maybe delete the oens thta are below 1.00 or something but I don't thinkt hats going to happen anyway.

3. delete all the Star Syndicate accounts. They are the poluters of the portal. They use 100's of alts to get their movies past judgement.

and will do what? piss of the SS? yes. make NG better no? Not really whils tit might make haters of the SS happy most the people don't really care enough either way.(I know I don't)

4. Make the abusive whistle a permanent feature somewhere on the page. Not everyone knows a website it could've been stolen from you know. Also if it passes judgement and the whistle is blown enough, make sure they actually have a link to the site.

Can't see anythign wrong with that idea. Most people who blow whistles on stuff tend to give links anywya if they think or know its stolen.

5. put B on the front page forever.

why? Just why?

6. Force Tom to finish Pico 2.

by gunpoint if neccessarary(sp?)

7.You know how the BBS has the cookie points and noob points pictures right? Well, let's make a system for it! Put a cookie and noob smiley icons at the right hand corner of a post, and people can give a person a cookie or noob point for their post! If someone gets 25% more noob points than cookie points, they get a 7 day ban, and if they get 25% more cookie points than noob points, they get a 1 day ban reducter. Then the points get cleared, and they get a BBS status with that system!

it would be abused. if a person has a laod of "Enemies" (for lack of a better word) on the BBS then they will abuse the system by giving him load sof n00b points. With the amount of people that don't like Quikfox he would be banend permanently as their are some idiots out there who would decide that just because he told them their thread was useless would barrage him n00b points.

8.Continue the investigations of Ozcar and Shrapnel.

I really couldn't care less about this.

9.Make an unlockable spam thread.

where people can go to spam and get there post counts up...........yeha Im not seeing this one being implemented,

10.Make sure the mods don't ban for non-existing rules. or update the rules.

I've never been banned for a non existant rule and I don't know anyone that has but an update to the rules could be useful I suppose.

11.Put a ban mod button on all of the mods posts. If enough people hate the mod, the mod loses their modness.

Would be abused if ron goes on a banning spree and the n00blets decide to click that button NG will lose a decent mod cause some 13 year old kid couldn't stand that his lame thread about Halo 2 or whatever got locked.

12.Update the secrets panel!!! I don't wanna wait for nearly 10 years to get my next secret!!! Make some more!!!

Gotta agree with this one :P

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-19 05:25:15

I really like the many new ideas stirred in this topic. I would also like to add the following.

Message Centre

Perhaps, when a user adds a favorite author to his list, an email or even an menu from the ground gold account, could notify him/her when a new submission has arrived. Sure, if we check the portal everday or look into the profile of the fav. author, we can determine that, though for fav. artist with many submission , it would be a bit difficult. Plus, this might encourage those who don't frequent NG, to come by and check the new submission from the email.

Ha, but there probaly is some flaws to this idea and it may not be an signicant change but thought I offer something to the table.

Also, it would be nice if I can edit some info on audios such as description / title.

NG Review Moderator // Report Today!

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-19 06:27:29

At 2/19/05 05:25 AM, BahamutReborn wrote: Also, it would be nice if I can edit some info on audios such as description / title.

I would love that. It would also be nice if we could have a higher character limit when describing an audio submission. Can't remember how many characters it is offhand, but I always have to trim my comments down by a LOT when I submit audio, which can be a little frustrating.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-19 06:33:37

At 1/31/05 07:04 PM, pieoncar wrote: First, I'd like to be able to see for how long I'm banned (which does not happen so often for me, but I can't speak for other people). This could be as simple as making all posting abilities disabled, so it would be the same as though a topic was locked; or, just a small message somewhere on the page saying "You are banned until 7:00 PM Feb. 2, 2004. Please click here for the reason."
My next idea (I'm sure we will be seeing much more of this idea) is the text search for the BBS.

I vote for these ideas too but I also vote that if you et baneed from the bbs like 6 times in a week it should result in an ip ban because no matter how many times they get banned, they obivously dont care if they get it again...

I'd also like to see the user search profiles come back, so i can read up on my friends accounts, see what levels they are, blams/saves, etc, etc.
I dont see why it should be bad for the site as they had once before

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-19 08:26:15

I know im double posting but i have a series issue, I want us to be able to blow the whistle after the submission has made through the under judgement section these are two prime examples why:

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-19 15:52:22

At 2/19/05 06:27 AM, Denvish wrote:
At 2/19/05 05:25 AM, BahamutReborn wrote: Also, it would be nice if I can edit some info on audios such as description / title.
I would love that. It would also be nice if we could have a higher character limit when describing an audio submission. Can't remember how many characters it is offhand, but I always have to trim my comments down by a LOT when I submit audio, which can be a little frustrating.

Yeah, yeah, gotta agree with that, the character limit is way too low for music. It'd also help to be able to post updates.

Not exactly a suggestion per se, but I remember back a few years ago when the profiles had a popularity rating for users, or something like that. Just wondering, first of all, popularity of what? And secondly, what happened to it. Just some old stat I remembered, thats been bugging me as to the why and the how of it. Someone clear it up for me, this is going to be eating away at me till I figure out what it was all about!!!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-20 04:29:59

something i just posted earlier in a different thread.

It would be nice if there was a search option in the obituaries section.

thank you.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-22 17:08:34

I hope this has not been suggested before, but if it has then this can serve as a "second" for the person who said it first.

Idea: adding a third search option for BBS posts, one called "Search by: Topic Author."

This option would be good because I don't think it would be any more contraining on the servers than the current two searches are, and it would definitely help if you don't feel like searching through thousands of pages of topics, or hundreds of pages of a user's posts just to find a specific topic that they made a while ago that you can't remember the title of.

The only problem I can see with it is the ability for users with a vendetta against other users to abuse it in order to just spam every thread a user has ever made, but that problem is also found with the ability to search for a certain person's BBS posts in their profile.

I think it would be a fairly easy search to implement, but I only have limited knowledge of databases, and what little I have was only learned during half of a year in Microsoft's Access. Queries were pretty simple to create in that, and it would only be a matter of adding a few lines of code to the site to get the feature to show.

Anyone else have thoughts or an opinion on this?

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-22 19:35:59

This calls for return of profiles page.
With a more deeper search, I think NG should make competition with hi-5 and myspace.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-23 17:37:05

Bigger POST MESSAGE box!

I really can't believe that this would be too hard to implement. It's something that I noticed a little while ago, but I only just got round to analysing my thoughts on it.

Since we have no edit button, the solution is to proof-read before posting. However, this would be much easier to do if the yellow Message box on the 'Post A Message' page was bigger. I think, depthwise, it could be better about half as high again, and I reckon the width could be the same width as the actual posts are... definitely wider than it is currently, anyway.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-23 19:01:04

I know its been said alot, but update the secrets panel, i was quite dissapointed with the third one...
I also agree totaly with the deletion of accounts such as the star sindicate.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-24 01:35:49

I like the bigger box idea. Frequently, when replying to a long reply-reply post in Politics, I have a hard time seeing what I'm doing when I have to edit large chunks of post, and have to delete bit by bit. A larger text box would make things much easier.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-24 10:53:25

At 2/24/05 01:35 AM, Maus wrote: I like the bigger box idea. Frequently, when replying to a long reply-reply post in Politics, I have a hard time seeing what I'm doing when I have to edit large chunks of post, and have to delete bit by bit. A larger text box would make things much easier.

That's exactly what I mean. I don't think it would be particularly useful for Wi/Ht lists, unless the text in the POST box was exactly the same (including formatting), as the actual posts... which I wouldn't expect to happen. But for large multi-quote replying, it really isn't too great.

Currently, the POST box only shows 13 lines of ~75 characters... there's a blank space to the right of it, and I can't see any reason why it couldn't be stretched downwards, too.

I don't think there'd be much demand for it in General, since the posts there are usually less than 3 lines or so. But for Wi/Ht, Flash, and presumably Programming (and politics?), it would be a nice thing to have.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-24 22:21:27

I knew I said in a previous post that I would make suggestions for areas of NG besides the BBS, but I only seem to have good ideas which involve the forums.

I'm pretty sure that this idea has not been mentioned as I used a CNTRL+F search throughout all five pages for the terms "sticky" and "forums" and found nothing pertaining to this idea:

Make forum specific stickies.

The only sticky we see so far is the one that is in all forums, "Hey noob, give these rules a read." But there is more information for different forums that can be used for the new guys that are looking to do or find something.

For Example we can Sticky Ozcar's C+C thread that lays down rules for any new clubs/crews. Perhaps we can add a sticky in the Wi/Ht or other "help" forums like Programming and Flash that reminds users to use the BBS search before creating a new topic for something that can be answered in that manner.

Oh and if this idea has already been posted, which I don't think has, anyone with the powers feel free to delete this post.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-24 22:33:25

At 2/24/05 10:21 PM, phileeguy wrote: Perhaps we can add a sticky in the Wi/Ht or other "help" forums like Programming and Flash that reminds users to use the BBS search before creating a new topic for something that can be answered in that manner.

Or that could just be in the rules, since you should search before creating ANY new topic.


Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-24 23:15:11

If this isn't the plan already, I think the whole "voting on movies to win cash by regulars with 1+ year" should be a secret. Simply make it avalible at 3560 exp. Should work, and we all want some new secrets. I think it's the perfect way to impliment it.

Your thoughts?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-24 23:57:11

At 2/24/05 11:15 PM, GiantYellowSock wrote: Your thoughts?

Eh, not too bad. It sucks that HT52 is the only one with those nude pics of Tom though. :/ But more secrets would be awsome.

[ King of Hearts: Domon Kasshu - Anime Club ] :: [ Final Fantasy Club ]

XBL / PSN - Voidist

Malice is my Sword, Rage my Armour & Anger my Shield.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-25 00:04:54

At 2/24/05 11:57 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Eh, not too bad. It sucks that HT52 is the only one with those nude pics of Tom though.

Not even he has those. He is still a good 11k+ experience from that nice little prize.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-25 00:07:02

At 2/24/05 10:21 PM, phileeguy wrote: Make forum specific stickies.

I like that idea. I emailed Wade like forever ago with an idea like that, for removable 'BBS News' stickies. Like orange tanks, or summat. But it would be for admins to post stuff about things pertaining only to the forums (like the rash of 'I am new mod' topics that crop up.)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-25 00:21:09

On the topic of long posts, I made a little text counting page in Javascript for someone a while ago. If anyone wants to use that page or save it to their computer, the address is http://pieoncar.com/counter.html . It comes in handy every once in a while.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-25 00:33:30

At 2/25/05 12:04 AM, phileeguy wrote:
At 2/24/05 11:57 PM, Master_Inuyasha wrote: Eh, not too bad. It sucks that HT52 is the only one with those nude pics of Tom though.
Not even he has those. He is still a good 11k+ experience from that nice little prize.

The secret doesn't exsist. Both HumanTarget some of the lvl 29s got enough exp to reach it and it was just an empty page. I think it was Shrapnel that made a thread stating his anger at this. Anyways, soon afterwards they increased the required amount to reach it. It's just a joke.

At 2/25/05 12:07 AM, Maus wrote: I like that idea. I emailed Wade like forever ago with an idea like that, for removable 'BBS News' stickies.

I don't think that's needed. Any news threads posted always have enough traffic to keep them on the front page untill its use has passed. Also, I don't want NG to look like every other forum. The system is fine as is.

But does anyone know if Dobio ever posted up the winners of the BBS awards? I remember being around for the voting and all but I never actually saw the results.

At 2/25/05 12:21 AM, pieoncar wrote: On the topic of long posts, I made a little text counting page in Javascript for someone a while ago. If anyone wants to use that page or save it to their computer, the address is http://pieoncar.com/counter.html . It comes in handy every once in a while.

I don't think it's really helpful for Newgrounds but it is pretty nifty.

[Note: you can always just use Word]