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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

48,882 Views | 642 Replies
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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-04 03:59:52

At 2/4/05 01:13 AM, Fuel2Fire wrote: So after 3 days with a 5 rating and people downloading my song very fast 1 other vote of 0 put me to a 2.50 rating and halfway or less down the chart. Since then the # of downloads of the song maybe went to like 3 more in about a month. I doubt this is coincidence.

No, it's not. And it IS frustrating to be stuck in that limbo land with basically no chance of recovery.
The two important points to be drawn from this (IMO) are:

a) 70 downloads, but only ONE vote? Why? I'm guessing it's mostly because users don't get the 'virtual bonus' of the audio equivalent of a BP point. It's a sad situation, but without some kind of reward, the incentive to take 1 extra second to vote just isn't there.

b) A vote of 0...? There are very few clips on the AP that deserve a zero, yet there are plenty of 0's being thrown about. Why? Well, my theory is this: virtually everybody who takes time to vote on audio submissions is a musician/audio submitter... and as anybody who has attempted to break into the 'music biz' knows, the whole fiasco is based on promoting yourself whilst subtly stamping on the competition... and unfortunately the Audio Portal lends itself perfectly to this strategy.

It seems an automatic reaction when seeing a 5 on the AP to 'balance it out' (I hasten to add that I DON'T do this myself, but have seen it happen both on my own and other users' stuff) by voting 0. And there's not even any way to check whether the voter actually listened to the music....

So my idea is that all songs newly added should have a 5 rating till at least 5 people have rated the song. This way it is more fair to the artist and people will take that extra few seconds to actually rate music.

I think (for the reason mentioned in my last paragraph) that showing a score of 5 would be a bad idea. It would probably result in five consecutive votes of 0 or 1. It would be better to have an Under Judgement section, and simply hide the score - like the Flash Portal. I think it would also be nice to show how many votes have been cast on audio submissions.

Just a thought of mine to end some of my own, and other audio portal atrists, frustration.

Thanks for the comments, they helped me put some of my thoughts into words

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-04 04:40:11

The Newgorunds Online Cards Collectors!

Retrogade has the money.
The cool points is long lost.
Time for a new function.

So what are they?

The cards are simply cards.
Collection cards.
Just like the Superball, football, pokemon etc.
This one is online.
It contains a picture, and a name in it.

Where is?
You will be able to see it in three places

1. In each user's profile:
"BBS Posts: 4,760 in total (8.041 per day)
Batting average: 3.58 / 5.00 (A+) "
(current ones)
Cards Collected :

72/1,000 (D+)

2. In the main page (linked in profile).

(Note: you wont see the examples, those are just for you, now)

To see someone's collection - you need to press the link in the profile. And it is automaticly being passed into his collection page.

3. Users Ranking:
The top 50:

# Username Origin M/F Cards Collected Web

If two has the same amount - the one with the higher experience points will be higher

in the ranking.

How to?

How do you get those?
There will be a function, a script, that will spread randomly in NG pages (by randomly i meant which pages - random pages) the small buttons. Small blue buttons. A 'NG' text will be on them, and they will be squarish.
They will randomly be in each page (it can be on the logo, or on the WATCH THIS MOVIE button, or anywhere else [with bounds ofcourse]).
To collect one, simply click on it.

What do we get out of it?

Indeed, why do you do it?
Nothing more than being high in the ranking. Just like many more things :)


--- a. How much bandwidth or server load will it cost?

No idea. I know nothing about this. sorry :/

--- b. What level of user demand for this idea would there be?

None. You can be a level 1 in experience and have 0 b/p, and still have the chance to be on the top 50 Collectors.

--- c. Does it serve a purpose, or would it merely, “be nice to have?”

Nice to have, or more like: Fun to have.
Also - making the site 'reacher.'

--- d. Is there something else NG does that already takes care of this?

I've never seen nor heard anything like this, so nothing probably...

--- e. Is there something awaiting implementation that covers this?

I dont think so, i really dont know how anything is made on the site besides flashs :P

--- f. Include your reasoning in your post.

There's a reason and a purpose as one:
To make users want to stay more at NG, being more dedicated, and have more fun.

Anything else you'd like to know that i did not mentioned here? Please ask me, i'd like to answer :)

P.S. i hope nothing will get screwed up 8-{}

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-04 07:04:08

Good points. But if voting on audio submissions had some point then people WOULD take the time to vote. So by giving a reason to vote, like uping your rank and exp points like the flash portal then people might actually vote.

I know some people will vote zeros to kill the competition but there are many songs over 4.00 rating so a lot of people are voting fair.

With the votes meaning something for the voter, increase in EXP points, and the 5 minimum rule before showing actual rating, it gives the artist a more fair chance to have his music rated where it belongs. And like you added, incentive for the voter, increased EXP points. This works in favor both ways.
Thanks for giving me the tool to improve my idea so it would actually work.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-04 07:46:17

At 2/4/05 07:04 AM, Fuel2Fire wrote: Good points. But if voting on audio submissions had some point then people WOULD take the time to vote. So by giving a reason to vote, like uping your rank and exp points like the flash portal then people might actually vote.

Yes, that's always been my main suggestion for improvement of the AP. However, it would require a MAJOR rewrite of the coding, and I'm not sure how high it is on the list of Newgrounds priorities... or if it's even being considered as an option

I know some people will vote zeros to kill the competition but there are many songs over 4.00 rating so a lot of people are voting fair.

If you could see the number of votes cast, I'd imagine that those with a score of 4.00 have had a maximum of 5 votes, quite possibly less. The problem is, that one bloody-minded individual with a couple of hours to spare can change the whole shape of a category listing very easily. The only people who will not really be affected are the well-established artists like Paragon, who've recieved enough publicity to have gathered sufficient votes that a 0 won't do too much damage to the score of a piece.
The guys losing out are the newer submitters, because there's no real way for them to 'establish' themselves... like yourself, once your submission is on 2.50 and down on Page 7 or whatever.... well, you basically may as well not have bothered submitting it, because the chances of it getting heard now are slim-to-none, unless you whore yourself out on the BBS or use it in a decent Flash.

Thanks for giving me the tool to improve my idea so it would actually work.

That's the idea of this thread. There's no guarantee that anything mentioned here will be taken on board by the admin (although there's a good chance that some suggestions will be seriously considered), but at least it gives users a chance to explain matters from their point of view.

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-05 03:24:26

Just started getting active in the AP (*cough, check out my catalog cough*), and my main issue is that while I know its just an extention for the flash portal, I'd like to see it behave more like the flash portal. As it looks only a handful of users actually visit every day, and the songs vanish into the abyss rather quickly. Of course I forgot to reply with quotes from other users but I agree with the suggestions posted thus far. I figure voting for different types of audio like loops, clips, and full songs should have their own catagories. But thats just a quick suggestion that I haven't honestly given much thought to. I'd just like to see the AP get more traffic than it currently does, and encourage users to vote and review the content, and maybe having it emulate the flash portal would make it friendlier to users.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-06 10:04:20

One idea I've had:

Polls forum.

liljim can set up a script to allow users to create a poll along with a topic. Kills several birds with one stone - it'd allow for one official "what's your favourite foo" topic, and remove lots of opinion topics and put them all in one place (which people can ignore if they like). I guess it could be abused, but I doubt it'd be anything the mods can't handle.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-06 12:08:43

Ugh, I hate forums that have polls in them. :)

One thing I thought of - in the picture attachments (both for profile and the bbs), if someone submits a bmp, gif, jpeg or png that's bigger (in either filesize, dimensions, or both) than the specifications set out in each area, the image could be automatically scaled and set to formats which we currently permit. Of course, we couldn't get too crazy with this - huge images would take a while to render. Something to think about, though.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-06 12:33:19

At 2/6/05 12:08 PM, liljim wrote: One thing I thought of - in the picture attachments (both for profile and the bbs),

Would that include signiture pics? I do like the profile picture scaling though. But I wonder about the BBS pics. I mean, for profiles the length and width are both equal, thus it'd scale normally. But the mixing and matching for the BBS might make some pictures come out odd and distorted. =/

if someone submits a bmp, gif, jpeg or png that's bigger (in either filesize, dimensions, or both)

Ah, that filesize one scares me somewhat. Pictures might end up in pretty bad quality if that happens. I'm not all to fimilar with it all though, so I don't know how it'd work. =/

than the specifications set out in each area, the image could be automatically scaled and set to formats which we currently permit.

Hmm, how about instead of it being automatic you make it optional? For instance say you put a box next to the attachment area that you can check or not for the option of having it automatically scaling any pics that go outside the requirements. Because sometimes I'd rather get the error and then go chop off part of the pic rather than it being scaled. =)

Of course, we couldn't get too crazy with this - huge images would take a while to render. Something to think about, though.

Well, you could still have limits for scaling. I mean, people should have the sense enough not to try and force NG to scale a 10,000x10,000 (pixels) picture. I think it'd be a pretty nice idea. But I think that profile pics would be best for the scaling rather than sigs or bbs pics. Unless there is some scaling process that I don't know of that won't distort a 1000x500 pic to 300x400. Just my thoughts on it all. =)

Could you clarify a bit though on the size scaling? =]

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-06 12:38:23

I apologize, this is VERY OFF TOPIC! But You dont have AIM and such, and this is the only topic it looks like your active in... Is it posisble you can delete all my audio??? Or do I need an admin to do that? Sorry Denvish, Ill make a good post now... after I read through it...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-06 14:51:15

When you are banned, the level icon could be in black and white in the BBS.

Heres an example of a level:

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-06 15:16:41

I think a better way of doing that would be to have the word "BANNED" across the level icon, instead of making the icon black and white. But that's just me, and either way would work fine.

Help, I'm trapped inside this guy's signature!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-06 15:38:09

A site stats page

There could be a page on the site whch could say:

# of members
# of unique hits
# of page views
# of page view today
# of page views in last hour
# of votes cast today

etc etc..

bandwith - i dont really know about this stuff but i dont think it would sue much as thers already a stats page for users and they wouldnt have that if it put a lot of load on the server.

demand - its not a necessity but it would be cool to have and i think a lot of people would look at it.

purpose or nice to have - a bit of both, would show the users how much traffic the iste is getting so it would be nice for them to see how popular the site actually is.

does NG already take care of this - not to my knowledge.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-08 14:55:22

Hum, I think I came up with an idea that could be interesting. It would be to have a new (or two) stat in our profile :

- User's replies to his reviews
- User's % of replies to his reviews

--- a. How much bandwidth or server load will it cost?

Praticaly none.

--- b. What level of user demand for this idea would there be?

Everyone could enjoy it, it's at least more useful than seeing how much stickers you've got. Plus it would allow us (or NG) to eventually make a list of the users with the better percentage, which would greatly interest everyone. We'd know who will have the most chances of responding to our reviews.

--- c. Does it serve a purpose, or would it merely, “be nice to have?”

Well, as I said above, it would allow us to know which users replies the most to their reviews, but I reckon it's pretty close of being a "nice to have" feature :(

--- d. Is there something else NG does that already takes care of this?

Not that I know.

--- e. Is there something awaiting implementation that covers this?

Probably not.

--- f. Include your reasoning in your post.

Well ... it's been done in point b-c

Thanks ...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-08 15:07:44

At 2/8/05 02:55 PM, -Myst- wrote:
- User's replies to his reviews

By that do you mean how many replies the user has written??

- User's % of replies to his reviews

I would love to see this stat in the profiles, would make agreat list for SK to add to the NGTL!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-08 15:14:07

At 2/6/05 03:16 PM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: I think a better way of doing that would be to have the word "BANNED" across the level icon, instead of making the icon black and white. But that's just me, and either way would work fine.

I think pointing out that someone is banned would only encourage people to get banned. You know, so people can see "ah, he's banned".

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-08 15:36:35

Stats Awards

One of the biggest aspects of Newgrounds that makes it so damn fun are the stats. We have users here who have devoted a lot of time and effort just to categorize and organize these stats.

Now, I understand that there can't be any overkill, or the focus of the site might be lost, and the stat topics might get out of hand. So I'm going to throw out a bunch of ideas, and you can take a look at them all.

First off, here's a thread from a while back (my first post, actually) which I am basically going to expand / elaborate on: http://newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=152728

It comes down to NG Medals.

Right, so these little guys would be visible in your profile, as a row or something. Mouse-over gives the name, clicking gives the details. Here we go:

Flash Views Medal
Requirements: In total, if 5000 people have viewed your flash movies, you'll get a medal. 10000, would get a better medal, one with a silver bar, let's say. Gold bar at 15000, two silver at 20000, whatever. This medal might be too close to the Top Artists stat we already have, but these are really just simple little awards.

Batting Average Medal
Req: Get an A+, you get a medal.

Constant Deposit Medal
Req: Deposit for 30 days in a row without missing, you get a medal. Upgrades upon 60 days, etc.

Awards medal
Req: Having 3 Daily Features, or Weeklies, etc. It's kind of redundant, yes, but it's still kind of fun. Flash artists could compete and brag about having a double silver bar medal, I dunno.

UOTD and KOTP Medal
Req: If this medal idea crashes and burns, at least put something in the profile to mark achieving King of the Portal, at the very least. A UOTD medal / mention would be nice too.

Mod Medal
Req: Something for the mods. Same for affiliates. Someone already suggested a user "type" mention in the profiles, I do believe. Maybe for each year of modship, the medal could increase in coolness.

Post Medal
Req: Based on post count... I had to throw it out there, although I think everyone is aware of the potential danger of this one.

Submission / Review Medals
Req: You can see where a lot of these ideas are derived. Basically showcasing your current stats into levels.

Secret Medals
Req: Unknown. These little eggs would make for great speculation.

I dunno, can any of you think of some more ideas?
Like, sticker order medals.
Organized NG BBS awards medals?
Best Flash of 200X medal...

I just like the thought of opening up profiles and checking out this line of cool looking medals across one's profile, seeing the upgrades, etc. Maybe a script could be made that converts your current medals into a handy 400 x 60 .gif, hmm?

For the site, I think it would just generate that much more interest. Obviously larger issues would take priority, but I think it would be fun.


--- a. How much bandwidth or server load will it cost?

Not much, I don't think. Just some small images on the profile, links. *shrug*

--- b. What level of user demand for this idea would there be?

If it were implemented, I'm sure it would be a big hit.

--- c. Does it serve a purpose, or would it merely, “be nice to have?”

A bit of both. It would encourage people to be more active. Numbers going up along with pictures to prove and showcase it seems to have a weird grasp on people.

--- d. Is there something else NG does that already takes care of this?

The level and B/P pictures do the same thing. This is basically for every other stat and beyond.

--- e. Is there something awaiting implementation that covers this?

I don't... think... so.


So that's it. Oh, and that link at the top of my post has ideas for the way the profile awards should be presented too. I still stand by what I said in that thread, so take a look.

Self-published fiction: Mostly Lies

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-08 15:45:14

At 2/8/05 03:36 PM, Zerok wrote: Constant Deposit Medal
Req: Deposit for 30 days in a row without missing, you get a medal. Upgrades upon 60 days, etc.

This is the only one i really like, there should be some sort of reward for not missing deposits!

Awards medal
Req: Having 3 Daily Features, or Weeklies, etc. It's kind of redundant, yes, but it's still kind of fun. Flash artists could compete and brag about having a double silver bar medal, I dunno.

Thats just like getting an award for getting awards!

Post Medal
Req: Based on post count... I had to throw it out there, although I think everyone is aware of the potential danger of this one.

I cant see this happening, theres enough spam already!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-08 18:20:43

i know new grounds updates its site with something new about once every few months wether its making the profiles neater or making the portal look diffrent and all the other great stuff they do.

but havent you always thought "well we could use this" or "we should add that" well i have a few things i would like to see on the next update and insted of just e-mailing this to the sites admins i just thought you all could also post your input and if an admin just happens to stumble upon this then great but if not thats fine to.

1. I think it would be cool if when a user signed up they got a pm account there for one user could pm another for a privet chat this would also cut back on alot of spam people leave in the message board. and if any one does something like sends a hateful message or along those lines their privlage will be taken away.

2. I think alot of us users would like to have a spell check button added in here. this way a user can make sure they are spelling their words right so others dont have to take a shot in the dark about what the other person is saying. i have seen alot of the time where users will post a message and th word is way off.

3. I think alot of the users would like for there to be an edit button added on to the forum so that if a user made a post and hit send before they were ready to send it they could hit "edit" rather then just making another post adding to the spam. I know there is a fear that someone would change a post or something like that after saying something hurtful or mean, but what if it was riged that after another user post you can not change your post, or add the date and time the post was changed.

this topic was not met to cry about how much i want all this stuff and what not. but how i think it would make peoples stay on the bbs a more in enjoyable one i mean like "when your here, your family" lol.

these are just ideas and opinions and before you say "N00b" or "Loser" make sure you post your ideas and dont say " i like it the way it is" because there is always room for improvment

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-08 18:24:28

At 2/8/05 06:20 PM, Rejected_Incubus wrote:
1. I think it would be cool if when a user signed up they got a pm account

There's this thing called email - pm would be abused and be pretty pointless.

2. I think alot of us users would like to have a spell check button added in here.

If you want one that much, copy/paste your post into Word and check it there. Or just learn to spell.

3. I think alot of the users would like for there to be an edit button added on to the forum

User A posts "Do you like Halo 2"
Users B, C, D, X post "yes"
User A edits original post to "Do you think the mods are a load of dicks?"
Users A, B, C, D and X get banned.

Way too open to abuse.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-08 18:27:31

At 2/6/05 02:51 PM, BazookaNinja wrote: When you are banned, the level icon could be in black and white in the BBS.

Heres an example of a level:

haha thats pretty cool. i like it.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-08 18:43:33

I'd like to see some new features in the search bar. Like someone else pointed out earlier, the 4 character minimum needs to go. For example, some time ago, someone started a thread entitled "Emo". As much as I would have liked to, I couldn't search that thread up again (not that I listen to that kind of music :] ). If you can start a thread with only 3 letters, you should also be allowed to search a thread with only 3 letters.

Also, it would be great if there was "Topics by author" feature that you can use to find all threads started by, for example, Dobio. If I'd like to see all the topics I've started, I just type in my alias and I get them. I don't know how much this would use NG's resources, but I imagine this would be easier to arrange than the text search that liljim so dreads :)

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-08 19:38:16

At 2/8/05 06:27 PM, cheesebizkit wrote: haha thats pretty cool. i like it.

That's exactly the flaw of the idea, having black level icons would look cool, really ... so everyone's gonna try to get banned :P

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-08 21:29:26

Well... i think NG should sell there Scripts from there website. I wouldn't mind buying the BBS Code they made... or maybe even the Search engine they made. it's all VERY nice and would make them some good money. =D

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-10 14:39:19

At 2/8/05 03:07 PM, NasFlash wrote:
At 2/8/05 02:55 PM, -Myst- wrote:
- User's replies to his reviews
By that do you mean how many replies the user has written??

Well, yeah ... it's the number of replies to his movies' review ... which could be in the form of a fraction (it would allow us in fact to avoid the percentage thing if we want to) ... like if an X guy replied 30 reviews out of 75, he'll just have in his profile : reviews replied : 30/60 (50%).

I thought it was pretty obvious ...

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-10 14:55:55

At 2/10/05 02:39 PM, -Myst- wrote: Well, yeah ... it's the number of replies to his movies' review ... which could be in the form of a fraction (it would allow us in fact to avoid the percentage thing if we want to) ... like if an X guy replied 30 reviews out of 75, he'll just have in his profile : reviews replied : 30/60 (50%).

Its a pretty good idea if you ask me!

I thought it was pretty obvious ...

yea, im just a little slow, it would be useful for people ( like marcus), who want to get a really good response rate, you could see if the user normally replies to reviews and if he dosent, you wouldnt bother to review his work, usefull for review obsessed stat whores(like marcus)!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-10 23:32:20

-The ability to sort reviews by helpfulness would be nice. As it is, the whole "was this review helpful?" thing is completely pointless.

-Fix the batting average grades. They've been stuck on the pluses for quite some time now.

-Profile awards for being in the top 5 weekly in the audio portal. Like we have for Flash.

That's all I can think of right now.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-11 12:49:41

I think that NG Alphas have been a long-neglected aspect of this site that needs to be incorporated more into the average user’s experience. Discovering new alphas would hype people to revisit the Portal looking for an anticipated release, and likely finding even more material they can watch/play. I’m aware that liljim has said in previous posts that the Alphas are not at the top of the priority list, but it could really help out the site with user excitement. Think of how video gamers get hyped-up for the next Halo, GTA, etc. With a stronger push of Alphas, users get excited for games, developers and artists get more recognition, NG Mag becomes a bigger part of the site, and NG gets more visitor hits and loyalty. Everyone benefits.

I had a few ideas, any of which could be implemented into the use of the Alphas; tell me what you think:

Viewing movies by release date-----
Currently, this section of NG Alphas is useless. Submissions #1-50 are dated for release between December 22, 2004 and January 8, 2005, and there’s no way to find a list of any other movies coming out soon. Possibly update this list by changing the code to remove outdated links, so the first submission is dated for release on or after the current day.

Deleting Alphas that have been released-----
I’m finding this quite often in the Alphas section: submissions that have been completed and are already on NG. I mean, College University 8 and 9 are still in the ‘Most Anticipated’ list! Why not give the alpha a random ID number, which can be found in the user’s personal profile, that the user can enter when submitting the movie/game that would delete the alpha page, or at least move it into a ‘Completed Alpha’ section.

Editing Alphas-----
I’ve never been able to find a clear answer as to why users can’t edit their Alphas. If it’s a similar problem to the BBS where it would be better not to edit text, why not add an option where the user can edit the release date (if it’s going to be delayed) and the preview screenshots and demos. All too often I’m finding users on the forums who have slipped up and added the wrong file to their alpha, and it can’t be helped without contacting (usually) Tom or Wade. Users could also choose to delete an alpha, if the project was scrapped or they (possibly) lost that previously-stated ID number.

Anticipation scores-----
I like the idea of having an non-quantitative scoring system for Alphas (to remove problems like those seen in the Audio Portal, and to prevent the implementation of an ‘Under Judgment’ feature). There should, however, be something that will tell you what type of score an Alpha has on the submission’s page. When I submit an alpha, I have no idea how many people have seen the page, or who’s even interested in it. Without some kind of interpretation of score, the submitters have no way of telling how much interest is being generated. It also prevents some of the new Flash developers from gaining exposure, while visitors to NG Alphas are far more likely to view pages to big name releases and sequels. Perhaps instead of a number score, the anticipation could be shown on (maybe) a numberless colored bar, where users are less likely to try to ‘balance out’ high scores like what is seen in the Audio Portal.

Alphas in public profiles-----
It would be great to have links to artists’ upcoming projects right in their profile. This option would greatly improve user anticipation to view a favorite artist’s profile and find something new coming. It could also help the artist to keep track of their Alphas, as there is no way to view all of an artist’s Alphas in one place.

NG Alpha search function-----
Sure, why not. If the coding isn’t hellishly complex, this could be a helpful tool to users looking for their favorite artist or maybe just an upcoming ‘Dress-Up’ release.

a. How much bandwidth or server load will it cost?
The idea is to increase traffic on the NG Alphas page, but site recognition is always a good thing.

b. What level of user demand for this idea would there be?
Currently, the demand is from artists, but the idea would be incredibly beneficial to regular users as well.

c. Does it serve a purpose, or would it merely, “be nice to have”?
Its purpose would be to generate interest in NG Alphas and the artists alike, and could even make it a big feature on the site.

d. Is there something else NG does that already takes care of this?
Not that I’ve seen.

e. Is there something awaiting implementation that covers this?
The only thing I can think of are liljon’s forum entries that say plans to update the Alphas section are pending.

f. Include your reasoning in your post.
Done and done.

Myself and many other artists would really like to see the NG Alphas section grow, not only to benefit ourselves and our work, but also to get users excited and hyped to visit Newgrounds.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-11 14:21:00

At 2/10/05 11:32 PM, Seizure_Dog wrote: -The ability to sort reviews by helpfulness would be nice. As it is, the whole "was this review helpful?" thing is completely pointless.
-Profile awards for being in the top 5 weekly in the audio portal. Like we have for Flash.

That's all I can think of right now.

Yeah, as I just took a gander at my reviews, only a few have actually been voted on. Maybe something like blam/protect points for reviews, or some kind of stat on the profile on what percentage of people found reviews helpful. Cause everyone loves more numbers on their profiles. As for the AP, yeah, giving out awards there might encourage more participation. Seriously, if my crappy music can make 3rd for the week somethings up... but then if you got top 5 awards every week then that'd give an incentive to people to submit stuff and actually vote. Also, the search by movie feature seems a little off. I tried searching for that TLR INA movie from a while back, and couldn't get any results. And on occasion when I search an exact movie title I'll have to go to page 2 before I actually find the movie I typed in. Just a nitpick, but thought I'd put something into this forum.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-13 04:32:23

I liked the idea of having our avatars black and white for bans, but I was thinking maybe they can inform other users if we are online, and if we post a response in a topic they are more likely to see it because they are currently online. I know that at the bottom of the screen lists out who is currently online.

So lets wrap this up into something less scrambled.
colored avatar = online user, "I will see replies others have made now"
b/w avatar= offline user, "Posting a reply to me won't do good right now"

I don't have any idea about any demand for this, or difficulty implementing this idea.


Another idea I had was being able to bookmark our favorite BBS topics and list them in our grounds gold menu. It can inform us whether or not any replies have been made to them. These topics could be resource topics, clubs, or if its one of those topics that get need 'bump-ing' when there is an update,

for example there was a topic that some people agreed to write 'newgrounds' + [alias] on money and see if other members find them

I think that alot of users would like this idea, especially regulars. N00bs could also some helpful topics so we don't all have to see a thread asking for the thead that was made based on this topic bla bla bla

I have no fuckin clue about how difficult this would be to implement.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-02-13 16:56:01