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Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

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Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-10 21:29:32

At 4/10/05 05:17 PM, DHT wrote:
At 4/10/05 04:44 PM, Dave wrote: Pic:
That's a good idea, I often just give s Flash all tens to show my appectiation for the work. But that's only because I don't feel a good Flash deserves a low score on a subject if it doesn't even have it.

I second this.

Cool, I hope it goes into effect. (Even though I really doubt it)

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-10 21:50:20

I know when I'm making a flash, I definitely take into consideration how good the flash is going to be in each of the review categories for flash submissions, like graphics, sound, interactivity, etc, and I'm sure other users are the same way. This is why I think making more review categories would increase the amount of quality content coming through the portal.

First off, there should definitely be an "originality" category. I've had many people tell me that their originality vote goes into the style category, but I always percieved the style category to be the stylistic feel of the flash. Maybe scrap the style category and make it be called originality, then users can factor their "stylistic feel" vote into the graphics category. The purpose of this would be to encourage users to make more original flashes. I'm sick and tired of seeing sprite animations and stick figure animations flooding the portal, and if there were an originality category the number of unoriginal submissions might decrease. If a user kept getting zeroes in the originality category of his reviews, he would be motivated to make his next flash more original.

Another category that would be nice would be a category for "story" or "concept" (I know there are lots of great submissions on NG, like games and short flashes, that don't have any kind of story, so perhaps concept is a better category). The purpose of a story or concept category would be to encourage users to put more thought into their creations. So much thoughtless crap comes through the portal veryday, and it would be nice to see more thoughtful submissions with actual plots and storylines, or more submissions with good concepts or ideas.

What do you guys think?


BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-11 04:05:26

At 4/10/05 07:06 PM, -KimPossible- wrote: I think that there should be a user search in the User Database.

There used to be. It got removed because it was using up too much resources, or something.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-11 05:24:38

I agree with Dave's idea for a n/a box, it seems really unfair that a flash should be down voted, and have it's average score attacked, just because it didn't fill a certain criteria, which if it had of probably wouldn't of made it a better flash to beggin with. Now i have no idea how hard it would be for liljim to add this new score, but if it isn't too taxing it would like to see it happen, it seems like a dam good idea.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-11 06:08:13

I would really like to see the Red buttons
in the NG BBS-Search updated to match the front page buttons

One thing that I find depressing is that there isn't enough secrets
.....OMG 3 Secrets! 4 If you count nude Tom

I can't seem to find a soundbyte and soundFX area on audio to submit or recieve

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-11 11:09:21

Newgrounds should offer a scholarship for college bound students. Why? Because it's a company and it would help with PR. More importantly, it would immediately benefit me because it would be one more chance at paying less for the staggering cost of a post-HS education.

Zero pull on the servers, zero difficulty involved programming-wise, zero posts suggesting this before, zero chance it will actually happen.

Food for thought, though.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-11 19:01:56

At 4/10/05 04:44 PM, Dave wrote: Here's a Idea.

There should be a N/A option on reviews. Some movies don't have any violence etc.

Such as There she is!, why would I give it a 0 it doesnt deserve?

I agree with this but this should only apply to certain categories, not all of them. The humor, violence, and interactivity categories should have "n/a," but sound, graphics, style and overall should all not have the "n/a" option. I mean all flashes should have some kind of graphics and all should have some kind of sound unless they are really crappy or really unusual. Style (if you take the word style and define it as originality LOL) is also something all flashes have. Of course if you put a "n/a" in the overall portion it would basically be like not reviewing it.

Anyways, I like the idea but I doubt it will be implemented since it's basically pointless.


BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-11 21:18:22

Do the profiles look 'lik e this' for a reason..

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-12 00:10:30

My reply is concerning Audio Portal

1: Vote/Rank

I have a few ideas for this. First off, lets see the problem. Establishes artists don't want to give up their front page status so they give a song that they think is a 4 a much lower vote to kill the rating. This then causes the song to instantly go from page one, to page 3 or 4 or even lower and the song is never to be seen again(pretty much).

1: Make the authors vote, which will be a 5, worth 5 votes.
2: There has to be at least 10 votes before the rating is shown.

2: Lack of Voting

The problem is simple, very few users vote. And of the users that do, "trolls" seem to vote more.

Just like the Flash Portal, votes should be used to increase the users EXP points. This will then get at least a few people to vote more. I do not think this will require much programming.

3: Descriptions
Flash artists get a lot of room to type a description of their work while Audio artists get a short line, and they don't even get to edit the text...

Give them a larger space to write an actual description. And let up update that information when needed.

4: Prizes/Awards
When a user gets something like "Top 5 Weekly" it should show up beside the song so users can see that it was chosen for such an award. I know many users don't check the Audio front page to see if they have been mentioned so if this little award showed up beside their song it would be nice.

5: Audio Portal Frontpage
The front page for the Audio Portal isn't very well done. Just a list of catagories and recent tracks submitted. Would be nice to have something like "Top 50 of all time" or "Weekly top 20" and "Past weekly winners" and actually get some music on the frontpage itself.

6: Audio on Newgrounds Frontpage
The Audio portal is a part of newgrounds just like the flash portal... so why do I not see music on the front page? If they did the same thing for Audio as they did for Flash it would help get some traffic to the Audio, and get the better artists seen more as well.

So all this said, Audio needs a complete overhaul

Thank you NG crew for the time and opportunity to share my opinions on how to improve this site.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-12 00:10:58

To all the people demanding a N/A button.
Have you ever written a review before? Because right on there it says "Overall" is not necessarily an average."
So quit complaining.

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-12 00:54:42

At 4/12/05 12:10 AM, Fuel2Fire wrote: My reply is concerning Audio Portal

1: Vote/Rank

I have a few ideas for this. First off, lets see the problem. Establishes artists don't want to give up their front page status so they give a song that they think is a 4 a much lower vote to kill the rating. This then causes the song to instantly go from page one, to page 3 or 4 or even lower and the song is never to be seen again(pretty much).
1: Make the authors vote, which will be a 5, worth 5 votes.

I don't think this solution would work. It would just be abused.

2: There has to be at least 10 votes before the rating is shown.

Now this one I like. Definitely worth looking into in my opinion.

2: Lack of Voting

The problem is simple, very few users vote. And of the users that do, "trolls" seem to vote more.

Just like the Flash Portal, votes should be used to increase the users EXP points. This will then get at least a few people to vote more. I do not think this will require much programming.

Yeah, I though about suggesting that one myself a couple of times. It would be handy.

3: Descriptions
Flash artists get a lot of room to type a description of their work while Audio artists get a short line, and they don't even get to edit the text...

Give them a larger space to write an actual description. And let up update that information when needed.

I like this one too.

4: Prizes/Awards
When a user gets something like "Top 5 Weekly" it should show up beside the song so users can see that it was chosen for such an award. I know many users don't check the Audio front page to see if they have been mentioned so if this little award showed up beside their song it would be nice.

Another good idea.

5: Audio Portal Frontpage
The front page for the Audio Portal isn't very well done. Just a list of catagories and recent tracks submitted. Would be nice to have something like "Top 50 of all time" or "Weekly top 20" and "Past weekly winners" and actually get some music on the frontpage itself.


6: Audio on Newgrounds Frontpage
The Audio portal is a part of newgrounds just like the flash portal... so why do I not see music on the front page? If they did the same thing for Audio as they did for Flash it would help get some traffic to the Audio, and get the better artists seen more as well.

Now this one I really like. It would definitely make a lot more people check out the audio portal and increase the number of hits some artists get. Definitely a must have!

So all this said, Audio needs a complete overhaul

Thank you NG crew for the time and opportunity to share my opinions on how to improve this site.

Thank you for taking the time and effort that it obviously took for you to post it!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-12 01:14:26

I've read most of this thread, but not all (so forgive me if I've missed this) but I think there should be an option for the artist to edit the response they give to a review. But still keep it so once a review is made by a viewer its set.
Shouldn't there also be a thread specifically for computer hardware/software problems (that may realate to flash creation and sound/video programs) that has links to other internet sites and tips for computer optimisation - (so long as it relates to this site of course) I don't want to change the puropse of NG.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-12 05:22:35

I would also like to add something else.

Personal Profile

I was just looking at sum1's review of a song of mine to see if he had some music of his own cause he seemed to know what he was talking about... Thats when I noticed there are things in the profile for "Favorite Flash Artists" and "Favorite Flash Content".

Hm... Again, Audio is a part of Newgrounds. Would be too hard to add in two new parts?
"Favorite Audio Artists" and Favorite Ausio Content" And then you could also add new buttons to the Audio Portal for "Add this Submission to Favorites" and "Add this Artist to Favorites" and "Tell a Friend about this Submission"

I think these would greatly optimize the Audio Portals format along with the other idea's I've, and many other helpful NG fans, have submitted.

Some great idea's are being poured into this thread. I would like to take the time to Thank everyone for their hard work and great idea's they are bringing to help NG.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-12 13:44:37

At 4/12/05 05:22 AM, Fuel2Fire wrote: I would also like to add something else.

Hm... Again, Audio is a part of Newgrounds. Would be too hard to add in two new parts?
"Favorite Audio Artists" and Favorite Ausio Content" And then you could also add new buttons to the Audio Portal for "Add this Submission to Favorites" and "Add this Artist to Favorites" and "Tell a Friend about this Submission"

I think it was sugested before, they have something in the works to add that in.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-12 14:03:39

I'm too lazy to read 16 pages, so I'm just posting this and hoping no one else has already suggested it.
Ok, I think that we should have the option to choose what IM we want in our profile, or atleast show another IM other than AIM, like MSN.
A lot of people don't use AIM, and use better programs like MSN Messenger, like myself, but they cannot show it in their profile.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-12 14:13:26

At 4/12/05 02:03 PM, -Tharikifa- wrote: MSN stuff...

This is the thread if anyones interested: Idea!

I have been thining more *don't worry I'll be okay* about my previous suggestion.
I know at least 10 ways to make Flash crash on my computer. Maybe I should document how I did it and post it in the 'not what to do parts - and inculde some of the more complicated troubleshooting tips. Is this idea worth following up people?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-12 14:56:19

At 4/12/05 02:03 PM, -Tharikifa- wrote:
Ok, I think that we should have the option to choose what IM we want in our profile, or atleast show another IM other than AIM, like MSN.
A lot of people don't use AIM, and use better programs like MSN Messenger, like myself, but they cannot show it in their profile.

I notice your profile message is blank, why not add it there?

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-12 16:12:22

At 4/12/05 12:10 AM, VeryProudofYa wrote: To all the people demanding a N/A button.
Have you ever written a review before? Because right on there it says "Overall" is not necessarily an average."
So quit complaining.

I'm not demanding one. It was an idea. I don't want an N/A button on overall. I want it on Violence, Interactivity and Humor. I'm not applying it to the over all score.

I'm your average Afro-American fetus. For example: I enjoy basketball, I'm rather good when I play too, but I'm much too busy scratching my horrific cracked skin these days.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-12 16:43:06

At 4/12/05 02:13 PM, deslona wrote:
At 4/12/05 02:03 PM, -Tharikifa- wrote: MSN stuff...
This is the thread if anyones interested: Idea!

I have been thining more *don't worry I'll be okay* about my previous suggestion.
I know at least 10 ways to make Flash crash on my computer. Maybe I should document how I did it and post it in the 'not what to do parts - and inculde some of the more complicated troubleshooting tips. Is this idea worth following up people?

I think it sounds good. I have no experience with Flash myself but think I may start in the future, and a lot of new Flash users could probably benefit from that.

As for Newgrounds itself, other than seeing whistle points and a few updated sections (I recall the aura screen still refering to the old system of basing it on votes, but that's not really vital, anyone figures out that it's by choice very quickly), I don't have any curremt suggestions. Thanks to everyone who works hard on the site and I'm glad to see some of the suggestions implemented!

Slash's call

was absorbed

by the darkness.

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-12 22:50:27

One idea I really think needs to happen regaurds to the AUTHOR info on the flashes...

I simply think that the Authors name should link to the profile (insted of e-mail contact) and the "profile" link under their name should be replaced by a "contact" or "e-mail" link.

Mostly cause I'm an AOL user, and everytime I click that link absedmindedly, the compy freezed while AOL loads to get me to e-mail the author, and it gets very fusterating... if you think about it, this change makes alota sence.

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-13 03:02:34

I think that the images of popular newgrounds characters on the front page should link to the flash they are featured in or the collection they are from instead of just being images. I like viewing those images but about half of them I've never seen before. I know they have to be very good, popular flash characters to be up there, so why not link to the popular flash they're affialiated with?
If you don't know what I'm talking about, I mean one of these:

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-13 03:41:57

At 4/13/05 03:02 AM, okonkwo wrote: I think that the images of popular newgrounds characters on the front page should link to the flash they are featured in or the collection they are from instead of just being images.

Agreed, I was just thinkin' that too.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-13 08:14:32

I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but it could be good to have the average score for reviews featured on the top of the review bar.

This could be a nice little extra bit of information for the users to see, without actually having to go into the review list. I imagined it to look a litle like this:

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

BBS Mod. PM with queries and complaints if you must.

LazyTV | Stuff White People Like

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-13 09:23:41

Also, I thought of another thing:

Some users think it's rilly, liek, kewl, to change their username to something like '-------' or '________' or '-_-_-_-_-' or what have you. They don't show up as valid characters for a search. So even when you click 'posts,' it comes up with an error. This makes it easier for sneaky spam.

Is it possible to either:

A: Make those characters valid for search


B: Make it to where you have to enter vaild characters into your alias

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-13 12:53:20

Maybe B but with the exceptions of _ and -, they are almost essential for spaces in a name.

Can't they make it so that glitchy usernames cannot be registered or changed to anyway?

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-13 12:58:00

At 4/13/05 12:53 PM, FrOzEn_FoX wrote: Can't they make it so that glitchy usernames cannot be registered or changed to anyway?

That's what I meant by B. They'd have to enter at least SOME valid characters.

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-13 15:51:42

I've posted this before, but I will post it here as James seems to be reading this thread.

New accounts should have some sort of delay for posting, either time based or possibly exp-based. For example, a new account wouldn't be able to post for a week, or before the account has 100 exp. This would stop forum spammers dead in their tracks and cut down on alt abuse and ban evasion using alts. This would also encourage lurking in the forums, essential for good posting habits right off the bat, and would get new users more familiarized with NG.

UNITE THE CLANS | space cheese | RG podcasts | also cocks

BBS Signature

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-13 16:06:18

At 4/13/05 08:14 AM, -idle- wrote: I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but it could be good to have the average score for reviews featured on the top of the review bar.

Wow! I just noticed there IS one. Damn, liljim's fast!

Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-13 16:12:25

At 4/13/05 04:06 PM, Aapo_Joki wrote:
At 4/13/05 08:14 AM, -idle- wrote: I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before, but it could be good to have the average score for reviews featured on the top of the review bar.
Wow! I just noticed there IS one. Damn, liljim's fast!

I was just aboot to say teh same thing! Well done liljim!

Response to Ideas for Newgrounds' Evolution 2005-04-13 16:12:55

At 4/13/05 03:51 PM, Captain_Bob wrote: I've posted this before, but I will post it here as James seems to be reading this thread.

New accounts should have some sort of delay for posting, either time based or possibly exp-based. For example, a new account wouldn't be able to post for a week, or before the account has 100 exp. This would stop forum spammers dead in their tracks and cut down on alt abuse and ban evasion using alts. This would also encourage lurking in the forums, essential for good posting habits right off the bat, and would get new users more familiarized with NG.

Yeah, I don't like the way that people can just sign up for a new account and start posting straight away, we've had some problems recently with dicks creating multiple accounts just to spam/flame as each account gets banned.

Either that, or only allow users to make their first post on a particular day of the week (which I've suggested before somewhere else), or have a newb forum which is the only place you can post until a mod whitelists you. But I think your idea would probably work better, on NG at least.