Why are some words that have more than 3 characters excluded? I can't really name right now but you know what I mean when you search for something and nothing shows up.
Why are some words that have more than 3 characters excluded? I can't really name right now but you know what I mean when you search for something and nothing shows up.
At 3/28/05 01:20 PM, Denvish wrote: I notice (hope it's not only my PC) that there is now a pause between clicking the 'Watch This Movie' link and the voting panel appearing. I don't know whether topics have been made about it yet, having been afk for a week, but I like the fact that it forces people to at least download, if not watch, movies. Let's hope we don't get any bugs like last time, where the voting panel simply doesn't appear for some users.
Good work James, anyway (assuming it's a deliberate feature and not just my PC playing up)
No its deliberate Denvish. James put it into effect sometime this past week. There was an issue with Mac computers and the safari browser but James worked thru that. And welcome back. I hope the journey was a good one.
At 3/28/05 01:24 PM, unowned wrote: Why are some words that have more than 3 characters excluded? I can't really name right now but you know what I mean when you search for something and nothing shows up.
My guess would be that they're so commonly used that searching for them would result in a shitload of results.
Not so much of a suggestion but a question; when will the FAQ be updated and who would do it? There are a number of things I've seen in just the past week that would (or i think should) be put in there. In particular the new 'malicious' whistle on the 4-5MB flash that dont actually have any content.
A second question, does anyone know approximatley 'when' the new BP/exp lists will come out? A week a month?...
Anything but welcome! noooo.
First time here, sorry if this has already been brought up.
What about a search tool a little more like Google's advanced search engine?
Maybe not things like language, file format, or the froogle stuff.. but with options such as: all words, any words, exact phrase, without the words, etc.
Yay or nay?
At 3/28/05 11:06 PM, High_Roller wrote: First time here, sorry if this has already been brought up.
What about a search tool a little more like Google's advanced search engine?
Yay or nay?
It was suggested on one of the previous pages. I believe it was shot down.
At 3/28/05 04:36 PM, deslona wrote: A second question, does anyone know approximatley 'when' the new BP/exp lists will come out? A week a month?...
When it gets done. It takes time to code, everyone needs to wait.
The automative Voting Power List should be very interesting to see when it makes it to the user page.
Maybe this has been said but here it goes, what about you have to write a certain amount in reviews, i see alot of 3 word reviews that are not abusive but still dont help the auther at all say like "Awsome great" or "That was the best Ever" making the reviewer atleast make a 10 word or more review could make for a better review, and maybe it will make a better reviewer aswell...
Just a little thaught...
Is there any reason why the BBS UOTD criteria shouldn't be changed to >100 or >200 posts? It seems silly having a forum User Of The Day who's only made 10 posts and probably hasn't been active for 2 years. In fact, even better, wouldn't it be possible to check their last post date, and only allow users who have posted within the last month to be featured?
At 3/30/05 04:48 PM, Chronamut wrote: 2) Artists should NOT be able to vote for their own songs
this HAS been said before but ill say it again - too many ppl are voting themselves a five to get at the top - not only is this unfair- but it promps people to get annoyed and automatically give them a 0. This is also unfair if someone actually rates you a 5 that isnt you.)
I disagree with this. The default score for a submission is currently 0.00. If the author couldn't vote to at least bring it into the public eye for a short while, the submission would just sit festering on the last page of the genre, never recieving a single vote.
and when someone would vote it would the first vote which would reach it to 5. But that does not happen because its LOWER then 5. youre a genius--_--
At 3/30/05 04:56 PM, Chronamut wrote: but then itll get downrated - and noone will see it anyways.
A spot at 2.50 score is better than a spot at 0.00 score... there's more chance that people will see it, particularly in the smaller genres.
It amounts to the same thing. I mean itll stay one the new submissions list on the audio front page for a bit - so people WILL see it - adn they can rate it themselves - right?
For a few hours, yes. My last submission to the AP went through the front page without getting a single vote. Without some kind of (stat) encouragement, people just aren't inclined to vote on audio.... unless they're in competition with the author for a spot on page 1.
But were not really supposed to be talkign back and forth like this in this forum im pretty sure its just for requests so ill shut up now.
lol, I created this thread, and yes, discussion is definitely encouraged. So long as any user actually has something constructive or critical to say, any of the suggestions here are open to comment or debate.
I'm not sure if this has been brought up but I'd like to thank liljim for the ban update, now instead of clicking "post it" and being able to type out a long message, it takes you straight to the ban screen.
A great update.
At 3/30/05 12:28 PM, Denvish wrote: Is there any reason why the BBS UOTD criteria shouldn't be changed to >100 or >200 posts? It seems silly having a forum User Of The Day who's only made 10 posts and probably hasn't been active for 2 years. In fact, even better, wouldn't it be possible to check their last post date, and only allow users who have posted within the last month to be featured?
I think it would be better if anyone could become UOTD like now, but having a higher post count and more recent posts would increase your probability of being randomly selected. That way the most UOTDs would be regulars, but there would still be a chance that someone from the olden days is chosen. It's always fun when someone like SBC is the user of the day.
Or maybe the post count factor could be left out of this to make sure people won't start spamming just to get the spot. The more recent your posts, the better your chances.
At 3/30/05 12:28 PM, Denvish wrote: Is there any reason why the BBS UOTD criteria shouldn't be changed to >100 or >200 posts?
Yeah - there are few people who have posted more than those times who keep posting here and who haven't already been selected as user of the day. There should be at least as many users that match the criteria laid out in the selection script as there are days in the year, who haven't already been selected as the user of the day.
At 3/30/05 06:23 PM, VeryProudofYa wrote: I'm not sure if this has been brought up but I'd like to thank liljim for the ban update, now instead of clicking "post it" and being able to type out a long message, it takes you straight to the ban screen.
That works? Cool. I didn't really test it, given that I would have to log into a banned account to make sure.
At 3/30/05 08:41 PM, liljim wrote:
That works? Cool. I didn't really test it, given that I would have to log into a banned account to make sure.
yes, I think this is an AWESOME add on.
Although I hope I won't have to view very often
A (EX Protection/Blam) movie for the first vote on a movie
We all know how eBaum's World rips off Newgrounds' movies at every turn, so I propose a new security feature.
The way eBaum's gets movies from Newgrounds, I would assume, is by opening up the movie, viewing the source, finding the embed from uploads.ungrounded.net, saving to notepad as an html file and saving thelink as. ... Why not make it so that you can't do this any more? (disguise the embed, or something.) It would mean that eBaum's couldn't rip off artist's intellectual property anymore... wouldn't that be a change for the better?
At 4/1/05 09:27 AM, j00mzU7f33rzMeh wrote: The way eBaum's gets movies from Newgrounds, I would assume, is by opening up the movie, viewing the source, finding the embed from uploads.ungrounded.net, saving to notepad as an html file and saving thelink as. ...
When you watch Flash, it gets saved in your temporary files.
The only way to get around it would be to watermark all submissions, but I can't see that happening.
At 4/1/05 09:27 AM, j00mzU7f33rzMeh wrote: We all know how eBaum's World rips off Newgrounds' movies at every turn, so I propose a new security feature.
How about we have a system whereby we can all donate a dollar or whatever to a central fund, then hire some lawyers and sue their asses?
This is a perfect example of the three character text search problem I was talking about:
Nobody can search for those terms.
Here is an idea I posted elsewere:
What would be cool would be if when you vote on a flash you also vote on a collection from a list.
after *** vote's the flash gose into the collection it got the most vote's for.
Also there should be a tutorial movie that newbie's HAVE to whatch before singing up. This movie will talk about voteing, submiting, how to act on the forum ect. This could solve the prolem of user's who can't be botered to click on the faq pages. By no mean's is this ment to replace the FAQ though (which can be used as a referance). There could be a compotition to make the movie.
Here's an idea maybe.
How about a little thing that goes at the bottom of your grounds gold menu, it says BBS status then your current status, banned in a bright red clickable link, or unbanned in a calm grey, unclickable link, when you click the link a popup will appear and show you how much longer you have until you are unbanned, and the reason why you were banned, and of course a funny little picture of Pico in a jail outfit, you know all black and white stripy and with big heavy iron balls chained to his legs, same for portal bans and etc.
Of course, here is an image I made.
Oh, and one small addition to the ban thing, whenever the mod leaves a link, make it clickable like when you just leave a link in the BBS and it becomes clickable on its own.
here's a good idea.
During the judgement stage of a portal entry do not have the author's name visible or the author's previous work visible until after it passes judgement. Some people automatically vote stuff up just because it had a good repuatation.
At 4/4/05 01:23 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: here's a good idea.
During the judgement stage of a portal entry do not have the author's name visible or the author's previous work visible until after it passes judgement. Some people automatically vote stuff up just because it had a good repuatation.
Not gonna work, some flash authors put their names onto the swf and stuff to prevent theft, and when we cannot see who submitted it, too many people could get away with stealing flash.
At 4/4/05 01:23 AM, YoinK_VineS wrote: here's a good idea.
During the judgement stage of a portal entry do not have the author's name visible or the author's previous work visible until after it passes judgement. Some people automatically vote stuff up just because it had a good repuatation.
Thats completlely true... I dont think anything can really be done about it though... Thats why i think the Broken Saints Series does so well... I tried watching one episode and i dont think it deserved the score it got, but whenever people see a new one, they just vote five to get a protection point...
At 4/4/05 10:09 AM, LamboFactor wrote: Thats completlely true... I dont think anything can really be done about it though... Thats why i think the Broken Saints Series does so well... I tried watching one episode and i dont think it deserved the score it got, but whenever people see a new one, they just vote five to get a protection point...
True as the problem may be, flash authors can still put their names on the work, and in fact if we implemented this system, chances of stolen flash could increase. Also, lets say MR A made a flash and his name was hidden and he wasn't well known, so he labelled the flash with "Made by MR B" who is supposedly a famour author, this encourages the problem of voting because of who made it.