Feel Harry Potter is too childish?
Do you need a more grown up fantasy novel?
Do you deeply enjoy The Lord of the Ring?
Do you like to read 600+ page books?
Do you enjoy reading series books?
If you've answered yes to all of the above questions, then I can tell you the perfect series for you: The Wheel of Time, By Robert Jordan.
I've been reading the series for almost a year now and I am on book 7 of the series about to go to book 8. The series is so engrossing you'll end up feeling like you're living another life while you're reading. At first the series starts of confusing and a bit slow, but as you start to learn what everything is you'll be hooked, which of course is by the end of the first book. You can read the first book and like it, but once you read the second you better be sure you have money for the other books, because you'll be hooked, HOOKED. I know i am. The series is 10 books long, it has a prequel, a role-playing book, and book 11 is slated for release during the upcoming summer. Each book is 600+ pages, giving you a story of over 6,000 pages. The story is very well written. You can actually feel the raw emotions from the characters as they experience them, you can smell the smells, hear the chatter of crowded cities, feel the fatigue of the characters. I may sound a nerd when I say this, but I am obssesed with the series, literally. I think I'll fall into a depression when I finish the series, that's how much I love the books. I used to not be one for reading, but this summer I completed 6 books, 4 of them being from The Wheel of Time series. Robert Jordan is trully a genius and deserves ranks with such writers as Homer, Chaucer, Tolkien, Salvatore, and all the other great epic fantasy novel writers. The series is trully amazing. Plus, if you don't want to tread through the book learning the meanings of different words as you go, each book has a glossary. I'd give the series a 15/10 :)
Sorry for the long post, I don't mean to bore you, but I've got a great passion towards these books. They are trully each a work of art.