At 1/21/05 05:26 AM, Onic wrote:
At 1/21/05 05:14 AM, Post_Apocalyptic wrote:
At 1/21/05 04:06 AM, nimmer wrote:
you forget most NG-users haven't seen rama's pics and think ramagi is a guy
You meen she's not? Dear god. . . . .
Actualy ramagi is neither. Just an alien thing from some other planet that came there to stop all the crap flash from passing in the portal...and eat lots of chicken wings, cause comeon, what alien could refuse a good wing.
TThat right I'm an alien in a human suit. I am here studying the human race.
Of course I am lying. I find it funny many people do assume me to be a guy for some odd reason. "Because we all know that all girls on the internet really have names like sexyhawtgirl"
If you don't see the sarcasms in that statement you are blind. I would say that any time I have seen a name like that in the chat room it is a guy, trying to prank other guys.
"I can only hope to reach the goal of ambiguity that Shrapnel now enjoys, and Enroll is reaching."
At 1/21/05 08:34 AM, crashphreak wrote:
what in the hell are cool points and how do you get them
Jutt by asking that question you have negitive CP now.