MI4 REAL (#168442)
Level 27
Current Hit Points: 701
Maximum Hit Points: 702
Current Mana Points: 776
Maximum Mana Points: 1091 (base: 1048)
Muscle: 254 (base: 234)
Mysticality: 721 (base: 701)
Moxie: 261 (base: 241)
Adventures remaining: 86
Meat: 882966
Turns Played: 21401
You must gain 32 Mysticality to advance to level 28.
star hat
chrome sword
star pants
badass belt
Mr. Accessory
dead guy's watch
(click the skill name for a description)
Liver of Steel
Chronic Indigestion
Sauce Contemplation
Stream of Sauce
Expert Panhandling
Advanced Saucecrafting
Elemental Saucesphere
Jalapeño Saucesphere
Wave of Sauce
Intrinsic Spiciness
Jabañero Saucesphere
Current Familiar:
A Balloon Monkey, the 16 pound Howling Balloon Monkey (265 kills)
You have completed your training with the Toot Oriole.
You have proven yourself literate.
You have found the Untinker's screwdriver.
You have helped the Pretentious Artist find his stuff.
You have unlocked 16 tattoos.
You have unlocked 11 trophies.
You have helped defend the Gourd.
You have slain your Nemesis in the Cave.
You have found the Dolphin King's treasure.
You have found the Slug Lord's treasure.
You have found Dr. Hobo Jones's treasure.
You have slain the Boss Bat.
You have discovered the Hidden Temple.
You have built your own Bitchin' Meat Car.
You have planted a Beanstalk in the Nearby Plains.
You have taken care of the rat problem at the Typical Tavern.
You have cleansed the taint for the Deep Fat Friars.
You have slain the King of Cobb's Knob.
You have summoned the UB3r 31337 HaX0R.
You have helped the Baron Rof L'm Fao.
You have undefiled the Cyrpt.
You have made your way to the Castle in the Clouds in the Sky.
You have found the Hole in the Sky.
You have spent 170 Adventures protesting the slaughter of the Knott Yetis.
You have contributed 100 Meat to the Council's War fund.
You have contributed 10000 Meat to the Council's "Buy a Pair of Yetis" fund.
You have contributed 69 drinks to the Council's efforts to get the Knott Yetis to breed.