At 9/23/03 09:02 PM, c7 wrote:
you're gonna tell me that you aren't going to blam new flash??
No one ever said we weren't going to blam new flash...
I just posted one 10 minutes ago, BLAMMED. WTF is with that??
Try a little harder, not enough people liked it apparently.
At 9/23/03 09:23 PM, True-Lies wrote:
Is it really right to have one group that decides the fate of all movies in the portal?
Compared to the rest of NG, the blam club doesn't even make up 1% (not even close to it, I would get more exact figures, but I'm lazy) And thats just considering the SIGN UPS, there hasn't been over 30 members organized at once to attack a movie, and having that many at one time was rare.
Will every new flash artist eventually have to kiss your asses just to keep his work alive!?...
And why would that be? The average Under Judgement phase of a movie is about 15-20 minutes (For some, much less, for others a little more) That means that many other people who AREN'T in the blam club are voting as well.