Oh yeah, man with the golden gun uploaded a movie and I just helped blam it. I gave it a review. in short my review involved the words (PANCAKE ASS)
Oh yeah, man with the golden gun uploaded a movie and I just helped blam it. I gave it a review. in short my review involved the words (PANCAKE ASS)
At 2/24/03 04:18 PM, RyoHahn wrote: Oh yeah, man with the golden gun uploaded a movie and I just helped blam it. I gave it a review. in short my review involved the words (PANCAKE ASS)
you seen his movie to...whta was it... "blam this" and something...
At 2/24/03 04:27 PM, i_need_nos_2003 wrote: pancake ass?
it was a joke on chappelle's show. if you didn't see it you won't get it.
At 2/24/03 04:18 PM, RyoHahn wrote: Oh yeah, man with the golden gun uploaded a movie and I just helped blam it. I gave it a review. in short my review involved the words (PANCAKE ASS)
Why even bother reviewing it if you weren't going to offer anything useful to the artist? That's dumb
At 2/24/03 08:22 PM, rape wrote: Why even bother reviewing it if you weren't going to offer anything useful to the artist? That's dumb
cause it was fun to do. besides he made a diiferent movie that was good. he knew what he was doing. he just wanted to upload crap just for the hell of it. so I just wrote a stupid review just for the hell of it.
At 2/24/03 08:29 PM, RyoHahn wrote: cause it was fun to do. besides he made a diiferent movie that was good. he knew what he was doing. he just wanted to upload crap just for the hell of it.
I do that sometimes....it's fun.
Ok ppl chill out, I hope a mod sees the spoam and takes care of the person responsible for it.
At 2/24/03 08:29 PM, RyoHahn wrote:At 2/24/03 08:22 PM, rape wrote: Why even bother reviewing it if you weren't going to offer anything useful to the artist? That's dumbcause it was fun to do. besides he made a diiferent movie that was good. he knew what he was doing. he just wanted to upload crap just for the hell of it. so I just wrote a stupid review just for the hell of it.
I dunno.. I really try not to give bad reviews... I usually only review the top-50 stuff, but, when I review the new stuff, I usually try to be as helpfull as possible. you know, just to give some new artists something to think about, something to im0prove thier work with, you know?
I dunno.. I really try not to give bad reviews... I usually only review the top-50 stuff, but, when I review the new stuff, I usually try to be as helpfull as possible. you know, just to give some new artists something to think about, something to im0prove thier work with, you know?
When someone makes a description that sez "BLAM THIS! I DARE YOU!" i do not review it because its crap and they know its crap. they could have done better but didn't.
But when its a person who actually tried and i feel it is within reason to give them advice even though their flash animation may be bad.
If they did not put effort into making it why put effort into reviewing it?
At 2/25/03 12:02 AM, VoiceOfAnarchy wrote:
a whole bunch of good points
Exactly.. I really don't care for movies that have no effort involved in thier production.
They only time that I wont give constructive criticism is when I see a movie that the author submitted without really caring to put effort.
I just like good effort, and good quality, is all.. =/
Then there are people that don’t even make use of good criticism and go and do the same crappy things over and over.
At 2/25/03 12:13 AM, Spike_J_Wolfwood wrote: Then there are people that don’t even make use of good criticism and go and do the same crappy things over and over.
oh, of course. =)
just can't deal with those people. =)
I rather see people give their opion and helpful reviews. If you don't tell them what is wrong they will never know.
At 2/25/03 10:27 AM, ramagi wrote: I rather see people give their opion and helpful reviews. If you don't tell them what is wrong they will never know.
this is true. I only give dumb reviews to people who write in the "author's comments" something like "if you blam this you are gay, blam this I don't care. do what you want I know it sucks" for something like that. egh I don't care. So what is up people. I am in class now. going to leave at 12:30. I am done with my worka and I am taking a little break to check up before I head back to work. I will write in again at 1. I should b back home by then.
Yea, I don't know what I'm supposed to write here. It says if I don't i'll be kicked out of the Blam Club. I really wouldn't want that so I am writing. I believe that BLAMing is good when used properly. Most of thje stuff on Newgrounds deserves to be blammed, while others are truly good, or deserve to be helped out a little bit. I will follow you guys wherever you decide to go.
At 2/25/03 10:27 AM, ramagi wrote: I rather see people give their opion and helpful reviews. If you don't tell them what is wrong they will never know.
I only write reviews that mock the author if they obviously put no effort into it and just submitted it to piss people off, its clearly stolen (its fun to write a hateful review to a thief) or just resubmit it over and over even though it sucks (and they KNOW it does).
If I enlist now, would I be like member #2000+ or something? I need an exact number.
At 2/25/03 03:35 PM, Pimpin_car_lover wrote: If I enlist now, would I be like member #2000+ or something? I need an exact number.
At 2/25/03 03:50 PM, Pimpin_car_lover wrote:At 2/25/03 03:35 PM, Pimpin_car_lover wrote: If I enlist now, would I be like member #2000+ or something? I need an exact number.HELLOOO????? ANYONE GONNA ANSWER?!?!
go to the site and look at the last # on the list, the number after that will be what you would be if you joined.
how the hell is everyone...did anyone see the grammy awards...they were pretty good...so how r the blams coming along?
i am willing to take orders from any person in command
Glad they put an "Abusive" review vote so it can get flagged. Going to be mighty useful for earlier submissions.
At 2/25/03 06:21 PM, KewlRocker0485 wrote: i am willing to take orders from any person in command
you may go crazy now....
i hope everyone is doing good...i believe in blaming when used properly...lets protect from the crap!!!!
At 2/25/03 09:49 PM, EZ3 wrote: I'm against everything you stand for.
You and Ribba MacINtire....bah!
congratulations on getting to level 14!!! I remember the good old days when I was just level 13 and you were... level 11 i think. I find it hard to remember what all the gloves are : (
WOOT...Gonna rank up today!!!
Anyone know how I can get the (I) next to my name on the blam club site changed to a (VA)?
At 2/26/03 06:48 AM, moongod wrote: WOOT...Gonna rank up today!!!
Anyone know how I can get the (I) next to my name on the blam club site changed to a (VA)?
no. that didnt help you, did it ;)