Chibi Goku Clock wants these deleted. Let's help him.
Chibi Goku Clock wants these deleted. Let's help him.
*Plays Taps*
Hey, MI4_REAL_2001, how do you determine what "level of activity" a member is at? (I mean, like, the new thing you put in brackets)
Other than that, here's some submissions, but watch out; they're highly blammable!! :-D
-sic_maget 4 LAIF...
At 1/18/02 01:16 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote:At 1/18/02 12:30 AM, Fultos wrote:If a movie is low enough in score at 25,50, or 75 votes, it gets BLAMmed..Whoever gets the 25,50, or 75th vote gets it.mmm not sure, doesn't could it be better if we wait an answer from an expert?How do you know how much vote it need to be blammed???isn't less than 0.25 and it's banned.....
It must be lower than 0.67 at 25 to BLAM
or below 1.00 at 50 or 75.
u forgot the 99th vote if lower than 1,60
At 1/18/02 10:59 PM, sic_maget wrote: Hey, MI4_REAL_2001, how do you determine what "level of activity" a member is at? (I mean, like, the new thing you put in brackets)
How often you post. the only way I know if you are active.
Site was down for the night...urgh...
At 1/19/02 03:09 PM, PriKedELiK wrote:At 1/18/02 01:16 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote:u forgot the 99th vote if lower than 1,60At 1/18/02 12:30 AM, Fultos wrote:If a movie is low enough in score at 25,50, or 75 votes, it gets BLAMmed..Whoever gets the 25,50, or 75th vote gets it.mmm not sure, doesn't could it be better if we wait an answer from an expert?How do you know how much vote it need to be blammed???isn't less than 0.25 and it's banned.....
It must be lower than 0.67 at 25 to BLAM
or below 1.00 at 50 or 75.
to much to think about
At 1/19/02 05:04 PM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote:At 1/18/02 10:59 PM, sic_maget wrote: Hey, MI4_REAL_2001, how do you determine what "level of activity" a member is at? (I mean, like, the new thing you put in brackets)How often you post. the only way I know if you are active.
Site was down for the night...urgh...
I know it was aggrivating but it is up again
I have an idea for a flash game. I can't do it since I don't have flash myself, so here's the idea:
Well, we're back on the air, and I have an idea for a flash game.
It is a first-person space shooter. The Crap from NG is threatening to overrun the system, and the player has to take them on in a space battle. It has wingmen, (based on some members), a link to join the group, various powerups, (Lasers, missiles, smart bombs, etc.) and a number of different ships to choose from. Maybe even a build-your-own-fighter deal.
Anyone up to this?
At 1/19/02 06:50 PM, soulblade wrote: I have an idea for a flash game. I can't do it since I don't have flash myself, so here's the idea:
Well, we're back on the air, and I have an idea for a flash game.
It is a first-person space shooter. The Crap from NG is threatening to overrun the system, and the player has to take them on in a space battle. It has wingmen, (based on some members), a link to join the group, various powerups, (Lasers, missiles, smart bombs, etc.) and a number of different ships to choose from. Maybe even a build-your-own-fighter deal.
Anyone up to this?
That would be cool and I have flash but I don't know it well enough to do that. Most of my movies are pretty basic.
Yo MI4real um you are the third highest reviewer on NG and the second? Just tellin ya
Maybe I should contact Vic and see if he's interested in the idea I have. I'm here, so I'll see what I can do.
At 1/19/02 11:19 PM, soulblade wrote: Maybe I should contact Vic and see if he's interested in the idea I have. I'm here, so I'll see what I can do.
Just read your post. Unfortunally, I can't make Gradius style shoot'em ups yet. Also, I'm kind of busy with college and "Flash Flash Revolution: Remix". Sorry. Still, a nice idea.
At 1/19/02 09:00 PM, Guitarist101 wrote: Yo MI4real um you are the third highest reviewer on NG and the second? Just tellin ya
You misread it
***2nd highest reviewer on Newgrounds***
That means I have more reviews than EVERYONE...except one person..and that person is Evil-C
57000 people, and I got more reviews than all but one...Feels good.
***Third Newgrounder with over 1000 reviews***
This one means I am the third Newgrounder to pass the 1000 review mark. Evil C and VdlbV (now known as DoogPile) were the first 2 to do so. Maybe Qix....but he is gone...Last I saw he had 980 reviews.
The fucking site went down and I couldn't even view a movie....
I got my EXP for yesterday with 8 minutes to spare....
Thank goodness!
Hey BLAM Club - Now that the user profiles don't show your blam record, how can you view the number of blams you have? Maybe it's just a temporary thing, but still, any idea?
(I figured one of you would know ...)
At 1/20/02 02:48 AM, sizzler wrote: Hey BLAM Club - Now that the user profiles don't show your blam record, how can you view the number of blams you have? Maybe it's just a temporary thing, but still, any idea?
(I figured one of you would know ...)
What happened to those records?
here are some that should be close to BLAM-dom:
Way to go!!!
Now for some good news: Blam records and popularity counts have been restored!! Looks like everythings back to some semblance of normalcy.
Time to go BLAM-huntin'!
DAMNIT! i thought i got 2 blams tonight, but i only got one. i gave the 25th vote on a movie at 0.52, but the server wouldn't send the request fo rhte next page, so now the movie is BLAMed and i didn't get credit for it!
At 1/22/02 03:36 AM, blacklab1113 wrote: DAMNIT! i thought i got 2 blams tonight, but i only got one. i gave the 25th vote on a movie at 0.52, but the server wouldn't send the request fo rhte next page, so now the movie is BLAMed and i didn't get credit for it!
Don't feel bad, sir. Same thing happened to me. I just did get my 26th BLAM in. Take it out on the crap of NG!
I couldn't get on NG for the last 3 days!!!!!!!!!!
At 1/22/02 12:43 PM, z3n wrote: I couldn't get on NG for the last 3 days!!!!!!!!!!
Me neither :'((
At 1/22/02 03:37 PM, DaFreaK_B_ wrote:At 1/22/02 12:43 PM, z3n wrote: I couldn't get on NG for the last 3 days!!!!!!!!!!Me neither :'((
Just means we have some catching up to do!
I was lucky to get that post in before the server shut down again.
At 1/23/02 03:18 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: I was lucky to get that post in before the server shut down again.
Stupid server :'(((
NG is pretty fast right now.........wooooooohhoooooo!!! :)
Look what movie I just blammed :p
All this server trouble cost me two BLAMs! I voted on two 24 vote movies and the server crapped out! When I refreshed, it had logged the votes but not the BLAMs! Not only had I been robbed, but I'd unintentionally put two crap movies past the first threshold! GRAK!
Speaking of crap, here's a nice load (you might wanna open a window or something)!