At 1/3/02 04:07 PM, rvdsm wrote:
While I will agree on your statement, I have to stress that our club has not and will not taget movies because of a feud or confilct. Our mission to regulate movies to the point where we can filter out stolen and offenceive movies and allow views to the people that took time to create their movies.
And also to speed up the server if possible by removing the "manure" on the grounds
I for one have joined because I'm tired of all the crap movies that are uploaded for extra points and mischif. I am strong in my vote, but I need help to blam the next movie of goatse I see.
That is one prime target....
I know I would be laughing if I uploaded one of those SPAM movies and see that it had over 100 views. That means that 100+ people have just had to restart their computers or worse.
That is one of our main targets. I know you wouldn't vote anything above X for it, so why should their be an argument when BLAM-or targets a movie like that?
We where made to be part of the law, not beyond it.
There is no "law" just regulation from a team of BLAM seekers.
We work with the rules, not against them.
Correct. But don't forget some members may have more than one account...I bet HAqNspitt has one at could she get 118 BLAMS?
We do this to help, clean, and protect innocent viewers from the next "C meets B".
and also from spam that causes your computer to f-ck up
People will hate us, but there are many more that will agree with us.
True true.
By creating a crew that will attack crap movies, you are ensuring future crap movies being made. Don't you see?
You mean like retaliatory?
Also, let's just assume for the moment that your crew had acheived it's goal and no more crap movies were being submitted to the portal and no more crap movies existed on newgrounds. What then?
We would have to prevent BLAM seekers from attacking the GOOD movies...but that can't happen..I mean, too much CRAP!!!
Now that your crew has established itself, enforced "the code"
We are not dictators!!!
onto newgrounds and triumphed, are you going to honestly stop blamming? Power is what corrupts men to act foolishly.
Corruptness is only if you don't use it right.
You have to admit that what starts out seeming like a good idea, usually always ends up gone horribly wrong.
So you are saying that most any good idea will just go belly up with disaster?
In essence, your blam crew could be considered a military force here on newgrounds in comparison to real-life terms,
I agree...I guses we are a sort of "military" but there is no martial law, and there IS NO DICTATORSHIP!
and a state policed by it's military is not a free state.
I don't police a website, I just help clean crap....sorta the same thing...but yet, no martial law.
I really don't know what I'm worried about anyway. The owners of Newgrounds wouldn't let you guys get too out of control.
Ever hear about the Clock Crew? And I don't think they need to take action against us..we could never get that elite.