At 12/11/01 09:44 PM, tomismyhero wrote: BING!
ah, the microwave...I forgot what I put in it....
AHahhahahaaaa! Ah...communism...eternal boogeyman of the american psyche. You guys do know how communism works, right? Well, how it's supposed to work, of course, since in reality it doesn't work without heavy modifications (at which point it ceases to be communism anyway!).
Well, your outta yer heads! NG is the ultimate case for DEMOCRACY in action! Hell, NG is more democratic than any nation!
As for the "BLAM!" thing, I remember a similar post a while back about "BLAM! cults". And I must say, I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I see that "BLAM!" .swf! Hell yeah! FUCK bad FLASH in the ass! Fuck it with a red-hot poker, I say!
We've all seen "Diplomacy" and the "Combat Instinct" series. And of course, the works of the Maestro himself, Tom Fulp (bows head and crosses self)! We KNOW what FLASH is capable of. And yet, we are constantly beset by endless stickman sodomy, and Xiao Xiao wannabes, pleading desperately to "please vote 5" and "go easy on me, it's my first FLASH and I've only had the program for ten minutes".
Well FUCK 'em all. If they can't take the time to put some damn effort in, they deserve the zeros they get! I don't need the graphics to be flawless, or the sound to be all there, but I need to see SOMETHING.
Only problem is, like I said, NG is democracy in action. You start a "BLAM!" club, and may find your own movies targetted by "ANTI-BLAM!" clubs, looking to BLAM! you. Hell, we could have a FLASH war in no time! Just think of it! NG....the next middle east!
At 12/11/01 07:46 PM, cockaloid wrote: wht the hell is wronge with you people? its not that bad of an idea, although i dont think it will work. but comparing it too communism? do you even know how communism works? you know ideally communism is a good thing, and if people didnt acct the way thay do then communism would work. but you people act like its evil. the idea is good but just like communism being good, it wont work. im willing to give it a shot though. and why is it wronge to be a blam seeker? its just like being a paid critic. and even if your in that blaming gang, it doesnt meen you have to try to blam it if you like it. you can be in a gang and still be an individual for the most part.
The guy is right, Communism is a great idea in theory. It just hasnt worked in the past. And this isnt really like communism; there are shit movies on Newgrounds, and if the only way to get them off is to gang up on them, then that is fine. And i dont like the idea of having to be DARK to get in this little club, cuz no matter how many zeros i vote i stay light.
At 12/11/01 09:58 PM, Damien3003 wrote:At 12/11/01 07:46 PM, cockaloid wrote: wht the hell is wronge with you people? its not that bad of an idea, although i dont think it will work. but comparing it too communism? do you even know how communism works? you know ideally communism is a good thing, and if people didnt acct the way thay do then communism would work. but you people act like its evil. the idea is good but just like communism being good, it wont work. im willing to give it a shot though. and why is it wronge to be a blam seeker? its just like being a paid critic. and even if your in that blaming gang, it doesnt meen you have to try to blam it if you like it. you can be in a gang and still be an individual for the most part.The guy is right, Communism is a great idea in theory. It just hasnt worked in the past. And this isnt really like communism; there are shit movies on Newgrounds, and if the only way to get them off is to gang up on them, then that is fine. And i dont like the idea of having to be DARK to get in this little club, cuz no matter how many zeros i vote i stay light.
Okay, lights can join, I just said I was gonna enlist DARKs first..and this shouldn't be BLAM wars, if you have crap flash, you shouldn't start wars over it. Also I GOT NO MOVIES TO GET BLAMMED.
But I doub't I could make a movie worthy enought to be put on here. Good place to start BLAMming is the "Turd of The Week"
The thing I hate is that a good movie that people love gets BLAMmed, so to stay light, I suggest a small side mission, is to constantly vote 5 on peoples fav flash, and like I said, a vote would have to take place, because one persons crap is another persons great movie.
At 12/11/01 10:15 PM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: The thing I hate is that a good movie that people love gets BLAMmed, so to stay light, I suggest a small side mission, is to constantly vote 5 on peoples fav flash, and like I said, a vote would have to take place, because one persons crap is another persons great movie.
Thanks for voting, Damien3003!
Your vote was worth 4.00 votes. The more experience points you have, the more your vote is worth!
You gave this entry a 0, lowering its score to 0.60!
Yea yea i know there was supposed to be some kind of vote...but it was the turd of the week...another one of those damn clocks, so i figured i could make an exception.
At 12/11/01 10:22 PM, Damien3003 wrote:At 12/11/01 10:15 PM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: The thing I hate is that a good movie that people love gets BLAMmed, so to stay light, I suggest a small side mission, is to constantly vote 5 on peoples fav flash, and like I said, a vote would have to take place, because one persons crap is another persons great movie.Thanks for voting, Damien3003!
Your vote was worth 4.00 votes. The more experience points you have, the more your vote is worth!
You gave this entry a 0, lowering its score to 0.60!
Yea yea i know there was supposed to be some kind of vote...but it was the turd of the week...another one of those damn clocks, so i figured i could make an exception.
Yeah, that is the exception, nothing bad done dude. The turd of the week, you can't call us :"bullies" for voting down on that..I try to consider everyones opinions, but you can usually tell crap from just lesser movies, from non-crap...
Ah, the fabled "B" *movie*
I will be suprised if anyone here thinks this is NOT crap...
Any takers?
I wonder what happens to it when a bunch of BLAM seekers take to it
At 12/11/01 10:57 PM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote:
Ah, the fabled "B" *movie*
I will be suprised if anyone here thinks this is NOT crap...
Any takers?
I wonder what happens to it when a bunch of BLAM seekers take to it
It is crap but it will never go off because tom has that clock crew movie thing and "B" started the clock crew phenomenon.
And I just blammed something; that PS2 vs. Xbox movie; I blammed it. Of course the movie was correct; Xbox sucks; but the movie sucked so I blammed it.
At 12/11/01 10:57 PM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote:
Ah, the fabled "B" *movie*
I will be suprised if anyone here thinks this is NOT crap...
Any takers?
I wonder what happens to it when a bunch of BLAM seekers take to it
As Splent said, B will never die. And that's fine by me.
I would like to see what happens to it when a lot of people wave their magic X wands and lower it's score even more.
Ah forget the mail system, I will post the viable targets HERE.
This movie is..not a was closed down....Lets get ridda it.
Be warned if you watch this movie, it embeds itself in your brain forever. Blam this!!!! PLEASE!!!
At 12/12/01 12:50 AM, Splent wrote:
Be warned if you watch this movie, it embeds itself in your brain forever. Blam this!!!! PLEASE!!!
Thanks for voting, lucadude!
Your vote was worth 5.18 votes. The more experience points you have, the more your vote is worth!
You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 1.28!
By voting on this entry, you received 2 experience points.
Vote on 3 more items and you can record the experience to your account...
Thanks for voting, MI4_REAL_2001!
Your vote was worth 5.48 votes. The more experience points you have, the more your vote is worth!
You gave this entry a 0, lowering its score to 1.25!
You have accumulated the maximum number of experience points for one day. However, since you've already deposited today, you'll have to wait until tomorrow to deposit these. The next Grounds Gold day begins in 22 hours, 57 minutes, and 31 seconds.
If you want a direct link to 'hold on goatse?', here it is!
Lucadude, how can you like that crap?? Its disgusting, and the name of the author is Artichoke clock.
At 12/12/01 01:28 AM, Splent wrote: Lucadude, how can you like that crap?? Its disgusting, and the name of the author is Artichoke clock.
Well the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you, might not be right for some. It takes Different Strokes. It takes Different Strokes. It takes Different Stroke to move the world.
At 12/11/01 02:51 AM, HAQnSPITT wrote:At 12/11/01 01:52 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote:That’s a horrible idea! Blamming is evil! You should give the less talented flash artists a chance to be on the portal.
Is this an OK idea? Anyone in?
Shut up, how come you have blammed 100 movies and you say it was a spectacular.
At 12/11/01 01:52 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: From seeing the excessive entries of CRAP entries on this Portal, I have come to an idea to make the server go faster, and removing CRAP at the same time.
Any particular ones you want me to do?
My idea is to start a club....if you are in, and willing to post your email address here (Not me, you will only know it if I mail ya, sorry >_<)
I will give you a target and we will team up to BLAM the movie. We can clear the server. If anyone objects to the BLAMming of a movie, then I, the founder, can choose another target. Hopefully NewGrounds will run better, and all CRAP shall be removed.
Including that "F!@# her gently" one, it sux.
Only downside is that someone might actually help a bona-fide crap movie, so I will only enlist Dark Auras for now.
Cool, I started becoming more critical from level 3.
Is this an OK idea? Anyone in?
No problemo
At 12/12/01 12:42 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote:
This movie is..not a was closed down....Lets get ridda it.
I tried as hard as I could, it just didn`t work, who knows -bomb-. I`m gonna call him to vote 0 on this!!!
At 12/12/01 01:40 AM, lucadude wrote:At 12/12/01 01:28 AM, Splent wrote: Lucadude, how can you like that crap?? Its disgusting, and the name of the author is Artichoke clock.
Well the world don't move to the beat of just one drum. What might be right for you, might not be right for some. It takes Different Strokes. It takes Different Strokes. It takes Different Stroke to move the world.
OK good show I guess you had a change of heart because in the reviews of the movie you xed it and now you love it it made no sense
Count this BLAMhead in. I've been fighting crap for some time now.
BTW, there is an easier way to locate crap movies. Just go to the Newest entry archives, and click on the "ratings" link. That'll put them in order of rating. The rest is cake. Just vote X on the crap.
Please blam hold on goatse, but blam this as well. The link doesn't work and the movie doesn't and only 4 people voted on it.
At 12/12/01 01:20 PM, soulblade wrote: Count this BLAMhead in. I've been fighting crap for some time now.
BTW, there is an easier way to locate crap movies. Just go to the Newest entry archives, and click on the "ratings" link. That'll put them in order of rating. The rest is cake. Just vote X on the crap.
Great idea man! Now its even easier for me to vote x on SHIT.
Okay, what..the fuck...ever. I just took a stroll through the crappier end of the portal, handing out zero's like they were going outta style and I accrued NO "BLAMS!". Yesterday, I voted a movie a one and "BLAM!"ed it. Does this system even fucking work?
At 12/12/01 10:02 PM, capn_g wrote: Okay, what..the fuck...ever. I just took a stroll through the crappier end of the portal, handing out zero's like they were going outta style and I accrued NO "BLAMS!". Yesterday, I voted a movie a one and "BLAM!"ed it. Does this system even fucking work?
It all depends on how many votes the movie has, and their rating. It needs to be above 0.67 at 25 votes, 1.00 at 50 votes, and 1.50 at 75 votes for it to stay on.
For example, if you are the 23rd voter of a 0.00 movie, you will not blam it. But if you are the 25th voter, you will.
At 12/12/01 04:00 AM, -BrandonDutton- wrote:At 12/12/01 12:42 AM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote: tried as hard as I could, it just didn`t work, who knows -bomb-. I`m gonna call him to vote 0 on this!!!
This movie is..not a was closed down....Lets get ridda it.
He won't do it, he thinks I am a washed up piece of shit here.