At 12/20/01 09:49 PM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote:At 12/20/01 07:52 PM, -superBD21- wrote:What is wrong with porn? It is not fucked up. But of course I am no bukkake person.At 12/15/01 03:06 PM, VicViper wrote:Delete all porn, it is just naked crap and for sick perveted, fucked up minds. Including the movies that sayIF YOU WANNA SEE LOTS OF BRITNEY SPEARS PORN, LIKE HER BEING PUSSY FUCKED BY CHRISTINA AGUILERA, VOTE 5 NOW AND YOU WILL WARP TO IT!At 12/14/01 10:42 PM, MI4_REAL_2001 wrote:So, did Tom or Wade replied about that Jollywood racist movie? If not, then I'll just keep e-mailing until they take it down. As far as removing crappy movies go, I'm only targeting the following:At 12/14/01 10:03 PM, VicViper wrote: One other target to terminate.
Actually you can't BLAM it. But flood Tom's or Wade's e-mail to remove it. Why it wasn't deleted, I don't know!!! Maybe most Newgrounds users are racist!!!!
I sent a mail regarding it to be deleted.
-Child Porno
-Racist Movies like that Jollywood fuck
-Movies that are 8 kbs or less saying "Vote 5 or this will happen to your computer."
-Stolen movies (This also includes people saying, "I didn't do this, but it should be on Newgrounds.")
Delete it all
Delete F!@# her gently.
It is the rudest movie on newgrounds and makes me puke up.
Porn is not for Bukkake people, it is for Fucked Up people. It is yuck.