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NG Total Listing

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Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-26 20:42:38

At 2/26/05 08:26 PM, phileeguy wrote:
At 2/26/05 08:05 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: And here's the historical stats:
I don't remeber this, but it could just be a typo (doubtful as that looks like excel), but how did did the number of users with experience drop by 30k from the end of August to October of last year?

I raised the requirement from level 2 (50exp) to level 3 (100exp) to cut down the list size a bit.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-26 20:48:02

At 2/26/05 08:42 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
I raised the requirement from level 2 (50exp) to level 3 (100exp) to cut down the list size a bit.

I still think you should bump it to 9 ;)

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-26 20:54:56

At 2/26/05 08:48 PM, D0GMA wrote: I still think you should bump it to 9 ;)

That would really cut it down. I would suggest maybe level 7 as a minimum. Level 7 is 300 exp, which would work out nicely as that is 30 deposits, and 30 deposits is about as much one can do per month.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-26 22:49:45

Maybe not 7 but at least 5. 5 Is reasonable. Or at least start at 4 next week.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-26 23:01:35

i have had a good session this time, deffinately going for the green, i have 275 since last update!
If i had just stayed on more last night i would have maybe reached yellow


BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-26 23:34:33

I currently have 228 since last update, and I think that's enough for green. According to my calculations you need 288 for yellow. You have 283 since last update, so you could get it if enough entires are posted and you stay on until midnight.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 00:04:56

At 2/26/05 11:34 PM, authenticsimpson wrote: I currently have 228 since last update, and I think that's enough for green. According to my calculations you need 288 for yellow. You have 283 since last update, so you could get it if enough entires are posted and you stay on until midnight.

ok then i have got it if you are correct


BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 00:54:40


Sorry, can't help myself, but this new toy is soooo cool! :-D

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 01:03:09

Nice. Now I get to know how long until it's updated!

Percentage complete: 16.61%

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 01:44:57

Awesome :) That beats the snot out of refreshing ngtotallist until it's updated :)

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 02:34:25

That previous post was the 1337th post in this thread :0

Upon looking at the update thing again, I think it might be slightly better if you noted that the times are EST somewhere on there.

Other than that, I still stand by my prior statements in that it is a cool addition and it works very nicely :)

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 02:53:56

At 2/27/05 02:34 AM, pieoncar wrote: Upon looking at the update thing again, I think it might be slightly better if you noted that the times are EST somewhere on there.

Already have it covered. ;-)

NG Total Listing

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 02:59:34

Oh, I didn't click that "back to the main page" link, that would explain why I didn't see it :0

But now I know where the links are for the other trackers, so even better. :)

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 04:42:06

At 2/26/05 08:54 PM, phileeguy wrote: Level 7 is 300 exp, which would work out nicely as that is 30 deposits, and 30 deposits is about as much one can do per month.

Technically it's 27-30, considering the bonus XP that can be obtained at sign-up.

Just guessing at this point, but I believe the level 3 cut-off was an inverse of this thought process. Level 9 is 400 XP. Given that there are typically 30 days in a month, that's 30 deposits. Subtracting leaves 100XP behind, meaning that, at the least, they've started the month at base for level 3. In this way, by the end of the month, there's only going to be a handful of people (90+XP who deposit after the run, or 80+XP depositing after the run and all 90+XP people in a 31 day month) who will appear as NEW while they are level 9. Even then, they'll be NEW with a max of ~420XP.

At 2/26/05 10:49 PM, authenticsimpson wrote: Maybe not 7 but at least 5. 5 Is reasonable. Or at least start at 4 next week.

I still think 9 is the best point at which to start the tracking.

For starters, at present, it cuts it down to ~31k people being listed from ~76k. This may or may not actually resolve any remaining bandwidth usage issues on SKs side, but, more importantly, will severely reduce the impact of his twice weekly NG data request floods. According to gfox' last set of comments on it, the issue is not one of bandwidth, but request hits to the DB. Whether it's gateway or bandwidth, the fact remains that halving the largest list will greatly decrease the time it takes for the runs and any affects it has on NG.

On the BP side, I'll like the SG+, as that's entirely under the control of the user. Someone could go from an unlisted brand new account created the day after the full run to Staff Sergeant (SFC is extremely difficult, but still possible) in a month.

Most people start really caring about their XP when they hit level 9 and notice that it's no longer 50XP/level. An old user on a new account may care sooner, but even if they hit level 9 the day after a full run, they'll still end up on the XP list the next month before they are much more than a third of the way to 10. IMO even a 390+XP level 8 isn't going to be overly concerned about being left off the XP list for four weeks, and the amount of real effect it has is essentially nil.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 08:24:19

Welcome to the Sunday, February 27, 2005 update of the NG Total Listing

I had written a nice, big post for this update, but then my fucking Firefox decided to silently commit hari kiri for no apparent reason. So, here's the condensed version. If you want to complain, go bitch at these silly fuckers.

* good_guy_o got over 8 bp/hr, and six other people got over 6/hr. You people need lives. :-P
* The ALR list backup got Charlie Foxtrot'ed last week, so it's all goofy. Reset the backups for next week.
* I've added an "Awaiting Upload" status to the ProgTracker, so you can tell when the lists are finished but not online yet.


Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 08:30:39

At 2/27/05 08:24 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Welcome to the Sunday, February 27, 2005 update of the NG Total Listing

Thanks Mr

I had written a nice, big post for this update, but then my fucking Firefox decided to silently commit hari kiri for no apparent reason. So, here's the condensed version. If you want to complain, go bitch at these silly fuckers.

lol. I've been having a few problems with FF recently, it dies and then can't be stopped as a process, so requires reboot. Pain.

* good_guy_o got over 8 bp/hr,

Wow, congrats to him. He's really got some pace

and six other people got over 6/hr. You people need lives. :-P

I purchased one yesterday, but I haven't installed it yet

Silver stars are broken on solarcreations (BP alt sort #2), although they seem to be all right elsewhere

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BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 08:32:08

I don't know if it's just me but alot of the mirror links are sending me to a page that says 'this page is missing ?!?!

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 08:35:04

Blam/Protect: Whoo, I got over 3 an hour, but I was lucky to get a lot of time blamming/saving and I was also lucky to see lots of flashes uploaded on Thursday. I got 3.6? Damn, I was quite close of getting 4.

B/P Lifetime: Down rank? That can't be good, but I'll try and rank up, though.

Blams: Yay, I've entered the top 400 for blams. Now to try and get over 600 more blams.

Saves: Nice to see that I've entered the top 500 for saves.

EXP: In the green again. Also a nice 296 rank up.

VP: Damn, I'm ranked 1301. Why couldn't it be 1300? XD Oh well, I can easily go up next time.

Reviews: Well, I don't review as much now. I'm really lazy, so I'm not bothered that I made under 10 reviews that week.

And good to see me on the NG BBS list. 200 posts over the requirement, which isn't too bad. Great update again.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 08:56:53

At 2/27/05 08:30 AM, Denvish wrote: Silver stars are broken on solarcreations (BP alt sort #2), although they seem to be all right elsewhere

Fixed it. I also fixed the program so that it'll award the silver and gold stars properly (i.e. not give you five blue stars).

At 2/27/05 08:32 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: I don't know if it's just me but alot of the mirror links are sending me to a page that says 'this page is missing ?!?!

It must be a problem on your end, because they're all loading nice and quick for me. Try reboot?

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 09:17:12

At 2/27/05 08:56 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: It must be a problem on your end, because they're all loading nice and quick for me. Try reboot?

no im still getting this :

NG Total Listing

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 09:26:42

At 2/27/05 09:17 AM, Tom_s00 wrote: no im still getting this :

Which mirror link is giving you this?

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 10:20:40

Yay I got yellow on the update! I haven't had anything colored before so I'm excited, especially since I though I would only get green. :)

Hmm when did this 'Characters remaining' thing appear below my post? This should help for people with really long posts, although it makes the text box a little smaller.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 10:44:14

I gald this update is near my next update. I can double check to make sure II have the up and comers on my list.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 11:57:13

Thanks for this week's update SK. A very nice one. :D

Wi/Ht? #28

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 12:22:07

Wow, my first time getting yellow and i was 25 away from getting red, 300 in 4 days is ppretty good for me

Wow, cool now there is a characters remaining thing at the bottom, thats is snazzzy


BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 12:24:29

At 2/27/05 08:35 AM, Bahamut7 wrote: Blam/Protect: Whoo, I got over 3 an hour, but I was lucky to get a lot of time blamming/saving and I was also lucky to see lots of flashes uploaded on Thursday. I got 3.6? Damn, I was quite close of getting 4.

I have never even got 2+ per hour, i came so close this update and i though i had a good chance of getting it but i got 1.910 per hour, DAMN!! Youre doing pretty well with the old b/p, 3.6 per hour is great!

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 12:40:32

At 2/27/05 08:24 AM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: * good_guy_o got over 8 bp/hr, and six other people got over 6/hr. You people need lives. :-P

How about no? :D

I gained 7.3 b/p pts per hour and I'm only ranked 4th for the pace :O That's crazy.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 13:11:42

At 2/27/05 09:26 AM, Rooty-the-Pie wrote: Which mirror link is giving you this?

All that i've tryed.....

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 13:14:02

awsome, I'm 1 rank above the creator of this thread on the B/P lifetime list. Beating him by .05 B/P per day.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-02-27 16:37:16

Nice update!

I am not sure if it is a new look, or if it just looks different in Firefox (that i recently got), but the list looks good.

I jumped 44 spots on the b/p list, a steady increase it has been the past month or so.

Bonus is doing awesome on the b/p Lifetime! ^_^