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NG Total Listing

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Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-23 15:53:39

At 1/23/05 08:47 AM, ramagi wrote: It didn't even give previous rank for rreviews ah well.

Right, I reset the data because I had been gone for a month, and I was trying to figure out why the b/p list was messing up. The previous rank data for the non-bp lists will be back next Sunday.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-23 16:13:31

At 1/23/05 03:53 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 1/23/05 08:47 AM, ramagi wrote: It didn't even give previous rank for reviews ah well.
Right, I reset the data because I had been gone for a month, and I was trying to figure out why the b/p list was messing up. The previous rank data for the non-bp lists will be back next Sunday.

Well it mattered more for the exp list, because It gives me an idea who is coming up Even though I'm tracking a few people past 500. I just a way to double check my info. The good thing for me is your next full update will be before mine so I can double check infor before my update.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-23 17:15:04

Hey SK, did you get my email reply? Maybe i didn't send it properly? Anway, if you did, and you are confused about what it is i am trying to do... just ask, i may have been a little lazy when replying. So it could be a little confusing.

Basically it is the ratios between Blams and Saves. But not like your ratios, but to who keeps them the closest.

So if i have:
1,146 Blams
554 Saves
My ratio is 2.07

If someone has :
8,156 Blams
13,896 Saves
There ratio is 1.70

Thus the second example has the better ratio. Then there will be a list of how many Saves I would need to reach the second example and how many Blams the second example would need to beat whoever is ahead of him. Like, to tighten up the difference between the Blams and Saves (havn't worked on that math equation yet). Plus, a column to show place movement.

Also, like i said in my email, it would be for people above 1,500 B/P points... no less. Because 100 and 100 it easy to achieve, it is when you are shooting for higher numbers that people end up spreading out and it become harder to pick and choose. etc.

That is just a better way of explaining it. In my email, i showed code etc. Which can be used in excel or VB.

I would also like your suggestions and what not. ^_^

Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks again.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-23 22:01:01

I fixed the NGTL program. It was a small little line that builds the array for figuring out previous ranks for the blam/save list. I forgot to change that line when I separated blams and saves. So...the previous ranks were being figured for blams, instead of total points. >_< Wednesday's update should be just fine.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-26 18:28:25

Welcome to the Wednesday, January 26, 2005 update of the NG Total Listing!

Nothing terribly new today. I've started my 1,200,000-profile download, and I'll be using the new, updated profile lists on Sunday's update. Oh, and Denvish got 6+ bp/hr again! Heck, he almost got 7...


Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-26 18:38:22

At 1/26/05 06:28 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Welcome to the Wednesday, January 26, 2005 update of the NG Total Listing!

Thanks for the update. I really enjoy your work. It doesn't really motivate me though, I'm ranked 11th in pace and still I can't keep up with Syme, YoinK_VineS, Denvish or good_guy_o. But you can't help I live in Holland on a different time zone.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-26 18:47:16

At 1/26/05 06:28 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Welcome to the Wednesday, January 26, 2005 update of the NG Total Listing!

Thanks mister

Nothing terribly new today. I've started my 1,200,000-profile download, and I'll be using the new, updated profile lists on Sunday's update. Oh, and Denvish got 6+ bp/hr again! Heck, he almost got 7...

good_guy deserves a mention too methinks. Congrats to him on his first star. He's soooooo motivated at the moment, it's virtually annoying...

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Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-26 19:26:42

i ranked up huge in b/p poins. maybe cause i just started to get more into it like a week ago

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-27 08:23:30

I forgot to look at teh update.
I'm looking forward to this weekends update for the exp list.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-27 10:51:14

Eh! These lists rock, I just can't stop thinking that! But now with can check at almost everything that can be "stated" in newgrounds, may be it's time to mix things together? I mean, doing a kind of list that would take into consideration the rank of the user in every list. May be you've already thought about it but, man, it would rock so hard!

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-27 11:01:56

At 1/26/05 06:28 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:

Thanks for the update ShittyKitty,

And congrats to Denvish on his 6+ per hour .

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-27 14:04:18

Nice update. Imoved up like 100+ spots on like three lists just from joining this section. ^_^

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-27 14:48:58

At 1/27/05 02:04 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Nice update. Imoved up like 100+ spots on like three lists just from joining this section. ^_^

Yup, by hanging around here, you'll gain in stats pretty quickly! Just too bad you'll lose sanity and gain geekness at the same time (and the same speed hehe) :P

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-27 15:01:13

At 1/27/05 02:48 PM, -Myst- wrote: Yup, by hanging around here, you'll gain in stats pretty quickly!

lol, ya, because MARCUS nags on me. You heard me MARCUS. lol. ; )

Just too bad you'll lose sanity and gain geekness at the same time (and the same speed hehe) :P

I was already insane. Depnds how you define geeky... i still don't know much about computers. lol. I am def not any smarter, same slacker i was a few weeks ago. I notice a type a little better now, which is good for my writing. ^_^

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-27 15:13:27

At 1/27/05 03:01 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: I notice a *type a little better now, which is good for my writing. ^_^



Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-28 18:10:20

At 1/27/05 03:13 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: *typo


Well... uhh.. : P

I am only 150 bp from the top 1000. Just thought id share that since i noticed it in one of the lists. ; )

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-28 18:24:12

At 1/28/05 06:10 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: I am only 150 bp from the top 1000. Just thought id share that since i noticed it in one of the lists. ; )

Congrats Myst_W : )

Looks like your about to tick over to 2000 posts as well. = )

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-28 18:39:13

At 1/28/05 06:24 PM, Tom_s00 wrote: Congrats Myst_W : )

Looks like your about to tick over to 2000 posts as well. = )

aha, you noticed my curretn goal. ; )

I havn't been congratulating lately (exams still : P) So i don't want to show my face in LUL until i have accomplished something aha. That way i can get back into it and keep up o nthe congrats again. : P

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-29 23:05:38

Shame on me, I forgot to post a monthly "number of profiles" chart last month, and I nearly forgot this month. >_<

Here's the current update's chart:

NG Total Listing

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-29 23:06:39

And here's the historical chart:

NG Total Listing

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-29 23:07:33

Hey SK... I haven't caught up in here since page 35 and I don't have the time to right now, but I wanted to pop something in I noticed on last weekend's update:

TOP SAVE RATIO LIST featuring 2saves:0blams FourStar

top 3:
The_Zooloo_Master 1 0 280 0 Infinite N/A
A514NA554551N 2 0 275 0 Infinite N/A
FourStar 3 0 2 0 Infinite N/A

and TOP POST LIST featuring 0 post guy:

bottom 2:
SomeStonedSmurf 1482 NEW 500
silencedintruder 1483 NEW 0

FourStar was still in the save ratio list but due to the whole "star syndicate TOTW scandal" thing, the statpurge that wasn't reversed means that account no longer qualifies to be on any of your b/p-related lists! You may have noticed this already, but I just thought I'd tell you just in case. My poor lil' gfox account (with 3 saves and 0 blams) feels left out if FourStar gets to be on the top of the save ratio list with 2 saves and 0 blams. #;-}>

And finally, the guy who had all his posts removed. Couldn't you code some auto-culler to remove people who have such stat-reductions take place? Ah well, if not... you can rely on us list fans for EVENTUAL reporting of such things. #;-}>

Also: did you get my mail from last week? :::tug tug:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-29 23:19:54

At 1/29/05 11:07 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Hey SK... I haven't caught up in here since page 35 and I don't have the time to right now, but I wanted to pop something in I noticed on last weekend's update:

(messy stuff)

Meh. That's why I run complete, full downloads every month. Tonight's update will have neither FourStar nor silencedintruder (what a coincidental alias, no?) on the listings, because I just finished the monthly update yesterday. I thought I had code built in to remove people like this. Eh, I don't really feel like trying to mess with that code right now...

Also: did you get my mail from last week? :::tug tug:::

The reply to my top-1000-list email? Because I haven't gotten anything else from you... o.O

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-30 00:11:20

Gah! I got second place in the quickdraw today, however the stat run ended yesterday. Which makes me a day late and dollar short.

Will you be updating this again?

Oh well, I know how Michelle Kwan feels, no golds.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-30 00:20:43

At 1/30/05 12:11 AM, phileeguy wrote: Gah! I got second place in the quickdraw today, however the stat run ended yesterday. Which makes me a day late and dollar short.

Will you be updating this again?

Oh well, I know how Michelle Kwan feels, no golds.

Have no fear, I've uploaded it. I usually get it online within 15 minutes of midnight; I just ran a little behind tonight because I had three things running at once, and I forgot about QD for a little bit.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-30 00:23:46

At 1/30/05 12:20 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Have no fear, I've uploaded it. I usually get it online within 15 minutes of midnight; I just ran a little behind tonight because I had three things running at once, and I forgot about QD for a little bit.

Oh Okay, I hope I didn't make you feel like you had to do it. It was just more of a gripe post on my part.... so close yet so far.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-30 06:06:54

The Sunday, January 30, 2005 update of the NG Total Listing has been posted.


Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-30 06:43:38

At 1/30/05 06:06 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: The Sunday, January 30, 2005 update of the NG Total Listing has been posted.

w00t! Thanks Josh. Looking AWESOME!

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-30 06:49:57

I'm very happy that everythign worked fine.

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-30 07:17:34

Ooh, 64th in posts, that's interesting.

I do like the colourscheme on the experience list. Easy to see who's not moving in front of you.

Your 1-1000 in blams seems fucked by the way on mirror #1.

93rd in b/p, 93rd in blams, 97th in saves. Apart from exp, that's top 100 in almost everything. Just need that pesky voting power and then it's a long wait for the complete set :-)

Response to NG Total Listing 2005-01-30 07:28:36

At 1/30/05 07:17 AM, jonthomson wrote: Your 1-1000 in blams seems fucked by the way on mirror #1.

Whoopsy. Fixed it.