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NG Total Listing

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-11 10:09:16

The amount of days = amount of days since you created your account

You don't to vote underjudgement submissions every day.

Sweet!! Thats great, so when i lose connection i still might be on top 100 =)!!! I should prob vote more today and tomorow..thanks mate! =)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-12 02:00:02

At 12/11/04 09:47 AM, EKRegulus wrote: I hope that sk found out the problem in the b/p ranking for the position change column. He didn't tell us anything about it since the last update. :O

Yeah, it should be fine for this update. I fixed that nasty little problem from the last update, so everything should work.

At 12/11/04 10:09 AM, randyrandy wrote:
The amount of days = amount of days since you created your account

You don't to vote underjudgement submissions every day.
Sweet!! Thats great, so when i lose connection i still might be on top 100 =)!!! I should prob vote more today and tomorow..thanks mate! =)

Yeah, the Lifetime list is just your average blam/save points per day that you've had your account.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-12 02:12:55

Nice update SK...

I took a few days off here im back i guess, i am posting somewhat less so i can increase in some reviews, im doing ok though...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-12 07:08:36

Welcome to the Sunday, December 12, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing


* We had three people get more than 6 b/p's per hour this update. Congrats go out to Ya_Ya and EKRegulus, and special congrats to Denvish, who almost made me define another category by getting 6.882 b/p's per hour. Amazing.
* The Blam/Save listing's Rank Change column is back to normal, but the Blam and Save list Change columns are not. Err...
* This is the last NGTL update of 2004. The next list update will occur on Sunday, January 22, 2005.


Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-12 07:30:05

At 12/12/04 07:08 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Welcome to the Sunday, December 12, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing


special congrats to Denvish, who almost made me define another category by getting 6.882 b/p's per hour.

Thanks again... haven't done much sleeping this week, the week started so well I thought it might be a chance to grab a star or two. Think I'll probably sleep through most of today/tomorrow..., once D0GMA's list is up.

I've sent you a couple of emails, did you get them? I'm never sure whether my emails are sent or collected properly... if you reply, could you cc the gmail one as well as the usual, hopefully one of them will get through. Cheers.

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-12 08:29:58

At 12/12/04 07:08 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: * We had three people get more than 6 b/p's per hour this update. Congrats go out to Ya_Ya and EKRegulus, and special congrats to Denvish, who almost made me define another category by getting 6.882 b/p's per hour. Amazing.

Thanks man. I would probably be over Ya_Ya if I didn't go to sleep early yesterday ;( Oh well, 6 per hour is still great.

* The Blam/Save listing's Rank Change column is back to normal, but the Blam and Save list Change columns are not. Err...

As long as I can see where I am in the ranking, it's not that bad. It's going to be fixed in the next update anyway, right?

* This is the last NGTL update of 2004. The next list update will occur on Sunday, January 22, 2005.

Will I still be there? :O

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-12 08:45:22

Thanks shitty kit for anouther great update = )

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-12 09:03:08

Great update SK, although I admit it's going to seem weird that this is the last one for quite some time, I'm sure I'll get used to it. Three people over 6.. congratulations to you all on those stars, hell I didn't even know there was that many submissions lately... serves me right for sleeping away a perfectly good saturday I suppose.

This is pointless but I'll ask anyway, did you have any ideas as to what colour/icon you would have implemented if Denvish had achieved over 7/h?

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-12 09:20:41

Cool I made Blue for the second time. I didn't even vote that much yesterday. I did a lot of shopping.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-12 11:21:45

At 12/12/04 09:20 AM, ramagi wrote: Cool I made Blue for the second time. I didn't even vote that much yesterday. I did a lot of shopping.

I guess even when you're not on the Portal is still influenced by your presence.

Thanks for the update ShittyKitty: Better Watch out!! I'm slowly but surely catching up to you

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-12 12:17:37

At 12/12/04 11:21 AM, DRD1982 wrote: Better Watch out!! I'm slowly but surely catching up to you

Who, me? Yeah, I've kinda slowed down lately. Being an admin on Retrogade has seriously eaten into my NG time...

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-12 12:33:17

At 12/12/04 09:03 AM, Pure_Greatness wrote:
This is pointless but I'll ask anyway, did you have any ideas as to what colour/icon you would have implemented if Denvish had achieved over 7/h?

I think pink would have suited Bob quite well :)

Thanks for the update SK, im still steadily climbing on most fronts. Have a nice holiday away fom NG, so i hope you have fun. Dont forget to visit once in a while aswell.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-14 04:16:03

At 12/12/04 12:33 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:
At 12/12/04 09:03 AM, Pure_Greatness wrote:
This is pointless but I'll ask anyway, did you have any ideas as to what colour/icon you would have implemented if Denvish had achieved over 7/h?
I think pink would have suited Bob quite well :)

Hahahahaha...awesome! If anyone gets 7 an hour, it's GOTTA BE PINK!!! AND THEY GET A ROTATING HEART!!!

*huge smile*

Thanks for the update SK, im still steadily climbing on most fronts. Have a nice holiday away fom NG, so i hope you have fun. Dont forget to visit once in a while aswell.

Yeah, I hope once he sloves all those problems over at RG, he can relax a little and chill here with his buds.


Great update Mr. Foster.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-14 05:27:45

At 12/14/04 04:16 AM, RedCircle wrote:
Hahahahaha...awesome! If anyone gets 7 an hour, it's GOTTA BE PINK!!! AND THEY GET A ROTATING HEART!!!

*huge smile*

Hahaha, wouldnt it be sweet, but that may put people off from actually getting 7 an hour. I know i would start calling him things like sweet pea, sugar lump and sweetheart to wind him up :D

Yeah, I hope once he sloves all those problems over at RG, he can relax a little and chill here with his buds.

Damn right.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-14 10:43:52

I am leaving this person email and name out on purpose

Could you send me a copy of the program...i wanna see my newgrounds rank...

obviously they don't know SK site adress.

Which was included in my reply. Also the fact even if I sent the program to him, it would not work.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-14 11:41:16

At 12/14/04 10:43 AM, ramagi wrote: hahaha
I am leaving this person email and name out on purpose

Could you send me a copy of the program...i wanna see my newgrounds rank...

obviously they don't know SK site adress.

Which was included in my reply. Also the fact even if I sent the program to him, it would not work.

Hee hee. Silly n00b. Apparently he doesn't realize what exactly the program does. And that, dear friends, is why NGLister has a registration system ;-)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-15 00:12:52

I was robbed becuase iof the time on my computer was off. I was going by the clock on the TV.

I deposted right at midnight I was not that slow.

NG Total Listing

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-15 06:19:23

At 12/15/04 12:12 AM, ramagi wrote:
I deposted right at midnight I was not that slow.

Maybe you should put the clock back 30 seconds then, i dunno, just pull the battery out and judge it, hopefully it works.

Hehehe, some new guys just dont have a clue, the guy in the e-mail must be confuddled.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-15 10:18:08

Well after psoting that I did compare the time and found my computer time was off. I did fix it so taht it is exactly NG time.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-20 07:21:00

Welcome to the Sunday, December 19, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing

Wow...EVERYTHING in the bp column is FUCT =-O

I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK I DID, but excluding the blam/protect list, everything seems to be A-OK ^_^

Please do not worry about the colors, because I don't have the old data, so PLEASE just use this update to know where you are on the list.

If you have any questions, then ask yourself, cause I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I'M DOING!!!!



Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-20 07:31:00

At 12/15/04 12:12 AM, ramagi wrote: I was robbed becuase iof the time on my computer was off. I was going by the clock on the TV.

I deposted right at midnight I was not that slow.

I dont know about the time stamp, but that screenie has got to go, it is god ugly hahaha j/k Ramagi, i seem to be picking on you this early morning heh... sorry...<Runs away>



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-20 07:32:43

At 12/20/04 07:21 AM, RedCircle wrote: If you have any questions, then ask yourself, cause I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK I'M DOING!!!!

OH NO...

Thats not the best advice to give but heh oh well, its the best that we have so ill go with whatever is there haha...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-20 07:33:51

I love how Wayne is completely oblivious that SHITTYKITTY didn't do the update this week.

Silly n00bs :-P~~~~~

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-20 07:38:43

At 12/20/04 07:33 AM, RedCircle wrote: I love how Wayne is completely oblivious that SHITTYKITTY didn't do the update this week.

Silly n00bs :-P~~~~~

Meh i knew.... i knew, but we still love Teh RC nomatter what mistakes were made hehehe...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-20 07:44:21

At 12/20/04 07:38 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Meh i knew....

Heh, I know you did...haha...

i knew, but we still love Teh RC nomatter what mistakes were made hehehe...

Funny thing was that any mistakes that were made were the result of me not having last week's data. Nothing (on my end) could be done about all the color fuck-ups.


We <3 teh Wayne too, yanno!

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-20 08:22:24

Only the b/p ranking list and the b/p ranking list (alt sort) seem fucked up.
That's not too bad. It looks like the update was made for a shorter period of time that what it's suppose to be.

I know that you can't fix it but I can't stop myself from doing that comment.

It's a nice gift for me to receive a second star even if I didn't deserve it unlike my previous star :)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-20 08:34:35

I think quite a few people got stars that didn't seserve them.
I don't track my data for this lsit like I do for D0GMA'S

I won't bother point out any problems either.
I think you did a nice job with what you had to deal with.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-20 10:06:19

At 12/20/04 07:21 AM, RedCircle wrote: Welcome to the Sunday, December 19, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing

Thanks for the update R_C, where is shittykitty anyway? does anyone know?

Anyway i think you did a good job in steping forward to do the list in the first place *small ripple of appause*

At 12/20/04 07:38 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Meh i knew.... i knew, but we still love Teh RC nomatter what mistakes were made hehehe...

Haha best replie ever!! Thank you wayne <3

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-20 10:47:26

lol, best update evar... 12.022 per hour? ROFL!!! Nice job RC

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-20 11:50:20

omg, i'm seeing stars there must be something wrong with me.
But anyway, nice update RedCircle. It looks great.