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NG Total Listing

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 08:52:18

At 12/1/04 04:51 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Heheheh... all the way from D.C.? Eh. How about this: Just say the word and I'll do the dirty work for ya. I'm already in Houston and driving anywhere from San Antonio to College Station to Lousiana, or anywhere in between that ShittyKitty might be on any given day... is pretty easy for me, after all. #;-}>

Should I be afraid?

And thank goodness you did! I really appreciate that you put out all four already. YOU KICK ASS, MAN!

Yeah, I thought you would like that.

Of course, you'll be taking them back away within a few weeks, but oh well. Come January, all will be right with the Texas A&M SK homepage world again.

Yes, yes, as long as they don't wipe out my website at the end of the semester. I'll have to make a backup copy of my website sometime between now and the 15th...

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 09:09:43

At 12/1/04 04:51 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
At 11/30/04 03:29 PM, YoinK_VineS wrote: If you average 200 reviews or less for the next two weeks then you'll make it to 10k reviews for sure within the next two weeks. Congrats on 238 reviews for the week.
I've been predicting for the past couple of weeks that he'd be to 10k by Christmas, so... yeah, unless he burns out, he's all set to do it by the 25th, and maybe even earlier. GO, X!

Heh burnt out meh i been burnt out for months now haha, ok the 25th it is oh crap but i forgot about a promise i made too SCD hmmm...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 09:45:09

At 12/1/04 09:09 AM, XwaynecoltX wrote:
Heh burnt out meh i been burnt out for months now haha, ok the 25th it is oh crap but i forgot about a promise i made too SCD hmmm...

Well well. ~X~ You are closer so its only fair to assume you will get there first, plus theres nothing to say we both cant get it on Crimbo day is there ? Maybe even a joint topic 10k a piece :D What do you think ?

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 11:23:33

At 12/1/04 08:52 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Yes, yes, as long as they don't wipe out my website at the end of the semester. I'll have to make a backup copy of my website sometime between now and the 15th...

I was already planning on saving your last update on exp into some massive file. Also I be sending you an email about that.
I'm on break at work right now so Maybe I can write it quickly.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 11:50:16

At 12/1/04 09:45 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Well well. ~X~ You are closer so its only fair to assume you will get there first, plus theres nothing to say we both cant get it on Crimbo day is there ? Maybe even a joint topic 10k a piece :D What do you think ?

Heh im sure it will be all fine, we will work something out, ill let you go first haha j/k it dont matter to me heh...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 12:19:31

I just cycled through the lists, thanks a lot for all the goods SK. I'm particularly thrilled with the 4 decimal vp list.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 12:58:07

At 12/1/04 04:49 AM, gfoxcook wrote:

EKRegulus, I'm looking in your direction here. #;-}> Seriously, you talk about how commenting about it is not good, but then you yourself are discussing it and saying it will be "shut down" within a few weeks or something. WTF? O_o

Must I always explain myself? I thought that making a public BBS posts list, advertising or not, would be bad because we will start spamming anyway. Sure, they are spamming NOW, but with a list that everyone could easily view, it would just turn out to be worse.

Remember Dobio's thread about the BBS posts list? It was a sucess and very popular but it had negative consequences on the BBS and it was needed to shut it down. I could also make a comparaison with the reviews list. The reviews list is fine, I'm surprised that nobody spams to get high in that list, except the guy ranked 2nd but he always did that. The reviews list was a sucess because it didn't turn out into a spam-party. I hope that the same thing will happen to the posts list but I doubt it. Anyway, we will see what happens and sk will decide the fate of that list.

I discussed about it because I wanted to respond to j00bie, same here because I needed to explain myself. Anyway, I can zip my mouth about about it or we could continue discussing. It's your choice now.

My message should be clear now. :)

BTW, I voted yes on the poll because I thought that it would be a good idea but I changed my mind. I didn't think about the consequences, just about my ... stats .. :O so now I think that my vote is worthless.

BTW, nice new voting power list sk, I really love it =)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 14:01:14

At 12/1/04 11:23 AM, ramagi wrote: I was already planning on saving your last update on exp into some massive file. Also I be sending you an email about that.
I'm on break at work right now so Maybe I can write it quickly.

Would you like me to compress the last December experience list update and post it on my web server before I go? I could do that, if you'd like.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 15:51:02

Welcome to the Wednesday, December 1, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing

Nothing terribly new today. I've started the monthly profile pull; this month, I'm going to download 1,070,000 profiles. Fun fun! Enjoy the update. (Ooh, I got yellow again.....)


Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 16:15:25

At 12/1/04 03:51 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Welcome to the Wednesday, December 1, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing

WOOAH, already? I thought that you would wait another day because the last one was made monday. usual schedule during an unusual week, heh?

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 16:48:37

At 12/1/04 03:51 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Nothing terribly new today. I've started the monthly profile pull; this month, I'm going to download 1,070,000 profiles. Fun fun! Enjoy the update. (Ooh, I got yellow again.....)

Darn I thought you were goign to do that tomarrow. My list been slightly delayed bbecause of my intership. :(

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 17:07:38

At 12/1/04 04:15 PM, EKRegulus wrote:
At 12/1/04 03:51 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Welcome to the Wednesday, December 1, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing
WOOAH, already? I thought that you would wait another day because the last one was made monday. usual schedule during an unusual week, heh?

Nah, I like to resume normal schedules. Otherwise, if I had updated tomorrow, then this time frame would be the normal 3.5 days, but the next one would be 2.5 days. Either way, something gets screwed up. So, I just leave things be.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 17:16:44

Thanks as usual for the update shittykitty,
And as for the colour change poll: vote no ! as it would only cause confusion.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 17:23:24

Minimal j00bie movement = shitty update..

err, yay, update :)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 17:30:32

For those of you who are interested (and too lazy to scroll down my NGTL page a little bit), here's my tentative schedule for changes to those new BP lists:

- 12/5/2004 - Start new "data backup" method for BP list (saving blams and saves as separate numbers, rather than b/p totals)
- 12/8/2004 - Add number change column to new BP lists
- 12/2004 or 1/2005 - Add Blam Alt Sort and Save Alt Sort lists
- 12/2004 or 1/2005 - Add coloration to new BP lists

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-01 21:41:22

Nice ten days till i level up! Mr_Fluffykins 297 +2 4726 Elite Guard Staff Sergeant 39 0.848 10.4


BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-03 02:40:47

At 12/1/04 07:28 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:
At 12/1/04 06:53 AM, gfoxcook wrote: dr0nken wrath, specifically?


Hey, you're the one who excused something insane you said to me 7 days ago or something with "I must have been drinking when I posted that." #;-}>
Ah!! a great counter attack *SCD uses Elixer*

hahahah. STOP DRINKING, YOU LUSH. #;-}>

Hahaha, yes, that was fun, im pretty sure _Altr_ wants a b33r battl3 as much as i want in the NGDrokns.

Well, good luck on your induction ceremony or wotevar. Do you actually have to BEAT _altr_ to enter teh drokns (in which case, wouldn't it just be HIM in it?) or do you just have to COMPETE with _altr_ to enter it?

Common (sp?) sense should prevail, its just some people are quite dense when it comes to certain things.

I went ahead and made a post about it on page 862 just in case. #;-}>

I didn't spam, and I provided much entertainment and information and friendship to my fellow NG BBSers. So STFU!"

That's what I'd do if I made the pentalist by posts, at least.
Thats getting saved in notepad for later use :)

Have fun using it FOR DEFENSIVE PURPOSES ONLY. #;-}>

That would be the ultimate mate, i hope you can manage to refrain yourself from over indulging in posts :) I want to make the Pen10k list by your Crimbo day update, but thats very very unlikely, but it atleast gives me something to aim for.

I wouldn't have to overindulge. All I'd have to do is break my multi-quote posting sprees up into more posts. IOW, if I'm replying to 12 posts... and normally I might reply with 2 posts (6 replies in each)... if I'm trying to get my posts to catch up just a smidge with my expcount, I might break it into 3 posts (4 each) or even 4 posts (3 each).

No matter which way I post, it'll still be the usual gfox multi-quote style. #;-}>

Well yes. Its a shame that your not considered a regular by many users until youve reached so many posts, its kinda pathetic. Yet another thing we could all improve upon.

I don't think that's true. But I just meant that while I certainly knew and was friends with MANY people who were under 2000 posts back in 2003 (hell, I was one of them for several months), most of the people I hang out with currently have over 2000 posts, so... if I was to make a list of who I consider to be a regular or semiregular on Wi/Ht? and then look up their postcounts... chances are that 90% would have 2000+ posts. That doesn't mean they NEED that many to be a valid NG member or anything, though. O_o

having no problem. EDN!
Indeed, point taken, it will be done.

I can't remember what that part was regarding... oh wells.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-03 02:42:09

At 12/1/04 08:52 AM, ShittyKitty wrote:
At 12/1/04 04:51 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Heheheh... all the way from D.C.? Eh. How about this: Just say the word and I'll do the dirty work for ya. I'm already in Houston and driving anywhere from San Antonio to College Station to Lousiana, or anywhere in between that ShittyKitty might be on any given day... is pretty easy for me, after all. #;-}>
Should I be afraid?

........... maybe.... I mean... no. No! :::hides knife behind back:::

Yeah, I thought you would like that.

Damn straight.

Yes, yes, as long as they don't wipe out my website at the end of the semester. I'll have to make a backup copy of my website sometime between now and the 15th...

Why would TAMU wipe it out?! I was a Rice student for 6 years back in the mid-late 90s/early 00s, and my webpage was left alone until like a year after I graduated. O_o TAMU would have to be massively hurting for webspace (and with the price of harddrives nowadays, I really doubt that) to delete your personal UNIX folder/account every semester, I would think. O_o

Ask someone who should know at a computer lab or something, if you want to be sure.

At 12/1/04 09:45 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Well well. ~X~ You are closer so its only fair to assume you will get there first, plus theres nothing to say we both cant get it on Crimbo day is there ? Maybe even a joint topic 10k a piece :D What do you think ?

BTW, I don't mean to rain on your parade here, but... if you really must make a 10k posts topic, perhaps it's best to make it a combo topic with X's 10k reviews, yeah. Why? Well, although 10k (in anything but b/p) has been considered... perhaps... an exception to stat topics... there are so many people over 10k posts nowadays that some mods might start banning/locking/deleting... especially since we're talking the post stat here, yanno?

So if I were you, I'd piggyback with X in his 10k reviews topic if he doesn't mind that (and his topic will certainly be okay since he's the ONLY FREAKING PERSON TO EVER HIT 10K REVS #;-}>).

At 12/1/04 12:58 PM, EKRegulus wrote: Must I always explain myself?

My point was only that... you were commenting about people talking about something they shouldn't be talking about... but IN SO DOING, you yourself were doing it as well.

It's kinda like the people who go into spam topics and tell the people not to post in them... and thus they are failing to take their own advice, eh?


Remember Dobio's thread about the BBS posts list? It was a sucess and very popular but it had negative consequences on the BBS and it was needed to shut it down.

Yes, but if you'll read Dobio's final post in that topic, you'll notice that he says another BBS top poster list topic... ON THE BBS is verboten... and admins will ensure it is stopped if someone tries to remake his topic.

The TOPIC was the bad thing, not the list.

So if no one turns any of our beloved topics into a topic like THAT topic about the new list... then we'll ALL BE FINE.

So, for the SECOND time this week, in this topic, I say (to EVERYONE in here, not any particular person or persons): STOP THE TALK ABOUT THIS, CAPISCE? I'm going to start deleting posts if I have to.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-03 07:23:42

At 12/3/04 02:40 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
hahahah. STOP DRINKING, YOU LUSH. #;-}>

I cant im afraid, last night i was a fucking wreck.

Well, good luck on your induction ceremony or wotevar. Do you actually have to BEAT _altr_ to enter teh drokns (in which case, wouldn't it just be HIM in it?) or do you just have to COMPETE with _altr_ to enter it?

I think you have to compete with him, and atleast put up a challenge. Meh, one day i will beat him, then MPA, then Tanner, and then prolly anyone else who would like a drink :)

Have fun using it FOR DEFENSIVE PURPOSES ONLY. #;-}>

Yeah....defensive purposes :)

I might break it into 3 posts (4 each) or even 4 posts (3 each).

No matter which way I post, it'll still be the usual gfox multi-quote style. #;-}>

Well good luck with that, it shouldnt be too much of a problem for you, it will be an awesome screeny aswell :)

That doesn't mean they NEED that many to be a valid NG member or anything, though. O_o

Ok, i understand now, yeah your probably right as usual.

I can't remember what that part was regarding... oh wells.

Neither can i.

Great update SK, im starting to fall in love with your site :) I voted for the old style colours, not like i will get any of them in the blam/protect list anyway, they just look cooler :)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-03 08:48:30

At 12/3/04 02:42 AM, gfoxcook wrote: Why would TAMU wipe it out?! I was a Rice student for 6 years back in the mid-late 90s/early 00s, and my webpage was left alone until like a year after I graduated. O_o TAMU would have to be massively hurting for webspace (and with the price of harddrives nowadays, I really doubt that) to delete your personal UNIX folder/account every semester, I would think. O_o

Ask someone who should know at a computer lab or something, if you want to be sure.

Meh. This is my first time around, but I've already got a backup anyway. Better safe than sorry, no? To be honest, I should be constantly keeping a backup, like I used to, but I've been too lazy lately.

At 12/3/04 07:23 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Great update SK, im starting to fall in love with your site :) I voted for the old style colours, not like i will get any of them in the blam/protect list anyway, they just look cooler :)

Heh. Yeah, I like the old ones too. I had gotten an email from RC insisting on the new color scheme, so I put it up for a vote. Let's see what the results are after this Sunday.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-03 13:02:41

i must say, sk, that is a really nice list that you have set up there. good job. now god damned me if i won't start looking at that thing everyday just out of obsession

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-03 17:32:35

At 12/3/04 02:42 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
BTW, I don't mean to rain on your parade here, but... if you really must make a 10k posts topic, perhaps it's best to make it a combo topic with X's 10k reviews, yeah. Why? Well, although 10k (in anything but b/p) has been considered... perhaps... an exception to stat topics... there are so many people over 10k posts nowadays that some mods might start banning/locking/deleting... especially since we're talking the post stat here, yanno?

I never actually said i was going to do a 10k topic, it was just a general thought, but i know what its like in the General forum, if people dont like what they see they will mock you, but you know what i say, Fuck them, if they dont like it, they can shove it.

So if I were you, I'd piggyback with X in his 10k reviews topic if he doesn't mind that (and his topic will certainly be okay since he's the ONLY FREAKING PERSON TO EVER HIT 10K REVS #;-}>).

I could never ever do that to ~X~, why would he need some weird guy that winds him up at every opportunity "piggybacking" his claim to glory. 10k reviews is fucking magnificent, i dont want to take that away from the guy.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-03 17:57:09

XwaynecoltX 26

Ranked 26th notbad in saves cool cool...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-03 20:22:54

At 12/3/04 07:23 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: I cant im afraid, last night i was a fucking wreck.

heh... ah well.

Well, good luck on your induction ceremony or wotevar. Do you actually have to BEAT _altr_ to enter teh drokns (in which case, wouldn't it just be HIM in it?) or do you just have to COMPETE with _altr_ to enter it?
I think you have to compete with him, and atleast put up a challenge. Meh, one day i will beat him, then MPA, then Tanner, and then prolly anyone else who would like a drink :)

Ahhh. I'd probably have challenged him at some point, but my days of getting drunk and posting on the net = the late 90s.

Yeah....defensive purposes :)

(wink, nudge)

Well good luck with that, it shouldnt be too much of a problem for you, it will be an awesome screeny aswell :)

Oh, you mean with 10k posts and my level icon and then the 10k exp under that? Yeah, that's true. I hadn't even thought of that, actually! #;-}>

Great update SK, im starting to fall in love with your site :) I voted for the old style colours, not like i will get any of them in the blam/protect list anyway, they just look cooler :)

SPEAKING of which... I'll get to that in a sec.

At 12/3/04 08:48 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: Meh. This is my first time around, but I've already got a backup anyway. Better safe than sorry, no? To be honest, I should be constantly keeping a backup, like I used to, but I've been too lazy lately.

Okay, well... good policy. But unless the computer people at TAMU are complete assholes or inept morons, you'll be fine in January, I guarantee it.

At 12/3/04 07:23 AM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Great update SK, im starting to fall in love with your site :) I voted for the old style colours, not like i will get any of them in the blam/protect list anyway, they just look cooler :)
Heh. Yeah, I like the old ones too. I had gotten an email from RC insisting on the new color scheme, so I put it up for a vote. Let's see what the results are after this Sunday.

Okay, here we go:


I personally voted for the old system... but I would like to offer a THIRD option and see what you and RC and whoever thinks:

Old: green, yellow, red, blue, purple
RC's: purple, blue, green, yellow, red

(I guess that RC thinks it would be better if it actually was in the real rainbow/spectrum order, but the PROBLEM I have with RC's method is that the lists will be FULL OF PURPLE AND BLUE. They're fine colours, but everything will look DRAB. Right now, with the old scheme, we have a nice mix of green yellow and red, which is a good bit of variety, with some blue and purple on the ELITEST of teh speedy b/pers)

GFox's suggestion: blue, green, yellow, red, purple

The reason I say that is because:

a) purple is blue + red, so it can just as easily STAY the highest rate colouration... and just be up above red instead of above blue.

b) blue + green + yellow with a BIT of red and purple is a good mix of colours on the lists

c) blue/green/yellow(gold) is the way it works on Dogma's list, and I don't think there's anything wrong with staying consistent between the two lists. Why not make it blue/green/yellow/red/purple! This message has been brough to you by GFox Citizens for the Best Colour Scheme of All.

But if no one but me likes my idea, I say we stick with the current/old system. I don't want lists filled with nothing but purple and blue. ;_;

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-03 20:29:02

At 12/3/04 05:32 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: I never actually said i was going to do a 10k topic, it was just a general thought, but i know what its like in the General forum, if people dont like what they see they will mock you, but you know what i say, Fuck them, if they dont like it, they can shove it.

Of course they can. I didn't say you should watch out for those people, I said you should watch out for some of the mods. With 10k posts becoming more and more common, some of the more strict mods are going to start banning/locking for 10k post topics, I'd wager. So that's all I was advising you to keep aware of, man.

I could never ever do that to ~X~, why would he need some weird guy that winds him up at every opportunity "piggybacking" his claim to glory. 10k reviews is fucking magnificent, i dont want to take that away from the guy.

LOL! Well, you were the one who suggested (perhaps jokingly?) a combo topic between you and X if you hit 10k in your respective stats at around the same time, so I was just agreeing that it was a good idea! I didn't realise you weren't serious, apparently. #;-}>

At 12/3/04 05:57 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: XwaynecoltX 26

Ranked 26th notbad in saves cool cool...

Man, you've ALWAYS been ranked well in saves. Remember back in the ol' days of gfox doing the top 50 saves list? You've always had a good save-to-blam ratio and a good savecount, man!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-03 21:10:31

At 12/3/04 05:57 PM, XwaynecoltX wrote: Ranked 26th notbad in saves cool cool...

Not too shabby ~X~, stay with it. I'm currently ranked 26th on SK's Quick Draw list! Holding fast with 2 bronze medals haha! A gold or silver would give me a much needed boost. I hope OsAmARaMa can keep Joe out of first place. Go Bin!

Levels --- Badges

Chaos, panic and disorder; my work here is done.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-05 05:38:59

The Sunday, December 5, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing has been uploaded


Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-05 05:46:37

At 12/5/04 05:38 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: The Sunday, December 5, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing has been uploaded

What's weird is that I was going to see how I was doing, and saw that you had uploaded it before posting about it.

Thanks for the update dude. Everything is so sexy!

except for the color scheme ;-)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-05 06:51:15

At 12/5/04 05:46 AM, RedCircle wrote:
At 12/5/04 05:38 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: The Sunday, December 5, 2004 update of the NG Total Listing has been uploaded
What's weird is that I was going to see how I was doing, and saw that you had uploaded it before posting about it.

Hooray! I was going to go check and see if it was there yet when I finished posting... but now I know in advance.

Thanks for the update dude. Everything is so sexy!

except for the color scheme ;-)

Well, I haven't seen it yet, but I'm sure it will be sexy as well.

As for the colour scheme... did you see my post about that a half-dozen posts up or so, RC? If so, I'd love to hear you comment about my thoughts on the matter.

Basically, instead of the old way OR your suggestion, I suggested a third option:

Not SK's green / yellow / red / blue / purple
Not RC's purple / blue / green / yellow / red

GFox/Dogma's blue / green / yellow / red / purple

Which provides for the best colour variety... maintains the colouration from Dogma's EGRL (the blue/green/yellow(gold) part, at least)... and STILL follows the rainbow/spectrum accuracy, like yours does.

I just think your idea would put too much purple and blue all over the place. I like the mixing of blues and greens and yellows and reds best, with purple (the royal colour of kings) as the ultimate.

So... whaddayathink?

And what do YOU think, SK? #;-}>

Anyway, I am DONE for the night/morning... and probably for the day as well. I'll see everyone once the week's started. Have a great Sunday, all. LATERS!

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-12-05 06:55:03

I really like it geefox.

It's the blue that confuses me.