At 10/7/04 07:43 PM, RedCircle wrote:
Also, any roommate that throws up on YOUR side of the room and randomly turns your computer on and off should be BANNED....from posting in the BBS.
Eh, I guess I'm just an easy-going kind of guy. And actually, when I got the computer back on, it told me that some device driver had caused the crash. However, since the roommate was on the computer when it died, it seems fit to blame him ;-)
Heh heh, well, I wanna see the RRR list NOW dAMMIT >:-o
Well, I want a golden toilet, but I'm not getting one of those any time soon, eh? The program's 5% done going through all of the profiles; it should finish up some time this weekend; I can't include it in the Sunday update, though, because I still have to test and tweak the new listing code.
Also, SK is reading "The Hobbit" as we speak, so you should all turn down your music as to not disturb him...LOL
:-P Well, I'm not reading "The Hobbit" at the moment (I told you that!), but I do have the Lord of the Rings soundtracks playing. Good concentration music, I tell ya.
At 10/7/04 07:56 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote:
Hmmm was that intended as some sort of insult ? If so im not amused.
Nah, it's not really an insult, it's more of a dig. One reason is that my AIM buddy icon is a Lord of the Rings pic, so he probably felt inclined to use it against me. He's still a little miffed that I was ahead of him in B/P's (he's 8 ahead of me at the moment, but that shouldn't last long).