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NG Total Listing

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-04 21:34:49

At 10/4/04 08:11 PM, ShittyKitty wrote:


itodens't matter to me, i was just trying to be helpfull befor ei get bannished from wiht
Don't get me wrong, I really do appreciate it. If you hadn't said anything, I would have just assumed everything was working. Thanks for the warning! (Oh, and the list is working now)

ok cool, i wish they showed wistle points in the profile they we could have arnaking system
like 2 outof 20000000 or something


BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-04 22:28:13

I'm afraid that my jfsoftware.com and jfsoftware.net domain names have gone AWOL lately. It appears that my previous domain name registrar has screwed up my nameservers, so they've stopped working now. The links in my sig all still work, but any links starting with http://www.jfsoftware.com will not work for a few days, while I straighten this mess out.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-05 17:39:01

SK, I just saw your experience updates for the first time. For some reason I didn't know you did that too. I'm going to check this more often to look for stagnants or people who deposit irregularly. It's very nice to have around, thanks.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-05 17:59:14

i need to make it to 4000 bp soon


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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 00:02:41

At 10/4/04 10:44 AM, ShittyKitty wrote: # Gold Whistles | 1 (JohnSpartan)
# Diety Whistles | 1 (ramagi)

Well, that's conclusive proof that there's currently only 1 gold whistle. I'll release full linkable profile lists for the whistles later today. Wednesday's B/P update will use the new profile list, while Sunday's update will use the next EXP and VP lists. Welcome to the 3085 new entries to the B/P and EXP lists!

Gee how many times did Joe and I say that. Did anyone beleive us. Finally proof positive.
Thanks to ShittyKitty again.

Excuse me while I oppress you all.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 00:03:24

At 10/4/04 02:15 PM, SantoNinoDeCebu wrote: Wow, Everytime I had looked, thejoe always had the diety whistle, ramagi must have been close behind the whole time.

At one point, I assume I was ahead by a lot more. (Based on the review-flagging-power we were able to see as review mods a while ago when I had a power of 3.00 and ramagi had 2.30 or something like that.) I haven't really been going to the portal for a few months so besides a few movies here and there that I'd catch and flag, I wasn't doing much so she had plenty of time to catch up.

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 00:05:56

At 10/6/04 12:02 AM, ramagi wrote:

Gee how many times did Joe and I say that. Did anyone beleive us. Finally proof positive.

There actually was a 2nd not too long ago as late as june I saw it.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 00:09:26

At 10/6/04 12:05 AM, JerkClock wrote:
At 10/6/04 12:02 AM, ramagi wrote:

Gee how many times did Joe and I say that. Did anyone beleive us. Finally proof positive.
There actually was a 2nd not too long ago as late as june I saw it.

suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure you did....
Well can't prove or disprove it so doesn't mattter. Can easly prove how are thigns are now. So I'm moving on to more important things.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 00:09:38

At 10/6/04 12:05 AM, JerkClock wrote: There actually was a 2nd not too long ago as late as june I saw it.

I'm sure you did. Yep, you did. No doubt about it.

(Even though we all know the truth.)

The point is... Don't lose your dinosaur.

BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 00:10:58

At 10/6/04 12:05 AM, JerkClock wrote: There actually was a 2nd not too long ago as late as june I saw it.

Dude, I saw Bigfoot the other day.

Or it could have been your mom.

Same difference.

UNITE THE CLANS | space cheese | RG podcasts | also cocks

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 00:22:14

At 10/6/04 12:02 AM, ramagi wrote: Excuse me while I oppress you all.


At 10/6/04 12:10 AM, Captain_Bob wrote: Dude, I saw Bigfoot the other day.
Or it could have been your mom.
Same difference.

Double pwned. Or pwned ^ 2. Something like that...

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 00:30:37

Yeah guys I would gain soooo much from making shit like that up. :|

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 16:47:31

hmm if you are smart enough to come out with the editor for our bbs posts then why cant liljim take it and make you a Administrator?
you obviusly have what is takes

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 17:04:40

At 10/6/04 04:47 PM, -trix- wrote: hmm if you are smart enough to come out with the editor for our bbs posts then why cant liljim take it and make you a Administrator?
you obviusly have what is takes

Heh, I think you might be mistaken. The editor is only for typing up new posts; you can't edit your old posts. Thanks for the complement, though :-D

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 17:25:20

I've uploaded the Wednesday update for the Total Listing. This is the first B/P update using the new profile list. Keep in mind, however, that anybody that was recently added to the list WILL NOT appear in the Alt Sort list. This is because the Alt Sort list requires last week's data, and because these people are new, I have no last-week data. Enjoy!

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 17:55:41

Whee-hee! I'm #1!

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 17:59:18

At 10/6/04 05:55 PM, Denvish wrote: Whee-hee! I'm #1!

You're a blam-saving machine, dude. Not quite "blue", though ;-)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 18:43:40

Salvador-Dali-Clock 343 +7 3809 Elite Guard Sergeant 64 0.790 8.2

Salvador-Dali-Clock 147 3809 Elite Guard Sergeant 64 0.790

cool i didn't get enoguh ...and this ipdate won't be much better... one of my arms is like frozzen and i am busy making a flash


BBS Signature

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 21:02:18

I'm finally taking the initiative and creating a list that nobody has ever done before. I'm in the process of building a list of profiles with at least 200 reviews. With this list, I will make a Review Response Rate (RRR) list. If all goes well, and I am able to get the code working correctly, this new RRR list should be published on Sunday with the VP list, or on Wednesday if something should go wrong. Please note that this list requires 200 reviews, so somebody with 10 reviews that got 10 responses might have 100% response rate, but they will not be listed.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 21:30:10

At 10/6/04 09:02 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: I'm finally taking the initiative and creating a list that nobody has ever done before.

Bow to your master gfox you heathen!! He ran it until May (I think), then Seizure Dog took over.

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-06 21:33:58

At 10/6/04 09:30 PM, D0GMA wrote:
At 10/6/04 09:02 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: I'm finally taking the initiative and creating a list that nobody has ever done before.
Bow to your master gfox you heathen!! He ran it until May (I think), then Seizure Dog took over.

Errrr....... Figures. Oh well, I'm still doing it anyway! Muah ha ha!

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-07 00:20:46

At 10/7/04 12:08 AM, BonusStage wrote: ShitKit, i find the XP ones rather difficult meaning that whenever i go to check it i'm always much farther behind where i thought i was, and though i realize this is due to the fact that they are not updated daily, why not make something so it isn't so hard to find, a type of search ... or would that take a lot of work (no clue)

The closest I came to that is the full listing attached to each list. Read the NGTL Guide here: http://people.tamu.edu/~jbf5609/ng/ngtl_guide.html#search

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-07 18:28:50

Ergg...idiot roommate managed to restart the computer sometime today, so the profile run that I was doing to prepare for the Review Response Rate list is gone. Looks like I'll have to run it again, which means the RRR list will not appear until Wednesday, October 13. Errrr.....

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-07 18:32:09

At 10/7/04 06:28 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Ergg...idiot roommate managed to restart the computer sometime today, so the profile run that I was doing to prepare for the Review Response Rate list is gone. Looks like I'll have to run it again, which means the RRR list will not appear until Wednesday, October 13. Errrr.....

Kick him/her out and me done with it

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-07 18:35:44

At 10/7/04 06:32 PM, Denvish wrote:
At 10/7/04 06:28 PM, ShittyKitty wrote: Ergg... Errrr.....
Kick him/her out and me done with it


Fucking arse, Arse, ARSE! I kinda understand why there's no EDIT POST on this BBS, but it's friggin' annoying sometimes (particularly when you've drunk as much cider as I have)

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Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-07 19:43:46

I have an idea!!! Denvish and Recon's new show entitled "The Cider Junkies"

Hahaha, why do you all resort to drinking Cider to get drunk? b33r is much better and it gets you fat too!!!

Also, any roommate that throws up on YOUR side of the room and randomly turns your computer on and off should be BANNED....from posting in the BBS.

Heh heh, well, I wanna see the RRR list NOW dAMMIT >:-o

Also, SK is reading "The Hobbit" as we speak, so you should all turn down your music as to not disturb him...LOL

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-07 19:56:49

At 10/7/04 07:43 PM, RedCircle wrote:
Also, SK is reading "The Hobbit" as we speak, so you should all turn down your music as to not disturb him...LOL

Hmmm was that intended as some sort of insult ? If so im not amused.

I would like to be a bit part character in this series, i will be the guy who gets wasted starts a fight and ends up in jail with a wife called Tyrone and a few bitches :)

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-07 21:16:28

At 10/7/04 07:43 PM, RedCircle wrote: Also, any roommate that throws up on YOUR side of the room and randomly turns your computer on and off should be BANNED....from posting in the BBS.

Eh, I guess I'm just an easy-going kind of guy. And actually, when I got the computer back on, it told me that some device driver had caused the crash. However, since the roommate was on the computer when it died, it seems fit to blame him ;-)

Heh heh, well, I wanna see the RRR list NOW dAMMIT >:-o

Well, I want a golden toilet, but I'm not getting one of those any time soon, eh? The program's 5% done going through all of the profiles; it should finish up some time this weekend; I can't include it in the Sunday update, though, because I still have to test and tweak the new listing code.

Also, SK is reading "The Hobbit" as we speak, so you should all turn down your music as to not disturb him...LOL

:-P Well, I'm not reading "The Hobbit" at the moment (I told you that!), but I do have the Lord of the Rings soundtracks playing. Good concentration music, I tell ya.

At 10/7/04 07:56 PM, Slightly_Crazy_Dude wrote: Hmmm was that intended as some sort of insult ? If so im not amused.

Nah, it's not really an insult, it's more of a dig. One reason is that my AIM buddy icon is a Lord of the Rings pic, so he probably felt inclined to use it against me. He's still a little miffed that I was ahead of him in B/P's (he's 8 ahead of me at the moment, but that shouldn't last long).

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-08 14:33:37

I don't know why I never thought of this before, but I've posted counters on the main Total Listing page, and on the main list pages for each list type. The counters on each mirror are the same, so that each Blam/Save mirror has the same counter, each Exp mirror has the same counter, and so on. I've already had a hit on the Blam/Save list since I put the counters online about 10 minutes ago, so that's encouraging (a between-update hit!). If you feel the need to check out the stats, here's some links:

Main NGTL Page
Blam/Save Alt Sort
Voting Power
Review Response Rate

Response to NG Total Listing 2004-10-08 15:09:54

Should be interesting & enlightening. Will check them out after the next update.

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